/* $Id: cpio.h,v 1.2 2002/02/20 09:17:54 hyperion Exp $ */ /* * cpio.h * * cpio archive values. Conforming to the Single UNIX(r) Specification * Version 2, System Interface & Headers Issue 5 * * This file is part of the ReactOS Operating System. * * Contributors: * Created by KJK::Hyperion * * THIS SOFTWARE IS NOT COPYRIGHTED * * This source code is offered for use in the public domain. You may * use, modify or distribute it freely. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED ARE HEREBY * DISCLAMED. This includes but is not limited to warranties of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * */ #ifndef __CPIO_H_INCLUDED__ #define __CPIO_H_INCLUDED__ /* INCLUDES */ /* TYPES */ /* CONSTANTS */ #define C_IRUSR (0000400) /* read by owner */ #define C_IWUSR (0000200) /* write by owner */ #define C_IXUSR (0000100) /* execute by owner */ #define C_IRGRP (0000040) /* read by group */ #define C_IWGRP (0000020) /* write by group */ #define C_IXGRP (0000010) /* execute by group */ #define C_IROTH (0000004) /* read by others */ #define C_IWOTH (0000002) /* write by others */ #define C_IXOTH (0000001) /* execute by others */ #define C_ISUID (0004000) /* set user ID */ #define C_ISGID (0002000) /* set group ID */ #define C_ISVTX (0001000) /* on directories, restricted deletion flag */ #define C_ISDIR (0040000) /* directory */ #define C_ISFIFO (0010000) /* FIFO */ #define C_ISREG (0100000) /* regular file */ #define C_ISBLK (0060000) /* block special */ #define C_ISCHR (0020000) /* character special */ #define C_ISCTG (0110000) /* reserved */ #define C_ISLNK (0120000) /* symbolic link */ #define C_ISSOCK (0140000) /* socket */ #define MAGIC "070707" /* PROTOTYPES */ /* MACROS */ #endif /* __CPIO_H_INCLUDED__ */ /* EOF */