- Add IntGdiAddFontResourceEx function that is extended from IntGdiAddFontResource, in order to add dwFlags parameter.
- Add IntLoadFontsInRegistry function that will load the fonts from registry info.
- If loading from registry failed, IntLoadSystemFonts will be called.
- Use IntLoadFontsInRegistry rather than IntLoadSystemFonts in the OS startup.
- Add NameFromCharSet function.
- Append " (CharSetName)" to registry value name if not TrueType.
Google Chrome with -no-sandbox parameter in ReactOS wouldn't display the web page because first-chance exception raised.
- Remove FullName, Style, and FaceName members from TEXTOBJ structure.
- Add TextFace member into TEXTOBJ structure.
- Add MatchFontName() and MatchFontNames() helper functions.
- Fix GetTextFace() and related.