/* * PROJECT: Safely Remove Hardware Applet * LICENSE: GPL-2.0-or-later (https://spdx.org/licenses/GPL-2.0-or-later) * PURPOSE: Device enumeration * COPYRIGHT: Copyright 2013 Johannes Anderwald * Copyright 2023 Thamatip Chitpong */ #include "hotplug.h" #include #include #define MAX_DEVICE_DISPLAYNAME_LEN 256 static VOID GetDeviceDisplayInfo( _In_ DEVINST DevInst, _In_ PHOTPLUG_DATA pHotplugData, _Out_writes_z_(cchDesc) LPWSTR pszDesc, _In_ ULONG cchDesc, _Out_ PINT pImageIndex) { WCHAR szGuidString[MAX_GUID_STRING_LEN]; GUID ClassGuid; ULONG ulSize; CONFIGRET cr; /* Get the device description */ ulSize = cchDesc * sizeof(WCHAR); cr = CM_Get_DevNode_Registry_PropertyW(DevInst, CM_DRP_FRIENDLYNAME, NULL, pszDesc, &ulSize, 0); if (cr != CR_SUCCESS) { ulSize = cchDesc * sizeof(WCHAR); cr = CM_Get_DevNode_Registry_PropertyW(DevInst, CM_DRP_DEVICEDESC, NULL, pszDesc, &ulSize, 0); if (cr != CR_SUCCESS) LoadStringW(hApplet, IDS_UNKNOWN_DEVICE, pszDesc, cchDesc); } /* Get the class GUID */ ulSize = sizeof(szGuidString); cr = CM_Get_DevNode_Registry_PropertyW(DevInst, CM_DRP_CLASSGUID, NULL, szGuidString, &ulSize, 0); if (cr == CR_SUCCESS) { pSetupGuidFromString(szGuidString, &ClassGuid); } else { ClassGuid = GUID_DEVCLASS_UNKNOWN; } /* Get the image for the class this device is in */ SetupDiGetClassImageIndex(&pHotplugData->ImageListData, &ClassGuid, pImageIndex); } static HTREEITEM InsertDeviceTreeItem( _In_ HTREEITEM hParent, _In_ DEVINST DevInst, _In_ PHOTPLUG_DATA pHotplugData) { WCHAR szDisplayName[MAX_DEVICE_DISPLAYNAME_LEN]; INT nClassImage; TVINSERTSTRUCTW tvItem; GetDeviceDisplayInfo(DevInst, pHotplugData, szDisplayName, ARRAYSIZE(szDisplayName), &nClassImage); ZeroMemory(&tvItem, sizeof(tvItem)); tvItem.hParent = hParent; tvItem.hInsertAfter = TVI_LAST; tvItem.item.mask = TVIF_STATE | TVIF_TEXT | TVIF_PARAM | TVIF_IMAGE | TVIF_SELECTEDIMAGE; tvItem.item.state = TVIS_EXPANDED; tvItem.item.stateMask = TVIS_EXPANDED; tvItem.item.pszText = szDisplayName; tvItem.item.iImage = nClassImage; tvItem.item.iSelectedImage = nClassImage; tvItem.item.lParam = (LPARAM)DevInst; return TreeView_InsertItem(pHotplugData->hwndDeviceTree, &tvItem); } static VOID DevTreeRecursiveInsertSubDevices( _In_ HTREEITEM hParentItem, _In_ DEVINST ParentDevInst, _In_ PHOTPLUG_DATA pHotplugData) { HTREEITEM hTreeItem; DEVINST ChildDevInst; CONFIGRET cr; cr = CM_Get_Child(&ChildDevInst, ParentDevInst, 0); if (cr != CR_SUCCESS) return; hTreeItem = InsertDeviceTreeItem(hParentItem, ChildDevInst, pHotplugData); if (hTreeItem != NULL) { DevTreeRecursiveInsertSubDevices(hTreeItem, ChildDevInst, pHotplugData); } for (;;) { cr = CM_Get_Sibling(&ChildDevInst, ChildDevInst, 0); if (cr != CR_SUCCESS) return; hTreeItem = InsertDeviceTreeItem(hParentItem, ChildDevInst, pHotplugData); if (hTreeItem != NULL) { DevTreeRecursiveInsertSubDevices(hTreeItem, ChildDevInst, pHotplugData); } } } VOID EnumHotpluggedDevices( _In_ PHOTPLUG_DATA pHotplugData) { SP_DEVINFO_DATA did = { 0 }; HDEVINFO