/* * COPYRIGHT: GPL - See COPYING in the top level directory * PROJECT: ReactOS Virtual DOS Machine * FILE: bios.c * PURPOSE: VDM BIOS * PROGRAMMERS: Aleksandar Andrejevic */ #include "ntvdm.h" BYTE CursorRow, CursorCol; WORD ConsoleWidth, ConsoleHeight; BOOLEAN BiosInitialize() { INT i; WORD Offset = 0; HANDLE ConsoleOutput = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO ConsoleInfo; LPWORD IntVecTable = (LPWORD)((ULONG_PTR)BaseAddress); LPBYTE BiosCode = (LPBYTE)((ULONG_PTR)BaseAddress + TO_LINEAR(BIOS_SEGMENT, 0)); /* Generate ISR stubs and fill the IVT */ for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) { IntVecTable[i * 2] = Offset; IntVecTable[i * 2 + 1] = BIOS_SEGMENT; if (i != SPECIAL_INT_NUM) { BiosCode[Offset++] = 0xFA; // cli BiosCode[Offset++] = 0x6A; // push i BiosCode[Offset++] = (BYTE)i; BiosCode[Offset++] = 0xCD; // int SPECIAL_INT_NUM BiosCode[Offset++] = SPECIAL_INT_NUM; BiosCode[Offset++] = 0x83; // add sp, 2 BiosCode[Offset++] = 0xC4; BiosCode[Offset++] = 0x02; } BiosCode[Offset++] = 0xCF; // iret } /* Get the console buffer info */ if (!GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(ConsoleOutput, &ConsoleInfo)) { return FALSE; } /* Set the initial cursor position and console size */ CursorCol = ConsoleInfo.dwCursorPosition.X; CursorRow = ConsoleInfo.dwCursorPosition.Y; ConsoleWidth = ConsoleInfo.dwSize.X; ConsoleHeight = ConsoleInfo.dwSize.Y; /* Initialize the PIC */ PicWriteCommand(PIC_MASTER_CMD, PIC_ICW1 | PIC_ICW1_ICW4); PicWriteCommand(PIC_SLAVE_CMD, PIC_ICW1 | PIC_ICW1_ICW4); /* Set the interrupt offsets */ PicWriteData(PIC_MASTER_DATA, BIOS_PIC_MASTER_INT); PicWriteData(PIC_SLAVE_DATA, BIOS_PIC_SLAVE_INT); /* Tell the master PIC there is a slave at IRQ 2 */ PicWriteData(PIC_MASTER_DATA, 1 << 2); PicWriteData(PIC_SLAVE_DATA, 2); /* Make sure the PIC is in 8086 mode */ PicWriteData(PIC_MASTER_DATA, PIC_ICW4_8086); PicWriteData(PIC_SLAVE_DATA, PIC_ICW4_8086); /* Clear the masks for both PICs */ PicWriteData(PIC_MASTER_DATA, 0x00); PicWriteData(PIC_SLAVE_DATA, 0x00); PitInitialize(); return TRUE; } static COORD BiosVideoAddressToCoord(ULONG Address) { COORD Result = {0, 0}; CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO ConsoleInfo; HANDLE ConsoleOutput = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); if (!GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(ConsoleOutput, &ConsoleInfo)) { assert(0); return Result; } Result.X = ((Address - CONSOLE_VIDEO_MEM_START) >> 1) % ConsoleInfo.dwSize.X; Result.Y = ((Address - CONSOLE_VIDEO_MEM_START) >> 1) / ConsoleInfo.dwSize.X; return Result; } VOID BiosUpdateConsole(ULONG StartAddress, ULONG EndAddress) { ULONG i; COORD Coordinates; DWORD CharsWritten; HANDLE ConsoleOutput = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); /* Loop through all the addresses */ for (i = StartAddress; i < EndAddress; i++) { /* Get the coordinates */ Coordinates = BiosVideoAddressToCoord(i); /* Check if this is a character byte or an attribute byte */ if ((i - CONSOLE_VIDEO_MEM_START) % 