/* * COPYRIGHT: See COPYING in the top level directory * PROJECT: ReactOS kernel * PURPOSE: Keyboard functions * FILE: subsystems/win32/win32k/ntuser/keyboard.c * PROGRAMERS: Casper S. Hornstrup (chorns@users.sourceforge.net) * Rafal Harabien (rafalh@reactos.org) */ #include DBG_DEFAULT_CHANNEL(UserKbd); BYTE gafAsyncKeyState[256 * 2 / 8]; // 2 bits per key static BYTE gafAsyncKeyStateRecentDown[256 / 8]; // 1 bit per key static PKEYBOARD_INDICATOR_TRANSLATION gpKeyboardIndicatorTrans = NULL; static KEYBOARD_INDICATOR_PARAMETERS gIndicators = {0, 0}; /* FUNCTIONS *****************************************************************/ /* * InitKeyboardImpl * * Initialization -- Right now, just zero the key state */ INIT_FUNCTION NTSTATUS NTAPI InitKeyboardImpl(VOID) { RtlZeroMemory(&gafAsyncKeyState, sizeof(gafAsyncKeyState)); RtlZeroMemory(&gafAsyncKeyStateRecentDown, sizeof(gafAsyncKeyStateRecentDown)); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /* * IntKeyboardGetIndicatorTrans * * Asks the keyboard driver to send a small table that shows which * lights should connect with which scancodes */ static NTSTATUS APIENTRY IntKeyboardGetIndicatorTrans(HANDLE hKeyboardDevice, PKEYBOARD_INDICATOR_TRANSLATION *ppIndicatorTrans) { NTSTATUS Status; DWORD dwSize = 0; IO_STATUS_BLOCK Block; PKEYBOARD_INDICATOR_TRANSLATION pRet; dwSize = sizeof(KEYBOARD_INDICATOR_TRANSLATION); pRet = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, dwSize, USERTAG_KBDTABLE); while (pRet) { Status = NtDeviceIoControlFile(hKeyboardDevice, NULL, NULL, NULL, &Block, IOCTL_KEYBOARD_QUERY_INDICATOR_TRANSLATION, NULL, 0, pRet, dwSize); if (Status != STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL) break; ExFreePoolWithTag(pRet, USERTAG_KBDTABLE); dwSize += sizeof(KEYBOARD_INDICATOR_TRANSLATION); pRet = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, dwSize, USERTAG_KBDTABLE); } if (!pRet) return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { ExFreePoolWithTag(pRet, USERTAG_KBDTABLE); return Status; } *ppIndicatorTrans = pRet; return Status; } /* * IntKeyboardUpdateLeds * * Sends the keyboard commands to turn on/off the lights */ static NTSTATUS APIENTRY IntKeyboardUpdateLeds(HANDLE hKeyboardDevice, WORD wVk, WORD wScanCode, BOOL bEnabled) { NTSTATUS Status; UINT i; USHORT LedFlag = 0; IO_STATUS_BLOCK Block; if (!gpKeyboardIndicatorTrans) return STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED; switch (wVk) { case VK_CAPITAL: LedFlag = KEYBOARD_CAPS_LOCK_ON; break; case VK_NUMLOCK: LedFlag = KEYBOARD_NUM_LOCK_ON; break; case VK_SCROLL: LedFlag = KEYBOARD_SCROLL_LOCK_ON; break; default: for (i = 0; i < gpKeyboardIndicatorTrans->NumberOfIndicatorKeys; i++) { if (gpKeyboardIndicatorTrans->IndicatorList[i].MakeCode == wScanCode) { LedFlag = gpKeyboardIndicatorTrans->IndicatorList[i].IndicatorFlags; break; } } } if (LedFlag) { if (bEnabled) gIndicators.LedFlags |= LedFlag; else gIndicators.LedFlags = ~LedFlag; /* Update the lights on the hardware */ Status = NtDeviceIoControlFile(hKeyboardDevice, NULL, NULL, NULL, &Block, IOCTL_KEYBOARD_SET_INDICATORS, &gIndicators, sizeof(gIndicators), NULL, 0); return Status; } return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /* * UserInitKeyboard * * Initializes keyboard indicators translation and their state */ VOID NTAPI UserInitKeyboard(HANDLE hKeyboardDevice) { NTSTATUS Status; IO_STATUS_BLOCK Block; IntKeyboardGetIndicatorTrans(hKeyboardDevice, &gpKeyboardIndicatorTrans); Status = NtDeviceIoControlFile(hKeyboardDevice, NULL, NULL, NULL, &Block, IOCTL_KEYBOARD_QUERY_INDICATORS, NULL, 0, &gIndicators, sizeof(gIndicators)); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { WARN("NtDeviceIoControlFile() failed, ignored\n"); } SET_KEY_LOCKED(gafAsyncKeyState, VK_CAPITAL, gIndicators.LedFlags & KEYBOARD_CAPS_LOCK_ON); SET_KEY_LOCKED(gafAsyncKeyState, VK_NUMLOCK, gIndicators.LedFlags & KEYBOARD_NUM_LOCK_ON); SET_KEY_LOCKED(gafAsyncKeyState, VK_SCROLL, gIndicators.LedFlags & KEYBOARD_SCROLL_LOCK_ON); } /* * IntSimplifyVk * * Changes virtual keys which distinguish between left and right hand, to keys which don't distinguish */ static WORD