- Set `HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\CabinetState\FullPath` to 0 by default.
Adding this registry value also enables the "Display the full path in the title bar" option in our folder options window.
- Query the same registry key when the file explorer is started to determine whether to use the full path or the display name in the window title.
CORE-19046 CORE-18904
- Use proper window styles when creating status bar window.
- Specify WS_VISIBLE style only when status bar display is enabled.
- Use ::CreateWindowExW() with a global namespace scope operator.
- Fix some magic constants.
- Use `HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\StatusBarOther` registry key for the setting persistence.
- Set its value to 1 when the status bar is visible, and to 0 when the status bar is hidden.
- Query it when the file browser is initialized to set the correct view state for the status bar.
- Set the default state of the status bar to hidden if the registry key does not exist, matching the behavior of Windows Server 2003.
In windows the toolbar itself creates the search shell extension. In ros we send a command to the CShellBrowser to let it handle it itself. Use the same command for showing and hiding it.
CBaseBarSite: Ask the CBaseBar to close itself when the x button is pressed.
CBaseBar: Hide the bar and inform its site that it is closing when it gets the close command.
CShellBrowser: Cache the guid of the current vertical bar and use it to report correct command status to the toolbar.
Also implement toggling the Folders, Favorites, History and search commands.
CInternetToolbar: Query the Folders and Search command status from the site so that they can be properly be shown as pressed.
- Implement shell32 RegenerateUserEnvironment() function and use it.
- CShellBrowser and CDesktopBrowser implements WM_SETTINGCHANGE actions.
CORE-1459, CORE-14397