2 == 0) { /* This is a regular character */ FillConsoleOutputCharacterA(ConsoleOutput, *(PCHAR)((ULONG_PTR)BaseAddress + i), sizeof(CHAR), Coordinates, &CharsWritten); } else { /* This is an attribute */ FillConsoleOutputAttribute(ConsoleOutput, *(PCHAR)((ULONG_PTR)BaseAddress + i), sizeof(CHAR), Coordinates, &CharsWritten); } } } VOID BiosUpdateVideoMemory(ULONG StartAddress, ULONG EndAddress) { ULONG i; COORD Coordinates; WORD Attribute; DWORD CharsWritten; HANDLE ConsoleOutput = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); /* Loop through all the addresses */ for (i = StartAddress; i < EndAddress; i++) { /* Get the coordinates */ Coordinates = BiosVideoAddressToCoord(i); /* Check if this is a character byte or an attribute byte */ if ((i - CONSOLE_VIDEO_MEM_START) % 2 == 0) { /* This is a regular character */ ReadConsoleOutputCharacterA(ConsoleOutput, (LPSTR)((ULONG_PTR)BaseAddress + i), sizeof(CHAR), Coordinates, &CharsWritten); } else { /* This is an attribute */ ReadConsoleOutputAttribute(ConsoleOutput, &Attribute, sizeof(CHAR), Coordinates, &CharsWritten); *(PCHAR)((ULONG_PTR)BaseAddress + i) = LOBYTE(Attribute); } } } VOID BiosVideoService() { HANDLE ConsoleOutput = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); INT CursorHeight; BOOLEAN Invisible = FALSE; COORD Position; CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO CursorInfo; CHAR_INFO Character; SMALL_RECT Rect; DWORD Eax = EmulatorGetRegister(EMULATOR_REG_AX); DWORD Ecx = EmulatorGetRegister(EMULATOR_REG_CX); DWORD Edx = EmulatorGetRegister(EMULATOR_REG_DX); DWORD Ebx = EmulatorGetRegister(EMULATOR_REG_BX); switch (HIBYTE(Eax)) { /* Set Text-Mode Cursor Shape */ case 0x01: { /* Retrieve and validate the input */ Invisible = ((HIBYTE(Ecx) >> 5) & 0x03) ? TRUE : FALSE; CursorHeight = (HIBYTE(Ecx) & 0x1F) - (LOBYTE(Ecx) & 0x1F); if (CursorHeight < 1) CursorHeight = 1; if (CursorHeight > 100) CursorHeight = 100; /* Set the cursor */ CursorInfo.dwSize = (CursorHeight * 100) / CONSOLE_FONT_HEIGHT; CursorInfo.bVisible = !Invisible; SetConsoleCursorInfo(ConsoleOutput, &CursorInfo); break; } /* Set Cursor Position */ case 0x02: { Position.X = LOBYTE(Edx); Position.Y = HIBYTE(Edx); SetConsoleCursorPosition(ConsoleOutput, Position); break; } /* Scroll Up/Down Window */ case 0x06: case 0x07: { Rect.Top = HIBYTE(Ecx); Rect.Left = LOBYTE(Ecx); Rect.Bottom = HIBYTE(Edx); Rect.Right = LOBYTE(Edx); Character.Char.UnicodeChar = L' '; Character.Attributes = HIBYTE(Ebx); Position.X = Rect.Left; if (HIBYTE(Eax) == 0x06) Position.Y = Rect.Top - LOBYTE(Eax); else Position.Y = Rect.Top + LOBYTE(Eax); ScrollConsoleScreenBuffer(ConsoleOutput, &Rect, &Rect, Position, &Character); break; } /* Read Character And Attribute At Cursor Position */ case 0x08: { break; } /* Write Character And Attribute At Cursor Position */ case 0x09: { break; } /* Write Character Only At Cursor Position */ case 0x0A: { break; } } } VOID BiosHandleIrq(BYTE IrqNumber) { PicWriteCommand(PIC_MASTER_CMD, PIC_OCW2_EOI); } /* EOF */