HANDLE test_NtGdiDdCreateDirectDrawObject(void); void test_NtGdiDdDeleteDirectDrawObject(HANDLE hDirectDrawLocal); void test_NtGdiDdQueryDirectDrawObject(HANDLE hDirectDrawLocal); void test_NtGdiDdGetScanLine(HANDLE hDirectDrawLocal); void test_NtGdiDdWaitForVerticalBlank(HANDLE hDirectDrawLocal); void test_NtGdiDdCanCreateSurface(HANDLE hDirectDrawLocal); void dump_halinfo(DD_HALINFO *pHalInfo, char *text); void dump_CallBackFlags(DWORD *pCallBackFlags, char *text); void dump_D3dCallbacks(D3DNTHAL_CALLBACKS *puD3dCallbacks, char *text); void dump_D3dDriverData(D3DNTHAL_GLOBALDRIVERDATA *puD3dDriverData, char *text); void dump_D3dBufferCallbacks(DD_D3DBUFCALLBACKS *puD3dCallbacks, char *text); void dump_D3dTextureFormats(DDSURFACEDESC *puD3dTextureFormats, int dwNum, char *text); #define testing_eq(input,value,counter,text) \ if (input == value) \ { \ counter++; \ printf("FAIL ret=%s, %d != %d )\n",text,(int)input,(int)value); \ } #define testing_noteq(input,value,counter,text) \ if (input != value) \ { \ counter++; \ printf("FAIL ret=%s, %d == %d )\n",text,(int)input,(int)value); \ } #define show_status(counter, text) \ if (counter == 0) \ { \ printf("End testing of %s Status : ok\n\n",text); \ } \ else \ { \ printf("End testing of %s Status : fail\n\n",text); \ } #if !defined(__REACTOS__) #define win_syscall(inValue,outValue,syscallid) \ __asm { mov eax, syscallid }; \ __asm { lea edx, [inValue] }; \ __asm { int 0x2E }; \ __asm { mov outValue,eax}; #endif