/* -------- radio.c -------- */ #include "dflat.h" static CTLWINDOW *rct[MAXRADIOS]; int RadioButtonProc(DFWINDOW wnd, DFMESSAGE msg, PARAM p1, PARAM p2) { int rtn; DBOX *db = GetParent(wnd)->extension; CTLWINDOW *ct = GetControl(wnd); if (ct != NULL) { switch (msg) { case SETFOCUS: if (!(int)p1) DfSendMessage(NULL, HIDE_CURSOR, 0, 0); case MOVE: rtn = BaseWndProc(RADIOBUTTON,wnd,msg,p1,p2); SetFocusCursor(wnd); return rtn; case PAINT: { char rb[] = "( )"; if (ct->setting) rb[1] = 7; DfSendMessage(wnd, CLEARTEXT, 0, 0); DfSendMessage(wnd, ADDTEXT, (PARAM) rb, 0); SetFocusCursor(wnd); break; } case KEYBOARD: if ((int)p1 != ' ') break; case LEFT_BUTTON: SetRadioButton(db, ct); break; default: break; } } return BaseWndProc(RADIOBUTTON, wnd, msg, p1, p2); } static BOOL Setting = TRUE; void SetRadioButton(DBOX *db, CTLWINDOW *ct) { Setting = FALSE; PushRadioButton(db, ct->command); Setting = TRUE; } void PushRadioButton(DBOX *db, enum commands cmd) { CTLWINDOW *ctt = db->ctl; CTLWINDOW *ct = FindCommand(db, cmd, RADIOBUTTON); int i; if (ct == NULL) return; /* --- clear all the radio buttons in this group on the dialog box --- */ /* -------- build a table of all radio buttons at the same x vector ---------- */ for (i = 0; i < MAXRADIOS; i++) rct[i] = NULL; while (ctt->class) { if (ctt->class == RADIOBUTTON) if (ct->dwnd.x == ctt->dwnd.x) rct[ctt->dwnd.y] = ctt; ctt++; } /* ----- find the start of the radiobutton group ---- */ i = ct->dwnd.y; while (i >= 0 && rct[i] != NULL) --i; /* ---- ignore everthing before the group ------ */ while (i >= 0) rct[i--] = NULL; /* ----- find the end of the radiobutton group ---- */ i = ct->dwnd.y; while (i < MAXRADIOS && rct[i] != NULL) i++; /* ---- ignore everthing past the group ------ */ while (i < MAXRADIOS) rct[i++] = NULL; for (i = 0; i < MAXRADIOS; i++) { if (rct[i] != NULL) { int wason = rct[i]->setting; rct[i]->setting = OFF; if (Setting) rct[i]->isetting = OFF; if (wason) DfSendMessage(rct[i]->wnd, PAINT, 0, 0); } } /* ----- set the specified radio button on ----- */ ct->setting = ON; if (Setting) ct->isetting = ON; DfSendMessage(ct->wnd, PAINT, 0, 0); } BOOL RadioButtonSetting(DBOX *db, enum commands cmd) { CTLWINDOW *ct = FindCommand(db, cmd, RADIOBUTTON); if (ct != NULL) return (ct->setting == ON); return FALSE; } /* EOF */