''' PROJECT: ReactOS apisets generator LICENSE: MIT (https://spdx.org/licenses/MIT) PURPOSE: Create apiset forwarders based on Wine apisets COPYRIGHT: Copyright 2017,2018 Mark Jansen (mark.jansen@reactos.org) ''' import os import re import sys from collections import defaultdict import subprocess SCRIPT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) NL_CHAR = '\n' IGNORE_OPTIONS = ('-norelay', '-ret16', '-ret64', '-register', '-private', '-noname', '-ordinal', '-i386', '-arch=', '-stub', '-version=') # Figure these out later FUNCTION_BLACKLIST = [ # api-ms-win-crt-utility-l1-1-0_stubs.c(6): # error C2169: '_abs64': intrinsic function, cannot be defined '_abs64', '_byteswap_uint64', '_byteswap_ulong', '_byteswap_ushort', '_rotl64', '_rotr64', ] SPEC_HEADER = [ '\n', '# This file is autogenerated by update.py\n', '\n' ] ALIAS_DLL = { 'ucrtbase': 'msvcrt', 'kernelbase': 'kernel32', 'shcore': 'shlwapi', 'combase': 'ole32', # These modules cannot be linked against in ROS, so forward it 'cfgmgr32': 'setupapi', # Forward everything 'wmi': 'advapi32', # Forward everything } class InvalidSpecError(Exception): def __init__(self, message): Exception.__init__(self, message) class Arch(object): none = 0 i386 = 1 x86_64 = 2 arm = 4 arm64 = 8 Any = i386 | x86_64 | arm | arm64 FROM_STR = { 'i386': i386, 'x86_64': x86_64, 'arm': arm, 'arm64': arm64, 'any': Any, 'win32': i386, 'win64': x86_64, } TO_STR = { i386: 'i386', x86_64: 'x86_64', arm: 'arm', arm64: 'arm64', } def __init__(self, initial=none): self._val = initial def add(self, text): self._val |= sum([Arch.FROM_STR[arch] for arch in text.split(',')]) assert self._val != 0 def has(self, val): return (self._val & val) != 0 def to_str(self): arch_str = [] for value in Arch.TO_STR: if value & self._val: arch_str.append(Arch.TO_STR[value]) return ','.join(arch_str) def __len__(self): return bin(self._val).count("1") def __add__(self, other): return Arch(self._val | other._val) # pylint: disable=W0212 def __sub__(self, other): return Arch(self._val & ~other._val) # pylint: disable=W0212 def __gt__(self, other): return self._val > other._val # pylint: disable=W0212 def __lt__(self, other): return self._val < other._val # pylint: disable=W0212 def __eq__(self, other): return self._val == other._val # pylint: disable=W0212 def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) class VersionExpr(object): def __init__(self, text): self.text = text self.parse() def parse(self): pass def to_str(self): if self.text: return '-version={}'.format(self.text) return '' class SpecEntry(object): def __init__(self, text, spec): self.spec = spec self._ord = None self.callconv = None self.name = None self.arch = Arch() self.version = None self._forwarder = None self.init(text) self.noname = False if self.name == '@': self.noname = True if self._forwarder: self.name = self._forwarder[1] def init(self, text): tokens = re.split(r'([\s\(\)#;])', text.strip()) tokens = [token for token in tokens if token and not token.isspace()] idx = [] for comment in ['#', ';']: if comment in tokens: idx.append(tokens.index(comment)) idx = sorted(idx) if idx: tokens = tokens[:idx[0]] if not tokens: raise InvalidSpecError(text) self._ord = tokens[0] assert self._ord == '@' or self._ord.isdigit(), text tokens = tokens[1:] self.callconv = tokens.pop(0) self.name = tokens.pop(0) while self.name.startswith(IGNORE_OPTIONS): if self.name.startswith('-arch='): self.arch.add(self.name[6:]) elif self.name.startswith('-version='): self.version = VersionExpr(self.name[9:]) elif self.name == '-i386': self.arch.add('i386') self.name = tokens.pop(0) if not self.arch: self.arch = Arch(Arch.Any) assert not self.name.startswith('-'), text if not tokens: return if tokens[0] == '(': assert ')' in tokens, text arg = tokens.pop(0) while True: arg = tokens.pop(0) if arg == ')': break if not tokens: return assert len(tokens) == 1, text self._forwarder = tokens.pop(0).split('.', 2) if len(self._forwarder) == 1: self._forwarder = ['self', self._forwarder[0]] assert len(self._forwarder) in (0, 2), self._forwarder if self._forwarder[0] in ALIAS_DLL: self._forwarder[0] = ALIAS_DLL[self._forwarder[0]] def resolve_forwarders(self, module_lookup, try_modules): if self._forwarder: assert self._forwarder[1] == self.name, '{}:{}'.format(self._forwarder[1], self.name) if self.noname and self.name == '@': return 0 # cannot search for this function self._forwarder = [] self.arch = Arch() for module_name in try_modules: assert module_name in