IntSimplifyVk(WORD wVk) { switch (wVk) { case VK_LSHIFT: case VK_RSHIFT: return VK_SHIFT; case VK_LCONTROL: case VK_RCONTROL: return VK_CONTROL; case VK_LMENU: case VK_RMENU: return VK_MENU; default: return wVk; } } /* * IntFixVk * * Changes virtual keys which don't not distinguish between left and right hand to proper keys */ static WORD IntFixVk(WORD wVk, BOOL bExt) { switch (wVk) { case VK_SHIFT: return bExt ? VK_RSHIFT : VK_LSHIFT; case VK_CONTROL: return bExt ? VK_RCONTROL : VK_LCONTROL; case VK_MENU: return bExt ? VK_RMENU : VK_LMENU; default: return wVk; } } /* * IntTranslateNumpadKey * * Translates numpad keys when numlock is enabled */ static WORD IntTranslateNumpadKey(WORD wVk) { switch (wVk) { case VK_INSERT: return VK_NUMPAD0; case VK_END: return VK_NUMPAD1; case VK_DOWN: return VK_NUMPAD2; case VK_NEXT: return VK_NUMPAD3; case VK_LEFT: return VK_NUMPAD4; case VK_CLEAR: return VK_NUMPAD5; case VK_RIGHT: return VK_NUMPAD6; case VK_HOME: return VK_NUMPAD7; case VK_UP: return VK_NUMPAD8; case VK_PRIOR: return VK_NUMPAD9; case VK_DELETE: return VK_DECIMAL; default: return wVk; } } /* * IntGetModBits * * Gets layout specific modification bits, for example KBDSHIFT, KBDCTRL, KBDALT */ static DWORD IntGetModBits(PKBDTABLES pKbdTbl, PBYTE pKeyState) { DWORD i, dwModBits = 0; /* DumpKeyState( KeyState ); */ for (i = 0; pKbdTbl->pCharModifiers->pVkToBit[i].Vk; i++) if (IS_KEY_DOWN(pKeyState, pKbdTbl->pCharModifiers->pVkToBit[i].Vk)) dwModBits |= pKbdTbl->pCharModifiers->pVkToBit[i].ModBits; TRACE("Current Mod Bits: %lx\n", dwModBits); return dwModBits; } /* * IntTranslateChar * * Translates virtual key to character */ static BOOL IntTranslateChar(WORD wVirtKey, PBYTE pKeyState, PBOOL pbDead, PBOOL pbLigature, PWCHAR pwcTranslatedChar, PKBDTABLES pKbdTbl) { PVK_TO_WCHAR_TABLE pVkToVchTbl; PVK_TO_WCHARS10 pVkToVch; DWORD i, dwModBits, dwVkModBits, dwModNumber = 0; WCHAR wch; BOOL bAltGr; WORD wCaplokAttr; dwModBits = pKeyState ? IntGetModBits(pKbdTbl, pKeyState) : 0; bAltGr = pKeyState && (pKbdTbl->fLocaleFlags & KLLF_ALTGR) && IS_KEY_DOWN(pKeyState, VK_RMENU); wCaplokAttr = bAltGr ? CAPLOKALTGR : CAPLOK; TRACE("TryToTranslate: %04x %x\n", wVirtKey, dwModBits); /* If ALT without CTRL has ben used, remove ALT flag */ if ((dwModBits & (KBDALT|KBDCTRL)) == KBDALT) dwModBits &= ~KBDALT; if (dwModBits > pKbdTbl->pCharModifiers->wMaxModBits) { TRACE("dwModBits %x > wMaxModBits %x\n", dwModBits, pKbdTbl->pCharModifiers->wMaxModBits); return FALSE; } for (i = 0; pKbdTbl->pVkToWcharTable[i].pVkToWchars; i++) { pVkToVchTbl = &pKbdTbl->pVkToWcharTable[i]; pVkToVch = (PVK_TO_WCHARS10)(pVkToVchTbl->pVkToWchars); while (pVkToVch->VirtualKey) { if (wVirtKey == (pVkToVch->VirtualKey & 0xFF)) { dwVkModBits = dwModBits; /* If CapsLock is enabled for this key and locked, add SHIFT bit */ if ((pVkToVch->Attributes & wCaplokAttr) && pKeyState && IS_KEY_LOCKED(pKeyState, VK_CAPITAL)) { /* Note: we use special value here instead of getting VK_SHIFT mod bit - it's verified */ dwVkModBits ^= KBDSHIFT; } if (dwVkModBits > pKbdTbl->pCharModifiers->wMaxModBits) break; /* Get modification number */ dwModNumber = pKbdTbl->pCharModifiers->ModNumber[dwVkModBits]; if (dwModNumber >= pVkToVchTbl->nModifications) { TRACE("dwModNumber %u >= nModifications %u\n", dwModNumber, pVkToVchTbl->nModifications); break; } /* Read character */ wch = pVkToVch->wch[dwModNumber]; if (wch == WCH_NONE) break; *pbDead = (wch == WCH_DEAD); *pbLigature = (wch == WCH_LGTR); *pwcTranslatedChar = wch; TRACE("%d %04x: dwModNumber %08x Char %04x\n", i, wVirtKey, dwModNumber, wch); if (*pbDead) { /* After WCH_DEAD, real character is located */ pVkToVch = (PVK_TO_WCHARS10)(((BYTE *)pVkToVch) + pVkToVchTbl->cbSize); if (pVkToVch->VirtualKey != 0xFF) { WARN("Found dead key with no trailer in the table.