hdev; int idev; DWORD dwCapabilities, dwSize; ULONG ulStatus, ulProblem; HTREEITEM hTreeItem; CONFIGRET cr; TreeView_DeleteAllItems(pHotplugData->hwndDeviceTree); hdev = SetupDiGetClassDevs(NULL, NULL, 0, DIGCF_ALLCLASSES | DIGCF_PRESENT); if (hdev == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return; did.cbSize = sizeof(did); /* Enumerate all the attached devices */ for (idev = 0; SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo(hdev, idev, &did); idev++) { ulStatus = 0; ulProblem = 0; cr = CM_Get_DevNode_Status(&ulStatus, &ulProblem, did.DevInst, 0); if (cr != CR_SUCCESS) continue; dwCapabilities = 0, dwSize = sizeof(dwCapabilities); cr = CM_Get_DevNode_Registry_Property(did.DevInst, CM_DRP_CAPABILITIES, NULL, &dwCapabilities, &dwSize, 0); if (cr != CR_SUCCESS) continue; /* Add devices that require safe removal to the device tree */ if ( (dwCapabilities & CM_DEVCAP_REMOVABLE) && !(dwCapabilities & CM_DEVCAP_DOCKDEVICE) && !(dwCapabilities & CM_DEVCAP_SURPRISEREMOVALOK) && ((dwCapabilities & CM_DEVCAP_EJECTSUPPORTED) || (ulStatus & DN_DISABLEABLE)) && ulProblem == 0) { hTreeItem = InsertDeviceTreeItem(TVI_ROOT, did.DevInst, pHotplugData); if ((hTreeItem != NULL) && (pHotplugData->dwFlags & HOTPLUG_DISPLAY_DEVICE_COMPONENTS)) { DevTreeRecursiveInsertSubDevices(hTreeItem, did.DevInst, pHotplugData); } } } SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList(hdev); } static VOID InsertConfirmDeviceListItem( _In_ HWND hwndCfmDeviceList, _In_ DEVINST DevInst, _In_ PHOTPLUG_DATA pHotplugData) { WCHAR szDisplayName[MAX_DEVICE_DISPLAYNAME_LEN]; INT nClassImage; LVITEMW lvItem; GetDeviceDisplayInfo(DevInst, pHotplugData, szDisplayName, ARRAYSIZE(szDisplayName), &nClassImage); ZeroMemory(&lvItem, sizeof(lvItem)); lvItem.mask = LVIF_TEXT | LVIF_IMAGE | LVIF_PARAM; lvItem.iItem = ListView_GetItemCount(hwndCfmDeviceList); lvItem.pszText = szDisplayName; lvItem.iImage = nClassImage; lvItem.lParam = (LPARAM)DevInst; ListView_InsertItem(hwndCfmDeviceList, &lvItem); } static VOID CfmListRecursiveInsertSubDevices( _In_ HWND hwndCfmDeviceList, _In_ DEVINST ParentDevInst, _In_ PHOTPLUG_DATA pHotplugData) { DEVINST ChildDevInst; CONFIGRET cr; cr = CM_Get_Child(&ChildDevInst, ParentDevInst, 0); if (cr != CR_SUCCESS) return; InsertConfirmDeviceListItem(hwndCfmDeviceList, ChildDevInst, pHotplugData); CfmListRecursiveInsertSubDevices(hwndCfmDeviceList, ChildDevInst, pHotplugData); for (;;) { cr = CM_Get_Sibling(&ChildDevInst, ChildDevInst, 0); if (cr != CR_SUCCESS) return; InsertConfirmDeviceListItem(hwndCfmDeviceList, ChildDevInst, pHotplugData); CfmListRecursiveInsertSubDevices(hwndCfmDeviceList, ChildDevInst, pHotplugData); } } VOID CfmListEnumDevices( _In_ HWND hwndCfmDeviceList, _In_ PHOTPLUG_DATA pHotplugData) { DEVINST DevInst; DevInst = GetDeviceInstForRemoval(pHotplugData); if (DevInst != 0) { InsertConfirmDeviceListItem(hwndCfmDeviceList, DevInst, pHotplugData); CfmListRecursiveInsertSubDevices(hwndCfmDeviceList, DevInst, pHotplugData); } }