/* * Copyright 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Martin Fuchs * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ // // Explorer clone // // explorer.cpp // // Martin Fuchs, 23.07.2003 // // Credits: Thanks to Leon Finker for his explorer cabinet window example // #include // instead of "precomp.h" because the ROS build system needs this to find the precompiled header file (*.gch) in the output directory tree #include #include // for setlocale() #ifndef __WINE__ #include // for dup2() #include // for _O_RDONLY #endif //#include "dialogs/settings.h" // for MdiSdiDlg #include "services/shellservices.h" extern "C" int initialize_gdb_stub(); // start up GDB stub DynamicLoadLibFct g_SHDOCVW_ShellDDEInit(TEXT("SHDOCVW"), 118); ExplorerGlobals g_Globals; boolean SelectOpt=FALSE; ExplorerGlobals::ExplorerGlobals() { _hInstance = 0; _cfStrFName = 0; #ifndef ROSSHELL _hframeClass = 0; _hMainWnd = 0; _desktop_mode = false; _prescan_nodes = false; #endif _log = NULL; _SHRestricted = 0; _hwndDesktopBar = 0; _hwndShellView = 0; _hwndDesktop = 0; } void ExplorerGlobals::init(HINSTANCE hInstance) { _hInstance = hInstance; _SHRestricted = (DWORD(STDAPICALLTYPE*)(RESTRICTIONS)) GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle(TEXT("SHELL32")), "SHRestricted"); _icon_cache.init(); } void ExplorerGlobals::read_persistent() { // read configuration file _cfg_dir.printf(TEXT("%s\\ReactOS"), (LPCTSTR)SpecialFolderFSPath(CSIDL_APPDATA,0)); _cfg_path.printf(TEXT("%s\\ros-explorer-cfg.xml"), _cfg_dir.c_str()); if (!_cfg.read_file(_cfg_path)) { if (!_cfg._errors.empty()) { MessageBox(_hwndDesktop, _cfg._errors.str(), TEXT("ROS Explorer - reading user settings"), MB_OK); } _cfg.read_file(TEXT("explorer-cfg-template.xml")); } // read bookmarks _favorites_path.printf(TEXT("%s\\ros-explorer-bookmarks.xml"), _cfg_dir.c_str()); if (!_favorites.read(_favorites_path)) { _favorites.import_IE_favorites(0); _favorites.write(_favorites_path); } } void ExplorerGlobals::write_persistent() { // write configuration file RecursiveCreateDirectory(_cfg_dir); _cfg.write_file(_cfg_path); _favorites.write(_favorites_path); } XMLPos ExplorerGlobals::get_cfg() { XMLPos cfg_pos(&_cfg); cfg_pos.smart_create("explorer-cfg"); return cfg_pos; } XMLPos ExplorerGlobals::get_cfg(const char* path) { XMLPos cfg_pos(&_cfg); cfg_pos.smart_create("explorer-cfg"); cfg_pos.create_relative(path); return cfg_pos; } void _log_(LPCTSTR txt) { FmtString msg(TEXT("%s\n"), txt); if (g_Globals._log) _fputts(msg, g_Globals._log); OutputDebugString(msg); } bool FileTypeManager::is_exe_file(LPCTSTR ext) { static const LPCTSTR s_executable_extensions[] = { TEXT("COM"), TEXT("EXE"), TEXT("BAT"), TEXT("CMD"), TEXT("CMM"), TEXT("BTM"), TEXT("AWK"), 0 }; TCHAR ext_buffer[_MAX_EXT]; const LPCTSTR* p; LPCTSTR s; LPTSTR d; for(s=ext+1,d=ext_buffer; (*d=toupper(*s)); s++) ++d; for(p=s_executable_extensions; *p; p++) if (!lstrcmp(ext_buffer, *p)) return true; return false; } const FileTypeInfo& FileTypeManager::operator[](String ext) { ext.toLower(); iterator found = find(ext); if (found != end()) return found->second; FileTypeInfo& ftype = super::operator[](ext); ftype._neverShowExt = false; HKEY hkey; TCHAR value[MAX_PATH], display_name[MAX_PATH]; LONG valuelen = sizeof(value); if (!RegQueryValue(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, ext, value, &valuelen)) { ftype._classname = value; valuelen = sizeof(display_name); if (!RegQueryValue(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, ftype._classname, display_name, &valuelen)) ftype._displayname = display_name; if (!RegOpenKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, ftype._classname, &hkey)) { if (!RegQueryValueEx(hkey, TEXT("NeverShowExt"), 0, NULL, NULL, NULL)) ftype._neverShowExt = true; RegCloseKey(hkey); } } return ftype; } LPCTSTR FileTypeManager::set_type(Entry* entry, bool dont_hide_ext) { LPCTSTR ext = _tcsrchr(entry->_data.cFileName, TEXT('.')); if (ext) { const FileTypeInfo& type = (*this)[ext]; if (!type._displayname.empty()) entry->_type_name = _tcsdup(type._displayname); // hide some file extensions if (type._neverShowExt && !dont_hide_ext) { int len = ext - entry->_data.cFileName; if (entry->_display_name != entry->_data.cFileName) free(entry->_display_name); entry->_display_name = (LPTSTR) malloc((len+1)*sizeof(TCHAR)); lstrcpyn(entry->_display_name, entry->_data.cFileName, len + 1); } if (is_exe_file(ext)) entry->_data.dwFileAttributes |= ATTRIBUTE_EXECUTABLE; } return ext; } Icon::Icon() : _id(ICID_UNKNOWN), _itype(IT_STATIC), _hicon(0) { } Icon::Icon(ICON_ID id, UINT nid) //, int cx, int cy : _id(id), _itype(IT_STATIC), _hicon(ResIcon(nid)) // ResIconEx(nid, cx, cy) { } Icon::Icon(ICON_ID id, UINT nid, int icon_size) : _id(id), _itype(IT_STATIC), _hicon(ResIconEx(nid, icon_size, icon_size)) { } Icon::Icon(ICON_TYPE itype, int id, HICON hIcon) : _id((ICON_ID)id), _itype(itype), _hicon(hIcon) { } Icon::Icon(ICON_TYPE itype, int id, int sys_idx) : _id((ICON_ID)id), _itype(itype), _sys_idx(sys_idx) { } void Icon::draw(HDC hdc, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, COLORREF bk_color, HBRUSH bk_brush) const { if (_itype == IT_SYSCACHE) ImageList_DrawEx(g_Globals._icon_cache.get_sys_imagelist(), _sys_idx, hdc, x, y, cx, cy, bk_color, CLR_DEFAULT, ILD_NORMAL); else DrawIconEx(hdc, x, y, _hicon, cx, cy, 0, bk_brush, DI_NORMAL); } HBITMAP Icon::create_bitmap(COLORREF bk_color, HBRUSH hbrBkgnd, HDC hdc_wnd) const { if (_itype == IT_SYSCACHE) { HIMAGELIST himl = g_Globals._icon_cache.get_sys_imagelist(); int cx, cy; ImageList_GetIconSize(himl, &cx, &cy); HBITMAP hbmp = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdc_wnd, cx, cy); HDC hdc = CreateCompatibleDC(hdc_wnd); HBITMAP hbmp_old = SelectBitmap(hdc, hbmp); ImageList_DrawEx(himl, _sys_idx, hdc, 0, 0, cx, cy, bk_color, CLR_DEFAULT, ILD_NORMAL); SelectBitmap(hdc, hbmp_old); DeleteDC(hdc); return hbmp; } else return create_bitmap_from_icon(_hicon, hbrBkgnd, hdc_wnd); } int Icon::add_to_imagelist(HIMAGELIST himl, HDC hdc_wnd, COLORREF bk_color, HBRUSH bk_brush) const { int ret; if (_itype == IT_SYSCACHE) { HIMAGELIST himl = g_Globals._icon_cache.get_sys_imagelist(); int cx, cy; ImageList_GetIconSize(himl, &cx, &cy); HBITMAP hbmp = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdc_wnd, cx, cy); HDC hdc = CreateCompatibleDC(hdc_wnd); HBITMAP hbmp_old = SelectBitmap(hdc, hbmp); ImageList_DrawEx(himl, _sys_idx, hdc, 0, 0, cx, cy, bk_color, CLR_DEFAULT, ILD_NORMAL); SelectBitmap(hdc, hbmp_old); DeleteDC(hdc); ret = ImageList_Add(himl, hbmp, 0); DeleteObject(hbmp); } else ret = ImageList_AddAlphaIcon(himl, _hicon, bk_brush, hdc_wnd); return ret; } HBITMAP create_bitmap_from_icon(HICON hIcon, HBRUSH hbrush_bkgnd, HDC hdc_wnd/*, int icon_size*/) { int cx = ICON_SIZE_SMALL; int cy = ICON_SIZE_SMALL; HBITMAP hbmp = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdc_wnd, cx, cy); MemCanvas canvas; BitmapSelection sel(canvas, hbmp); RECT rect = {0, 0, cx, cy}; FillRect(canvas, &rect, hbrush_bkgnd); DrawIconEx(canvas, 0, 0, hIcon, cx, cy, 0, hbrush_bkgnd, DI_NORMAL); return