This document present the STLport namespace schema and give additionnal information about how STLport replace the native C++ Standard library coming with your compiler. 1. What is the STLport namespace ? As STLport is a C++ Standard library implementation the STLport namespace is 'std'. In normal use this is all you need to know and you can stop reading here. 2. How does STLport replace native C++ Standard library ? STLport defines a macro 'std' that replaces all references of std in the user code by a different name. This technique has has some drawback but also advantages. The drawback is that you cannot declared Standard component like that: //foo.h namespace std { template class allocator; } void f1(const std::allocator&); //foo.cpp #include "foo.h" #include void f1(const std::allocator& alloc) { //implementation } //bar.cpp #include "foo.h" #include int main(int, char**) { std::allocator alloc; f1(alloc); } If you build this code you will surely have a compilation error as f1 is declared as taking a std::allocator parameter but you are calling it using an STLport allocator instance that is not in the std namespace. The good news is that this drawback is easy to detect as it will generate compilation error or at least link time error. The only workaround is to include an arbitrary Standard header before the allocator declaration. Good candidates for that are or as they are small headers. Including those headers will replace std with the STLport namespace. The advantage of this macro replacement is that we can customize the STLport namespace depending on the compilation options. For instance the STLport safe mode you can use by defining _STLP_DEBUG is not binary compatible with a normal debug build. To ensure that no one will ever build code without _STLP_DEBUG and link with STLport library built with this option the namespace is different so that it will generate link time error rather than random crashes during application execution. 3. Why not having use namespace injection ? An other way to replace native Standard C++ library implementation would have been to use namespace injection: namespace std { using namespace stlport; } This solution has a first major drawback which is that STLport would be much more sensible to native headers. If you include a C++ native headers that indirectly define for instance the vector class it is going to conflict with the STLport vector definition. Moreover this solution just does not work for a very simple reason. The C++ Standard allows users to specialized some of the Standard algorithms. This specialization has to be done in the same namespace as the main template declaration: //In an STLport header: namespace stlport { template struct less { bool operator () (const _Tp& x, const _Tp& y) const; }; } //User code: struct MyStruct; namespace std { template <> struct less { }; } As you can see the specialization is not in the STLport less namespace and it won't be used in associative containers for instance. 4. What is the STLport specific namespace ? The official STLport namespace is: stlport. Once again this is not the real namespace where all the Standard stuff are. As the real STLport namespace change depending on compilation options you cannot use it directly. So stlport is an alias of the real STLport namespace. 5. What are the other STLport namespaces ? Those names are given for information purpose and should never be used in any user code. The default STLport namespace is: stlp_std. Here is the list of the customized namespaces: - stlpd_std : when _STLP_DEBUG is defined - stlpx_std : when you use STLport as a shared library linked to the static version of the native runtime or when you build the static STLport library linked with the dynamic version. This option is only supported by a limited number of compilers. - stlpmtx_std : when building STLport as not thread safe. You can also have combination of those extension like stlpdxmtx_std or stlpdmtx_std... There is also an other STLport namespace for STLport internal functions or struct/class: priv. namespace stlport { namespace priv { } }