Stefan Ginsberg
- FIX is declared in winddi.h, don't redeclare
svn path=/trunk/; revision=37642
2008-11-25 17:08:48 +00:00
Stefan Ginsberg
- Remove version defines
svn path=/trunk/; revision=37031
2008-10-27 20:32:17 +00:00
- test GetTextFaceW instead of GetTextFaceA
- test that:
- the last error is never set
- the buffer size is ignored if the buffer is NULL
- the buffer size is returned if the buffer is non-NULL and too small
- the function fails if a non-NULL buffer has a size <= 0
- allocate the DC for a GDI test with a GDI routine (CreateCompatibleDC) instead of an USER routine (GetDC)
svn path=/trunk/; revision=36779
2008-10-17 00:28:47 +00:00
Timo Kreuzer
Tests for GetTextFace
svn path=/trunk/; revision=36774
2008-10-16 20:16:38 +00:00
Timo Kreuzer
Add basic tests for BeginPath andd SetMapMode
svn path=/trunk/; revision=36691
2008-10-08 10:58:41 +00:00
Timo Kreuzer
- add test for GdiGetCharDimension
- fix a test name
- comment out more tests for EngReleaseSemaphore, they cause heap corruption on ros
- convert more TEST -> RTEST
svn path=/trunk/; revision=33994
2008-06-16 15:24:05 +00:00
Timo Kreuzer
TEST -> RTEST as these succeed on ros now
svn path=/trunk/; revision=33993
2008-06-16 13:27:39 +00:00
Timo Kreuzer
comment out some tests that fail on win XP, until someone fixes them
svn path=/trunk/; revision=33992
2008-06-16 13:20:06 +00:00
Magnus Olsen
add dummy test for dciman32 for now, real test will come later
svn path=/trunk/; revision=33896
2008-06-08 08:29:04 +00:00
Colin Finck
- Add a test suite for ws2_32.dll
It currently tests the features I needed to adjust/implement when fixing the wininet problem.
ReactOS currently passes all tests, but fails one if you launch the test app for the second time quickly after the first time (timing problem in the network code?).
- Fix the behaviour on an ioctlsocket FIONREAD call: The output buffer is not touched, when we have no socket, but when we have no connection, it is set to 0.
- Forward the socket call to WSASocketW instead of WSASocketA, minimal performance improvement
svn path=/trunk/; revision=33824
2008-06-01 22:08:45 +00:00
Colin Finck
Use the Windows CreateFile/WriteFile functions instead of open/write.
Fixes compilation with MSVC. (note that you also have to change the calling convention from __stdcall to __cdecl in the auto-created project file for the lib)
svn path=/trunk/; revision=33823
2008-06-01 20:34:12 +00:00
Colin Finck
- Add a parameter for listing all valid test names
- Generate valid XHTML 1.0 Strict
svn path=/trunk/; revision=33820
2008-06-01 18:37:55 +00:00
Colin Finck
Set svn:eol-style "native" for all apitest stuff
svn path=/trunk/; revision=33818
2008-06-01 18:06:22 +00:00
Magnus Olsen
Adding complete test kit for EngCreateSemaphore, EngAcquireSemaphore, EngDeleteSemaphore, EngReleaseSemaphore
I think it testing all case it can now, and also split up some test to EngDeleteSemaphore and EngReleaseSemaphore and EngAcquireSemaphore, that was in EngCreateSemaphore
svn path=/trunk/; revision=33816
2008-06-01 17:33:51 +00:00
Magnus Olsen
add all test we can do for EngCreateSemaphore, it checking some info in the internal HANDLE hsem is same as PRTL_CRITICAL_SECTION struct
svn path=/trunk/; revision=33811
2008-06-01 15:48:51 +00:00
Magnus Olsen
add more test for EngCreateSemaphore, it checking some info in the internal HANDLE hsem is same as PRTL_CRITICAL_SECTION struct
svn path=/trunk/; revision=33809
2008-06-01 15:06:40 +00:00
Magnus Olsen
add Test for EngDeleteSemaphore, it only test if it been create or not
svn path=/trunk/; revision=33807
2008-06-01 14:38:02 +00:00
Timo Kreuzer
patch by Jeffrey Morlan (mrnobo1024 at yahoo dot com)
Testcase for NtGdiSetDIBitsToDeviceInternal
See issue #3294 for more details.
