Remove unused stuff.

svn path=/trunk/; revision=41532
This commit is contained in:
Dmitry Gorbachev 2009-06-22 11:31:57 +00:00
parent dba96538b8
commit ce839b70b3
2 changed files with 3 additions and 391 deletions

View file

@ -30,89 +30,6 @@
static BOOLEAN KdpPhysAccess = FALSE;
#if 0
extern ULONG MmGlobalKernelPageDirectory[1024];
ULONG_PTR IdentityMapAddrHigh, IdentityMapAddrLow;
KdpPhysRead(ULONG_PTR Addr, LONG Len)
ULONGLONG Result = 0;
ULONG_PTR OldCR3 = __readcr3(), OldCR4 = __readcr4();
if (Addr & HIGH_PHYS_MASK)
__writecr4(OldCR4|CR4_PAGE_SIZE_BIT); // Turn on large page translation
switch (Len)
case 8:
Result = *((PULONGLONG)Addr);
case 4:
Result = *((PULONG)Addr);
case 2:
Result = *((PUSHORT)Addr);
case 1:
Result = *((PUCHAR)Addr);
__writecr4(OldCR4); // Turn off large page translation
return Result;
KdpPhysWrite(ULONG_PTR Addr, LONG Len, ULONGLONG Value)
ULONG_PTR OldCR3 = __readcr3(), OldCR4 = __readcr4();
if (Addr & HIGH_PHYS_MASK)
__writecr4(OldCR4|CR4_PAGE_SIZE_BIT); // Turn on large page translation
switch (Len)
case 8:
*((PULONGLONG)Addr) = Value;
case 4:
*((PULONG)Addr) = Value;
case 2:
*((PUSHORT)Addr) = Value;
case 1:
*((PUCHAR)Addr) = Value;
__writecr4(OldCR4); // Turn off large page translation
KdpPhysMap(ULONG_PTR PhysAddr, LONG Len)
@ -194,7 +111,6 @@ KdpPhysWrite(ULONG_PTR PhysAddr, LONG Len, ULONGLONG Value)
@ -291,60 +207,11 @@ KdpSafeWriteMemory(ULONG_PTR Addr, LONG Len, ULONGLONG Value)
return TRUE;
#if 0
int i;
PULONG IdentityMapVirt;
PHYSICAL_ADDRESS IdentityMapPhys, Highest = { };
if (KdpPhysAccess)
Highest.LowPart = (ULONG)-1;
/* Allocate a physical page and map it to copy the phys copy code onto */
IdentityMapVirt = (PULONG)MmAllocateContiguousMemory(2 * PAGE_SIZE, Highest);
IdentityMapPhys = MmGetPhysicalAddress(IdentityMapVirt);
IdentityMapAddrHigh = IdentityMapPhys.LowPart;
/* Copy the kernel space */
/* Set up 512 4Mb pages (high 2Gig identity mapped) */
for (i = 0; i < 512; i++)
IdentityMapVirt[i] =
/* Allocate a physical page and map it to copy the phys copy code onto */
IdentityMapAddrLow = IdentityMapAddrHigh + PAGE_SIZE;
IdentityMapVirt += PAGE_SIZE / sizeof(ULONG);
/* Copy the kernel space */
/* Set up 512 4Mb pages (low 2Gig identity mapped) */
for (i = 0; i < 512; i++)
IdentityMapVirt[i] = (i << 22) | PDE_PS_BIT | PDE_W_BIT | PDE_PRESENT_BIT;
KdpPhysAccess = TRUE;
KdpPhysAccess = TRUE;
/* EOF */

