The server-side CsrSrvIdentifyAlertableThread and CsrSrvSetPriorityClass
functions are completely removed in Win2k3+, and are since stubbed by
CsrSrvUnusedFunction instead. They however were present up to Windows XP,
albeit with an extremely minimal implementation.
The corresponding client-side CsrIdentifyAlertableThread and CsrSetPriorityClass
now become just stubs that either trivially succeed or fail, respectively.
for more information.
- Fix typo "al*T*ertable" --> "alertable".
deprecated since ages (at least before 2005)!
Complements commit 7e2db773.
- Validate the argument count.
- Validate the total buffer size: the total size of the header plus
the pointer-offset array and the provided buffer, together with
the alignment padding for each argument, must be less than MAXLONG
aligned to 4-byte boundary.
Take the alignment padding for each argument into account, **BEFORE**
doing the final size alignment on a 4-byte boundary. Thus, the capture
buffer size value is properly aligned, and passes the validation tests
on the server side (in CSRSRV!CsrCaptureArguments), see commit 7e2db773.
This bug was put in evidence in x64 builds where the memory alignments
were more tight than in the x86 builds.