svn path=/trunk/; revision=33781
2008-05-31 00:04:16 +00:00
Magnus Olsen
started added test for InitializeLpkHooks
this tests are not completed more will follow.
this is the frame work for testing InitializeLpkHooks
svn path=/trunk/; revision=33697
2008-05-25 12:04:06 +00:00
Magnus Olsen
implemeted test for GdiDeleteLocalDC, GdiReleaseLocalDC, GdiSetAttrs
tested in xp/vista/reactos and works no fault report.
svn path=/trunk/; revision=33681
2008-05-24 22:42:46 +00:00
Magnus Olsen
implemeted test for GdiConvertBitmap, GdiConvertBrush, GdiConvertDC, GdiConvertFont, GdiConvertPalette, GdiConvertRegion, GdiGetLocalBrush, GdiGetLocalDC
tested in xp/vista/reactos and works no fault report.
svn path=/trunk/; revision=33680
2008-05-24 22:20:31 +00:00
Magnus Olsen
add test for NtUserGetTitleBarInfo patch by Daniel Zimmermann (netzimme at aim dot com)
tested on xp sp3 by me
See issue #3266 for more details.
svn path=/trunk/; revision=33665
2008-05-23 18:22:39 +00:00
Magnus Olsen
Fixed memory leak in w32knapi if it fail found gdihandle table patch by Daniel Zimmermann (netzimme at aim dot com)
See issue #3266 for more details.
svn path=/trunk/; revision=33664
2008-05-23 18:14:15 +00:00
Gregor Brunmar
ReactOS leads you to mysterious API calls. Added tests for RealGetWindowsClass() with some strange behaviours for later use when implementing RealGetWindowClass().
svn path=/trunk/; revision=33599
2008-05-19 17:50:39 +00:00
Timo Kreuzer
- a bunch of tests for NtUserEnumDisplaySettings
- one test for NtGdiGetFontResourceInfoInternalW
svn path=/trunk/; revision=33452
2008-05-11 21:49:56 +00:00
Magnus Olsen
Adding simple test for CreateBitmapIndrect and show it care if bmWidthBytes is align or not
this test have done on windows xp sp2 and pass it fine.
svn path=/trunk/; revision=33433
2008-05-11 10:35:09 +00:00
Magnus Olsen
adding test to NtGdiCreateBitmap show it does not accpect height = 0 and widith = 0
svn path=/trunk/; revision=33426
2008-05-11 08:09:02 +00:00
Magnus Olsen
adding a testcase for GetStockObject(21);
it is 1x1 1Bpp Bitmap.
svn path=/trunk/; revision=33410
2008-05-10 16:12:35 +00:00
Magnus Olsen
adding more testcase for NtGdiGetStockObject it testing what type for gdi object the handle return now and we manger figout what type of handle the value 20 and value 21
NtGdiGetStockObject(21) == GDI_OBJECT_TYPE_BITMAP
svn path=/trunk/; revision=33409
2008-05-10 15:21:49 +00:00
Magnus Olsen
adding a simple NtGdiGetStockObject
it show undocumented stockobject exists in windows xp/2003
value 20 and 21
svn path=/trunk/; revision=33407
2008-05-10 14:01:40 +00:00
Magnus Olsen
commit testcase for wdith negative and 0
svn path=/trunk/; revision=33406
2008-05-10 12:02:59 +00:00
Magnus Olsen
adding height -1 and height 0 test for create a bitmap
svn path=/trunk/; revision=33405
2008-05-10 11:55:58 +00:00
Timo Kreuzer
add tests for GetCurrentObject
svn path=/trunk/; revision=33295
2008-05-05 13:33:42 +00:00
Magnus Olsen
Fixed one test so it be more fair.
svn path=/trunk/; revision=33278
2008-05-04 19:58:33 +00:00
Magnus Olsen
adding test for param puNumHeaps and puvmList in NtGdiDdQueryDirectDrawObject test
only param puNumFourCC, puFourCC left to add test for.
