- Rewrite the topology filter / pin / node property handling
- Store property sets of filter / pins / nodes in a common property set array
- Write a common dispatch function, which serves as a trampoline for filter / pin / node property requests
- Private property handlers of the drivers are now accessible
svn path=/trunk/; revision=49243
- Remove silence buffer hack
- Stub DRM Property Handler
- Before stopping the audio pin, fill the dma buffer with silence samples
- create a subdevice descriptor for instantiated pins too
svn path=/trunk/; revision=49242
- Fix check if the pin can be instantiated another time
- Remove hack to close old
- Add function FreePin to remove its old reference
- Fix memory leaks / reference leaks in WavePci pin implementation
- Fix memory / reference leaks in WavePci Close implementation
svn path=/trunk/; revision=49238
- Fix property set support handler for topology nodes
- Check if the driver supports a basic support handler. In that case return the basic support handler
svn path=/trunk/; revision=49237
Add each win32dll module to livecd and remove global temporary add-on from gcc.cmake.
Fix pch use in fmifs.
Enable remaining dlls in dll/win32/CMakeLists.txt.
svn path=/branches/cmake-bringup/; revision=49230
Add win32dll modules to livecd for now.
For better flexibility, this will be needed in each module file.
svn path=/branches/cmake-bringup/; revision=49221
Add mkhive to build.
Add livecd target.
Make filename optional in add_mini_target, using the target one as default.
Move MACRO_IDL_FILES to CMakeMacros.cmake.
Add rpcproxy macro.
Build interface definitions headers for epm and irot.
svn path=/branches/cmake-bringup/; revision=49218
- Remove the reference counter from the common handle type as a handle is never shared or duplicated.
- Remove the access right from the service handle as it is not used.
- Dereference service manager handles and service handles in two separate functions that SEH-protect the initial access to the handle and signature check. This will protect SCM from bogus handles.
svn path=/trunk/; revision=49214
Implemented FstubAdjustPartitionCount(), FstubConvertExtendedToLayout(), FstubCopyEntryEFI(), FstubCreateDiskMBR(), FstubCreateDiskEFI(), FstubCreateDiskRaw(), FstubDbgPrintSetPartitionEx(), FstubReadHeaderEFI(), FstubReadPartitionTableEFI(), FstubSetPartitionInformationEFI(), FstubVerifyPartitionTableEFI(), FstubWriteBootSectorEFI(), FstubWriteEntryEFI(), FstubWriteHeaderEFI(), FstubWritePartitionTableEFI(), FstubWritePartitionTableMBR(), FstubWriteSector()
Implemented IoCreateDisk(), IoGetBootDiskInformation(), IoReadDiskSignature(), IoSetPartitionInformationEx(), IoVerifyPartitionTable(), IoWritePartitionTableEx()
To sum up, this commit finishes FSTUB API implementation in the ReactOS kernel. This means one important thing: now ReactOS kernel knows about a bit about EFI and about GPT. No need to say that it's the first step into EFI support. But a lot more work is needed. Especially since the kernel is the only real entity in ReactOS to handle GPT. All the rest of the OS doesn't know anything about GPT.
A small note about FstubVerifyPartitionTableEFI(). This function is supposed to check whether a disk formated with GPT is valid, and if it's not, to fix it. First step is implemented. Second step isn't yet supported.
A general note about all that stuff: on GPT, backup table isn't properly handled for the moment, as ReactOS is experiencing disk geometry issues. That means it's not having the proper disk sectors count and then, can't find the backup table (which is located on last disk sector).
svn path=/trunk/; revision=49212
Hackplemented support for IOCTL_DISK_GET_PARTITION_INFO_EX. It will work fine for MBR partitions but will fake returns for GPT partitions.
svn path=/trunk/; revision=49210
[NTOS]: Add support to MiDeletePte/MiDeleteVirtualAddresses to handle Section VADs.
[NTOS]: Add support to MiDeletePte to handle valid, prototype PTEs.
[NTOS]: Add MEM_TOP_DOWN support to ARM3 section code.
[NTOS]: Add support for unmapping currently mapped ARM3 section views at process termination.
[NTOS]: Use the new ARM3 section code for mapping the NLS section in the system (tests the system-view mapping code) and in each new process (tests the data-mapping code). Section is correctly unmapped at process termination time!
svn path=/trunk/; revision=49206
[NTOS]: Fix many MDL API bugs: correctly check for I/O pages, use LIST_HEAD instead of -1, track system-wide locked pages, use the process working set lock instead of the address space lock, add check for cross-ring MDL mappings, and make some small optimizations.
[NTOS]: Make some more fixes in MmAllocatePagesForMdl, MmFreeMdlPages to make the PFN entries more "correct".
[NTOS]: Had a little breakthrough: instead of complicating our lives and hiding certain ReactOS-Mm fields inside legitimate ARM3/MMPFN fields, differentiate between "legacy" (RosMm) and ARM3 pages. The legacy allocator (MmAllocPage/MmRequestPageMemoryConsumer) will use the non-paged pool to allocate a MMROSPFN add-on (8 bytes), in which the RMAP list head and SWAPENTRY are stored. When a legacy "free" is done, this data is deleted. Additionally, we can now tell apart between ARM3 and RosMm pages, so appropriate ASSERTs have been added to make sure the two never cross paths (which should safely let us use all the PFN fields now and implement working sets, etc...). I don't know why I didn't think of this sooner.
svn path=/trunk/; revision=49201
- Fix KSPROPERTY_PIN_CATEGORY handler when no category is provided
- Fix KSPROPERTY_PIN_NAME handler when there is no name provided. Use fallback pin category. If there is no category provided, fail with correct error code
- Fix KSPROPERTY_TOPOLOGY_NAME handler by checking if there is a node name provided. If not use node type as fallback.
- Return correct error code when property request id is out of bounds
svn path=/trunk/; revision=49199
[NTOS]: Reimplement NtQueryVirtualMemory to use VAD information instead. Even though Alloc/Free are still MAREA-based, the fake VADs we build ought to be enough to make the query API work for certain limited scenarios. Only some paths are implemented and it's lacking SEH, but it's good enough for the install/boot requirements. If there are any regressions, please file bugs.
svn path=/trunk/; revision=49194
[NTOS]: Now that VAD and MAREA views are synchronized, remove the VAD limit and let VADs be created at any address. Also do not create an arbitrary 16MB VAD memory area anymore. This basically now allows for as many PEB/TEBs as can fit in the address space, fixing the recent known regression that limited the number of threads a process could have.
svn path=/trunk/; revision=49193
- Kernel streaming pins need to transit states from Run -> Pause -> Acquire -> Stop.
- Fixes SB Live playback hang on last tone when stopping playback
svn path=/trunk/; revision=49191
- Apply a hack to filter out pins, which are not part of filter node processing path
- The hack filters out all pins which have a physical connection. Ideally the code should check if the pin is part of a different rendering path and in that case remove the pin.
- Revert 49167
svn path=/trunk/; revision=49189