Cicero interface is not Unicode (W)
but ANSI (A).
- ctfmon.exe is ANSI, not Unicode.
- msutb.dll is ANSI, not Unicode.
- Apply generic text mapping to the
cicero headers.
- Include <tchar.h> to use generic
text mapping.
CORE-19361, CORE-19362, CORE-19363
msutb.dll is the GUI back-end
of Language Bar (Tipbar).
- Add msutb.dll module at
- The implementation of
msutb.dll is currently stub.
- Modify msctf.spec and msctf.idl.
- Add <cicero/cicutb.h>.
- Adapt ctfmon.exe to these changes.
CORE-19362, CORE-19363
Make LdrUnlockLoaderLock Cookie type consistent with LdrLockLoaderLock
and LdrpMakeCookie functions.
In addition:
* Adjustment of the formatting string for ULONG_PTR;
* ntdll.spec: specify ptr for 2nd parameter of LdrUnlockLoaderLock:
This is a parameter whose length is pointer-like, platform-dependent.
Co-authored-by: Hermès BÉLUSCA - MAÏTO <>
- Rename _IMCCLock as IMCCLOCK.
- Rename InternalIMCCLock as IMCCLock.
- Rename _IMCLock as IMCLOCK.
- Add get() pointer accessor of IMCCLock and IMCLOCK.
- Protect the pointer of IMCCLOCK and IMCLOCK.
- Add CTFIMECONTEXT structure.
- Add CicInputContext class.
- Rename INPUTCONTEXTDX.dwUnknown5 as
hCtfImeContext and retype it as HIMCC.
- Implement CtfImeGetGuidAtom by using them.
- Add link to imm32.dll.
- Add <cicero/imclock.h>.
- Add INIT_GUIDMAP constant to <immdev.h>.
- Implement CtfImeIsGuidMapEnable by using them.
ctfmon.exe will be a replacement of our
kbswitch.exe in the future. That is the
front-end of Language Bar. It is needed
to support TIPs.
- Add ctfmon.exe at base/applications/ctfmon.
- Add <cicero/cicbase.h>,
<cicero/CModulePath.h>, and
<cicero/osinfo.h> headers and use them.
## Overview
1. msctfime.ime is an IME file interface
for new-style IMEs a.k.a. "Text Input
Processors" (TIPs).
2. msctfime.ime is loaded as old-style
IME file at ImmLoadLayout in specific
3. msctfime.ime communicates with
the current TIP (This feature is not
implemented yet).
## Proposed changes
- Add msctfime module at dll/ime/msctfime.
- The functions in this module are currently
- Move IME file interface declarations from
<imm.h> to <ddk/immdev.h>.
- Modify ImmNotifyIME, NotifyIME, and
ImeProcessKey prototypes for x64
Complete CTF IMM.
- Add CtfImeProcessCicHotkey and CtfImeSetActiveContextAlways
to access CTF IMEs.
- Check whether Cicero is started in the current thread in ImmProcessKey.
- Call CtfImeProcessCicHotkey if necessary in ImmProcessKey.
- Modify <CtfImeTable.h>.
- Add CI_CICERO_STARTED flag to "ntuser.h".
- Fix Imm32JCloseOpen.
- Add IMM32!GetKeyboardLayoutCP function.
- Add it to <imm32_undoc.h>.
- Delete ImmDisableLegacyIME and
ImmSendMessageToActiveDefImeWndW functions
(2k3/xp IMM32 doesn't have such functions).
- Modify imm32.spec.
- Refer ntdll!RtlDllShutdownInProgress function (that is WinXP+).
- Add Imm32InitTLS, Imm32AllocateTLS, Imm32GetTLS,
Imm32GetCoInitCountSkip, Imm32IncCoInitCountSkip, and
Imm32DecCoInitCountSkip helper functions to
control the TLS data.
- Introduce "CoInitialize Spy" (ISPY) to manage COM
initialization status.
- Implement CtfImmCoInitialize and CtfImmCoUninitialize.
- Implement CtfImmEnterCoInitCountSkipMode and
- Implement CtfImmLastEnabledWndDestroy,
ImmDisableTextFrameService, and CtfImmTIMActivate.
Implement PathIsEqualOrSubFolder function.
- Add it to <undocshell.h>.
- Add PathIsEqualOrSubFolder testcase.
- Add SHGetPathCchFromIDListW as an
extension of SHGetPathFromIDListW.