- Current design does not warn user nor logs DEBUG traces when Service Start/Stop command fails or reach timeout.
- Current Service Start/Stop progress window are WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW which reduce lisibility, is a ReactOS specificity without good reason.
Proposed changes
- DPRINT1 traces added on failure cases.
- Error Message box presented to user upon failure with explicit root cause identification.
- Change Dialog definition to standard window.
- Avoid a potential race whereby the current service selection can change before the propsheet thread starts up
- Cleanup the depends data, it doesn't need to be passed around the propsheet
- Make the property sheets modeless so users can open multiple services at the same time
- Untested in ros. In fact we have no code or tests cases to check that modeless property sheets work, so please raise a bug if you find any issues with the app.
- Dedicated to reactosfanboy