/* PROJECT: ReactOS sndrec32 * LICENSE: GPL - See COPYING in the top level directory * FILE: base/applications/sndrec32/audio_waveout.cpp * PURPOSE: Sound recording * PROGRAMMERS: Marco Pagliaricci (irc: rendar) */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "audio_waveout.hpp" _AUDIO_NAMESPACE_START_ void audio_waveout::init_(void) { ZeroMemory((LPVOID)&wave_format, sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX)); wave_format.cbSize = sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX); waveout_handle = 0; playthread_id = 0; wakeup_playthread = 0; buf_secs = _AUDIO_DEFAULT_WAVEOUTBUFSECS; status = WAVEOUT_NOTREADY; } void audio_waveout::alloc_buffers_mem_(unsigned int buffs, float secs) { unsigned int onebuf_size = 0, tot_size = 0; /* Release old memory */ if (main_buffer) delete[] main_buffer; if (wave_headers) delete[] wave_headers; /* Calcs size of the buffers */ onebuf_size = (unsigned int)((float)aud_info.byte_rate() * secs); tot_size = onebuf_size * buffs; /* Allocs memory for the audio buffers */ main_buffer = new BYTE[tot_size]; /* Allocs memory for the `WAVEHDR' structures */ wave_headers = (WAVEHDR *) new BYTE[sizeof(WAVEHDR) * buffs]; /* Zeros memory */ ZeroMemory(main_buffer, tot_size); ZeroMemory(wave_headers, sizeof(WAVEHDR) * buffs); /* Updates total size of the buffers */ mb_size = tot_size; } void audio_waveout::init_headers_(void) { /* If there is no memory for memory or headers, simply return */ if ((!wave_headers) || (!main_buffer)) return; /* This is the size for one buffer */ DWORD buf_sz = mb_size / buffers; /* This is the base address for one buffer */ BYTE *buf_addr = main_buffer; ZeroMemory(wave_headers, sizeof(WAVEHDR) * buffers); /* Initializes headers */ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < buffers; ++i) { /* Sets the correct base address and length for the little buffer */ wave_headers[i].dwBufferLength = mb_size / buffers; wave_headers[i].lpData = (LPSTR) buf_addr; /* Unsets the WHDR_DONE flag */ wave_headers[i].dwFlags &= ~WHDR_DONE; /* Sets the WAVEHDR user data with an unique little buffer ID# */ wave_headers[i].dwUser = (unsigned int)i; /* Increments little buffer base address */ buf_addr += buf_sz; } } void audio_waveout::prep_headers_(void) { MMRESULT err; bool error = false; /* If there is no memory for memory or headers, throw error */ if ((!wave_headers) || (!main_buffer) || (!waveout_handle)) { /* TODO: throw error! */ } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < buffers; ++i) { err = waveOutPrepareHeader(waveout_handle, &wave_headers[i], sizeof(WAVEHDR)); if (err != MMSYSERR_NOERROR) error = true; } if (error) { /* TODO: throw error indicating which header i-th is errorneous */ } } void audio_waveout::unprep_headers_(void) { MMRESULT err; bool error = false; /* If there is no memory for memory or headers, throw error */ if ((!wave_headers) || (!main_buffer) || (!waveout_handle)) { /* TODO: throw error! */ } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < buffers; ++i) { err = waveOutUnprepareHeader(waveout_handle, &wave_headers[i], sizeof(WAVEHDR)); if (err != MMSYSERR_NOERROR) error = true; } if (error) { /* TODO: throw error indicating which header i-th is errorneous */ } } void audio_waveout::free_buffers_mem_(void) { /* Frees memory */ if (main_buffer) delete[] main_buffer; if (wave_headers) delete[] wave_headers; main_buffer = 0; wave_headers = 0; } void audio_waveout::open(void) { MMRESULT err; HANDLE playthread_handle = 0; /* Checkin the status of the object */ if (status != WAVEOUT_NOTREADY) { /* TODO: throw error */ } /* Creating the EVENT object that will be signaled when the playing thread has to wake up */ wakeup_playthread = CreateEvent(0, FALSE, FALSE, 0); if (!wakeup_playthread) { status = WAVEOUT_ERR; /* TODO: throw