\n"); WARN("VK: %04x, ADDR: %p\n", wVirtKey, pVkToVch); break; } *pwcTranslatedChar = pVkToVch->wch[dwModNumber]; } return TRUE; } pVkToVch = (PVK_TO_WCHARS10)(((BYTE *)pVkToVch) + pVkToVchTbl->cbSize); } } /* If nothing has been found in layout, check if this is ASCII control character. Note: we could add it to layout table, but windows does not have it there */ if (wVirtKey >= 'A' && wVirtKey <= 'Z' && pKeyState && IS_KEY_DOWN(pKeyState, VK_CONTROL) && !IS_KEY_DOWN(pKeyState, VK_MENU)) { *pwcTranslatedChar = (wVirtKey - 'A') + 1; /* ASCII control character */ *pbDead = FALSE; *pbLigature = FALSE; return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /* * IntToUnicodeEx * * Translates virtual key to characters */ static int APIENTRY IntToUnicodeEx(UINT wVirtKey, UINT wScanCode, PBYTE pKeyState, LPWSTR pwszBuff, int cchBuff, UINT wFlags, PKBDTABLES pKbdTbl) { WCHAR wchTranslatedChar; BOOL bDead, bLigature; static WCHAR wchDead = 0; int iRet = 0; ASSERT(pKbdTbl); if (!IntTranslateChar(wVirtKey, pKeyState, &bDead, &bLigature, &wchTranslatedChar, pKbdTbl)) { return 0; } if (bLigature) { WARN("Not handling ligature (yet)\n" ); return 0; } /* If we got dead char in previous call check dead keys in keyboard layout */ if (wchDead) { UINT i; WCHAR wchFirst, wchSecond; TRACE("Previous dead char: %lc (%x)\n", wchDead, wchDead); for (i = 0; pKbdTbl->pDeadKey[i].dwBoth; i++) { wchFirst = pKbdTbl->pDeadKey[i].dwBoth >> 16; wchSecond = pKbdTbl->pDeadKey[i].dwBoth & 0xFFFF; if (wchFirst == wchDead && wchSecond == wchTranslatedChar) { wchTranslatedChar = pKbdTbl->pDeadKey[i].wchComposed; wchDead = 0; bDead = FALSE; break; } } TRACE("Final char: %lc (%x)\n", wchTranslatedChar, wchTranslatedChar); } /* Dead char has not been not found */ if (wchDead) { /* Treat both characters normally */ if (cchBuff > iRet) pwszBuff[iRet++] = wchDead; bDead = FALSE; } /* Add character to the buffer */ if (cchBuff > iRet) pwszBuff[iRet++] = wchTranslatedChar; /* Save dead character */ wchDead = bDead ? wchTranslatedChar : 0; return bDead ? -iRet : iRet; } /* * IntVkToVsc * * Translates virtual key to scan code */ static WORD FASTCALL IntVkToVsc(WORD wVk, PKBDTABLES pKbdTbl) { unsigned i; ASSERT(pKbdTbl); /* Check standard keys first */ for (i = 0; i < pKbdTbl->bMaxVSCtoVK; i++) { if ((pKbdTbl->pusVSCtoVK[i] & 0xFF) == wVk) return i; } /* Check extended keys now */ for (i = 0; pKbdTbl->pVSCtoVK_E0[i].Vsc; i++) { if ((pKbdTbl->pVSCtoVK_E0[i].Vk & 0xFF) == wVk) return 0xE000 | pKbdTbl->pVSCtoVK_E0[i].Vsc; } for (i = 0; pKbdTbl->pVSCtoVK_E1[i].Vsc; i++) { if ((pKbdTbl->pVSCtoVK_E1[i].Vk & 0xFF) == wVk) return 0xE100 | pKbdTbl->pVSCtoVK_E1[i].Vsc; } /* Virtual key has not been found */ return 0; } /* * IntVscToVk * * Translates prefixed scancode to virtual key */ static WORD FASTCALL IntVscToVk(WORD wScanCode, PKBDTABLES pKbdTbl) { unsigned i; WORD wVk = 0; ASSERT(pKbdTbl); if ((wScanCode & 0xFF00) == 0xE000) { for (i = 0; pKbdTbl->pVSCtoVK_E0[i].Vsc; i++) { if (pKbdTbl->pVSCtoVK_E0[i].Vsc == (wScanCode & 0xFF)) { wVk = pKbdTbl->pVSCtoVK_E0[i].Vk; } } } else if ((wScanCode & 0xFF00) == 0xE100) { for (i = 0; pKbdTbl->pVSCtoVK_E1[i].Vsc; i++) { if (pKbdTbl->pVSCtoVK_E1[i].Vsc == (wScanCode & 0xFF)) { wVk = pKbdTbl->pVSCtoVK_E1[i].Vk; } } } else if (wScanCode < pKbdTbl->bMaxVSCtoVK) { wVk = pKbdTbl->pusVSCtoVK[wScanCode]; } /* 0xFF nad 0x00 are invalid VKs */ return wVk != 0xFF ? wVk : 0; } /* * IntVkToChar * * Translates virtual key to character, ignoring shift state */ static WCHAR FASTCALL IntVkToChar(WORD wVk, PKBDTABLES pKbdTbl) { WCHAR wch; BOOL bDead, bLigature; ASSERT(pKbdTbl); if (IntTranslateChar(wVk, NULL, &bDead, &bLigature, &wch, pKbdTbl)) { return wch; } return 0; } /* * NtUserGetAsyncKeyState * * Gets key state from global bitmap */ SHORT APIENTRY NtUserGetAsyncKeyState(INT Key) { WORD wRet = 0; TRACE("Enter NtUserGetAsyncKeyState\n"); if (Key >= 0x100) { EngSetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); ERR("Invalid parameter Key\n"); return 0; } UserEnterExclusive(); if (IS_KEY_DOWN(gafAsyncKeyState, Key)) wRet |= 0x8000; // If down, windows returns 0x8000. if (gafAsyncKeyStateRecentDown[Key / 8] & (1 << (Key % 8))) wRet |= 0x1; gafAsyncKeyStateRecentDown[Key / 8] &= ~(1 << (Key % 8)); UserLeave(); TRACE("Leave NtUserGetAsyncKeyState, ret=%i\n", wRet); return wRet; } /* * UpdateAsyncKeyState * * Updates gafAsyncKeyState array */ static VOID NTAPI UpdateAsyncKeyState(WORD wVk, BOOL bIsDown) { if (bIsDown) { /* If it's first key down event, xor