hbmp; } HBITMAP create_small_bitmap_from_icon(HICON hIcon, HBRUSH hbrush_bkgnd, HDC hdc_wnd) { int cx = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSMICON); int cy = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSMICON); HBITMAP hbmp = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdc_wnd, cx, cy); MemCanvas canvas; BitmapSelection sel(canvas, hbmp); RECT rect = {0, 0, cx, cy}; FillRect(canvas, &rect, hbrush_bkgnd); DrawIconEx(canvas, 0, 0, hIcon, cx, cy, 0, hbrush_bkgnd, DI_NORMAL); return hbmp; } int ImageList_AddAlphaIcon(HIMAGELIST himl, HICON hIcon, HBRUSH hbrush_bkgnd, HDC hdc_wnd) { HBITMAP hbmp = create_bitmap_from_icon(hIcon, hbrush_bkgnd, hdc_wnd); int ret = ImageList_Add(himl, hbmp, 0); DeleteObject(hbmp); return ret; } int IconCache::s_next_id = ICID_DYNAMIC; void IconCache::init() { int icon_size = STARTMENUROOT_ICON_SIZE; _icons[ICID_NONE] = Icon(IT_STATIC, ICID_NONE, (HICON)0); _icons[ICID_FOLDER] = Icon(ICID_FOLDER, IDI_FOLDER); //_icons[ICID_DOCUMENT] = Icon(ICID_DOCUMENT, IDI_DOCUMENT); _icons[ICID_EXPLORER] = Icon(ICID_EXPLORER, IDI_EXPLORER); //_icons[ICID_APP] = Icon(ICID_APP, IDI_APPICON); _icons[ICID_CONFIG] = Icon(ICID_CONFIG, IDI_CONFIG, icon_size); _icons[ICID_DOCUMENTS] = Icon(ICID_DOCUMENTS, IDI_DOCUMENTS, icon_size); _icons[ICID_FAVORITES] = Icon(ICID_FAVORITES, IDI_FAVORITES, icon_size); _icons[ICID_INFO] = Icon(ICID_INFO, IDI_INFO, icon_size); _icons[ICID_APPS] = Icon(ICID_APPS, IDI_APPS, icon_size); _icons[ICID_SEARCH] = Icon(ICID_SEARCH, IDI_SEARCH, icon_size); _icons[ICID_ACTION] = Icon(ICID_ACTION, IDI_ACTION, icon_size); _icons[ICID_SEARCH_DOC] = Icon(ICID_SEARCH_DOC, IDI_SEARCH_DOC, icon_size); _icons[ICID_PRINTER] = Icon(ICID_PRINTER, IDI_PRINTER, icon_size); _icons[ICID_NETWORK] = Icon(ICID_NETWORK, IDI_NETWORK, icon_size); _icons[ICID_COMPUTER] = Icon(ICID_COMPUTER, IDI_COMPUTER, icon_size); _icons[ICID_LOGOFF] = Icon(ICID_LOGOFF, IDI_LOGOFF, icon_size); _icons[ICID_SHUTDOWN] = Icon(ICID_SHUTDOWN, IDI_SHUTDOWN, icon_size); _icons[ICID_RESTART] = Icon(ICID_RESTART, IDI_RESTART, icon_size); _icons[ICID_BOOKMARK] = Icon(ICID_BOOKMARK, IDI_DOT_TRANS, icon_size); _icons[ICID_MINIMIZE] = Icon(ICID_MINIMIZE, IDI_MINIMIZE, icon_size); _icons[ICID_CONTROLPAN] = Icon(ICID_CONTROLPAN, IDI_CONTROLPAN, icon_size); _icons[ICID_DESKSETTING]= Icon(ICID_DESKSETTING,IDI_DESKSETTING,icon_size); _icons[ICID_NETCONNS] = Icon(ICID_NETCONNS, IDI_NETCONNS, icon_size); _icons[ICID_ADMIN] = Icon(ICID_ADMIN, IDI_ADMIN, icon_size); _icons[ICID_RECENT] = Icon(ICID_RECENT, IDI_RECENT, icon_size); } const Icon& IconCache::extract(LPCTSTR path, ICONCACHE_FLAGS flags) { // search for matching icon with unchanged flags in the cache CacheKey mapkey(path, flags); PathCacheMap::iterator found = _pathCache.find(mapkey); if (found != _pathCache.end()) return _icons[found->second]; // search for matching icon with handle CacheKey mapkey_hicon(path, flags|ICF_HICON); if (flags != mapkey_hicon.second) { found = _pathCache.find(mapkey_hicon); if (found != _pathCache.end()) return _icons[found->second]; } // search for matching icon in the system image list cache CacheKey mapkey_syscache(path, flags|ICF_SYSCACHE); if (flags != mapkey_syscache.second) { found = _pathCache.find(mapkey_syscache); if (found != _pathCache.end()) return _icons[found->second]; } SHFILEINFO sfi; int shgfi_flags = 0; if (flags & ICF_OPEN) shgfi_flags |= SHGFI_OPENICON; if ((flags&(ICF_LARGE|ICF_MIDDLE|ICF_OVERLAYS|ICF_HICON)) && !(flags&ICF_SYSCACHE)) { shgfi_flags |= SHGFI_ICON; if (!