Always create only non-volatile (sub)keys when registering a new device interface, so then they are saved after reboot.
On Windows, nearly all device interface keys are non-volatile, except the "Control" subkey, which is managed by IoSetDeviceInterfaceState instead.
In particular, it fixes MS sysaudio loading failure with MS audio drivers replacement (ks, portcls, swenum, sysaudio, wdmaud). My IoGetDeviceInterfaceAlias implementation is also required to be applied. MS sysaudio implementation(s) except that those keys are non-volatile (but we're creating them volatile instead), and trying to create a subkey(s) there (via other IoDeviceInterface* routines), to read/write some needed data. But then they fail to do that with STATUS_CHILD_MUST_BE_VOLATILE (0xc0000181), obviously because our keys are volatile.
The volatile keys can never have non-volatile subkeys.
Use REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE instead of REG_OPTION_VOLATILE in all ZwCreateKey calls of OpenRegistryHandlesFromSymbolicLink, since the keys created/opened by this function, should be non-volatile (in other words, be saved after reboot).
Also Device Parameters subkey that is created in IoOpenDeviceInterfaceRegistryKey (which uses that routine as well), is non-volatile too, so the parent keys whose contain it, cannot be volatile.
It will fix an error with status 0xc0000181 (STATUS_CHILD_MUST_BE_VOLATILE) occuring during loading kernel mode audio drivers from Windows XP/2003, especially checked (debug) versions, with my IoGetDeviceInterfaceAlias implementation. Also it may fix other error cases.
- BUGFIX: do not call IoGetRelatedTargetDevice while guarded mutex is acquired
(the function issues an APC, but they are disabled inside a critical section)
- BUGFIX: only the beginning of a structure for GUID_PNP_CUSTOM_NOTIFICATION was copied and queued.
Just pass it as-is to a subscriber, without copying
- Don't convert event GUID to string, store and compare GUID struct itself
- Split IopNotifyPlugPlayNotification into 3 functions for each type of notification
(less stack usage and for future changes)
- Move initialization code for notifications into a separate routine
- Use separate lists and locks for every type of notification
- Put "TargetDeviceChange" notifications into their place inside DEVICE_NODE