lock bit */ if (!IS_KEY_DOWN(gafAsyncKeyState, wVk)) SET_KEY_LOCKED(gafAsyncKeyState, wVk, !IS_KEY_LOCKED(gafAsyncKeyState, wVk)); SET_KEY_DOWN(gafAsyncKeyState, wVk, TRUE); gafAsyncKeyStateRecentDown[wVk / 8] |= (1 << (wVk % 8)); } else SET_KEY_DOWN(gafAsyncKeyState, wVk, FALSE); } /* * co_CallLowLevelKeyboardHook * * Calls WH_KEYBOARD_LL hook */ static LRESULT co_CallLowLevelKeyboardHook(WORD wVk, WORD wScanCode, DWORD dwFlags, BOOL bInjected, DWORD dwTime, DWORD dwExtraInfo) { KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT KbdHookData; UINT uMsg; KbdHookData.vkCode = wVk; KbdHookData.scanCode = wScanCode; KbdHookData.flags = 0; if (dwFlags & KEYEVENTF_EXTENDEDKEY) KbdHookData.flags |= LLKHF_EXTENDED; if (IS_KEY_DOWN(gafAsyncKeyState, VK_MENU)) KbdHookData.flags |= LLKHF_ALTDOWN; if (dwFlags & KEYEVENTF_KEYUP) KbdHookData.flags |= LLKHF_UP; if (bInjected) KbdHookData.flags |= LLKHF_INJECTED; KbdHookData.time = dwTime; KbdHookData.dwExtraInfo = dwExtraInfo; /* Note: it doesnt support WM_SYSKEYUP */ if (dwFlags & KEYEVENTF_KEYUP) uMsg = WM_KEYUP; else if (IS_KEY_DOWN(gafAsyncKeyState, VK_MENU) && !IS_KEY_DOWN(gafAsyncKeyState, VK_CONTROL)) uMsg = WM_SYSKEYDOWN; else uMsg = WM_KEYDOWN; return co_HOOK_CallHooks(WH_KEYBOARD_LL, HC_ACTION, uMsg, (LPARAM)&KbdHookData); } /* * SnapWindow * * Saves snapshot of specified window or whole screen in the clipboard */ static VOID SnapWindow(HWND hWnd) { HBITMAP hbm = NULL, hbmOld; HDC hdc = NULL, hdcMem; SETCLIPBDATA scd; INT cx, cy; PWND pWnd = NULL; TRACE("SnapWindow(%p)\n", hWnd); /* If no windows is given, make snapshot of desktop window */ if (!hWnd) hWnd = IntGetDesktopWindow(); pWnd = UserGetWindowObject(hWnd); if (!pWnd) { ERR("Invalid window\n"); goto cleanup; } hdc = UserGetDCEx(pWnd, NULL, DCX_USESTYLE | DCX_WINDOW); if (!hdc) { ERR("UserGetDCEx failed!\n"); goto cleanup; } cx = pWnd->rcWindow.right - pWnd->rcWindow.left; cy = pWnd->rcWindow.bottom - pWnd->rcWindow.top; hbm = NtGdiCreateCompatibleBitmap(hdc, cx, cy); if (!hbm) { ERR("NtGdiCreateCompatibleBitmap failed!\n"); goto cleanup; } hdcMem = NtGdiCreateCompatibleDC(hdc); if (!hdcMem) { ERR("NtGdiCreateCompatibleDC failed!\n"); goto cleanup; } hbmOld = NtGdiSelectBitmap(hdcMem, hbm); NtGdiBitBlt(hdcMem, 0, 0, cx, cy, hdc, 0, 0, SRCCOPY, 0, 0); NtGdiSelectBitmap(hdcMem, hbmOld); IntGdiDeleteDC(hdcMem, FALSE); /* Save snapshot in clipboard */ if (UserOpenClipboard(NULL)) { UserEmptyClipboard(); scd.fIncSerialNumber = TRUE; scd.fGlobalHandle = FALSE; if (UserSetClipboardData(CF_BITMAP, hbm, &scd)) { /* Bitmap is managed by system now */ hbm = NULL; } UserCloseClipboard(); } cleanup: if (hbm) GreDeleteObject(hbm); if (hdc) UserReleaseDC(pWnd, hdc, FALSE); } /* * UserSendKeyboardInput * * Process keyboard input from input devices and SendInput API */ BOOL NTAPI ProcessKeyEvent(WORD wVk, WORD wScanCode, DWORD dwFlags, BOOL bInjected, DWORD dwTime, DWORD dwExtraInfo) { WORD wSimpleVk = 0, wFixedVk, wVk2; PUSER_MESSAGE_QUEUE pFocusQueue; BOOL bExt = (dwFlags & KEYEVENTF_EXTENDEDKEY) ? TRUE : FALSE; BOOL bIsDown = (dwFlags & KEYEVENTF_KEYUP) ? FALSE : TRUE; BOOL bPacket = (dwFlags & KEYEVENTF_UNICODE) ? TRUE : FALSE; BOOL bWasSimpleDown = FALSE, bPostMsg = TRUE, bIsSimpleDown; MSG Msg; static BOOL bMenuDownRecently = FALSE; /* Get virtual key without shifts (VK_(L|R)* -> VK_*) */ wSimpleVk = IntSimplifyVk(wVk); bWasSimpleDown = IS_KEY_DOWN(gafAsyncKeyState, wSimpleVk); /* Update key without shifts */ wVk2 = IntFixVk(wSimpleVk, !bExt); bIsSimpleDown = bIsDown || IS_KEY_DOWN(gafAsyncKeyState, wVk2); UpdateAsyncKeyState(wSimpleVk, bIsSimpleDown); if (bIsDown) { /* Update keyboard LEDs */ IntKeyboardUpdateLeds(ghKeyboardDevice, wSimpleVk, wScanCode, IS_KEY_LOCKED(gafAsyncKeyState, wSimpleVk)); } /* Call WH_KEYBOARD_LL hook */ if (co_CallLowLevelKeyboardHook(wVk, wScanCode, dwFlags, bInjected, dwTime, dwExtraInfo)) { ERR("Kbd msg dropped by WH_KEYBOARD_LL hook\n"); bPostMsg = FALSE; } /* Check if this is a hotkey */ if (co_UserProcessHotKeys(wSimpleVk, bIsDown)) bPostMsg = FALSE; wFixedVk = IntFixVk(wSimpleVk, bExt); /* LSHIFT + EXT = RSHIFT */ if (wSimpleVk == VK_SHIFT) /* shift can't be