/* * PROJECT: ReactOS Spooler API * LICENSE: GPL-2.0+ (https://spdx.org/licenses/GPL-2.0+) * PURPOSE: Functions related to Print Processors * COPYRIGHT: Copyright 2015-2018 Colin Finck (colin@reactos.org) */ #include "precomp.h" #include #include BOOL WINAPI AddPrintProcessorA(PSTR pName, PSTR pEnvironment, PSTR pPathName, PSTR pPrintProcessorName) { UNICODE_STRING NameW, EnvW, PathW, ProcessorW; BOOL Ret; TRACE("AddPrintProcessorA(%s, %s, %s, %s)\n", pName, pEnvironment, pPathName, pPrintProcessorName); AsciiToUnicode(&NameW, pName); AsciiToUnicode(&EnvW, pEnvironment); AsciiToUnicode(&PathW, pPathName); AsciiToUnicode(&ProcessorW, pPrintProcessorName); Ret = AddPrintProcessorW(NameW.Buffer, EnvW.Buffer, PathW.Buffer, ProcessorW.Buffer); RtlFreeUnicodeString(&ProcessorW); RtlFreeUnicodeString(&PathW); RtlFreeUnicodeString(&EnvW); RtlFreeUnicodeString(&NameW); return Ret; } BOOL WINAPI AddPrintProcessorW(PWSTR pName, PWSTR pEnvironment, PWSTR pPathName, PWSTR pPrintProcessorName) { DWORD dwErrorCode; TRACE("AddPrintProcessorW(%S, %S, %S, %S)\n", pName, pEnvironment, pPathName, pPrintProcessorName); RpcTryExcept { dwErrorCode = _RpcAddPrintProcessor( pName, pEnvironment, pPathName, pPrintProcessorName ); } RpcExcept(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { dwErrorCode = RpcExceptionCode(); ERR("_RpcPrintProcessor failed with exception code %lu!\n", dwErrorCode); } RpcEndExcept; SetLastError(dwErrorCode); return (dwErrorCode == ERROR_SUCCESS); } BOOL WINAPI DeletePrintProcessorA(PSTR pName, PSTR pEnvironment, PSTR pPrintProcessorName) { UNICODE_STRING NameW, EnvW, ProcessorW; BOOL Ret; TRACE("DeletePrintProcessorA(%s, %s, %s)\n", pName, pEnvironment, pPrintProcessorName); AsciiToUnicode(&NameW, pName); AsciiToUnicode(&EnvW, pEnvironment); AsciiToUnicode(&ProcessorW, pPrintProcessorName); Ret = DeletePrintProcessorW(NameW.Buffer, EnvW.Buffer, ProcessorW.Buffer); RtlFreeUnicodeString(&ProcessorW); RtlFreeUnicodeString(&EnvW); RtlFreeUnicodeString(&NameW); return Ret; } BOOL WINAPI DeletePrintProcessorW(PWSTR pName, PWSTR pEnvironment, PWSTR pPrintProcessorName) { DWORD dwErrorCode; TRACE("DeletePrintProcessorW(%S, %S, %S)\n", pName, pEnvironment, pPrintProcessorName); RpcTryExcept { dwErrorCode = _RpcDeletePrintProcessor( pName, pEnvironment, pPrintProcessorName ); } RpcExcept(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { dwErrorCode = RpcExceptionCode(); ERR("_RpcDeletePrintProcessor failed with exception code %lu!\n", dwErrorCode); } RpcEndExcept; SetLastError(dwErrorCode); return (dwErrorCode == ERROR_SUCCESS); } BOOL WINAPI EnumPrintProcessorDatatypesA(PSTR pName, LPSTR pPrintProcessorName, DWORD Level, PBYTE pDatatypes, DWORD cbBuf, PDWORD pcbNeeded, PDWORD pcReturned) { TRACE("EnumPrintProcessorDatatypesA(%s, %s, %lu, %p, %lu, %p, %p)\n", pName, pPrintProcessorName, Level, pDatatypes, cbBuf, pcbNeeded, pcReturned); UNIMPLEMENTED; return FALSE; } BOOL WINAPI EnumPrintProcessorDatatypesW(PWSTR pName, LPWSTR pPrintProcessorName, DWORD Level, PBYTE pDatatypes, DWORD cbBuf, PDWORD pcbNeeded, PDWORD pcReturned) { DWORD dwErrorCode; TRACE("EnumPrintProcessorDatatypesW(%S, %S, %lu, %p, %lu, %p, %p)\n", pName, pPrintProcessorName, Level, pDatatypes, cbBuf, pcbNeeded, pcReturned); // Sanity checks if (Level != 1) { dwErrorCode = ERROR_INVALID_LEVEL; goto Cleanup; } // Do the RPC call RpcTryExcept { dwErrorCode = _RpcEnumPrintProcessorDatatypes(pName, pPrintProcessorName, Level, pDatatypes, cbBuf, pcbNeeded, pcReturned); } RpcExcept(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { dwErrorCode = RpcExceptionCode(); ERR("_RpcEnumPrintProcessorDatatypes failed with exception code %lu!