mirror of
synced 2025-02-23 08:55:19 +00:00
[RICHED20] Sync with Wine Staging 1.9.16. CORE-11866
svn path=/trunk/; revision=72305
This commit is contained in:
10 changed files with 244 additions and 126 deletions
@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ BOOL ME_InternalDeleteText(ME_TextEditor *editor, ME_Cursor *start,
/* We aren't deleting anything in this run, so we will go back to the
* last run we are deleting text in. */
ME_PrevRun(&c.pPara, &c.pRun);
ME_PrevRun(&c.pPara, &c.pRun, TRUE);
c.nOffset = c.pRun->member.run.len;
run = &c.pRun->member.run;
@ -1245,7 +1245,7 @@ ME_MoveCursorLines(ME_TextEditor *editor, ME_Cursor *pCursor, int nRelOfs)
int x = ME_GetXForArrow(editor, pCursor);
if (editor->bCaretAtEnd && !pCursor->nOffset)
if (!ME_PrevRun(&pOldPara, &pRun))
if (!ME_PrevRun(&pOldPara, &pRun, TRUE))
if (nRelOfs == -1)
@ -157,7 +157,8 @@ static const IEnumFORMATETCVtbl VT_EnumFormatImpl = {
static HRESULT EnumFormatImpl_Create(const FORMATETC *fmtetc, UINT fmtetc_cnt, IEnumFORMATETC **lplpformatetc)
static HRESULT EnumFormatImpl_Create(const FORMATETC *fmtetc, UINT fmtetc_cnt,
IEnumFORMATETC **formatetc)
EnumFormatImpl *ret;
@ -169,7 +170,7 @@ static HRESULT EnumFormatImpl_Create(const FORMATETC *fmtetc, UINT fmtetc_cnt, I
ret->fmtetc_cnt = fmtetc_cnt;
ret->fmtetc = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_ZEROINIT, fmtetc_cnt*sizeof(FORMATETC));
memcpy(ret->fmtetc, fmtetc, fmtetc_cnt*sizeof(FORMATETC));
*lplpformatetc = (LPENUMFORMATETC)ret;
*formatetc = &ret->IEnumFORMATETC_iface;
return S_OK;
@ -399,8 +400,8 @@ static HGLOBAL get_rtf_text(ME_TextEditor *editor, const ME_Cursor *start, int n
return gds.hData;
HRESULT ME_GetDataObject(ME_TextEditor *editor, const ME_Cursor *start,
int nChars, LPDATAOBJECT *lplpdataobj)
HRESULT ME_GetDataObject(ME_TextEditor *editor, const ME_Cursor *start, int nChars,
IDataObject **dataobj)
DataObjectImpl *obj;
TRACE("(%p,%d,%d)\n", editor, ME_GetCursorOfs(start), nChars);
@ -424,6 +425,6 @@ HRESULT ME_GetDataObject(ME_TextEditor *editor, const ME_Cursor *start,
InitFormatEtc(obj->fmtetc[1], cfRTF, TYMED_HGLOBAL);
*lplpdataobj = (LPDATAOBJECT)obj;
*dataobj = &obj->IDataObject_iface;
return S_OK;
@ -1860,7 +1860,7 @@ ME_FindText(ME_TextEditor *editor, DWORD flags, const CHARRANGE *chrg, const WCH
if (cursor.nOffset == cursor.pRun->member.run.len)
ME_NextRun(&cursor.pPara, &cursor.pRun);
ME_NextRun(&cursor.pPara, &cursor.pRun, TRUE);
cursor.nOffset = 0;
@ -1886,7 +1886,7 @@ ME_FindText(ME_TextEditor *editor, DWORD flags, const CHARRANGE *chrg, const WCH
if (nCurEnd == 0)
ME_PrevRun(&pCurPara, &pCurItem);
ME_PrevRun(&pCurPara, &pCurItem, TRUE);
nCurEnd = pCurItem->member.run.len;
@ -1935,7 +1935,7 @@ ME_FindText(ME_TextEditor *editor, DWORD flags, const CHARRANGE *chrg, const WCH
if (nCurEnd - nMatched == 0)
ME_PrevRun(&pCurPara, &pCurItem);
ME_PrevRun(&pCurPara, &pCurItem, TRUE);
/* Don't care about pCurItem becoming NULL here; it's already taken
* care of in the exterior loop condition */
nCurEnd = pCurItem->member.run.len + nMatched;
@ -1949,7 +1949,7 @@ ME_FindText(ME_TextEditor *editor, DWORD flags, const CHARRANGE *chrg, const WCH
if (cursor.nOffset < 0)
ME_PrevRun(&cursor.pPara, &cursor.pRun);
ME_PrevRun(&cursor.pPara, &cursor.pRun, TRUE);
cursor.nOffset = cursor.pRun->member.run.len;
@ -2624,6 +2624,11 @@ static int ME_CalculateClickCount(ME_TextEditor *editor, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam
return clickNum;
static BOOL is_link( ME_Run *run )