extended */ bExt = FALSE; /* If we have a focus queue, post a keyboard message */ pFocusQueue = IntGetFocusMessageQueue(); TRACE("ProcessKeyEvent Q 0x%p Active pWnd 0x%p Focus pWnd 0x%p\n", pFocusQueue, (pFocusQueue ? pFocusQueue->spwndActive : 0), (pFocusQueue ? pFocusQueue->spwndFocus : 0)); /* If it is F10 or ALT is down and CTRL is up, it's a system key */ if ( wVk == VK_F10 || (wSimpleVk == VK_MENU && bMenuDownRecently) || (IS_KEY_DOWN(gafAsyncKeyState, VK_MENU) && !IS_KEY_DOWN(gafAsyncKeyState, VK_CONTROL)) || // See MSDN WM_SYSKEYDOWN/UP fixes last wine Win test_keyboard_input. (pFocusQueue && !pFocusQueue->spwndFocus) ) { bMenuDownRecently = FALSE; // reset if (bIsDown) { Msg.message = WM_SYSKEYDOWN; if (wSimpleVk == VK_MENU) { // Note: If only LALT is pressed WM_SYSKEYUP is generated instead of WM_KEYUP bMenuDownRecently = TRUE; } } else Msg.message = WM_SYSKEYUP; } else { if (bIsDown) Msg.message = WM_KEYDOWN; else Msg.message = WM_KEYUP; } /* Update async state of not simplified vk here. See user32_apitest:GetKeyState */ UpdateAsyncKeyState(wFixedVk, bIsDown); /* Alt-Tab/Esc Check. Use FocusQueue or RIT Queue */ if (bIsSimpleDown && !bWasSimpleDown && IS_KEY_DOWN(gafAsyncKeyState, VK_MENU) && !IS_KEY_DOWN(gafAsyncKeyState, VK_CONTROL) && (wVk == VK_ESCAPE || wVk == VK_TAB)) { TRACE("Alt-Tab/Esc Pressed wParam %x\n",wVk); } if (bIsDown && wVk == VK_SNAPSHOT) { if (pFocusQueue && IS_KEY_DOWN(gafAsyncKeyState, VK_MENU) && !IS_KEY_DOWN(gafAsyncKeyState, VK_CONTROL)) { // Snap from Active Window, Focus can be null. SnapWindow(pFocusQueue->spwndActive ? UserHMGetHandle(pFocusQueue->spwndActive) : 0); } else SnapWindow(NULL); // Snap Desktop. } else if (pFocusQueue && bPostMsg) { PWND Wnd = pFocusQueue->spwndFocus; if (!Wnd) { // Focus can be null so going with Active. WM_SYSKEYXXX last wine Win test_keyboard_input. Wnd = pFocusQueue->spwndActive; } /* Init message */ Msg.hwnd = UserHMGetHandle(Wnd); Msg.wParam = wFixedVk & 0xFF; /* Note: It's simplified by msg queue */ Msg.lParam = MAKELPARAM(1, wScanCode); Msg.time = dwTime; Msg.pt = gpsi->ptCursor; /* If it is VK_PACKET, high word of wParam is used for wchar */ if (!bPacket) { if (bExt) Msg.lParam |= KF_EXTENDED << 16; if (IS_KEY_DOWN(gafAsyncKeyState, VK_MENU)) Msg.lParam |= KF_ALTDOWN << 16; if (bWasSimpleDown) Msg.lParam |= KF_REPEAT << 16; if (!bIsDown) Msg.lParam |= KF_UP << 16; /* FIXME: Set KF_DLGMODE and KF_MENUMODE when needed */ if (pFocusQueue->QF_flags & QF_DIALOGACTIVE) Msg.lParam |= KF_DLGMODE << 16; if (pFocusQueue->MenuOwner) // pFocusQueue->MenuState) // MenuState needs a start flag... Msg.lParam |= KF_MENUMODE << 16; } /* Post a keyboard message */ TRACE("Posting keyboard msg %u wParam 0x%x lParam 0x%x\n", Msg.message, Msg.wParam, Msg.lParam); MsqPostMessage(pFocusQueue, &Msg, TRUE, QS_KEY, 0); } return TRUE; } BOOL NTAPI UserSendKeyboardInput(KEYBDINPUT *pKbdInput, BOOL bInjected) { WORD wScanCode, wVk; PKL pKl = NULL; PKBDTABLES pKbdTbl; PUSER_MESSAGE_QUEUE pFocusQueue; struct _ETHREAD *pFocusThread; LARGE_INTEGER LargeTickCount; DWORD dwTime; BOOL bExt = (pKbdInput->dwFlags & KEYEVENTF_EXTENDEDKEY) ? TRUE : FALSE; gppiInputProvider = ((PTHREADINFO)PsGetCurrentThreadWin32Thread())->ppi; /* Find the target thread whose locale is in effect */ pFocusQueue = IntGetFocusMessageQueue(); if (pFocusQueue) { pFocusThread = pFocusQueue->Thread; if (pFocusThread && pFocusThread->Tcb.Win32Thread) pKl = ((PTHREADINFO)pFocusThread->Tcb.Win32Thread)->KeyboardLayout; } if (!pKl) pKl = W32kGetDefaultKeyLayout(); if (!pKl) { ERR("No keyboard layout!\n"); return FALSE; } pKbdTbl = pKl->spkf->pKbdTbl; /* Note: wScan field is always used */ wScanCode = pKbdInput->wScan; if (pKbdInput->dwFlags & KEYEVENTF_UNICODE) { /* Generate WM_KEYDOWN msg with wParam == VK_PACKET and high order word of lParam == pKbdInput->wScan */ wVk = VK_PACKET; } else { wScanCode &= 0x7F; if (pKbdInput->dwFlags & KEYEVENTF_SCANCODE) { /* Don't ignore invalid scan codes */ wVk = IntVscToVk(wScanCode | (bExt ? 