Proposed changes:
- Use the total extent (width) and font metrics (height) as values
to put in the lpSize variable instead of calling ScriptString_pSize()
in the LpkGetTextExtentExPoint() function.
- Use GetTextExtentExPointWPri in more cases as another effort to get the data.
- Trailing whitespace fixes.
Add a mechanism that detects via the version resource whether it's needed to mirror
the application layout or not. This is a "follow up" to commit 5b14b6f.
This code is taken from the GetProcessDefaultLayout() function from Wine
(called there "WIN_CreateWindowEx").
In Windows the version-resource mirroring happens when the GDI is loading the LPK.
- Implement mirroring via version resource. GDI linking on startup is required.
- GDI32: Add LPK loading on GDI startup.
To enable mirroring via version resource the lpk.dll must be loaded before any windows are created.
This is done through GdiInitializeLanguagePack() function which is called in GdiProcessSetup().
- LPK: Use Wine debug messaging.
[LPK][USER32] Fix reading layout checks.
- Both functions don't care about DT_RTLREADING flag.
- Added a different method to check reading order.
[USER32] Remove gcc-build breaker semicolon.
- The function is almost fully implemented, but some return values change wildly.
The results are mostly compatible to the Windows results.
- Remove #ifdef (this is primary ReactOS code).
- Try to make use of ScriptStringCPtoX when trying to fill the lpCaretPos struct member;
if USP10 error happens fallback to the unreorder method.
- Remove now incorrect debug print.
Added callback function that redirects calls to GreExtTextOutW that didn't went through lpk BiDi processing, calls that are from the kernel.
Completely solves JIRA issue CORE-6910.
Introduce BiDi (bi-directional text) support for ExtTextOut and GetCharacterPlacement, using Wine's GDI BIDI_Reorder function.
Solves the main issue with CORE-7003.
To be compatible with Win2k3+, introduce the "Language Pack" (LPK) dll.
- All the bidi code is removed from gdi32 and replaced by calls to LPK.
Gdi32 uses dynamic linking to lpk.dll. In case of linking failure no bidi processing will be available.
- Implemented LpkGetCharacterPlacement.
- Implement LpkExtTextOut.
- Add a demo test program to show how the apis should function.
- Added all the remaining code, added special case for lpDx calculation if also GCP_GLYPHSHAPE flag was called.
Applications that call GCP that use GCP_GLYPHSHAPE flags should also use the GCP_REORDER flag.
(As written in )
- Add ETO_RTLREADING flag handling.
Imported the ETO_RTLREADING flag handling from wine, which changes the string part order (runs).
A RRR1LLLRRR2 string without will show as RRR1LLLRRR2 without it, with it RRR2LLLRRR1.