Supporting TIPs...
JIRA issue: CORE-19360
- Implement cicInitUIFLib and cicDoneUIFLib functions.
- Use them in msctfime and msutb.
- Add CUIFSystemInfo class in <cicero/cicuif.h>.
Based on @douglyons 's control-panel-copy-to-desktop-fix.patch.
JIRA issue: CORE-19210
- Delete needless #ifdef __REACTOS__ guards because
shlfileop.cpp is a forked file.
- Do NULL check against feFrom->szFilename.
Based on KRosUser's desk.patch.
JIRA issue: CORE-18187, CORE-16878
- Add FindBestElement helper function.
- Use FindBestElement to find the best
display settings.
Supporting TIPs... UIComposition class requires a caret class.
JIRA issue: CORE-19360
- Add <cicero/ciccaret.h> header.
- Add CicCaret class for displaying a caret.
Use new(cicNoThrow) instead of plain operator new.
JIRA issue: CORE-19360
- Define CicNoThrow structure and
cicNoThrow macro in <cicero/cicbase.h>.
- Use new(cicNoThrow) instead of
plain operator new.
Based on KRosUser's button_fixnotif.patch.
JIRA issue: CORE-6542, CORE-19384
Notify BN_CLICKED to the parent on WM_SETFOCUS message
handling if the button type was either BS_RADIOBUTTON or
BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON, and if the button was unchecked.
This is actually a Vista+ function, but we need it enable umpnpmgr.dll to notify services of device events. Up until WinXP it was possible to make direct calls to the service manager by umpnpmgr.dll because umpnpmgr.dll was loaded into the service manager process. From Vista onwards umpnpmgr.dll is run as a separate service host process. And since ReactOS always ran umpnpmgr.dll as a separate process, we have to use the Vista RPC functions to notify services.
@HBelusca said in ReactOS Chat:
> hi, is it possible to disable those two dprints?
> err:(../dll/win32/imm32/imm.c:949) pIMC was NULL
> err:(../dll/win32/imm32/imm.c:849) pClientImc was NULL
> they come out every other second of usage of any app in ReactOS.
JIRA issue: CORE-19268
Disable logging on two points by not using IS_NULL_UNEXPECTEDLY macro.
Based on KRosUser's cdefview_fixstatus.patch.
JIRA issue: CORE-19406
In CDefView::OnSize, call _ForceStatusBarResize function
instead of _HandleStatusBarResize function.
Supporting TIPs and Language Bar...
JIRA issue: CORE-19361
- Implement InitLangChangeHotKey function.
- Add some global variables about hot-keys.
- Fix CicRegKey in <cicero/cicreg.h>.
Fix Ctrl+Tab and Shift+Ctrl+Tab key
combination action in property sheet.
JIRA issue: CORE-17941
Use PROPSHEET_IsDialogMessage in
the message loop of PropertySheetA/W
function, instead of IsDialogMessage.
Cicero interface is not Unicode (W)
but ANSI (A).
- ctfmon.exe is ANSI, not Unicode.
- msutb.dll is ANSI, not Unicode.
- Apply generic text mapping to the
cicero headers.
- Include <tchar.h> to use generic
text mapping.
CORE-19361, CORE-19362, CORE-19363
msutb.dll is the GUI back-end
of Language Bar (Tipbar).
- Add msutb.dll module at
- The implementation of
msutb.dll is currently stub.
- Modify msctf.spec and msctf.idl.
- Add <cicero/cicutb.h>.
- Adapt ctfmon.exe to these changes.
CORE-19362, CORE-19363
Make LdrUnlockLoaderLock Cookie type consistent with LdrLockLoaderLock
and LdrpMakeCookie functions.
In addition:
* Adjustment of the formatting string for ULONG_PTR;
* ntdll.spec: specify ptr for 2nd parameter of LdrUnlockLoaderLock:
This is a parameter whose length is pointer-like, platform-dependent.
Co-authored-by: Hermès BÉLUSCA - MAÏTO <>