svn path=/trunk/; revision=32944
2008-04-13 17:02:33 +00:00
Magnus Olsen
adding test for param puD3dTextureFormats in NtGdiDdQueryDirectDrawObject test
only param puNumHeaps, puvmList, puNumFourCC, puFourCC left to add test for.
svn path=/trunk/; revision=32943
2008-04-13 15:38:23 +00:00
Magnus Olsen
adding test for param puD3dBufferCallbacks in NtGdiDdQueryDirectDrawObject test
svn path=/trunk/; revision=32940
2008-04-13 11:00:52 +00:00
Magnus Olsen
adding test for param puD3dDriverData in NtGdiDdQueryDirectDrawObject test
svn path=/trunk/; revision=32939
2008-04-13 09:53:25 +00:00
Magnus Olsen
fixed a spelling error for NtGdiSelectBitmap thx Caemyr notes it and testing on win2k3
svn path=/trunk/; revision=32930
2008-04-12 19:56:09 +00:00
Magnus Olsen
remove RTEST(pHalInfo->vmiData.fpPrimary != 0 ); for this test was wrong for it is can be zero
cleanup some other part and adding few other as well
svn path=/trunk/; revision=32927
2008-04-12 18:21:41 +00:00
Magnus Olsen
added more testcase for w32knapi
svn path=/trunk/; revision=32924
2008-04-12 13:56:23 +00:00
Magnus Olsen
forget add ASSERT for pHalInfo->GetDriverInfo if the drv does not set this, the dx will not be activated.
svn path=/trunk/; revision=32921
2008-04-12 12:36:55 +00:00
Magnus Olsen
fixed more test after my notes of old testkit I wrote for private use.
svn path=/trunk/; revision=32920
2008-04-12 12:32:32 +00:00
Magnus Olsen
correct some test, so they works with some bugi nivda drv
svn path=/trunk/; revision=32919
2008-04-12 12:23:13 +00:00
Magnus Olsen
Completed some testcase in w32knapi testkit for NtGdiDdQueryDirectDrawObject
svn path=/trunk/; revision=32918
2008-04-12 11:44:41 +00:00
Timo Kreuzer
sorry forgot to commit this one.
svn path=/trunk/; revision=32774
2008-03-28 03:44:49 +00:00
Timo Kreuzer
better don't mess with the focus border height
svn path=/trunk/; revision=32759
2008-03-23 17:24:54 +00:00
Timo Kreuzer
- add tests for SetWorldTransform
- more tests for CreateCompatibleDC, GetClipRgn, SelectObject and SetDCPenColor
svn path=/trunk/; revision=32746
2008-03-22 03:21:52 +00:00
Timo Kreuzer
add tests for NtUserCallHwnd, NtUserCallHwndLock, NtUserCallHwndOpt, NtUserCallHwndParam, NtUserCallHwndParamLock, NtUserCallNoParam, NtUserCallOneParam and NtUserSystemParametersInfo
svn path=/trunk/; revision=32744
2008-03-22 03:12:01 +00:00
Sylvain Petreolle
add missing winetests : hlink & schannel,
.rbuild fixes
svn path=/trunk/; revision=32456
2008-02-22 21:01:47 +00:00
Timo Kreuzer
fix 2 names
svn path=/trunk/; revision=31659
2008-01-08 02:49:09 +00:00
Hervé Poussineau
Fix svn properties
svn path=/trunk/; revision=31613
2008-01-05 18:57:24 +00:00
Timo Kreuzer
w32kdll for vista
svn path=/trunk/; revision=31457
2007-12-27 03:48:36 +00:00
Timo Kreuzer
fix export definition
svn path=/trunk/; revision=31271
2007-12-16 02:45:59 +00:00
Timo Kreuzer
w32kdll for windows 2003 SP2
svn path=/trunk/; revision=31270
2007-12-16 02:32:20 +00:00
Timo Kreuzer
- use own version of GdiQueryTable() instead of relying on gdi32.dll
- more tests for NtGdiGetDIBitsInternal
