- Respect the toggle key settings.
- Change the hot key settings in
- Revert IntDefWindowProc function about
Alt+Shift handling.
- Delete some code in
co_IntProcessKeyboardMessage for Alt+Shift
- Add IntGetNextKL, IntLanguageToggle, and
IntCheckLanguageToggle helper functions.
- Modify ProcessKeyEvent and
UserGetLanguageToggle functions to
support [Left Alt]+Shift and Ctrl+Shift.
- Message handling shouldn't access kbswitch
- Modify NtUserGetImeHotKey and NtUserSetImeHotKey prototypes.
- Define enum SETIMEHOTKEY_ACTION in <undocuser.h>.
- Define IMEHOTKEY structure in ime.c.
- Add IntGetImeHotKeyLangId, IntAddImeHotKey, IntGetImeHotKeyById, IntGetImeHotKeyByKeyAndLang, IntDeleteImeHotKey, IntFreeImeHotKeys, and IntSetImeHotKey helper functions.
- Implement NtUserGetImeHotKey and NtUserSetImeHotKey functions.
- Cleanup the IME hotkeys at process exit.
- Change INIT_FUNCTION and INIT_SECTION to CODE_SEG("INIT") and DATA_SEG("INIT") respectively
- Remove INIT_FUNCTION from function prototypes
- Remove alloc_text pragma calls as they are not needed anymore
- Add UserCreateSystemThread function that will signal csrss to create a new system thread.
- NtUserCreateWindowStation: Create the raw input thread and the desktop thread when the IO window station gets created.
- IntMakeHungWindowGhosted: Create the ghost system thread that will own all ghost windows.
- Let the raw input thread manage the window station of csrss.
[USERSRV] Remove system threads creating hack
- Implement SrvCreateSystemThreads
- Don't create the system threads in UserServerDllInitialization.