\n", dwErrorCode); } RpcEndExcept; if (dwErrorCode == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // Replace relative offset addresses in the output by absolute pointers. MarshallUpStructuresArray(cbBuf, pDatatypes, *pcReturned, DatatypesInfo1Marshalling.pInfo, DatatypesInfo1Marshalling.cbStructureSize, TRUE); } Cleanup: SetLastError(dwErrorCode); return (dwErrorCode == ERROR_SUCCESS); } BOOL WINAPI EnumPrintProcessorsA(PSTR pName, PSTR pEnvironment, DWORD Level, PBYTE pPrintProcessorInfo, DWORD cbBuf, PDWORD pcbNeeded, PDWORD pcReturned) { BOOL res; LPBYTE bufferW = NULL; LPWSTR nameW = NULL; LPWSTR envW = NULL; DWORD needed = 0; DWORD numentries = 0; INT len; TRACE("EnumPrintProcessorsA(%s, %s, %d, %p, %d, %p, %p)\n", debugstr_a(pName), debugstr_a(pEnvironment), Level, pPrintProcessorInfo, cbBuf, pcbNeeded, pcReturned); /* convert names to unicode */ if (pName) { len = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, pName, -1, NULL, 0); nameW = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, len * sizeof(WCHAR)); MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, pName, -1, nameW, len); } if (pEnvironment) { len = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, pEnvironment, -1, NULL, 0); envW = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, len * sizeof(WCHAR)); MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, pEnvironment, -1, envW, len); } /* alloc (userbuffersize*sizeof(WCHAR) and try to enum the monitors */ needed = cbBuf * sizeof(WCHAR); if (needed) bufferW = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, needed); res = EnumPrintProcessorsW(nameW, envW, Level, bufferW, needed, pcbNeeded, pcReturned); if (!res && (GetLastError() == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER)) { if (pcbNeeded) needed = *pcbNeeded; /* HeapReAlloc return NULL, when bufferW was NULL */ bufferW = (bufferW) ? HeapReAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, bufferW, needed) : HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, needed); /* Try again with the large Buffer */ res = EnumPrintProcessorsW(nameW, envW, Level, bufferW, needed, pcbNeeded, pcReturned); } numentries = pcReturned ? *pcReturned : 0; needed = 0; if (res) { /* EnumPrintProcessorsW collected all Data. Parse them to calculate ANSI-Size */ DWORD index; LPSTR ptr; PPRINTPROCESSOR_INFO_1W ppiw; PPRINTPROCESSOR_INFO_1A ppia; /* First pass: calculate the size for all Entries */ ppiw = (PPRINTPROCESSOR_INFO_1W) bufferW; ppia = (PPRINTPROCESSOR_INFO_1A) pPrintProcessorInfo; index = 0; while (index < numentries) { index++; needed += sizeof(PRINTPROCESSOR_INFO_1A); TRACE("%p: parsing #%d (%s)\n", ppiw, index, debugstr_w(ppiw->pName)); needed += WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, ppiw->pName, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); ppiw = (PPRINTPROCESSOR_INFO_1W) (((LPBYTE)ppiw) + sizeof(PRINTPROCESSOR_INFO_1W)); ppia = (PPRINTPROCESSOR_INFO_1A) (((LPBYTE)ppia) + sizeof(PRINTPROCESSOR_INFO_1A)); } /* check for errors and quit on failure */ if (cbBuf < needed) { SetLastError(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER); res = FALSE; goto epp_cleanup; } len = numentries * sizeof(PRINTPROCESSOR_INFO_1A); /* room for structs */ ptr = (LPSTR) &pPrintProcessorInfo[len]; /* start of strings */ cbBuf -= len ; /* free Bytes in the user-Buffer */ ppiw = (PPRINTPROCESSOR_INFO_1W) bufferW; ppia = (PPRINTPROCESSOR_INFO_1A) pPrintProcessorInfo; index = 0; /* Second Pass: Fill the User Buffer (if we have one) */ while ((index < numentries) && pPrintProcessorInfo) { index++; TRACE("%p: writing PRINTPROCESSOR_INFO_1A #%d\n", ppia, index); ppia->pName = ptr; len = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, ppiw->pName, -1, ptr, cbBuf , NULL, NULL); ptr += len; cbBuf -= len; ppiw = (PPRINTPROCESSOR_INFO_1W) (((LPBYTE)ppiw) + sizeof(PRINTPROCESSOR_INFO_1W)); ppia = (PPRINTPROCESSOR_INFO_1A) (((LPBYTE)ppia) + sizeof(PRINTPROCESSOR_INFO_1A)); } } epp_cleanup: if (pcbNeeded) *pcbNeeded = needed; if (pcReturned) *pcReturned = (res) ? numentries : 0; if (nameW) HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, nameW); if (envW) HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, envW); if (bufferW) HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, bufferW); TRACE("returning %d with %d (%d byte for %d entries)\n", (res), GetLastError(), needed, numentries); return (res); } BOOL WINAPI EnumPrintProcessorsW(PWSTR pName, PWSTR pEnvironment, DWORD Level, PBYTE pPrintProcessorInfo, DWORD