Addendum to 608032bd and 835c3023.
The IRQL is actually raised by KeFreezeExecution() and lowered by
KeThawExecution(), always to HIGH_IRQL on MP systems, or if necessary
on UP. These functions are called respectively by KdEnterDebugger()
and KdExitDebugger().
When performing access security check, use the security descriptor that we've captured it to determine based on that descriptor if the client can be granted access or not.
As we now have the SEF_* flags declared within the SDK we can simply check for such flags directly wihout having to check for the hard-coded flag values.
This implements the EffectiveOnly option of SepDuplicateToken routine (used by NtDuplicateToken syscall and other functions alike) which makes the access token effective by removing the disabled parts like privileges and groups.
Fix a wrong returned datatype of the function, as SepSinglePrivilegeCheck calls the internal private SepPrivilegeCheck function which returns a BOOLEAN value.
When processing:
Make sure that the process is not terminating.
Make sure that the process WorkingSet is still valid
Protect accessing & writing to PTEs by acquiring the working set lock
CORE-17595 CORE-17642
When creating or duplicating an access token object, make sure that the logon session is getting referenced by the token must be inserted onto the logon reference member (a.k.a LogonSession) for proper logon session referencing tracking.
Also when a token object is about to be destroyed or that we are taking away a reference session from it, we must ensure that the referenced logon session data gets removed from the token in question.
When duplicating an access token, the authentication ID is already copied from the existing token to the new one anyway so there's no point on having the commented call still left in the code.
Note to SELF and EVERYONE: the commit implements the initial logon session termination notification implementation, the SeMarkLogonSessionForTerminationNotification function, but as it currently stands there are several other tasks to be addressed in the future in order for the logon termination notification to be fully completed. The tasks as of which are.
1. Our SepRmDereferenceLogonSession is not fully implemented, as it doesn't inform the LSA and filesystems of logon deletion notification
2. Implement two worker routines that are actually in charge of such tasks of informing LSA and FSDs
3. Perform logon deletion
4. Do further investigations and check whatever that is left to address, if any
* Quality of service kernel stuff bears nothing with security descriptors in anyway, so just have a file specifically for it
* Annotate the function arguments parameters with SAL
* Document the functions
Use REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE instead of REG_OPTION_VOLATILE in all ZwCreateKey calls of OpenRegistryHandlesFromSymbolicLink, since the keys created/opened by this function, should be non-volatile (in other words, be saved after reboot).
Also Device Parameters subkey that is created in IoOpenDeviceInterfaceRegistryKey (which uses that routine as well), is non-volatile too, so the parent keys whose contain it, cannot be volatile.
It will fix an error with status 0xc0000181 (STATUS_CHILD_MUST_BE_VOLATILE) occuring during loading kernel mode audio drivers from Windows XP/2003, especially checked (debug) versions, with my IoGetDeviceInterfaceAlias implementation. Also it may fix other error cases.
We allocate memory pool for a new security descriptor with specific info filled by the caller but we don't set the control flag bits for the newly allocated descriptor, which is wrong. Originally spotted by Vadim Galyant.
KD64: Raise to HIGH_LEVEL when entering trap
KDBG: lower to DISPATCH_LEVEL when applying IRQL hack & use a worker thread to load symbols
KD&KDBG: Actually unload symbols when required
Raise IRQL before entering debugger, so that KeAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel works as expected.
- HIGH_LEVEL since we don't know where we are coming from.
Do not try to read debug symbol from files in KDBG.
- There is no reason that this works if Mm didn't map it in the first place.