(flags & (ICF_LARGE|ICF_MIDDLE))) shgfi_flags |= SHGFI_SMALLICON; if (flags & ICF_OVERLAYS) shgfi_flags |= SHGFI_ADDOVERLAYS; // get small/big icons with/without overlays if (SHGetFileInfo(path, 0, &sfi, sizeof(sfi), shgfi_flags)) { const Icon& icon = add(sfi.hIcon, IT_CACHED); ///@todo limit cache size _pathCache[mapkey_hicon] = icon; return icon; } } else { assert(!(flags&ICF_OVERLAYS)); shgfi_flags |= SHGFI_SYSICONINDEX|SHGFI_SMALLICON; // use system image list - the "search program dialog" needs it HIMAGELIST himlSys_small = (HIMAGELIST) SHGetFileInfo(path, 0, &sfi, sizeof(sfi), shgfi_flags); if (himlSys_small) { _himlSys_small = himlSys_small; const Icon& icon = add(sfi.iIcon/*, IT_SYSCACHE*/); ///@todo limit cache size _pathCache[mapkey_syscache] = icon; return icon; } } return _icons[ICID_NONE]; } const Icon& IconCache::extract(LPCTSTR path, int icon_idx, ICONCACHE_FLAGS flags) { IdxCacheKey key(path, make_pair(icon_idx, (flags|ICF_HICON)&~ICF_SYSCACHE)); key.first.toLower(); IdxCacheMap::iterator found = _idxCache.find(key); if (found != _idxCache.end()) return _icons[found->second]; HICON hIcon; if ((int)ExtractIconEx(path, icon_idx, NULL, &hIcon, 1) > 0) { const Icon& icon = add(hIcon, IT_CACHED); _idxCache[key] = icon; return icon; } else { ///@todo retreive "http://.../favicon.ico" format icons return _icons[ICID_NONE]; } } const Icon& IconCache::extract(IExtractIcon* pExtract, LPCTSTR path, int icon_idx, ICONCACHE_FLAGS flags) { HICON hIconLarge = 0; HICON hIcon; int icon_size = ICON_SIZE_FROM_ICF(flags); HRESULT hr = pExtract->Extract(path, icon_idx, &hIconLarge, &hIcon, MAKELONG(GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXICON), icon_size)); if (hr == NOERROR) { //@@ oder SUCCEEDED(hr) ? if (icon_size > ICON_SIZE_SMALL) { //@@ OK? if (hIcon) DestroyIcon(hIcon); hIcon = hIconLarge; } else { if (hIconLarge) DestroyIcon(hIconLarge); } if (hIcon) return add(hIcon); //@@ When do we want not to free this icons? } return _icons[ICID_NONE]; } const Icon& IconCache::extract(LPCITEMIDLIST pidl, ICONCACHE_FLAGS flags) { // search for matching icon with unchanged flags in the cache PidlCacheKey mapkey(pidl, flags); PidlCacheMap::iterator found = _pidlcache.find(mapkey); if (found != _pidlcache.end()) return _icons[found->second]; // search for matching icon with handle PidlCacheKey mapkey_hicon(pidl, flags|ICF_HICON); if (flags != mapkey_hicon.second) { found = _pidlcache.find(mapkey_hicon); if (found != _pidlcache.end()) return _icons[found->second]; } // search for matching icon in the system image list cache PidlCacheKey mapkey_syscache(pidl, flags|ICF_SYSCACHE); if (flags != mapkey_syscache.second) { found = _pidlcache.find(mapkey_syscache); if (found != _pidlcache.end()) return _icons[found->second]; } SHFILEINFO sfi; int shgfi_flags = SHGFI_PIDL; if (!(flags & (ICF_LARGE|ICF_MIDDLE))) shgfi_flags |= SHGFI_SMALLICON; if (flags & ICF_OPEN) shgfi_flags |= SHGFI_OPENICON; if (flags & ICF_SYSCACHE) { assert(!(flags&ICF_OVERLAYS)); HIMAGELIST himlSys = (HIMAGELIST) SHGetFileInfo((LPCTSTR)pidl, 0, &sfi, sizeof(sfi), SHGFI_SYSICONINDEX|shgfi_flags); if (himlSys) { const Icon& icon = add(sfi.iIcon/*, IT_SYSCACHE*/); ///@todo limit cache size _pidlcache[mapkey_syscache] = icon; return icon; } } else { if (flags & ICF_OVERLAYS) shgfi_flags |= SHGFI_ADDOVERLAYS; if (SHGetFileInfo((LPCTSTR)pidl, 0, &sfi, sizeof(sfi), SHGFI_ICON|shgfi_flags)) { const Icon& icon = add(sfi.hIcon, IT_CACHED); ///@todo limit cache size _pidlcache[mapkey_hicon] = icon; return icon; } } return _icons[ICID_NONE]; } const Icon& IconCache::add(HICON hIcon, ICON_TYPE type) { int id = ++s_next_id; return _icons[id] = Icon(type, id, hIcon); } const Icon& IconCache::add(int sys_idx/*, ICON_TYPE type=IT_SYSCACHE*/) { int id = ++s_next_id; return _icons[id] = SysCacheIcon(id, sys_idx); } const Icon& IconCache::get_icon(int id) { return _icons[id]; } IconCache::~IconCache() { /* We don't need to free cached resources - they are automatically freed at process termination for (int index = s_next_id; index >= 0; index--) { IconMap::iterator found = _icons.find(index); if (found != _icons.end()) { Icon& icon = found->second; if ((icon.get_icontype() == IT_DYNAMIC) || (icon.get_icontype() == IT_CACHED)) { DestroyIcon(icon.get_hicon()); _icons.erase(found); } } } */ } void IconCache::free_icon(int icon_id) { IconMap::iterator found = _icons.find(icon_id); if (found != _icons.end()) { Icon& icon = found->second; if (icon.destroy()) _icons.erase(found); } } ResString::ResString(UINT nid) { TCHAR buffer[BUFFER_LEN]; int len = LoadString(g_Globals._hInstance, nid, buffer, sizeof(buffer)/sizeof(TCHAR)); super::assign(buffer, len); } ResIcon::ResIcon(UINT nid) { _hicon = LoadIcon(g_Globals._hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(nid)); } SmallIcon::SmallIcon(UINT nid) { _hicon = (HICON)LoadImage(g_Globals._hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(nid), IMAGE_ICON, GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSMICON), GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSMICON), LR_SHARED); } ResIconEx::ResIconEx(UINT nid, int w, int h) { _hicon = (HICON)LoadImage(g_Globals._hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(nid), IMAGE_ICON, w, h, LR_SHARED); } void SetWindowIcon(HWND hwnd, UINT nid) { HICON hIcon = ResIcon(nid); (void)Window_SetIcon(hwnd, ICON_BIG, hIcon); HICON hIconSmall = SmallIcon(nid); (void)Window_SetIcon(hwnd, ICON_SMALL, hIconSmall); } ResBitmap::ResBitmap(UINT nid) { _hBmp = LoadBitmap(g_Globals._hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(nid)); } #ifndef ROSSHELL void explorer_show_frame(int cmdShow, LPTSTR lpCmdLine) { ExplorerCmd cmd; if (g_Globals._hMainWnd) { if (IsIconic(g_Globals._hMainWnd)) ShowWindow(g_Globals._hMainWnd, SW_RESTORE); else SetForegroundWindow(g_Globals._hMainWnd); return; } g_Globals._prescan_nodes = false; cmd._mdi = true; cmd._cmdShow = cmdShow; // parse command line options, which may overwrite the MDI flag if (lpCmdLine) cmd.ParseCmdLine(lpCmdLine); // create main window MainFrameBase::Create(cmd); } bool ExplorerCmd::ParseCmdLine(LPCTSTR lpCmdLine) { bool ok = true; LPCTSTR b = lpCmdLine; LPCTSTR p = b; while(*b) { // remove leading space while(_istspace((unsigned)*b)) ++b; p = b; bool quote = false; // options are separated by ',' for(; *p; ++p) { if (*p == '"') // Quote characters may appear at any position in the command line. quote = !quote; else if (*p==',' && !quote) break; } if (p > b) { int l = p - b; // remove trailing space while(l>0 && _istspace((unsigned)b[l-1])) --l; if (!EvaluateOption(String(b, l))) ok = false; if (*p) ++p; b = p; } } return ok; } bool ExplorerCmd::EvaluateOption(LPCTSTR option) { String opt_str; // Remove quote characters, as they are evaluated at this point. for(; *option; ++option) if (*option != '"') opt_str += *option; option = opt_str; if (option[0] == '/') { ++option; // option /e for windows in explorer mode if (!_tcsicmp(option, TEXT("e"))) _flags |= OWM_EXPLORE; // option /root for rooted explorer windows else if (!