/*** *mbsspn.c - Search for init substring of chars from control string (MBCS). * * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * *Purpose: * Search for init substring of chars from control string (MBCS). * *******************************************************************************/ #ifndef _MBCS #error This file should only be compiled with _MBCS defined #endif #include #include #include #include #include /*** *ifndef _RETURN_PTR * _mbsspn - Find first string char not in charset (MBCS) *else * _mbsspnp - Find first string char not in charset, return pointer (MBCS) *endif * *Purpose: * Returns maximum leading segment of string consisting solely * of characters from charset. Handles MBCS characters correctly. * *Entry: * unsigned char *string = string to search in * unsigned char *charset = set of characters to scan over * *Exit: * *ifndef _RETURN_PTR * Returns index of first char in string not in control. * Returns 0, if string begins with a character not in charset. *else * Returns pointer to first character not in charset. * Returns nullptr if string consists entirely of characters from charset. *endif * *Exceptions: * Input parameters are validated. Refer to the validation section of the function. * *******************************************************************************/ #ifndef _RETURN_PTR extern "C" size_t __cdecl _mbsspn_l #else /* _RETURN_PTR */ extern "C" unsigned char * __cdecl _mbsspnp_l #endif /* _RETURN_PTR */ ( const unsigned char *string, const unsigned char *charset, _locale_t plocinfo ) { unsigned char *p, *q; _LocaleUpdate _loc_update(plocinfo); if (_loc_update.GetLocaleT()->mbcinfo->ismbcodepage == 0) #ifndef _RETURN_PTR return strspn((const char *)string, (const char *)charset); #else /* _RETURN_PTR */ { size_t retval; retval = strspn((const char *)string, (const char *)charset); return (unsigned char *)(*(string + retval) ? string + retval : nullptr); } #endif /* _RETURN_PTR */ /* validation section */ #ifndef _RETURN_PTR _VALIDATE_RETURN(string != nullptr, EINVAL, 0); _VALIDATE_RETURN(charset != nullptr, EINVAL, 0); #else /* _RETURN_PTR */ _VALIDATE_RETURN(string != nullptr, EINVAL, nullptr); _VALIDATE_RETURN(charset != nullptr, EINVAL, nullptr); #endif /* _RETURN_PTR */ /* loop through the string to be inspected */ for (q = (unsigned char *)string; *q; q++) { /* loop through the charset */ for (p = (unsigned char *)charset; *p; p++) { if ( _ismbblead_l(*p, _loc_update.GetLocaleT()) ) { if (((*p == *q) && (p[1] == q[1])) || p[1] == '\0') break; p++; } else if (*p == *q) break; } if (*p == '\0') /* end of charset? */ break; /* yes, no match on this char */ if ( _ismbblead_l(*q, _loc_update.GetLocaleT()) ) if (*++q == '\0') break; } #ifndef _RETURN_PTR return((size_t) (q - string)); /* index */ #else /* _RETURN_PTR */ return((*q) ? q : nullptr); /* pointer */ #endif /* _RETURN_PTR */ } #ifndef _RETURN_PTR extern "C" size_t (__cdecl _mbsspn) #else /* _RETURN_PTR */ extern "C" unsigned char * (__cdecl _mbsspnp) #endif /* _RETURN_PTR */ ( const unsigned char *string, const unsigned char *charset ) { #ifndef _RETURN_PTR return _mbsspn_l(string, charset, nullptr); #else /* _RETURN_PTR */ return _mbsspnp_l(string, charset, nullptr); #endif /* _RETURN_PTR */ }