rpcrt4_create_pipe_security function will be held in charge to set up security descriptors specific for each named pipe upon creation in rpcrt4_conn_create_pipe. The descriptor is then freed after the pipe is no longer needed.
To prevent logspam that was introduced when syncing
to Wine Staging 4.18 in 0.4.14-dev-422-g
Thanks for anyone helping: Doug Lyons,
Fabian Maurer (Wine), Zebediah Figura (Wine)
I intend to port it back into 0.4.14RC so that
none of our releases will be affected.
CORE-6561 CORE-13442
- Call GetComputerNameA() only when a non-empty server name has been
provided, thus slightly improving speed for the most common case when
local calls (with an empty server name) are done.
- When a server name is passed, trim any leading UNC server prefix since
the latter will be restored when building the pipe name string.
## Purpose
Add a stub for RpcGetAuthorizationContextForClient function into rpcrt4, according to https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/rpcasync/nf-rpcasync-rpcgetauthorizationcontextforclient (but with Wine-specific diffs in the syntax, according to the code guidelines: https://wiki.winehq.org/Submitting_Patches#Code_guidelines, since we're syncing rpcrt4 with Wine). Required by MS Winlogon with also Win32 subsystem and some other dlls replaced (aka ROS-Frankenstein), so after my changes it doesn't fail with our rpcrt4.dll at the system startup.
I think I also need to submit a patch in Wine, but it is a bit problematically to reproduce this error there, since Wine has no even winlogon.exe, and launching MS Winlogon in pair with profmap.dll, causes the crash due to unimplemented RtlSetProcessIsCritical function in ntdll (which is completely different than our). Ftr, our ntdll already has it implemented: https://git.reactos.org/?p=reactos.git;a=blob;f=sdk/lib/rtl/process.c;hb=67c78d88c885ca92c72e2bcf59ddcf1d429096b1#l453 But with MS ntdll.dll, as far as I know, Wine will not work.
JIRA issue: CORE-16458
Although this PR doesn't fix that shutdown issue, it at least improves the situation with replaced system files and allows to investigate it more.
## Proposed changes
- Add a stub for the function in `dll/win32/rpcrt4/rpc_async.c`;
- Properly call it in `dll/win32/rpcrt4/rpcrt4.spec`.
There is no need to compile our DLLs as shared libraries since we are
managing symbols exports and imports through spec files.
On my system, this reduces the configure-time by a factor of two.