View file

@ -14,7 +14,6 @@
#define NDEBUG
#include <debug.h>
#if 1
#define KBD_STATUS_REG 0x64
#define KBD_CNTL_REG 0x64
@ -137,258 +136,4 @@ KdbpTryGetCharKeyboard(PULONG ScanCode, ULONG Retry)
return -1;
#if 0
/* GLOBALS *******************************************************************/
* Keyboard I/O ports.
#define K_RDWR 0x60 /* keyboard data & cmds (read/write) */
#define K_STATUS 0x64 /* keybd status (read-only) */
#define K_CMD 0x64 /* keybd ctlr command (write-only) */
* Bit definitions for K_STATUS port.
#define K_OBUF_FUL 0x01 /* output (from keybd) buffer full */
#define K_IBUF_FUL 0x02 /* input (to keybd) buffer full */
#define K_SYSFLAG 0x04 /* "System Flag" */
#define K_CMD_DATA 0x08 /* 1 = input buf has cmd, 0 = data */
#define K_KBD_INHIBIT 0x10 /* 0 if keyboard inhibited */
#define K_AUX_OBUF_FUL 0x20 /* 1 = obuf holds aux device data */
#define K_TIMEOUT 0x40 /* timout error flag */
#define K_PARITY_ERROR 0x80 /* parity error flag */
* Keyboard controller commands (sent to K_CMD port).
#define KC_CMD_READ 0x20 /* read controller command byte */
#define KC_CMD_WRITE 0x60 /* write controller command byte */
#define KC_CMD_DIS_AUX 0xa7 /* disable auxiliary device */
#define KC_CMD_ENB_AUX 0xa8 /* enable auxiliary device */
#define KC_CMD_TEST_AUX 0xa9 /* test auxiliary device interface */
#define KC_CMD_SELFTEST 0xaa /* keyboard controller self-test */
#define KC_CMD_TEST 0xab /* test keyboard interface */
#define KC_CMD_DUMP 0xac /* diagnostic dump */
#define KC_CMD_DISABLE 0xad /* disable keyboard */
#define KC_CMD_ENABLE 0xae /* enable keyboard */
#define KC_CMD_RDKBD 0xc4 /* read keyboard ID */
#define KC_CMD_WIN 0xd0 /* read output port */
#define KC_CMD_WOUT 0xd1 /* write output port */
#define KC_CMD_ECHO 0xee /* used for diagnostic testing */
#define KC_CMD_PULSE 0xff /* pulse bits 3-0 based on low nybble */
* Keyboard commands (send to K_RDWR).
#define K_CMD_LEDS 0xed /* set status LEDs (caps lock, etc.) */
#define K_CMD_TYPEMATIC 0xf3 /* set key repeat and delay */
* Bit definitions for controller command byte (sent following
* KC_CMD_WRITE command).
* Bits 0x02 and 0x80 unused, always set to 0.
#define K_CB_ENBLIRQ 0x01 /* enable data-ready intrpt */
#define K_CB_SETSYSF 0x04 /* Set System Flag */
#define K_CB_INHBOVR 0x08 /* Inhibit Override */
#define K_CB_DISBLE 0x10 /* disable keyboard */
#define K_CB_IGNPARITY 0x20 /* ignore parity from keyboard */
#define K_CB_SCAN 0x40 /* standard scan conversion */
* Bit definitions for "Indicator Status Byte" (sent after a
* K_CMD_LEDS command). If the bit is on, the LED is on. Undefined
* bit positions must be 0.
#define K_LED_SCRLLK 0x1 /* scroll lock */
#define K_LED_NUMLK 0x2 /* num lock */
#define K_LED_CAPSLK 0x4 /* caps lock */
* Bit definitions for "Miscellaneous port B" (K_PORTB).
/* read/write */
#define K_ENABLETMR2 0x01 /* enable output from timer 2 */
#define K_SPKRDATA 0x02 /* direct input to speaker */
#define K_ENABLEPRTB 0x04 /* "enable" port B */
#define K_EIOPRTB 0x08 /* enable NMI on parity error */
/* read-only */
#define K_REFRESHB 0x10 /* refresh flag from INLTCONT PAL */
#define K_OUT2B 0x20 /* timer 2 output */
#define K_ICKB 0x40 /* I/O channel check (parity error) */
* Bit definitions for the keyboard controller's output port.
#define KO_SYSRESET 0x01 /* processor reset */
#define KO_GATE20 0x02 /* A20 address line enable */
#define KO_AUX_DATA_OUT 0x04 /* output data to auxiliary device */
#define KO_AUX_CLOCK 0x08 /* auxiliary device clock */
#define KO_OBUF_FUL 0x10 /* keyboard output buffer full */