0xE000 : 0), pKbdTbl); if (!wVk) /* use 0xFF if vsc is invalid */ wVk = 0xFF; } else { wVk = pKbdInput->wVk & 0xFF; } } /* If time is given, use it */ if (pKbdInput->time) dwTime = pKbdInput->time; else { KeQueryTickCount(&LargeTickCount); dwTime = MsqCalculateMessageTime(&LargeTickCount); } if (wVk == VK_RMENU && (pKbdTbl->fLocaleFlags & KLLF_ALTGR)) { /* For AltGr keyboards RALT generates CTRL events */ ProcessKeyEvent(VK_LCONTROL, 0, pKbdInput->dwFlags & KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, bInjected, dwTime, 0); } /* Finally process this key */ return ProcessKeyEvent(wVk, wScanCode, pKbdInput->dwFlags, bInjected, dwTime, pKbdInput->dwExtraInfo); } /* * UserProcessKeyboardInput * * Process raw keyboard input data */ VOID NTAPI UserProcessKeyboardInput( PKEYBOARD_INPUT_DATA pKbdInputData) { WORD wScanCode, wVk; PKL pKl = NULL; PKBDTABLES pKbdTbl; PUSER_MESSAGE_QUEUE pFocusQueue; struct _ETHREAD *pFocusThread; /* Calculate scan code with prefix */ wScanCode = pKbdInputData->MakeCode & 0x7F; if (pKbdInputData->Flags & KEY_E0) wScanCode |= 0xE000; if (pKbdInputData->Flags & KEY_E1) wScanCode |= 0xE100; /* Find the target thread whose locale is in effect */ pFocusQueue = IntGetFocusMessageQueue(); if (pFocusQueue) { pFocusThread = pFocusQueue->Thread; if (pFocusThread && pFocusThread->Tcb.Win32Thread) pKl = ((PTHREADINFO)pFocusThread->Tcb.Win32Thread)->KeyboardLayout; } if (!pKl) pKl = W32kGetDefaultKeyLayout(); if (!pKl) return; pKbdTbl = pKl->spkf->pKbdTbl; /* Convert scan code to virtual key. Note: We could call UserSendKeyboardInput using scan code, but it wouldn't interpret E1 key(s) properly */ wVk = IntVscToVk(wScanCode, pKbdTbl); TRACE("UserProcessKeyboardInput: %x (break: %u) -> %x\n", wScanCode, (pKbdInputData->Flags & KEY_BREAK) ? 1 : 0, wVk); if (wVk) { KEYBDINPUT KbdInput; /* Support numlock */ if ((wVk & KBDNUMPAD) && IS_KEY_LOCKED(gafAsyncKeyState, VK_NUMLOCK)) { wVk = IntTranslateNumpadKey(wVk & 0xFF); } /* Send keyboard input */ KbdInput.wVk = wVk & 0xFF; KbdInput.wScan = wScanCode & 0x7F; KbdInput.dwFlags = 0; if (pKbdInputData->Flags & KEY_BREAK) KbdInput.dwFlags |= KEYEVENTF_KEYUP; if (wVk & KBDEXT) KbdInput.dwFlags |= KEYEVENTF_EXTENDEDKEY; KbdInput.time = 0; KbdInput.dwExtraInfo = pKbdInputData->ExtraInformation; UserSendKeyboardInput(&KbdInput, FALSE); /* E1 keys don't have break code */ if (pKbdInputData->Flags & KEY_E1) { /* Send key up event */ KbdInput.dwFlags |= KEYEVENTF_KEYUP; UserSendKeyboardInput(&KbdInput, FALSE); } } } /* * IntTranslateKbdMessage * * Addes WM_(SYS)CHAR messages to message queue if message * describes key which produce character. */ BOOL FASTCALL IntTranslateKbdMessage(LPMSG lpMsg, UINT flags) { PTHREADINFO pti; INT cch = 0, i; WCHAR wch[3] = { 0 }; MSG NewMsg = { 0 }; PKBDTABLES pKbdTbl; LARGE_INTEGER LargeTickCount; BOOL bResult = FALSE; switch(lpMsg->message) { case WM_KEYDOWN: case WM_KEYUP: case WM_SYSKEYDOWN: case WM_SYSKEYUP: break; default: return FALSE; } pti = PsGetCurrentThreadWin32Thread(); if (!pti->KeyboardLayout) { pti->KeyboardLayout = W32kGetDefaultKeyLayout(); pti->pClientInfo->hKL = pti->KeyboardLayout ? pti->KeyboardLayout->hkl : NULL; pKbdTbl = pti->KeyboardLayout ? pti->KeyboardLayout->spkf->pKbdTbl : NULL; } else pKbdTbl = pti->KeyboardLayout->spkf->pKbdTbl; if (!pKbdTbl) return FALSE; if (lpMsg->message != WM_KEYDOWN && lpMsg->message != WM_SYSKEYDOWN) return FALSE; /* Init pt, hwnd and time msg fields */ NewMsg.pt = gpsi->ptCursor; NewMsg.hwnd = lpMsg->hwnd; KeQueryTickCount(&LargeTickCount); NewMsg.time = MsqCalculateMessageTime(&LargeTickCount); TRACE("Enter IntTranslateKbdMessage msg %s, vk %x\n", lpMsg->message == WM_SYSKEYDOWN ? "WM_SYSKEYDOWN" : "WM_KEYDOWN", lpMsg->wParam); if (lpMsg->wParam == VK_PACKET) { NewMsg.message = (lpMsg->message == WM_KEYDOWN) ? WM_CHAR : WM_SYSCHAR; NewMsg.wParam = HIWORD(lpMsg->lParam); NewMsg.lParam = LOWORD(lpMsg->lParam); MsqPostMessage(pti->MessageQueue, &NewMsg, FALSE, QS_KEY, 0); return TRUE; } cch = IntToUnicodeEx(lpMsg->wParam, HIWORD(lpMsg->lParam) & 0xFF, pti->MessageQueue->afKeyState, wch, sizeof(wch) / sizeof(wch[0]), 0, pKbdTbl); if (cch) { if (cch > 0) /* Normal characters */ NewMsg.message = (lpMsg->message == WM_KEYDOWN) ? WM_CHAR : WM_SYSCHAR; else /* Dead character */ { cch = -cch; NewMsg.message = (lpMsg->message == WM_KEYDOWN) ? WM_DEADCHAR : WM_SYSDEADCHAR; } NewMsg.lParam = lpMsg->lParam; /* Send all characters */ for (i = 0; i < cch; ++i) { TRACE("Msg: %x '%lc' (%04x) %08x\n", NewMsg.message, wch[i], wch[i], NewMsg.lParam); NewMsg.wParam = wch[i]; MsqPostMessage(pti->MessageQueue, &NewMsg, FALSE, QS_KEY, 0); } bResult = TRUE; } TRACE("Leave IntTranslateKbdMessage ret %u, cch %d, msg %x, wch %x\n", bResult, cch, NewMsg.message, NewMsg.wParam); return bResult; } /* * Map a virtual key code, or virtual scan code, to a scan code, key code, * or unshifted unicode character. * * Code: See Below * Type: * 0 -- Code is a virtual key code that is converted into a virtual scan code * that does not distinguish between left and right shift keys. * 1 -- Code is a virtual scan code that is converted into a virtual key code * that does not distinguish between left and right shift keys. * 2 -- Code is a virtual key code that is converted into an unshifted unicode * character. * 3 -- Code is a virtual scan code that is converted into a virtual key code * that distinguishes left and right shift keys. * KeyLayout: Keyboard layout handle * * @implemented */ static UINT IntMapVirtualKeyEx(UINT uCode, UINT Type, PKBDTABLES pKbdTbl) { UINT uRet = 0; switch (Type) { case MAPVK_VK_TO_VSC: uCode = IntFixVk(uCode, FALSE); uRet = IntVkToVsc(uCode, pKbdTbl); if (uRet > 0xFF) // Fail for scancodes with prefix (e0, e1) uRet = 0; break; case MAPVK_VSC_TO_VK: uRet = IntVscToVk(uCode, pKbdTbl) & 0xFF; uRet = IntSimplifyVk(uRet); break; case MAPVK_VK_TO_CHAR: uRet = (UINT)IntVkToChar(uCode, pKbdTbl); break; case MAPVK_VSC_TO_VK_EX: uRet = IntVscToVk(uCode, pKbdTbl) & 0xFF; break; case MAPVK_VK_TO_VSC_EX: uRet = IntVkToVsc(uCode, pKbdTbl); break; default: EngSetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); ERR("Wrong type value: %u\n", Type); } return uRet; } /* * NtUserMapVirtualKeyEx * * Map a virtual key code, or virtual scan code, to a scan code, key code, * or unshifted unicode character. See IntMapVirtualKeyEx. */ UINT APIENTRY NtUserMapVirtualKeyEx(UINT uCode, UINT uType, DWORD keyboardId, HKL dwhkl) { PKBDTABLES pKbdTbl = NULL; UINT ret = 0; TRACE("Enter NtUserMapVirtualKeyEx\n"); UserEnterShared(); if (!dwhkl) { PTHREADINFO pti; pti = PsGetCurrentThreadWin32Thread(); if (pti && pti->KeyboardLayout) pKbdTbl = pti->KeyboardLayout->spkf->pKbdTbl; } else { PKL pKl; pKl = UserHklToKbl(dwhkl); if (pKl) pKbdTbl = pKl->spkf->pKbdTbl; } if (pKbdTbl) ret = IntMapVirtualKeyEx(uCode, uType, pKbdTbl); UserLeave(); TRACE("Leave NtUserMapVirtualKeyEx, ret=%i\n", ret); return ret; } /* * NtUserToUnicodeEx * * Translates virtual key to characters */ int APIENTRY NtUserToUnicodeEx( UINT wVirtKey, UINT wScanCode, PBYTE pKeyStateUnsafe, LPWSTR pwszBuffUnsafe, INT cchBuff, UINT wFlags, HKL dwhkl) { PTHREADINFO pti; BYTE afKeyState[256 * 2 / 8] = {0}; PWCHAR pwszBuff = NULL; INT i, iRet = 0; PKL pKl = NULL; TRACE("Enter NtUserSetKeyboardState\n"); /* Return 0 if SC_KEY_UP bit is set */ if (wScanCode & SC_KEY_UP || wVirtKey >= 0x100) { ERR("Invalid parameter\n"); return 0; } _SEH2_TRY { /* Probe and copy key state to smaller bitmap */ ProbeForRead(pKeyStateUnsafe, 256 * sizeof(BYTE), 1); for (i = 0; i < 256; ++i) { if (pKeyStateUnsafe[i] & KS_DOWN_BIT) SET_KEY_DOWN(afKeyState, i, TRUE); if (pKeyStateUnsafe[i] & KS_LOCK_BIT) SET_KEY_LOCKED(afKeyState, i, TRUE); } } _SEH2_EXCEPT(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { ERR("Cannot copy key state\n"); SetLastNtError(_SEH2_GetExceptionCode()); _SEH2_YIELD(return 0); } _SEH2_END; pwszBuff = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool, sizeof(WCHAR) * cchBuff, TAG_STRING); if (!pwszBuff) { ERR("ExAllocatePoolWithTag(%d) failed\n", sizeof(WCHAR) * cchBuff); return 0; } RtlZeroMemory(pwszBuff, sizeof(WCHAR) * cchBuff); UserEnterExclusive(); // Note: We modify wchDead static variable if (dwhkl) pKl = UserHklToKbl(dwhkl); if (!pKl) { pti = PsGetCurrentThreadWin32Thread(); pKl = pti->KeyboardLayout; } iRet = IntToUnicodeEx(wVirtKey, wScanCode, afKeyState, pwszBuff, cchBuff, wFlags, pKl ? pKl->spkf->pKbdTbl : NULL); MmCopyToCaller(pwszBuffUnsafe, pwszBuff, cchBuff * sizeof(WCHAR)); ExFreePoolWithTag(pwszBuff, TAG_STRING); UserLeave(); TRACE("Leave NtUserSetKeyboardState, ret=%i\n", iRet); return iRet; } /* * NtUserGetKeyNameText * * Gets key name from keyboard layout */ DWORD APIENTRY NtUserGetKeyNameText(LONG lParam, LPWSTR lpString, int cchSize) { PTHREADINFO pti; DWORD i, cchKeyName, dwRet = 0; WORD wScanCode = (lParam >> 16) & 0xFF; BOOL bExtKey = (HIWORD(lParam) & KF_EXTENDED) ? TRUE : FALSE; PKBDTABLES pKbdTbl; VSC_LPWSTR *pKeyNames = NULL; CONST WCHAR *pKeyName = NULL; WCHAR KeyNameBuf[2]; TRACE("Enter NtUserGetKeyNameText\n"); UserEnterShared(); /* Get current keyboard layout */ pti = PsGetCurrentThreadWin32Thread(); pKbdTbl = pti ? pti->KeyboardLayout->spkf->pKbdTbl : 0; if (!pKbdTbl || cchSize < 1) { ERR("Invalid parameter\n"); goto cleanup; } /* "Do not care" flag */ if(lParam & LP_DO_NOT_CARE_BIT) { /* Note: We could do vsc -> vk -> vsc conversion, instead of using hardcoded scan codes, but it's not what Windows does */ if (wScanCode == SCANCODE_RSHIFT && !bExtKey) wScanCode = SCANCODE_LSHIFT; else if (wScanCode == SCANCODE_CTRL || wScanCode == SCANCODE_ALT) bExtKey = FALSE; } if (bExtKey) pKeyNames = pKbdTbl->pKeyNamesExt; else pKeyNames = pKbdTbl->pKeyNames; for (i = 0; pKeyNames[i].pwsz; i++) { if (pKeyNames[i].vsc == wScanCode) { pKeyName = pKeyNames[i].pwsz; break; } } if (!pKeyName) { WORD wVk = IntVscToVk(wScanCode, pKbdTbl); if (wVk) { KeyNameBuf[0] = IntVkToChar(wVk, pKbdTbl); KeyNameBuf[1] = 0; if (KeyNameBuf[0]) pKeyName = KeyNameBuf; } } if (pKeyName) { cchKeyName = wcslen(pKeyName); if (cchKeyName > (cchSize - 1UL)) cchKeyName = cchSize - 1UL; // Don't count '\0' _SEH2_TRY { ProbeForWrite(lpString, (cchKeyName + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR), 1); RtlCopyMemory(lpString, pKeyName, cchKeyName * sizeof(WCHAR)); lpString[cchKeyName] = UNICODE_NULL; dwRet = cchKeyName; } _SEH2_EXCEPT(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { SetLastNtError(_SEH2_GetExceptionCode()); } _SEH2_END; } else { EngSetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); } cleanup: UserLeave(); TRACE("Leave NtUserGetKeyNameText, ret=%i\n", dwRet); return dwRet; } /* * UserGetKeyboardType * * Returns some keyboard specific information */ DWORD FASTCALL UserGetKeyboardType( DWORD dwTypeFlag) { switch (dwTypeFlag) { case 0: /* Keyboard type */ return 4; /* AT-101 */ case 1: /* Keyboard Subtype */ return 0; /* There are no defined subtypes */ case 2: /* Number of F-keys */ return 12; /* We're doing an 101 for now, so return 12 F-keys */ default: ERR("Unknown type!\n"); return 0; /* Note: we don't have to set last error here */ } } /* * NtUserVkKeyScanEx * * Based on IntTranslateChar, instead of processing VirtualKey match, * look for wChar match. */ DWORD APIENTRY NtUserVkKeyScanEx( WCHAR wch, HKL dwhkl, BOOL bUsehKL) { PKBDTABLES pKbdTbl; PVK_TO_WCHAR_TABLE pVkToWchTbl; PVK_TO_WCHARS10 pVkToWch; PKL pKl = NULL; DWORD i, dwModBits = 0, dwModNumber = 0, Ret = (DWORD)-1; TRACE("NtUserVkKeyScanEx() wch %d, KbdLayout 0x%p\n", wch, dwhkl); UserEnterShared(); if (bUsehKL) { // Use given keyboard layout if (dwhkl) pKl = UserHklToKbl(dwhkl); } else { // Use thread keyboard layout pKl = ((PTHREADINFO)PsGetCurrentThreadWin32Thread())->KeyboardLayout; } if (!pKl) goto Exit; pKbdTbl = pKl->spkf->pKbdTbl; // Interate through all VkToWchar tables while pVkToWchars is not NULL for (i = 0; pKbdTbl->pVkToWcharTable[i].pVkToWchars; i++) { pVkToWchTbl = &pKbdTbl->pVkToWcharTable[i]; pVkToWch = (PVK_TO_WCHARS10)(pVkToWchTbl->pVkToWchars); // Interate through all virtual keys while (pVkToWch->VirtualKey) { for (dwModNumber = 0; dwModNumber < pVkToWchTbl->nModifications; dwModNumber++) { if (pVkToWch->wch[dwModNumber] == wch) { dwModBits = pKbdTbl->pCharModifiers->ModNumber[dwModNumber]; TRACE("i %d wC %04x: dwModBits %08x dwModNumber %08x MaxModBits %08x\n", i, wch, dwModBits, dwModNumber, pKbdTbl->pCharModifiers->wMaxModBits); Ret = (dwModBits << 8) | (pVkToWch->VirtualKey & 0xFF); goto Exit; } } pVkToWch = (PVK_TO_WCHARS10)(((BYTE *)pVkToWch) + pVkToWchTbl->cbSize); } } Exit: UserLeave(); return Ret; } /* EOF */