cbBuf, PDWORD pcbNeeded, PDWORD pcReturned) { DWORD dwErrorCode; TRACE("EnumPrintProcessorsW(%S, %S, %lu, %p, %lu, %p, %p)\n", pName, pEnvironment, Level, pPrintProcessorInfo, cbBuf, pcbNeeded, pcReturned); // Choose our current environment if the caller didn't give any. if (!pEnvironment) pEnvironment = (PWSTR)wszCurrentEnvironment; // Do the RPC call RpcTryExcept { dwErrorCode = _RpcEnumPrintProcessors(pName, pEnvironment, Level, pPrintProcessorInfo, cbBuf, pcbNeeded, pcReturned); } RpcExcept(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { dwErrorCode = RpcExceptionCode(); } RpcEndExcept; if (dwErrorCode == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // Replace relative offset addresses in the output by absolute pointers. MarshallUpStructuresArray(cbBuf, pPrintProcessorInfo, *pcReturned, PrintProcessorInfo1Marshalling.pInfo, PrintProcessorInfo1Marshalling.cbStructureSize, TRUE); } SetLastError(dwErrorCode); return (dwErrorCode == ERROR_SUCCESS); } BOOL WINAPI GetPrintProcessorDirectoryA(PSTR pName, PSTR pEnvironment, DWORD Level, PBYTE pPrintProcessorInfo, DWORD cbBuf, PDWORD pcbNeeded) { BOOL bReturnValue = FALSE; DWORD cch; PWSTR pwszName = NULL; PWSTR pwszEnvironment = NULL; PWSTR pwszPrintProcessorInfo = NULL; TRACE("GetPrintProcessorDirectoryA(%s, %s, %lu, %p, %lu, %p)\n", pName, pEnvironment, Level, pPrintProcessorInfo, cbBuf, pcbNeeded); if (pName) { // Convert pName to a Unicode string pwszName. cch = strlen(pName); pwszName = HeapAlloc(hProcessHeap, 0, (cch + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (!pwszName) { SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); ERR("HeapAlloc failed!\n"); goto Cleanup; } MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, pName, -1, pwszName, cch + 1); } if (pEnvironment) { // Convert pEnvironment to a Unicode string pwszEnvironment. cch = strlen(pEnvironment); pwszEnvironment = HeapAlloc(hProcessHeap, 0, (cch + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (!pwszEnvironment) { SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); ERR("HeapAlloc failed!\n"); goto Cleanup; } MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, pEnvironment, -1, pwszEnvironment, cch + 1); } if (cbBuf && pPrintProcessorInfo) { // Allocate a temporary buffer for the Unicode result. // We can just go with cbBuf here. The user should have set it based on pcbNeeded returned in a previous call and our // pcbNeeded is the same for the A and W functions. pwszPrintProcessorInfo = HeapAlloc(hProcessHeap, 0, cbBuf); if (!pwszPrintProcessorInfo) { SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); ERR("HeapAlloc failed!\n"); goto Cleanup; } } bReturnValue = GetPrintProcessorDirectoryW(pwszName, pwszEnvironment, Level, (PBYTE)pwszPrintProcessorInfo, cbBuf, pcbNeeded); if (bReturnValue) { // Convert pwszPrintProcessorInfo to an ANSI string pPrintProcessorInfo. WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, pwszPrintProcessorInfo, -1, (PSTR)pPrintProcessorInfo, cbBuf, NULL, NULL); } Cleanup: if (pwszName) HeapFree(hProcessHeap, 0, pwszName); if (pwszEnvironment) HeapFree(hProcessHeap, 0, pwszEnvironment); if (pwszPrintProcessorInfo) HeapFree(hProcessHeap, 0, pwszPrintProcessorInfo); return bReturnValue; } BOOL WINAPI GetPrintProcessorDirectoryW(PWSTR pName, PWSTR pEnvironment, DWORD Level, PBYTE pPrintProcessorInfo, DWORD cbBuf, PDWORD pcbNeeded) { DWORD dwErrorCode; TRACE("GetPrintProcessorDirectoryW(%S, %S, %lu, %p, %lu, %p)\n", pName, pEnvironment, Level, pPrintProcessorInfo, cbBuf, pcbNeeded); // Sanity checks if (Level != 1) { dwErrorCode = ERROR_INVALID_LEVEL; goto Cleanup; } // Choose our current environment if the caller didn't give any. if (!pEnvironment) pEnvironment = (PWSTR)wszCurrentEnvironment; // Do the RPC call RpcTryExcept { dwErrorCode = _RpcGetPrintProcessorDirectory(pName, pEnvironment, Level, pPrintProcessorInfo, cbBuf, pcbNeeded); } RpcExcept(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { dwErrorCode = RpcExceptionCode(); } RpcEndExcept; Cleanup: SetLastError(dwErrorCode); return (dwErrorCode == ERROR_SUCCESS); }