module_lookup, module_name module = module_lookup[module_name] fwd_arch = module.find_arch(self.name) callconv = module.find_callconv(self.name) version = module.find_version(self.name) if fwd_arch: self.arch = fwd_arch self._forwarder = [module_name, self.name] self.callconv = callconv self.version = version return 1 return 0 def extra_forwarders(self, function_lookup, module_lookup): if self._forwarder: return 1 if self.noname and self.name == '@': return 0 # cannot search for this function lst = function_lookup.get(self.name, None) if lst: modules = list(set([func.spec.name for func in lst])) if len(modules) > 1: mod = None arch = Arch() for module in modules: mod_arch = module_lookup[module].find_arch(self.name) if mod is None or mod_arch > arch: mod = module arch = mod_arch modules = [mod] mod = modules[0] self._forwarder = [mod, self.name] mod = module_lookup[mod] self.arch = mod.find_arch(self.name) self.callconv = mod.find_callconv(self.name) self.version = mod.find_version(self.name) return 1 return 0 def forwarder_module(self): if self._forwarder: return self._forwarder[0] def forwarder(self): if self._forwarder: return 1 return 0 def write(self, spec_file): name = self.name opts = '' estimate_size = 0 if self.noname: opts = '{} -noname'.format(opts) if self.version: opts = '{} {}'.format(opts, self.version.to_str()) if self.name == '@': assert self._ord != '@' name = 'Ordinal' + self._ord if not self._forwarder: spec_file.write('{} stub{} {}{}'.format(self._ord, opts, name, NL_CHAR)) estimate_size += 0x1000 else: assert self.arch != Arch(), self.name args = '()' callconv = 'stdcall' fwd = '.'.join(self._forwarder) name = self.name if not self.noname else '@' arch = self.arch if self.callconv == 'extern': args = '' callconv = 'extern -stub' # HACK fwd += ' # the -stub is a HACK to fix VS < 2017 build!' if arch != Arch(Arch.Any): opts = '{} -arch={}'.format(opts, arch.to_str()) spec_file.write('{ord} {cc}{opts} {name}{args} {fwd}{nl}'.format(ord=self._ord, cc=callconv, opts=opts, name=name, args=args, fwd=fwd, nl=NL_CHAR)) estimate_size += 0x100 return estimate_size class SpecFile(object): def __init__(self, fullpath, name): self._path = fullpath self.name = name self._entries = [] self._functions = defaultdict(list) self._estimate_size = 0 def parse(self): with open(self._path, 'rb') as specfile: for line in specfile.readlines(): if line: try: entry = SpecEntry(line, self) self._entries.append(entry) self._functions[entry.name].append(entry) except InvalidSpecError: pass return (sum([entry.forwarder() for entry in self._entries]), len(self._entries)) def add_functions(self, function_lookup): for entry in self._entries: function_lookup[entry.name].append(entry) def find(self, name): return self._functions.get(name, None) def find_arch(self, name): functions = self.find(name) arch = Arch() if functions: for func in functions: arch += func.arch return arch def find_callconv(self, name): functions = self.find(name) callconv = None if functions: for func in functions: if not callconv: callconv = func.callconv elif callconv != func.callconv: assert callconv != 'extern', 'Cannot have data/function with same name' callconv = func.callconv return callconv def find_version(self, name): functions = self.find(name) version = None if functions: for func in functions: if not func.version: continue if version: assert version.text == func.version.text version = func.version return version def resolve_forwarders(self, module_lookup): modules = self.forwarder_modules() total = 0 for entry in self._entries: total += entry.resolve_forwarders(module_lookup, modules) return (total, len(self._entries)) def extra_forwarders(self, function_lookup, module_lookup): total = 0 for entry in self._entries: total += entry.extra_forwarders(function_lookup, module_lookup) return (total, len(self._entries)) def forwarder_modules(self): modules = defaultdict(int) for entry in self._entries: module = entry.forwarder_module() if module: modules[module] += 1 return sorted(modules, key=modules.get, reverse=True) def write(self, spec_file): written = set(FUNCTION_BLACKLIST) self._estimate_size = 0 for entry in self._entries: if entry.name not in written: self._estimate_size += entry.write(spec_file) written.add(entry.name) def write_cmake(self, cmakelists, baseaddress): seen = set() # ntdll and kernel32 are linked against everything, self = internal, # we cannot link cfgmgr32 and wmi? ignore = ['ntdll', 'kernel32', 'self', 'cfgmgr32', 'wmi'] forwarders = self.forwarder_modules() fwd_strings = [x for x in forwarders if not (x in seen or x in ignore or seen.add(x))] fwd_strings = ' '.join(fwd_strings) name = self.name baseaddress = '0x{:8x}'.format(baseaddress) cmakelists.write('add_apiset({} {} {}){}'.format(name, baseaddress, fwd_strings, NL_CHAR)) return self._estimate_size def generate_specnames(dll_dir): win32 = os.path.join(dll_dir, 'win32') for dirname in os.listdir(win32): fullpath = os.path.join(win32, dirname, dirname + '.spec') if not os.path.isfile(fullpath): if '.' in dirname: fullpath = os.path.join(win32, dirname, dirname.rsplit('.', 1)[0] + '.spec') if not os.path.isfile(fullpath): continue else: continue yield (fullpath, dirname) # Special cases yield (os.path.join(dll_dir, 'ntdll', 'def', 'ntdll.spec'), 'ntdll') yield (os.path.join(dll_dir, 'appcompat', 'apphelp', 'apphelp.spec'), 'apphelp') yield (os.path.join(dll_dir, '..', 'win32ss', 'user', 'user32', 'user32.spec'), 'user32') yield (os.path.join(dll_dir, '..', 'win32ss', 'gdi', 'gdi32', 'gdi32.spec'), 'gdi32') def run(wineroot): global NL_CHAR wine_apisets = [] ros_modules = [] module_lookup = {} function_lookup = defaultdict(list) version = subprocess.check_output(["git", "describe"], cwd=wineroot).strip() print 'Reading Wine apisets for', version wine_apiset_path = os.path.join(wineroot, 'dlls') for dirname in os.listdir(wine_apiset_path): if not dirname.startswith('api-'): continue if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(wine_apiset_path, dirname)): continue fullpath = os.path.join(wine_apiset_path, dirname, dirname + '.spec') spec = SpecFile(fullpath, dirname) wine_apisets.append(spec) print 'Parsing Wine apisets,', total = (0, 0) for apiset in wine_apisets: total = tuple(map(sum, zip(apiset.parse(), total))) print 'found', total[0], '/', total[1], 'forwarders' print 'Reading ReactOS modules' for fullpath, dllname in generate_specnames(os.path.dirname(SCRIPT_DIR)): spec = SpecFile(fullpath, dllname) ros_modules.append(spec) print 'Parsing ReactOS modules' for module in ros_modules: module.parse() assert module.name not in module_lookup, module.name module_lookup[module.name] = module module.add_functions(function_lookup) print 'First pass, resolving forwarders,', total = (0, 0) for apiset in wine_apisets: total = tuple(map(sum, zip(apiset.resolve_forwarders(module_lookup), total))) print 'found', total[0], '/', total[1], 'forwarders' print 'Second pass, searching extra forwarders,', total = (0, 0) for apiset in wine_apisets: total = tuple(map(sum, zip(apiset.extra_forwarders(function_lookup, module_lookup), total))) print 'found', total[0], '/', total[1], 'forwarders' with open(os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, 'CMakeLists.txt.in'), 'rb') as template: cmake_template = template.read() cmake_template = cmake_template.replace('%WINE_GIT_VERSION%', version) # Detect the checkout newline settings if '\r\n' in cmake_template: NL_CHAR = '\r\n' manifest_files = [] print 'Writing apisets' spec_header = [line.replace('\n', NL_CHAR) for line in SPEC_HEADER] for apiset in wine_apisets: with open(os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, apiset.name + '.spec'), 'wb') as out_spec: out_spec.writelines(spec_header) apiset.write(out_spec) manifest_files.append(' '.format(apiset.name)) print 'Generating manifest' manifest_name = 'x86_reactos.apisets_6595b64144ccf1df_1.0.0.0_none_deadbeef.manifest' with open(os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, manifest_name + '.in'), 'rb') as template: manifest_template = template.read() manifest_template = manifest_template.replace('%WINE_GIT_VERSION%', version) file_list = '\r\n'.join(manifest_files) manifest_template = manifest_template.replace('%MANIFEST_FILE_LIST%', file_list) with open(os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, manifest_name), 'wb') as manifest: manifest.write(manifest_template) print 'Writing CMakeLists.txt' baseaddress = 0x60000000 with open(os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, 'CMakeLists.txt'), 'wb') as cmakelists: cmakelists.write(cmake_template) for apiset in wine_apisets: baseaddress += apiset.write_cmake(cmakelists, baseaddress) baseaddress += (0x10000 - baseaddress) % 0x10000 print 'Done' def main(paths): for path in paths: if path: run(path) return print 'No path specified,' print 'either pass it as argument, or set the environment variable "WINE_SRC_ROOT"' if __name__ == '__main__': main(sys.argv[1:] + [os.environ.get('WINE_SRC_ROOT')])