IContextMenu (CDefaultContextMenu) only knows how to rename when its site is an IShellView. The tree must detect the rename operation and perform it in the TreeView instead.
Fixed a bug in the ListView that is triggered by activating DefView (to complete the rename): Just after DefView has been activated, the tree performs a navigation to the newly renamed folder, this causes DefView to be destroyed and in turn the ListView. The ListView tries to handle a selection change during destruction of the ListView and ends up accessing an invalid pointer.
Support GetControlWindow, ShowControlWindow and IsControlWindowShown for TREE and STATUS in the Shell Browser so DefView can set CMF_EXPLORE correctly.
For simplicity and short typing.
JIRA issue: CORE-19469
- Replace "virtual HRESULT
with "STDMETHOD(m)"
(m is a method name).
- Replace "virtual t
with "STDMETHOD_(t, m)"
(t is a type. m is a method name).
- Use "override" keyword as possible.
Adds the option to set the address edit box to use the display name or the full path. Also refreshes the window title and edit box in all open explorer windows when changing these settings using the folder options dialog.
- Create a new CabinetStateSettings type that inherits from the CABINETSTATE type. This allows us to add additional cabinet state settings not exposed in the CABINETSTATE type as well as adding a Load() method to easily populate the cabinet state settings.
- Add a global cabinet state settings object. While most settings in browseui are stored independently in each shellbrowser window, cabinet state settings are global and apply to every shellbrowser window. This can be confirmed on Windows Server 2003 and Windows 7.
- When receiving the WM_SETTINGCHANGE window message from the folder options dialog, refresh the title of the window and the text in the address edit box. This is the same behavior as Windows Server 2003 and Windows 7.
Add a DWORD registry value to HKCU\...\Explorer\CabinetState\FullPathAddress to allow users to toggle this setting on or off in our folder options.
- Implement CShellBrowser::GetPropertyBag
a little by using SHGetViewStatePropertyBag.
- Add SHGetPathFromIDListWrapW prototype to
This works similarly to how our shell stores its settings from a software design standpoint.
- Add settings.cpp file and ShellSettings structure to load and save settings.
- Add a registry value to hivedef.inf for the locked toolbar state.
This prevents a bug where the associated registry key cannot be opened or saved to.
- Add new BWM_SETTINGCHANGE window message to refresh the UI on setting changes
and send it to every open window when saving settings to the registry.
- Add new BWM_GETSETTINGSPTR window message to share the shellbrowser settings
structure pointer with child windows and toolbars.
- Set `HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\CabinetState\FullPath` to 0 by default.
Adding this registry value also enables the "Display the full path in the title bar" option in our folder options window.
- Query the same registry key when the file explorer is started to determine whether to use the full path or the display name in the window title.
CORE-19046 CORE-18904
- Use proper window styles when creating status bar window.
- Specify WS_VISIBLE style only when status bar display is enabled.
- Use ::CreateWindowExW() with a global namespace scope operator.
- Fix some magic constants.
- Use `HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\StatusBarOther` registry key for the setting persistence.
- Set its value to 1 when the status bar is visible, and to 0 when the status bar is hidden.
- Query it when the file browser is initialized to set the correct view state for the status bar.
- Set the default state of the status bar to hidden if the registry key does not exist, matching the behavior of Windows Server 2003.
In windows the toolbar itself creates the search shell extension. In ros we send a command to the CShellBrowser to let it handle it itself. Use the same command for showing and hiding it.
CBaseBarSite: Ask the CBaseBar to close itself when the x button is pressed.
CBaseBar: Hide the bar and inform its site that it is closing when it gets the close command.
CShellBrowser: Cache the guid of the current vertical bar and use it to report correct command status to the toolbar.
Also implement toggling the Folders, Favorites, History and search commands.
CInternetToolbar: Query the Folders and Search command status from the site so that they can be properly be shown as pressed.
- Implement shell32 RegenerateUserEnvironment() function and use it.
- CShellBrowser and CDesktopBrowser implements WM_SETTINGCHANGE actions.
CORE-1459, CORE-14397