_tcsicmp(option, TEXT("root"))) _flags |= OWM_ROOTED; // non-standard options: /mdi, /sdi else if (!_tcsicmp(option, TEXT("mdi"))) _mdi = true; else if (!_tcsicmp(option, TEXT("sdi"))) _mdi = false; else if (!_tcsicmp(option, TEXT("n"))) { // Do nothing } else if (!_tcsicmp(option, TEXT("select"))) { SelectOpt = TRUE; } else return false; } else { if (!_path.empty()) return false; if((SelectOpt == TRUE) && (PathFileExists(option))) { WCHAR szDir[MAX_PATH]; _wsplitpath(option, szPath, szDir, NULL, NULL); wcscat(szPath, szDir); PathRemoveBackslash(szPath); _path = szPath; SelectOpt = FALSE; } else _path = opt_str; } return true; } bool ExplorerCmd::IsValidPath() const { if (!_path.empty()) { DWORD attribs = GetFileAttributes(_path); if (attribs!=INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES && (attribs&FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) return true; // file system path else if (*_path==':' && _path.at(1)==':') return true; // text encoded IDL } return false; } #else void explorer_show_frame(int cmdShow, LPTSTR lpCmdLine) { if (!lpCmdLine) lpCmdLine = TEXT("explorer.exe"); launch_file(GetDesktopWindow(), lpCmdLine, cmdShow); } #endif PopupMenu::PopupMenu(UINT nid) { HMENU hMenu = LoadMenu(g_Globals._hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(nid)); _hmenu = GetSubMenu(hMenu, 0); RemoveMenu(hMenu, 0, MF_BYPOSITION); DestroyMenu(hMenu); } /// "About Explorer" Dialog struct ExplorerAboutDlg : public CtlColorParent< OwnerDrawParent > { typedef CtlColorParent< OwnerDrawParent > super; ExplorerAboutDlg(HWND hwnd) : super(hwnd) { SetWindowIcon(hwnd, IDI_REACTOS); new FlatButton(hwnd, IDOK); _hfont = CreateFont(20, 0, 0, 0, FW_BOLD, TRUE, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, TEXT("Sans Serif")); new ColorStatic(hwnd, IDC_ROS_EXPLORER, RGB(32,32,128), 0, _hfont); new HyperlinkCtrl(hwnd, IDC_WWW); FmtString ver_txt(ResString(IDS_EXPLORER_VERSION_STR), (LPCTSTR)ResString(IDS_VERSION_STR)); SetWindowText(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_VERSION_TXT), ver_txt); HWND hwnd_winver = GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_WIN_VERSION); SetWindowText(hwnd_winver, get_windows_version_str()); SetWindowFont(hwnd_winver, GetStockFont(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT), FALSE); CenterWindow(hwnd); } ~ExplorerAboutDlg() { DeleteObject(_hfont); } LRESULT WndProc(UINT nmsg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam) { switch(nmsg) { case WM_PAINT: Paint(); break; default: return super::WndProc(nmsg, wparam, lparam); } return 0; } void Paint() { PaintCanvas canvas(_hwnd); HICON hicon = (HICON) LoadImage(g_Globals._hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_REACTOS_BIG), IMAGE_ICON, 0, 0, LR_SHARED); DrawIconEx(canvas, 20, 10, hicon, 0, 0, 0, 0, DI_NORMAL); } protected: HFONT _hfont; }; void explorer_about(HWND hwndParent) { Dialog::DoModal(IDD_ABOUT_EXPLORER, WINDOW_CREATOR(ExplorerAboutDlg), hwndParent); } static void InitInstance(HINSTANCE hInstance) { CONTEXT("InitInstance"); setlocale(LC_COLLATE, ""); // set collating rules to local settings for compareName #ifndef ROSSHELL // register frame window class g_Globals._hframeClass = IconWindowClass(CLASSNAME_FRAME,IDI_EXPLORER); // register child window class WindowClass(CLASSNAME_CHILDWND, CS_CLASSDC|CS_DBLCLKS).Register(); // register tree window class WindowClass(CLASSNAME_WINEFILETREE, CS_CLASSDC|CS_DBLCLKS).Register(); #endif g_Globals._cfStrFName = RegisterClipboardFormat(CFSTR_FILENAME); } int explorer_main(HINSTANCE hInstance, LPTSTR