URLs are getting old. We have to
update URLs for documentation
JIRA issue: CORE-19963
- Refresh old URLs.
- Add " (DEAD_LINK)" labels
to dead links.
- Use MS Learn links rather
than MSDN ones.
- Some dead links revived by
Web Archive.
- Don't change Wine Tests
and Wine Sync.
- Don't change 3rd party libraries.
- Don't append "redirected" labels.
- Change INIT_FUNCTION and INIT_SECTION to CODE_SEG("INIT") and DATA_SEG("INIT") respectively
- Remove INIT_FUNCTION from function prototypes
- Remove alloc_text pragma calls as they are not needed anymore
- Sync some INIT_FUNCTION with how they are used and what is already
specified in the headers.
Addendum to commit 85e5b5be (r49445).
- KdbpGetCommandLineSettings(): Remove INIT_FUNCTION.
Fix MSVC 2015 x86 custom build:
"...\ntoskrnl\kdbg\kdb.c(1699): error C2983: 'KdbpGetCommandLineSettings': all declarations must have an identical __declspec(code_seg(...))"
And may also fix obscure bugs when entering into the KDBG debugger.