#define KO_AUX_OBUF_FUL 0x20 /* aux device output buffer full */
#define KO_CLOCK 0x40 /* keyboard clock */
#define KO_DATA_OUT 0x80 /* output data to keyboard */
* Keyboard return codes.
#define K_RET_RESET_DONE 0xaa /* BAT complete */
#define K_RET_ECHO 0xee /* echo after echo command */
#define K_RET_ACK 0xfa /* ack */
#define K_RET_RESET_FAIL 0xfc /* BAT error */
#define K_RET_RESEND 0xfe /* resend request */
#define SHIFT -1
#define CTRL -2
#define META -3
static char keymap[128][2] = {
{0}, /* 0 */
{27, 27}, /* 1 - ESC */
{'1', '!'}, /* 2 */
{'2', '@'},
{'3', '#'},
{'4', '$'},
{'5', '%'},
{'6', '^'},
{'7', '&'},
{'8', '*'},
{'9', '('},
{'0', ')'},
{'-', '_'},
{'=', '+'},
{8, 8}, /* 14 - Backspace */
{'\t', '\t'}, /* 15 */
{'q', 'Q'},
{'w', 'W'},
{'e', 'E'},
{'r', 'R'},
{'t', 'T'},
{'y', 'Y'},
{'u', 'U'},
{'i', 'I'},
{'o', 'O'},
{'p', 'P'},
{'[', '{'},
{']', '}'}, /* 27 */
{'\r', '\r'}, /* 28 - Enter */
{CTRL, CTRL}, /* 29 - Ctrl */
{'a', 'A'}, /* 30 */
{'s', 'S'},
{'d', 'D'},
{'f', 'F'},
{'g', 'G'},
{'h', 'H'},
{'j', 'J'},
{'k', 'K'},
{'l', 'L'},
{';', ':'},
{'\'', '"'}, /* 40 */
{'`', '~'}, /* 41 */
{SHIFT, SHIFT}, /* 42 - Left Shift */
{'\\', '|'}, /* 43 */
{'z', 'Z'}, /* 44 */
{'x', 'X'},
{'c', 'C'},
{'v', 'V'},
{'b', 'B'},
{'n', 'N'},
{'m', 'M'},
{',', '<'},
{'.', '>'},
{'/', '?'}, /* 53 */
{SHIFT, SHIFT}, /* 54 - Right Shift */
{0, 0}, /* 55 - Print Screen */
{META, META}, /* 56 - Alt */
{' ', ' '}, /* 57 - Space bar */
{0, 0}, /* 58 - Caps Lock */
{0, 0}, /* 59 - F1 */
{0, 0}, /* 60 - F2 */
{0, 0}, /* 61 - F3 */
{0, 0}, /* 62 - F4 */
{0, 0}, /* 63 - F5 */
{0, 0}, /* 64 - F6 */
{0, 0}, /* 65 - F7 */
{0, 0}, /* 66 - F8 */
{0, 0}, /* 67 - F9 */
{0, 0}, /* 68 - F10 */
{0, 0}, /* 69 - Num Lock */
{0, 0}, /* 70 - Scroll Lock */
{'7', '7'}, /* 71 - Numeric keypad 7 */
{'8', '8'}, /* 72 - Numeric keypad 8 */
{'9', '9'}, /* 73 - Numeric keypad 9 */
{'-', '-'}, /* 74 - Numeric keypad '-' */
{'4', '4'}, /* 75 - Numeric keypad 4 */
{'5', '5'}, /* 76 - Numeric keypad 5 */
{'6', '6'}, /* 77 - Numeric keypad 6 */
{'+', '+'}, /* 78 - Numeric keypad '+' */
{'1', '1'}, /* 79 - Numeric keypad 1 */
{'2', '2'}, /* 80 - Numeric keypad 2 */
{'3', '3'}, /* 81 - Numeric keypad 3 */
{'0', '0'}, /* 82 - Numeric keypad 0 */
{'.', '.'}, /* 83 - Numeric keypad '.' */
/* FUNCTIONS *****************************************************************/
* Quick poll for a pending input character.
* Returns a character if available, -1 otherwise. This routine can return
* false negatives in the following cases:
* - a valid character is in transit from the keyboard when called
* - a key release is received (from a previous key press)
* - a SHIFT key press is received (shift state is recorded however)
* - a key press for a multi-character sequence is received
* Yes, this is horrible.
static unsigned shift_state, ctrl_state, meta_state;
unsigned scan_code, ch;
/* See if a scan code is ready, returning if none. */
return -1;
/* Handle key releases - only release of SHIFT is important. */
if (scan_code & 0x80) {
scan_code &= 0x7f;
if (keymap[scan_code][0] == SHIFT)
shift_state = 0;
else if (keymap[scan_code][0] == CTRL)
ctrl_state = 0;
else if (keymap[scan_code][0] == META)
meta_state = 0;
ch = -1;
} else {
/* Translate the character through the keymap. */
ch = keymap[scan_code][shift_state] | meta_state;
if (ch == SHIFT) {
shift_state = 1;
ch = -1;
} else if (ch == CTRL) {
ctrl_state = 1;
ch = -1;
} else if (ch == META) {
meta_state = 0200;
ch = -1;
} else if (ch == 0)
ch = -1;
else if (ctrl_state)
ch = (keymap[scan_code][1] - '@') | meta_state;
return ch;
/* EOF */