error */ } /* Inialize buffers for recording audio data from the wavein audio line */ alloc_buffers_mem_(buffers, buf_secs); init_headers_(); /* Sound format that will be captured by wavein */ wave_format.wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_PCM; wave_format.nChannels = aud_info.channels(); wave_format.nSamplesPerSec = aud_info.sample_rate(); wave_format.wBitsPerSample = aud_info.bits(); wave_format.nBlockAlign = aud_info.block_align(); wave_format.nAvgBytesPerSec = aud_info.byte_rate(); /* Creating the recording thread */ playthread_handle = CreateThread(NULL, 0, audio_waveout::playing_procedure, (PVOID)this, 0, &playthread_id); /* Checking thread handle */ if (!playthread_handle) { /* Updating status */ status = WAVEOUT_ERR; /* TODO: throw error */ } /* We don't need the thread handle anymore, so we can close it from now. (We'll just need the thread ID for the `waveInOpen' API) */ CloseHandle(playthread_handle); /* Reset the `audio_source' to the start position */ audio_buf.set_position_start(); /* Opens the WAVE_OUT device */ err = waveOutOpen(&waveout_handle, WAVE_MAPPER, &wave_format, playthread_id, 0, CALLBACK_THREAD | WAVE_ALLOWSYNC); if (err != MMSYSERR_NOERROR) { MessageBox(0, _T("waveOutOpen Error"), 0, 0); /* TODO: throw error */ } status = WAVEOUT_READY; } void audio_waveout::play(void) { MMRESULT err; unsigned int i; if (!main_buffer) { /* TODO; throw error, or assert */ return; } /* If the status is PAUSED, we have to resume the audio playing */ if (status == WAVEOUT_PAUSED) { /* Updates status */ status = WAVEOUT_PLAYING; /* Tells to the driver to resume audio playing */ waveOutRestart(waveout_handle); /* Wakeup playing thread */ SetEvent(wakeup_playthread); return; } /* if status == WAVEOUT_PAUSED */ if (status != WAVEOUT_READY) return; /* Prepares WAVEHDR structures */ prep_headers_(); /* Sets correct status */ status = WAVEOUT_PLAYING; /* Reads the audio from the start */ //audio_buf.set_position_start(); /* Reads the first N bytes from the audio buffer, where N = the total size of all little buffers */ audio_buf.read(main_buffer, mb_size); /* Wakeup the playing thread */ SetEvent(wakeup_playthread); /* Sends all the little buffers to the audio driver, so it can play the sound data */ for (i = 0; i < buffers; ++i) { err = waveOutWrite(waveout_handle, &wave_headers[i], sizeof(WAVEHDR)); if (err != MMSYSERR_NOERROR) { MessageBox(0, _T("waveOutWrite Error"), 0, 0); /* TODO: throw error */ } } } void audio_waveout::pause(void) { MMRESULT err; /* If the waveout object is not playing audio, do nothing */ if (status == WAVEOUT_PLAYING) { /* Updating status */ status = WAVEOUT_PAUSED; /* Tells to audio driver to pause audio */ err = waveOutPause(waveout_handle); if (err != MMSYSERR_NOERROR) { MessageBox(0, _T("waveOutPause Error"), 0, 0); /* TODO: throw error */ } } } void audio_waveout::stop(void) { MMRESULT err; /* Checks the current status */ if ((status != WAVEOUT_PLAYING) && (status != WAVEOUT_FLUSHING) && (status != WAVEOUT_PAUSED)) { /* Do nothing */ return; } /* Sets a new status */ status = WAVEOUT_STOP; /* Flushes pending audio datas */ err = waveOutReset( waveout_handle ); if (err != MMSYSERR_NOERROR) { MessageBox(0, _T("err WaveOutReset.