using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Globalization;
namespace HtmlHelp.ChmDecoding
/// The class BinaryReaderHelp implements static helper methods for extracting binary data
/// from a binary reader object.
internal class BinaryReaderHelp
/// Internal helper method to extract null-terminated strings from a binary reader
/// reference to the binary reader
/// offset in the stream
/// true if the offset value should be used
/// encoder used for text encoding
/// An extracted string value
internal static string ExtractString(ref BinaryReader binReader, int offset, bool noOffset, Encoding encoder)
string strReturn = "";
if(encoder == null)
encoder = Encoding.ASCII;
ArrayList nameBytes = new ArrayList();
byte curByte;
binReader.BaseStream.Seek(offset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
if(binReader.BaseStream.Position >= binReader.BaseStream.Length)
return "";
curByte = binReader.ReadByte();
while( (curByte != (byte)0) && (binReader.BaseStream.Position < binReader.BaseStream.Length) )
nameBytes.Add( curByte );
curByte = binReader.ReadByte();
byte[] name = (byte[]) (nameBytes.ToArray(System.Type.GetType("System.Byte")));
strReturn = encoder.GetString(name,0,name.Length);
return strReturn;
/// Internal helper method to extract a string with a specific length from the binary reader
/// reference to the binary reader
/// length of the string (number of bytes)
/// offset in the stream
/// true if the offset value should be used
/// encoder used for text encoding
/// An extracted string value
internal static string ExtractString(ref BinaryReader binReader, int length, int offset, bool noOffset, Encoding encoder)
string strReturn = "";
if(length == 0)
return "";
if(encoder == null)
encoder = Encoding.ASCII;
ArrayList nameBytes = new ArrayList();
byte curByte;
binReader.BaseStream.Seek(offset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
if(binReader.BaseStream.Position >= binReader.BaseStream.Length)
return "";
curByte = binReader.ReadByte();
while( (curByte != (byte)0) && (nameBytes.Count < length) && (binReader.BaseStream.Position < binReader.BaseStream.Length) )
nameBytes.Add( curByte );
if(nameBytes.Count < length)
curByte = binReader.ReadByte();
byte[] name = (byte[]) (nameBytes.ToArray(System.Type.GetType("System.Byte")));
strReturn = encoder.GetString(name,0,name.Length);
return strReturn;
/// Internal helper method to extract a string with a specific length from the binary reader
/// reference to the binary reader
/// reference to a bool vairable which will receive true if the
/// string terminator \0 was found. false indicates that the end of the stream was reached.
/// offset in the stream
/// true if the offset value should be used
/// encoder used for text encoding
/// An extracted string value
internal static string ExtractString(ref BinaryReader binReader, ref bool bFoundTerminator, int offset, bool noOffset, Encoding encoder)
string strReturn = "";
ArrayList nameBytes = new ArrayList();
byte curByte;
if(encoder == null)
encoder = Encoding.ASCII;
binReader.BaseStream.Seek(offset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
if(binReader.BaseStream.Position >= binReader.BaseStream.Length)
return "";
curByte = binReader.ReadByte();
while( (curByte != (byte)0) && (binReader.BaseStream.Position < binReader.BaseStream.Length) )
nameBytes.Add( curByte );
curByte = binReader.ReadByte();
if( curByte == (byte)0 )
bFoundTerminator = true;
byte[] name = (byte[]) (nameBytes.ToArray(System.Type.GetType("System.Byte")));
strReturn = encoder.GetString(name,0,name.Length);
return strReturn;
/// Internal helper method to extract a null-terminated UTF-16/UCS-2 strings from a binary reader
/// reference to the binary reader
/// offset in the stream
/// true if the offset value should be used
/// encoder used for text encoding
/// An extracted string value
internal static string ExtractUTF16String(ref BinaryReader binReader, int offset, bool noOffset, Encoding encoder)
string strReturn = "";
ArrayList nameBytes = new ArrayList();
byte curByte;
int lastByte=-1;
binReader.BaseStream.Seek(offset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
if(binReader.BaseStream.Position >= binReader.BaseStream.Length)
return "";
if(encoder == null)
encoder = Encoding.Unicode;
curByte = binReader.ReadByte();
int nCnt = 0;
while( ((curByte != (byte)0) || (lastByte != 0) ) && (binReader.BaseStream.Position < binReader.BaseStream.Length) )
nameBytes.Add( curByte );
if(nCnt%2 == 0)
lastByte = (int)curByte;
curByte = binReader.ReadByte();
byte[] name = (byte[]) (nameBytes.ToArray(System.Type.GetType("System.Byte")));
strReturn = Encoding.Unicode.GetString(name,0,name.Length);
// apply text encoding
name = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(strReturn);
strReturn = encoder.GetString(name,0,name.Length);
return strReturn;
/// Internal helper for reading ENCINT encoded integer values
/// reference to the reader
/// a long value
internal static long ReadENCINT(ref BinaryReader binReader)
long nRet = 0;
byte buffer = 0;
int shift = 0;
if(binReader.BaseStream.Position >= binReader.BaseStream.Length)
return nRet;
buffer = binReader.ReadByte();
nRet |= ((long)((buffer & (byte)0x7F))) << shift;
shift += 7;
}while ( (buffer & (byte)0x80) != 0);
return nRet;
/// Reads an s/r encoded value from the byte array and decodes it into an integer
/// a byte array containing all bits (contains only 0 or 1 elements)
/// scale param for encoding
/// root param for encoding
/// current index in the wclBits array
/// Returns an decoded integer value.
internal static int ReadSRItem(byte[] wclBits, int s, int r, ref int nBitIndex)
int nRet = 0;
int q = r;
int nPref1Cnt = 0;
while( wclBits[nBitIndex++] == 1)
if(nPref1Cnt == 0)
int nMask = 0;
for(int nbits=0; nbits