Any valid code page value name in System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Nls\CodePage
is a string representation of its corresponding decimal value, that
cannot be larger than MAXUSHORT == 65535, i.e. longer than 5+1
Noticed with the analyser warning
dll\cpl\console\options.c(74): warning C6262: Function uses '32808' bytes
of stack: exceeds /analyze:stacksize '16384'. Consider moving some data to heap.
Make the enumeration loop actually stop when ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS is
returned. If we got another error, e.g. because the value name was
too long (and thus, an invalid code page), just ignore and continue
CORE-12451 CORE-13182 CORE-13196
- CONSOLE: Initialize the additional TrueType fonts cache.
* Fix the font preview when a TrueType font has been selected.
* Refresh the available fonts and the font preview when the selected
code page is changed (Work In Progress), or when the OS pool of
font resources has changed (WM_FONTCHANGE message).
- CONCFG: Implement support for the additional TrueType fonts cache:
the contents of the cache is enumerated under the registry key
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Console\TrueTypeFont
* Add helper functions and macros.
* In CreateConsoleFontEx(), set the mandatory font pitch&family flags
and remove those that we do not support.
* In IsValidConsoleFont2(), update the validity checks and the
documentation links.
- CONSRV: Load/refresh the additional TrueType fonts cache when needed.