- Add DoCreate methods to CFullscreenWindow, CMiniatureWindow, and CMainWindow classes.
- Do encapsulation around mainWindow and _tWinMain.
- Add GetOpenFileName, GetSaveFileName, and ChooseColor helper methods to CMainWindow class.
- Move some code in WinMain into CMainWindow::OnCreate.
- Delay creation of CFullscreenWindow and CMiniatureWindow.
- Extend ATL CImage class as CImageDx in newly-created atlimagedx.h of mspaint.
- Fix Undo/Redo mechanism.
- Finish drawing when the tool is to be chanaged and when the file is to be saved.
- Add ToolBase::OnFinishDraw to virtualize finishing drawing.
- Extend bClearRedo parameter to ImageModel::Undo.
- Add ImageModel::DrawSelectionBackground and ImageModel::DeleteSelection methods.
- Fix some WM_PAINT message handling.