lpCmdLine, int cmdShow) { CONTEXT("explorer_main"); // initialize Common Controls library CommonControlInit usingCmnCtrl; try { InitInstance(hInstance); } catch(COMException& e) { HandleException(e, GetDesktopWindow()); return -1; } #ifndef ROSSHELL if (cmdShow != SW_HIDE) { /* // don't maximize if being called from the ROS desktop if (cmdShow == SW_SHOWNORMAL) ///@todo read window placement from registry cmdShow = SW_MAXIMIZE; */ explorer_show_frame(cmdShow, lpCmdLine); } #endif Window::MessageLoop(); return 1; } static bool SetShellReadyEvent(LPCTSTR evtName) { HANDLE hEvent = OpenEvent(EVENT_MODIFY_STATE, FALSE, evtName); if (!hEvent) return false; SetEvent(hEvent); CloseHandle(hEvent); return true; } int WINAPI _tWinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPTSTR lpCmdLine, int nShowCmd) { CONTEXT("WinMain()"); BOOL any_desktop_running = IsAnyDesktopRunning(); BOOL startup_desktop; // strip extended options from the front of the command line String ext_options; while(*lpCmdLine == '-') { while(*lpCmdLine && !_istspace((unsigned)*lpCmdLine)) ext_options += *lpCmdLine++; while(_istspace((unsigned)*lpCmdLine)) ++lpCmdLine; } // command line option "-install" to replace previous shell application with ROS Explorer if (_tcsstr(ext_options,TEXT("-install"))) { // install ROS Explorer into the registry TCHAR path[MAX_PATH]; int l = GetModuleFileName(0, path, COUNTOF(path)); if (l) { HKEY hkey; if (!RegOpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, TEXT("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Winlogon"), &hkey)) { ///@todo save previous shell application in config file RegSetValueEx(hkey, TEXT("Shell"), 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)path, l*sizeof(TCHAR)); RegCloseKey(hkey); } if (!RegOpenKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, TEXT("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Winlogon"), &hkey)) { ///@todo save previous shell application in config file RegSetValueEx(hkey, TEXT("Shell"), 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)TEXT(""), l*sizeof(TCHAR)); RegCloseKey(hkey); } } HWND shellWindow = GetShellWindow(); if (shellWindow) { DWORD pid; // terminate shell process for NT like systems GetWindowThreadProcessId(shellWindow, &pid); HANDLE hProcess = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, pid); // On Win 9x it's sufficient to destroy the shell window. DestroyWindow(shellWindow); if (TerminateProcess(hProcess, 0)) WaitForSingleObject(hProcess, INFINITE); CloseHandle(hProcess); } startup_desktop = TRUE; } else { // create desktop window and task bar only, if there is no other shell and we are // the first explorer instance // MS Explorer looks additionally into the registry entry HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\shell, // to decide wether it is currently configured as shell application. startup_desktop = !any_desktop_running; } bool autostart = !any_desktop_running; // disable autostart if the SHIFT key is pressed if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_SHIFT) < 0) autostart = false; #ifdef _DEBUG //MF: disabled for debugging autostart = false; #endif // If there is given the command line option "-desktop", create desktop window anyways if (_tcsstr(ext_options,TEXT("-desktop"))) startup_desktop = TRUE; #ifndef ROSSHELL else if (_tcsstr(ext_options,TEXT("-nodesktop"))) startup_desktop = FALSE; // Don't display cabinet window in desktop mode if (startup_desktop && !