svn path=/trunk/; revision=31226
2007-12-15 04:35:16 +00:00
Timo Kreuzer
- use own version of GdiQueryTable() instead of relying on gdi32.dll
- CrateFont -> CreateFontA
- A bunch of tests for SelectObject
svn path=/trunk/; revision=31225
2007-12-15 04:22:19 +00:00
Timo Kreuzer
- another test for NtGdiBitBlt
- Add tests for NtGdiSelectBitmap, NtGdiSelectBrush, NtGdiSelectFont and NtGdiSelectPen
svn path=/trunk/; revision=30904
2007-11-30 00:09:28 +00:00
Timo Kreuzer
Another test for AddFontResourceEx
svn path=/trunk/; revision=30849
2007-11-28 23:45:23 +00:00
Timo Kreuzer
Query the gdi handle table for later use in tests
svn path=/trunk/; revision=30848
2007-11-28 23:41:11 +00:00
Timo Kreuzer
- some more tests for GetObject
svn path=/trunk/; revision=30847
2007-11-28 23:39:45 +00:00
Timo Kreuzer
some more tests for NtUserScrollDC and NtGdiBitBlt
svn path=/trunk/; revision=30343
2007-11-11 00:19:42 +00:00
Timo Kreuzer
Some tests for NtUserScrollDC
svn path=/trunk/; revision=30342
2007-11-10 23:04:33 +00:00
Timo Kreuzer
some tests for NtUserToUnicodeEx
svn path=/trunk/; revision=30317
2007-11-10 04:21:35 +00:00
Daniel Reimer
Delete all Trailing spaces in code.
svn path=/trunk/; revision=29688
2007-10-19 23:01:40 +00:00
Magnus Olsen
Adding a text file call notes.txt it is some werid thing I have have not yet figout how it works.
Add testcase for AddFontResourceA
svn path=/trunk/; revision=29306
2007-09-30 11:57:37 +00:00
Timo Kreuzer
- header update
- add a resource
svn path=/trunk/; revision=29284
2007-09-28 17:26:29 +00:00
Timo Kreuzer
update export list
svn path=/trunk/; revision=29281
2007-09-28 16:32:57 +00:00
Timo Kreuzer
add another small test for AddFontResource
svn path=/trunk/; revision=29263
2007-09-27 22:32:09 +00:00
Ged Murphy
add more checks for GetDIBits
svn path=/trunk/; revision=29199
2007-09-25 13:20:46 +00:00
Ged Murphy
Add basic tests for NtGdiGetDIBitsInternal
svn path=/trunk/; revision=29191
2007-09-24 15:09:15 +00:00
Ged Murphy
Add basic tests for GetDIBits
svn path=/trunk/; revision=29190
2007-09-24 15:02:20 +00:00
Timo Kreuzer
- use NtDd api directly instead of using old syscall function.
- remove some old definitions
- fix build to make Wax happy
svn path=/trunk/; revision=28890
2007-09-06 00:42:51 +00:00
Timo Kreuzer
- Add test for AddFontResourceEx showing that the function accepts 0 as flags.
- remove header inclusion in test files
svn path=/trunk/; revision=28753
2007-09-01 22:06:05 +00:00
Timo Kreuzer
- rename ASSERT1 to ASSERT
- link to w32kdll instead of implementing all syscalls as stubs. I will remove the rest of the syscall code as soon as our syscall db is more complete
- more TEST -> RTEST
- update w32kdll_ros.def
- add tests for NtGdiEngCreatePalette, NtGdiEnumFontOpen
- Add some gdi handle table code to w32knapi
- header cleanup
svn path=/trunk/; revision=28619
2007-08-28 15:06:36 +00:00
Timo Kreuzer
- Simplify w32knapi. It now always uses w32kdll.dll
Copy the right dll into the same folder as w32knapi.exe (name must be w32kdll.dll) to make it work of different windows versions and ros of cause.
