- Add DoCreate methods to CFullscreenWindow, CMiniatureWindow, and CMainWindow classes.
- Do encapsulation around mainWindow and _tWinMain.
- Add GetOpenFileName, GetSaveFileName, and ChooseColor helper methods to CMainWindow class.
- Move some code in WinMain into CMainWindow::OnCreate.
- Delay creation of CFullscreenWindow and CMiniatureWindow.
- Extend ATL CImage class as CImageDx in newly-created atlimagedx.h of mspaint.
Many coordinates are dynamically calculated. It is adjustable against client area change.
- Fix some brush/eraser shapes for pixel perfection.
- Reduce magic numbers in toolssettings.cpp.
- Refactoring.
Reduce window controls and integrate to the canvas window.
- The sizeboxes are absorbed by canvasWindow.
- class CSizeboxWindow is deleted.
- Add getSizeBoxRect, getSizeBoxHitTest, and drawSizeBoxes helper functions in sizebox.cpp.
According to my registry analysis, the target value is HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Applets\Paint\General-Bar3:Visible.
- Add ShowToolBox registry setting.
According to my registry analysis, HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Applets\Paint\General-Bar4:Visible is the target value.
- Improve ReadDWORD helper function.
- Add ShowPalette registry setting.
- Simplify RegistrySettings::Load and RegistrySettings::Store.
We can borrow the power of CRT debug. These changes are effective for debug version only:
- Insert #include <crtdbg.h> at main.cpp.
- Call _CrtSetDbgFlag(_CRTDBG_ALLOC_MEM_DF | _CRTDBG_LEAK_CHECK_DF) at the prologue of _tWinMain.
This is a follow-up of #5151 (9abd9b6).
- Add Rotate90DegreeBlt function to dib.cpp.
- Implement ImageModel::RotateNTimes90Degrees and SelectionModel::RotateNTimes90Degrees.
- Improve ToolsModel::SetBackgroundTransparent.
- Extend and improve SelectionModel::InsertFromHBITMAP.
- Use Microsoft standard _countof macro instead of SIZEOF.
- Rename definitions.h as resource.h.
- Move some macro definitions to its proper place.
- Wrap implementation of Mirror/Rotate, Stretch/Skew and Attributes dialog in subclasses of CDialogImpl
- Turn global variables from code that was moved into member functions into member variables
- Add global instances of all three dialog classes
- Use <global instance>.DoModal(...) instead of one-line wrappers
- Replace some TCHAR arrays with CStrings