- Do not embed a manifest in the resources in order to allow three different scenarios that can be accomplished by using two manifests
- In the first scenario we have filebrowser.exe + filebrowser.exe.manifest in the same folder. This should work only in windows xp, 2003 and reactos as it depends on the browseui that exists in windows
- The second scenario is to have filebrowser.exe + filebrowser.exe.manifest + browseui.dll in the same folder. This should also work in the same platforms as above but the core of the file browser will be used from the supplied browseui. However browseui will also request to instantiate some com objects implemented in browse and as a result some objects will be used from the browseui that exists in windows
- The third scenario is to have filebrowser.exe + filebrowser.exe.regfree.manifest + browseui.dll + browseui.sxs.manifest. This scenario should work in windows xp and all later versions. Note that filebrowser.exe.regfree.manifest must be renamed to filebrowser.exe.manifest. In this scenario all the functionality of the file browser window is used from the supplied browseui.dll
svn path=/branches/shell-experiments/; revision=62081
- Implement showing and closing the start menu by pressing the WIN key
- Implement handling WM_KLUDGEMINRECT message that informs the window manager the place of an application in the taskbar in order to show the minimization or maximization animation of a window
- Implement showing taskbar settings when the user selects to show the taskbar settings from the settings menu in start menu
- Implement hiding the Favorites menu in the start menu when needed
svn path=/branches/shell-experiments/; revision=62010
- Add an experimental module called FileBrowser.exe. This program works standalone in windows xp and windows 2003 and opens a new file browser window in its own process. If our browseui.dll is in the same folder, filebrowser will use the implementation of our file browser in windows. That means that standalone it works only in xp and 2003 but with our own browseui it will work on all windows versions (but doesn't work on all for now). This can be used for both testing the implementation of our file browser in windows and as a host process for new file browser windows for explorer_new.exe + rshell.dll
svn path=/branches/shell-experiments/; revision=61974
- Commit a great experiment for explorer. Our explorer will try to load a library called rshell.dll which will provide an alternative implementation of some functions that are built in in windows shell. These functions are CStartMenu_Constructor, SHCreateDesktop, SHDesktopMessageLoop, WinList_Init and ShellDDEInit. Providing our own implementation for these functions will allow us to make it run in all windows versions up to windows 8 and also test the implementation of our own components that will be placed temporarily in rshell.dll while they are developed and debugged in windows.
svn path=/branches/shell-experiments/; revision=61971