- Usage page of zero is not used, increment, the MouHid_ButtonUpFlags / MouHid_ButtonDownFlags array
- Mouse clicks now work
- Implement flushing of the hid report queue
- Driver now works in VBox 4.1.4 + WinXP
- Secondary mouse pointer does not move in VBox (either a Vbox bug / WinXP), tested with ms driver and the same results were reveiled
svn path=/branches/usb-bringup/; revision=54776
- Fix up / down button detection
- Fix move detection. Mouse changes are now detected
- Mouse does not yet work in Vbox, as mouclass driver is for unknown reasons not connecting to the mouhid, needs to be investigated
- Tested in VBox 4.1.4 + ReactOS mouhid.sys
svn path=/branches/usb-bringup/; revision=54775
- Fix a few bugs & race condition in the read report routine
- mouhid initializes and is able to read input reports
- button press / wheel state change is detected
- mouse move detection not yet working
svn path=/branches/usb-bringup/; revision=54774
- Implement mouse button change detection
- Implement support routine for dispatching mouse input data
- Allocate mdl for input report, not yet used
svn path=/branches/usb-bringup/; revision=54767