This refactor decouples the previous assumption that the ListView column index is the same thing as the IShellFolder column index. By doing this, support for turning columns on or off becomes possible. The SHCOLSTATE_ONBYDEFAULT and SHCOLSTATE_HIDDEN flags are also respected.
I also fixes the "Arrange icons by" submenu.
For simplicity and short typing.
JIRA issue: CORE-19469
m" with "STDMETHOD(m)" (m is a method name).
- Replace "virtual t STDMETHODCALLTYPE m" with
"STDMETHOD_(t, m)" (t is a type. m is a method
- Use "override" keyword as possible.
- CDefView should inherit IShellView3 due to
override CreateViewWindow3 method.
- Fix CDefView::CreateViewWindow3 (parameter
prcView is const RECT *, not LPRECT).
CDefView: Make GetItemObject return an IContectMenu after setting itself as the site.
CDefViewBckgrndMenu: Make the inner context menu use the same site. Implement handling CMDSTR_VIEWLISTA and CMDSTR_VIEWDETAILSA.
CDefaultContextMenu: CMDSTR_VIEWLISTA and CMDSTR_VIEWDETAILSA shouldn't be handled in this class.
Fixes CORE-14327 and the two buttons that change the view mode
It shouldn't be necessary for QueryContextMenu to be called before InvokeCommand.
Move retrieving the IContextMenu of the folder to the initialization of the class.