return (run->style->fmt.dwMask & CFM_LINK) && (run->style->fmt.dwEffects & CFE_LINK);
static BOOL ME_SetCursor(ME_TextEditor *editor)
ME_Cursor cursor;
@ -2689,8 +2694,7 @@ static BOOL ME_SetCursor(ME_TextEditor *editor)
ME_Run *run;
run = &cursor.pRun->member.run;
if (run->style->fmt.dwMask & CFM_LINK &&
run->style->fmt.dwEffects & CFE_LINK)
if (is_link( run ))
@ -3125,8 +3129,7 @@ static void ME_LinkNotify(ME_TextEditor *editor, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM
ME_CharFromPos(editor, x, y, &cursor, &isExact);
if (!isExact) return;
if (cursor.pRun->member.run.style->fmt.dwMask & CFM_LINK &&
cursor.pRun->member.run.style->fmt.dwEffects & CFE_LINK)
if (is_link( &cursor.pRun->member.run ))
{ /* The clicked run has CFE_LINK set */
ME_DisplayItem *di;
@ -3140,21 +3143,15 @@ static void ME_LinkNotify(ME_TextEditor *editor, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM
/* find the first contiguous run with CFE_LINK set */
info.chrg.cpMin = ME_GetCursorOfs(&cursor);
for (di = cursor.pRun->prev;
di && di->type == diRun && (di->member.run.style->fmt.dwMask & CFM_LINK) && (di->member.run.style->fmt.dwEffects & CFE_LINK);
di = di->prev)
info.chrg.cpMin -= di->member.run.len;
di = cursor.pRun;
while (ME_PrevRun( NULL, &di, FALSE ) && is_link( &di->member.run ))
info.chrg.cpMin -= di->member.run.len;
/* find the last contiguous run with CFE_LINK set */
info.chrg.cpMax = ME_GetCursorOfs(&cursor) + cursor.pRun->member.run.len;
for (di = cursor.pRun->next;
di && di->type == diRun && (di->member.run.style->fmt.dwMask & CFM_LINK) && (di->member.run.style->fmt.dwEffects & CFE_LINK);
di = di->next)
info.chrg.cpMax += di->member.run.len;
di = cursor.pRun;
while (ME_NextRun( NULL, &di, FALSE ) && is_link( &di->member.run ))
info.chrg.cpMax += di->member.run.len;
ITextHost_TxNotify(editor->texthost, info.nmhdr.code, &info);
@ -3453,14 +3450,15 @@ LRESULT ME_HandleMessage(ME_TextEditor *editor, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam,
if ((changedSettings & settings & ES_NOHIDESEL) && !editor->bHaveFocus)
ME_InvalidateSelection( editor );
if (changedSettings & settings & ECO_VERTICAL)
FIXME("ECO_VERTICAL not implemented yet!\n");
if (changedSettings & settings & ECO_AUTOHSCROLL)
FIXME("ECO_AUTOHSCROLL not implemented yet!\n");
if (changedSettings & settings & ECO_AUTOVSCROLL)
FIXME("ECO_AUTOVSCROLL not implemented yet!\n");
if (changedSettings & settings & ECO_NOHIDESEL)
FIXME("ECO_NOHIDESEL not implemented yet!\n");
if (changedSettings & settings & ECO_WANTRETURN)
FIXME("ECO_WANTRETURN not implemented yet!\n");
if (changedSettings & settings & ECO_AUTOWORDSELECTION)
@ -4257,6 +4255,8 @@ LRESULT ME_HandleMessage(ME_TextEditor *editor, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam,
editor->bHaveFocus = TRUE;
ME_SendOldNotify(editor, EN_SETFOCUS);
if (!editor->bHideSelection && !(editor->styleFlags & ES_NOHIDESEL))
ME_InvalidateSelection( editor );
return 0;
ME_CommitUndo(editor); /* End coalesced undos for typed characters */
@ -4264,6 +4264,8 @@ LRESULT ME_HandleMessage(ME_TextEditor *editor, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam,
editor->wheel_remain = 0;
ME_SendOldNotify(editor, EN_KILLFOCUS);
if (!editor->bHideSelection && !(editor->styleFlags & ES_NOHIDESEL))
ME_InvalidateSelection( editor );
return 0;
TRACE("editor wnd command = %d\n", LOWORD(wParam));
@ -5002,10 +5004,24 @@ LRESULT WINAPI REExtendedRegisterClass(void)
return result;
static BOOL isurlspecial(WCHAR c)
static int wchar_comp( const void *key, const void *elem )
