Supporting the Language bar...
JIRA issue: CORE-19363
- Delete TFInitLib and TFUninitLib
calls from ctfmon.exe.
- Delete TFUninitLib from Cicero
- Implement InitDisplayAttrbuteLib
in msctfime.ime.
- Improve CIC_LIBTHREAD structure.
Refactoring and reduce binary size.
JIRA issue: CORE-19268
- Add cicero static library in sdk/lib/cicero folder.
- Delete sdk/include/reactos/cicero folder.
- Adapt the dependencies to these changes.
- Make ctfmon, msutb, and msctf modules UNICODE.
Improve header compatibility and
code quality.
JIRA issue: CORE-19268
- Improve <imm.h> and <immdev.h>
compatibility by correctly choosing
the items.
- Use <immdev.h> instead of
- Adapt to these changes.
Supporting TIPs and Language Bar...
JIRA issue: CORE-19361
- Implement InitLangChangeHotKey function.
- Add some global variables about hot-keys.
- Fix CicRegKey in <cicero/cicreg.h>.
Cicero interface is not Unicode (W)
but ANSI (A).
- ctfmon.exe is ANSI, not Unicode.
- msutb.dll is ANSI, not Unicode.
- Apply generic text mapping to the
cicero headers.
- Include <tchar.h> to use generic
text mapping.
CORE-19361, CORE-19362, CORE-19363
msutb.dll is the GUI back-end
of Language Bar (Tipbar).
- Add msutb.dll module at
- The implementation of
msutb.dll is currently stub.
- Modify msctf.spec and msctf.idl.
- Add <cicero/cicutb.h>.
- Adapt ctfmon.exe to these changes.
CORE-19362, CORE-19363
There is no need to compile our DLLs as shared libraries since we are
managing symbols exports and imports through spec files.
On my system, this reduces the configure-time by a factor of two.