- Introduce a CONSOLE_PROPS structure to hold console properties such as its title or startup attributes it should have. Initialized at console application launch time. I have to see how could it be possible to merge this structure with some parts of the GUI_CONSOLE_DATA structure and of the ConsoleInfo structure from console.dll (in /dll/cpl).
- Use a helper function to initialize the CONSOLE_PROPS structure in kernel32, at console app start or when calling AllocConsole.
- In BasepInitConsole, do initialization of CONSOLE_PROPS and related only if we are about to launch a console app.
- Fix the way we are setting console titles.
- Add experimental support for loading console properties and title and icon from shell links, thanks to the helper LoadShellLinkInfo. However I'm using there Shell COM facility to extract link properties (I could do it "the RAW way", however I would then know the format of link files, that I don't know and that I don't want to mix up with the console code). Therefore I must add dependencies to uuid and ole32 libraries. Note that icons are used in GUI consoles only (use the PrivateExtractIconExW function to retrieve both handles to the big and small icons at the same time).
Part 1/2
- Remove an unuseful xxxInitScreenBuffer function in the virtual functions console table.
- In GUI_CONSOLE_DATA structure and related functions, temporarily explicitely mark which members may be used for both GUI and TUI consoles (for a future simplification).
- Add temporary debug prints when we are setting console icon, to see the flow of calls (will be removed just before merging back to trunk).
- Add temporary debug prints in ConSrvInitConsoleScreenBuffer and ConioDeleteScreenBuffer, to figure out how SBs are initialized.
svn path=/branches/ros-csrss/; revision=58305
Clean-up IntReadConsoleOutputCode a little bit.
Fix a buffer overflow in SrvReadConsoleOutputString, which was translated sometimes into heap corruption and assert, triggered when freeing a remote captured buffer in csrsrv, when executing kernel32_winetest console, just during a call to ReadConsoleOutputCharacterA.
Nevertheless I still keep the culprit code (commented-out now) because it might be useful in the future.
svn path=/branches/ros-csrss/; revision=58229
Introduce new helper functions Win32CsrInitHandlesTable and Win32CsrAllocateConsole and use them in many places (in ConsoleConnect, SrvAllocConsole and SrvAttachConsole).
svn path=/branches/ros-csrss/; revision=58184
Fix support for CONIN$ and CONOUT$, and add support for CON special file
(now, writing to C:\CON or C:\somepath\CONIN$ or C:\anotherpath\CONOUT$ works).
svn path=/branches/ros-csrss/; revision=58182
- Correct a error return code (in AllocConsole).
- Implement AttachConsole (inspired by AllocConsole).
- Correct a error return code (in AllocConsole).
- Introduce helper functions to simplify console-initialization code.
- Implement server-side of AttachConsole (I used pieces of code from ConsoleNewProcess, ConsoleConnect and SrvAllocConsole).
Some debug prints were introduced (for debug-purposes :P), will be removed when all things work.
TODO: have a look on the handles code.
svn path=/branches/ros-csrss/; revision=58166
Rename some structures (CSRSS_... ---> CONSOLE_...) and clarify what the ConsoleHandle members are for (--> OutputHandle or InputHandle).
No code changes otherwise.
svn path=/branches/ros-csrss/; revision=58119
- Fix console apps initialization.
- Introduce a helper function InitConsoleCtrlHandling for initializing console control handling.
- We now initialize the new created console when connecting the client (kernel32) to the server (consrv) by calling CsrClientConnectToServer with real parameters (not dummy ones).
- Add/activate some debug prints (will be removed when all things work).
Part 1/2
svn path=/branches/ros-csrss/; revision=58096
- Code reorganization.
- In particular, move IsConsoleHandle macro to a place which it can be used by both kernel32 and consrv.
svn path=/branches/ros-csrss/; revision=58063
* HANDLE_TYPE --> CONSOLE_HANDLE_TYPE because it hits "previous" definition of this enumeration (a totally different one from win32ss/include/ntuser.h)
* Temporarily add a dummy member to the CONSOLE_CONNECTION_INFO structure, to make MSVC happy.
svn path=/branches/ros-csrss/; revision=58055
- Simplify IntGetConsoleInput and IntReadConsole.