_tcsstr(ext_options,TEXT("-explorer"))) nShowCmd = SW_HIDE; #endif if (_tcsstr(ext_options,TEXT("-noautostart"))) autostart = false; else if (_tcsstr(ext_options,TEXT("-autostart"))) autostart = true; #ifndef __WINE__ if (_tcsstr(ext_options,TEXT("-console"))) { AllocConsole(); _dup2(_open_osfhandle((long)GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE), _O_RDONLY), 0); _dup2(_open_osfhandle((long)GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), 0), 1); _dup2(_open_osfhandle((long)GetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE), 0), 2); g_Globals._log = _fdopen(1, "w"); setvbuf(g_Globals._log, 0, _IONBF, 0); LOG(TEXT("starting explorer debug log\n")); } #endif if (startup_desktop) { // hide the XP login screen (Credit to Nicolas Escuder) // another undocumented event: "Global\\msgina: ReturnToWelcome" if (!SetShellReadyEvent(TEXT("msgina: ShellReadyEvent"))) SetShellReadyEvent(TEXT("Global\\msgina: ShellReadyEvent")); } #ifdef ROSSHELL else return 0; // no shell to launch, so exit immediatelly #endif if (!any_desktop_running) { // launch the shell DDE server if (g_SHDOCVW_ShellDDEInit) (*g_SHDOCVW_ShellDDEInit)(TRUE); } bool use_gdb_stub = false; // !IsDebuggerPresent(); if (_tcsstr(ext_options,TEXT("-debug"))) use_gdb_stub = true; if (_tcsstr(ext_options,TEXT("-break"))) { LOG(TEXT("debugger breakpoint")); __debugbreak(); } #ifdef _M_IX86 // activate GDB remote debugging stub if no other debugger is running if (use_gdb_stub) { LOG(TEXT("waiting for debugger connection...\n")); initialize_gdb_stub(); } #endif g_Globals.init(hInstance); // initialize COM and OLE before creating the desktop window OleInit usingCOM; // init common controls library CommonControlInit usingCmnCtrl; g_Globals.read_persistent(); if (startup_desktop) { WaitCursor wait; g_Globals._desktops.init(); g_Globals._hwndDesktop = DesktopWindow::Create(); #ifdef _USE_HDESK g_Globals._desktops.get_current_Desktop()->_hwndDesktop = g_Globals._hwndDesktop; #endif } if (_tcsstr(ext_options,TEXT("-?"))) { MessageBoxA(g_Globals._hwndDesktop, "/e open cabinet window in explorer mode\r\n" "/root open cabinet window in rooted mode\r\n" "/mdi open cabinet window in MDI mode\r\n" "/sdi open cabinet window in SDI mode\r\n" "\r\n" "-? display command line options\r\n" "\r\n" "-desktop start in desktop mode regardless of an already running shell\r\n" "-nodesktop disable desktop mode\r\n" "-explorer display cabinet window regardless of enabled desktop mode\r\n" "\r\n" "-install replace previous shell application with ROS Explorer\r\n" "\r\n" "-noautostart disable autostarts\r\n" "-autostart enable autostarts regardless of debug build\r\n" "\r\n" "-console open debug console\r\n" "\r\n" "-debug activate GDB remote debugging stub\r\n" "-break activate debugger breakpoint\r\n", "ROS Explorer - command line options", MB_OK); } Thread* pSSOThread = NULL; if (startup_desktop) { // launch SSO thread to allow message processing independent from the explorer main thread pSSOThread = new SSOThread; pSSOThread->Start(); } /**TODO launching autostart programs can be moved into a background thread. */ if (autostart) { const char* argv[] = {"", "s"}; // call startup routine in SESSION_START mode startup(2, argv); } #ifndef ROSSHELL if (g_Globals._hwndDesktop) g_Globals._desktop_mode = true; #endif int ret = explorer_main(hInstance, lpCmdLine, nShowCmd); // write configuration file g_Globals.write_persistent(); if (pSSOThread) { pSSOThread->Stop(); delete pSSOThread; } if (!any_desktop_running) { // shutdown the shell DDE server if (g_SHDOCVW_ShellDDEInit) (*g_SHDOCVW_ShellDDEInit)(FALSE); } return ret; }