Tested on win xp.
svn path=/trunk/; revision=28531
2007-08-24 22:23:44 +00:00
Timo Kreuzer
one more TEST -> RTEST for NtGdiGetRandomRgn
svn path=/trunk/; revision=28458
2007-08-23 00:20:30 +00:00
Timo Kreuzer
some tests for NtGdiDoPalette
svn path=/trunk/; revision=28457
2007-08-23 00:19:00 +00:00
Timo Kreuzer
win32k syscall dlls for win xp and 2k
svn path=/trunk/; revision=28456
2007-08-22 21:49:49 +00:00
Timo Kreuzer
65 tests for NtGdiCreateBitmap
svn path=/trunk/; revision=28308
2007-08-12 22:33:21 +00:00
Magnus Olsen
win32kdxtest does not contain any more test for NtGdiDdQueryDirectDrawObject
So now I start adding new test, that I did manual testing for and reading debugout put for.
we still missing test for NtGdiDdQueryDirectDrawObject
svn path=/trunk/; revision=28299
2007-08-12 14:11:00 +00:00
Magnus Olsen
update with more test for w32knapi
svn path=/trunk/; revision=28298
2007-08-12 12:31:10 +00:00
Magnus Olsen
adding more dx test to w32knapi, convert from win32kdxtest tool
svn path=/trunk/; revision=28290
2007-08-11 15:48:50 +00:00
Magnus Olsen
adding more dx test to w32knapi, convert from win32kdxtest tool
svn path=/trunk/; revision=28288
2007-08-11 14:35:44 +00:00
Magnus Olsen
update with some more dx test
svn path=/trunk/; revision=28284
2007-08-11 10:11:19 +00:00
Magnus Olsen
Adding dx test from my win32kdxtest to win32knapi test.
win32kdxtest are more like a analysis tools to examine some struct and dumping it,
win32knapi is true test tools
svn path=/trunk/; revision=28279
2007-08-11 08:52:38 +00:00
Timo Kreuzer
add syscall list for windows 2000 SP4, so GreatLord can do testing
svn path=/trunk/; revision=28274
2007-08-10 23:55:54 +00:00
Timo Kreuzer
- restructure syscall code, add edi to RosSyscall clobber list
- more NtGdiGetRandomRgn tests
- more TEST -> RTEST
svn path=/trunk/; revision=28232
2007-08-07 23:13:25 +00:00
Timo Kreuzer
- convert a bunch of tests to regression tests as they succeed on ros
- add tests for NtGdiGetRandomRgn
svn path=/trunk/; revision=28182
2007-08-05 23:05:02 +00:00
Sylvain Petreolle
fix build
svn path=/trunk/; revision=28178
2007-08-05 14:58:58 +00:00
Timo Kreuzer
- make apitest.c into a static lib to be used by different tests
- add a gdi32 api test, based on the one in the win32 folder
- add a user32 api test
- change type of test functions to int
- implement a quick 'n dirty html api status output
- uncomment NtGdiTransormPoints in w32kdll.def
- add ASSERT1 macro (ASSERT is already used)
- include some more headers
svn path=/trunk/; revision=28169
2007-08-05 03:32:24 +00:00
Timo Kreuzer
small bugfix
svn path=/trunk/; revision=28161
2007-08-04 16:51:10 +00:00
Timo Kreuzer
- implement quick 'n dirty HTML api status output
- change test function return type to INT
- add ASSERT macro
- include some more headers
svn path=/trunk/; revision=28160
2007-08-04 16:45:12 +00:00
Sylvain Petreolle
C uses / as dir separator, not \
svn path=/trunk/; revision=28157
2007-08-04 13:22:48 +00:00
Timo Kreuzer
fix some names
svn path=/trunk/; revision=28149
2007-08-03 22:31:55 +00:00
Timo Kreuzer
0x124a is NtUserValidateTimerCallback, thanks jimtabor for finding this out.
svn path=/trunk/; revision=28112
2007-08-02 23:29:43 +00:00
Timo Kreuzer
small bugfix: don't zero terminate the szCSDVersion sting beyond the buffer.
svn path=/trunk/; revision=28111
2007-08-02 22:23:27 +00:00
Timo Kreuzer
an API test kit + win32k native API test app.
It does syscalls on ros by linking to w32kdll.dll
On windows it uses syscall tables (only winxp sp2 available atm)
svn path=/trunk/; revision=28106
2007-08-02 21:42:37 +00:00