- Implement event waiting for reading console input buffer with CSR wait blocks. This replaces the event-based waiting which, after being moved from client-side (kernel32) to server-side (see r57721), made all consoles hang when one of them was waiting for new input.
TODO: Dereference all the waits in Console->ReadWaitQueue.
svn path=/branches/ros-csrss/; revision=57817
Deactivate the code of GetConsoleInputWaitHandle, because it calls a function that doesn't seem to appear in the console server apis listed in http://j00ru.vexillium.org/csrss_list/api_list.html (and that I haven't included in the console server apis list), until I find a better solution. It fixes compilation.
- Code reorganization
- Introduce the CONSOLE_CONNECTION_INFO structure needed for initializing consoles when launching a program (see http://svn.reactos.org/svn/reactos/trunk/reactos/lib/kernel32/misc/dllmain.c?r1=16826&r2=16825&pathrev=16826), instead of calling AllocConsole. Not used at this time.
Now the branch compiles.
svn path=/branches/ros-csrss/; revision=57749
- Merge IntWriteConsoleOutputCharacter and WriteConsoleOutputAttribute functions into IntWriteConsoleOutputCode helper functions, which is used inside WriteConsoleOutputAttribute and WriteConsoleOutputCharacterW/A.
- In server-side, merge CsrWriteConsoleOutputChar and CsrWriteConsoleOutputAttrib into the server API SrvWriteConsoleOutputString.
- Add a CsrValidateMessageBuffer usage.
svn path=/branches/ros-csrss/; revision=57740
- Modify the helper function IntWriteConsole to make it use of capture buffers for passing things to write.
- Now, the loop disappears.
- I moved the pause-event wait (introduced in revision r47359) inside consrv, and (concerning the server-api-part SrvWriteConsole), especially in the ConioWriteConsole function, to be sure that all functions calling ConioWriteConsole become sensible to pause event. This REALLY NEEDS testing (and of course the code needs cleaning of the introduced comments, when I'm sure it works).
svn path=/branches/ros-csrss/; revision=57738
- Merge IntFillConsoleOutputCharacter and FillConsoleOutputAttribute functions into IntFillConsoleOutputCode helper and make it used by FillConsoleOutputAttribute/CharacterW/A.
- In server-side, CsrFillOutputChar and CsrFillOutputAttrib are merged into SrvFillConsoleOutput.
svn path=/branches/ros-csrss/; revision=57734
Use new structures and api indices namings.
Use CsrValidateMessageBuffer instead of Win32CsrValidateBuffer.
svn path=/branches/ros-csrss/; revision=57729
- Use new structures and api indices namings (as usual).
- NtDuplicateObject(GetCurrentProcess(), ... ---> NtDuplicateObject(NtCurrentProcess(), ...
- Use CsrValidateMessageBuffer instead of Win32CsrValidateBuffer.
TODO: Remove a DPRINT1 checkpoint in SrvAllocConsole after future tests are OK.
svn path=/branches/ros-csrss/; revision=57727
- Use new structures and api indices namings.
svn path=/branches/ros-csrss/; revision=57725
- Make some functions compliant with the new structures and server apis indices names.
svn path=/branches/ros-csrss/; revision=57724
- Make OpenConsole call only one server api, namely SrvOpenConsole, which was known before under the name CsrGetHandle (this latter function was removed in r57689 by error).
- Merge CSRSS_GET_INPUT_HANDLE and CSRSS_GET_OUTPUT_HANDLE structures into CSRSS_OPEN_CONSOLE (used by the functions named above).
- Add SrvOpenConsole (copied from CsrGetHandle), and add DPRINT1s to it.
- Load the localized string "Command Prompt" using the Server DLL's instance handle instead of calling GetModuleHandleW.
- Make use of CONSOLE_PROCESS_DATA structures.
svn path=/branches/ros-csrss/; revision=57723
- Move the waiting loop of IntReadConsole into SrvReadConsole instead.
- Merge IntPeekConsoleInput and IntReadConsoleInput helpers into a single IntGetConsoleInput helper function
and make PeekConsoleInputW/A and ReadConsoleInputW/A use it.
