* Add an NDK header to define INIT_FUNCTION/INIT_SECTION globally
* Use _declspec(allocate(x)) and _declspec(code_seg(x)) on MSVC versions that support it
* Use INIT_FUNCTION on functions only and INIT_SECTION on data only (required by MSVC)
* Place INIT_FUNCTION before the return type (required by MSVC)
* Make sure declarations and implementations share the same modifiers (required by MSVC)
* Add a global linker option to suppress warnings about defined but unused INIT section
* Merge INIT section into .text in freeldr
When we're about to close a file (ie, forget everything about it
and release any associated structure), actually delay it.
This allows keep data fresh in memory for faster reuse in case
it would be required. The effective closing will only happen after some time.
For specific operations, this will produce a real speed up in ReactOS.
For instance, with that patch, Winamp starts within seconds, instead of dozen
of minutes.
In most cases, it will bring ReactOS to performances it had before fixing
the huge leak in FastFAT (commit 94ead99) without leaking the whole FS.
For now, due to regressions, this is only activated for files and not
for directories. Once it gets fixed, it will be enabled for both.
This is a PoC of what it's possible to realize thanks to an
already existing hack in ntoskrnl :-).
With this extension, on the kdb:> prompt, you're able to type
in commands that will be handled by the FastFAT driver and not
by the kernel, allowing internal debug, not possible otherwise.
So far, three commands exist:
- ?fat.vols: lists all the mounted volumes by FastFAT
- ?fat.files: lists all the files on a specific volume (with their attributes)
- ?fat.setdbgfile: allows watching on specifics files lifetime
This is obviously only the begin and could be greatly improved.
For instance, this is what allowed to debug CORE-14557