\n"),_T("ERROR"), 0); /* TODO: throw error */ } /* Sets the start position of the audio buffer */ audio_buf.set_position_start(); /* Cleans little buffers */ unprep_headers_(); init_headers_(); /* Refreshes the status */ status = WAVEOUT_READY; } void audio_waveout::close(void) { MMRESULT err; /* If the `wave_out' object is playing audio, or it is in paused state, we have to call the `stop' member function, to flush pending buffers */ if ((status == WAVEOUT_PLAYING) || (status== WAVEOUT_PAUSED)) { stop(); } /* When we have flushed all pending buffers, the wave out handle can be successfully closed */ err = waveOutClose(waveout_handle); if (err != MMSYSERR_NOERROR) { MessageBox(0, _T("waveOutClose Error"), 0, 0); /* TODO: throw error */ } free_buffers_mem_(); } DWORD WINAPI audio_waveout::playing_procedure(LPVOID arg) { MSG msg; WAVEHDR *phdr; MMRESULT err; audio_waveout *_this = (audio_waveout *)arg; unsigned int read_size; /* Check the arg pointer */ if (_this == 0) return 0; /* The thread can go to sleep for now. It will be wake up only when there is audio data to be recorded */ if (_this->wakeup_playthread) WaitForSingleObject(_this->wakeup_playthread, INFINITE); /* Entering main polling loop */ while (GetMessage(&msg, 0, 0, 0)) { switch (msg.message) { case MM_WOM_DONE: phdr = (WAVEHDR *)msg.lParam; /* If the status of the `wave_out' object is different than playing, then the thread can go to sleep */ if ((_this->status != WAVEOUT_PLAYING) && (_this->status != WAVEOUT_FLUSHING) && (_this->wakeup_playthread)) { WaitForSingleObject(_this->wakeup_playthread, INFINITE); } /* The playing thread doesn't have to sleep, so let's checking first if the little buffer has been sent to the audio driver (it has the WHDR_DONE flag). If it is, we can read new audio datas from the `audio_producer' object, refill the little buffer, and resend it to the driver with waveOutWrite( ) API */ if (phdr->dwFlags & WHDR_DONE) { if (_this->status == WAVEOUT_PLAYING) { /* Here the thread is still playing a sound, so it can read new audio data from the `audio_producer' object */ read_size = _this->audio_buf.read((BYTE *)phdr->lpData, phdr->dwBufferLength); } else read_size = 0; /* If the `audio_producer' object, has produced some audio data, so `read_size' will be > 0 */ if (read_size) { /* Adjusts the correct effectively read size */ phdr->dwBufferLength = read_size; /* Before sending the little buffer to the driver, we have to remove the `WHDR_DONE' flag, because the little buffer now contain new audio data that have to be played */ phdr->dwFlags &= ~WHDR_DONE; /* Plays the sound of the little buffer */ err = waveOutWrite(_this->waveout_handle, phdr, sizeof(WAVEHDR)); /* Checking if any error has occured */ if (err != MMSYSERR_NOERROR) { MessageBox(0, _T("waveOutWrite Error"), 0, 0); /* TODO: throw error */ } } else { /* Here `read_size' is 0, so the `audio_producer' object, doesn't have any sound data to produce anymore. So, now we have to see the little buffer #ID to establishing what to do */ if (phdr->dwUser == 0) { /* Here `read_size' is 0, and the buffer user data contain 0, so this is the first of N little buffers that came back with `WHDR_DONE' flag; this means that this is the last little buffer in which we have to read data to; so we can _STOP_ reading data from the `audio_producer' object: doing this is accomplished just setting the current status as "WAVEOUT_FLUSHING" */ _this->status = WAVEOUT_FLUSHING; } else if (phdr->dwUser == (_this->buffers - 1)) { /* Here `read_size' and the buffer user data, that contain a buffer ID#, is equal to the number of the total buffers - 1. This means that this is the _LAST_ little buffer that has been played by the audio driver. We can STOP the `wave_out' object now, or restart the sound playing, if we have a infinite loop */ _this->stop(); /* Let the thread go to sleep */ if (_this->audio_buf.play_finished) _this->audio_buf.play_finished(); if (_this->wakeup_playthread) WaitForSingleObject(_this->wakeup_playthread, INFINITE); } /* if (phdr->dwUser == (_this->buffers - 1)) */ } /* if read_size != 0 */ } /* (phdr->dwFlags & WHDR_DONE) */ break; /* end case */ case MM_WOM_CLOSE: /* The thread can exit now */ return 0; break; case MM_WOM_OPEN: /* Do nothing */ break; } /* end switch(msg.message) */ } /* end while(GetMessage(...)) */ return 0; } _AUDIO_NAMESPACE_END_