Indeed, the "only" difference between these two functions, is that the first one keeps the data read inside
the console input buffer, but on the contrary the second removes the data and does not return until at least
one input record has been read.
In server-side, CsrReadInputEvent and CsrPeekConsoleInput are merged into SrvGetConsoleInput. Merge the corresponding
- Use shorter variable names in IntReadConsoleOutput and use CONSOLE_PROCESS_DATA structure in SrvReadConsoleOutput.
- Merge IntReadConsoleOutputCharacter and ReadConsoleOutputAttribute functions into a single IntReadConsoleOutputCode
helper function, and make ReadConsoleOutputAttribute and ReadConsoleOutputCharacterW/A use it.
In server-side, CsrReadConsoleOutputChar and CsrReadConsoleOutputAttrib are merged into SrvReadConsoleOutputString.
(Remark: the SrvReadConsoleOutputString name comes from http://j00ru.vexillium.org/csrss_list/api_list.html and I
checked that it was indeed the server function that was called by both ReadConsoleOutputAttribute and ReadConsoleOutputCharacter).
The idea behind merging these two functions is, that an attribute or a character are instances of the same entity, namely
a "code" (what would be called an (ANSI) escape sequence). Therefore I encode them inside the same CSRSS_READ_CONSOLE_OUTPUT_CODE
structure and I use it with the previous functions.
- Make use of the CONSOLE_PROCESS_DATA structure (introduced in r57685).
- Use CsrValidateMessageBuffer instead of Win32CsrValidateBuffer.
- Reorganize conmsg.h a little bit.
svn path=/branches/ros-csrss/; revision=57721
- Use a standard win32 thread function for the ConsoleControlDispatcher thread, instead of a custom PCONTROLDISPATCHER one.
- Deactivate debug outputs in console.c, which were activated by error in r57706.
svn path=/branches/ros-csrss/; revision=57714
- Move console-related Vista+ functions from client/vista.c to a dedicated client/console/vista.c file, and add it to compilation.
- Move some helper functions from console.c to history.c.
- Use the new api index names in history.c.
- Merge CSRSS_GET_HISTORY_INFO and PCSRSS_SET_HISTORY_INFO structures declarations into CSRSS_HISTORY_INFO, and therefore use only one member of it inside CONSOLE_API_MESSAGE structure.
- WORD --> UINT for few structure members related to history information.
svn path=/branches/ros-csrss/; revision=57713
- Use capture buffers to pass (variable-length) strings to the console server.
- Merge the CSRSS_ADD_CONSOLE_ALIAS and CSRSS_GET_CONSOLE_ALIAS structures into a unique structure CSRSS_CONSOLE_ALIAS.
TODO: Check what happens to the "/ sizeof(WCHAR);" in GetConsoleAliasesW.
svn path=/branches/ros-csrss/; revision=57712
- Move all the read/write related functions to an appropriate source file and add it to compilation.
- Fix credits for alias.c
svn path=/branches/ros-csrss/; revision=57711
- Move history-functions to a dedicated source file. The functions were created in r47580 and therefore update the description header of the file.
svn path=/branches/ros-csrss/; revision=57709
- Move alias-functions to a dedicated file. The names of the programmers were retrieved via svn information (see r32093 and r32118).
svn path=/branches/ros-csrss/; revision=57707
- Place console.c file in a dedicated directory because I will after split it into logical units (eg. a file for Alias-functions, a file for Read-write functions, etc...) to facilitate maintenance.
svn path=/branches/ros-csrss/; revision=57705
- Use new messaging structures, defined-names instead of hardcoded values.
- Enable temporary debugging tracing and add some DPRINTs.
- Delete an unused variable.
svn path=/branches/ros-csrss/; revision=57667
This is the first of a series of commits aiming at making kernel32 using the new CSR messaging structures for communicating with Server Dlls.
svn path=/branches/ros-csrss/; revision=57666
- Remove the now unneeded CSR messaging support.
- CsrInit() goes away also and the usage of the CsrProcess is replaced by that of gpepCSRSS.
- Use a DLL instance for loading resources, instead of calling GetModuleHandle.
- Remove unneeded variables.
svn path=/branches/ros-csrss/; revision=57665