static const WCHAR special_chars[] = {'.','/','%','@','*','|','\\','+','#',0};
return strchrW( special_chars, c ) != NULL;
return *(const WCHAR *)key - *(const WCHAR *)elem;
/* neutral characters end the url if the next non-neutral character is a space character,
otherwise they are included in the url. */
static BOOL isurlneutral( WCHAR c )
/* NB this list is sorted */
static const WCHAR neutral_chars[] = {'!','\"','\'','(',')',',','-','.',':',';','<','>','?','[',']','{','}'};
/* Some shortcuts */
if (isalnum( c )) return FALSE;
if (c > neutral_chars[sizeof(neutral_chars) / sizeof(neutral_chars[0]) - 1]) return FALSE;
return !!bsearch( &c, neutral_chars, sizeof(neutral_chars) / sizeof(neutral_chars[0]),
sizeof(c), wchar_comp );
@ -5021,87 +5037,90 @@ static BOOL ME_FindNextURLCandidate(ME_TextEditor *editor,
ME_Cursor *candidate_min,
ME_Cursor *candidate_max)
ME_Cursor cursor = *start;
BOOL foundColon = FALSE;
BOOL candidateStarted = FALSE;
WCHAR lastAcceptedChar = '\0';
ME_Cursor cursor = *start, neutral_end, space_end;
BOOL candidateStarted = FALSE, quoted = FALSE;
while (nChars > 0)
WCHAR *strStart = get_text( &cursor.pRun->member.run, 0 );
WCHAR *str = strStart + cursor.nOffset;
int nLen = cursor.pRun->member.run.len - cursor.nOffset;
nChars -= nLen;
WCHAR *str = get_text( &cursor.pRun->member.run, 0 );
int run_len = cursor.pRun->member.run.len;
if (~cursor.pRun->member.run.nFlags & MERF_ENDPARA)
nChars -= run_len - cursor.nOffset;
/* Find start of candidate */
if (!candidateStarted)
/* Find start of candidate */
if (!candidateStarted)
while (cursor.nOffset < run_len)
while (nLen)
c = str[cursor.nOffset];
if (!isspaceW( c ) && !isurlneutral( c ))
if (isalnumW(*str) || isurlspecial(*str))
*candidate_min = cursor;
candidateStarted = TRUE;
neutral_end.pPara = NULL;
space_end.pPara = NULL;
quoted = (c == '<');
/* Find end of candidate */
if (candidateStarted)
while (cursor.nOffset < run_len)
c = str[cursor.nOffset];
if (isspaceW( c ))
if (quoted && c != '\r')
cursor.nOffset = str - strStart;
*candidate_min = cursor;
candidateStarted = TRUE;
lastAcceptedChar = *str++;
if (!space_end.pPara)
if (neutral_end.pPara)
space_end = neutral_end;
space_end = cursor;
goto done;
/* Find end of candidate */
if (candidateStarted) {
while (nLen)
else if (isurlneutral( c ))
if (*str == ':' && !foundColon) {
foundColon = TRUE;
} else if (!isalnumW(*str) && !isurlspecial(*str)) {
cursor.nOffset = str - strStart;
if (lastAcceptedChar == ':')
ME_MoveCursorChars(editor, &cursor, -1);
*candidate_max = cursor;
return TRUE;
if (quoted && c == '>')
neutral_end.pPara = NULL;
space_end.pPara = NULL;
goto done;
lastAcceptedChar = *str++;
if (!neutral_end.pPara)
neutral_end = cursor;
} else {
/* End of paragraph: skip it if before candidate span, or terminates
current active span */
if (candidateStarted) {
if (lastAcceptedChar == ':')
ME_MoveCursorChars(editor, &cursor, -1);
*candidate_max = cursor;
return TRUE;
neutral_end.pPara = NULL;
/* Reaching this point means no span was found, so get next span */
if (!ME_NextRun(&cursor.pPara, &cursor.pRun)) {
if (candidateStarted) {
/* There are no further runs, so take end of text as end of candidate */
cursor.nOffset = str - strStart;
if (lastAcceptedChar == ':')
ME_MoveCursorChars(editor, &cursor, -1);
*candidate_max = cursor;
return TRUE;
*candidate_max = *candidate_min = cursor;
return FALSE;
cursor.nOffset = 0;
if (!ME_NextRun(&cursor.pPara, &cursor.pRun, TRUE))
goto done;
if (candidateStarted) {
/* There are no further runs, so take end of text as end of candidate */
if (lastAcceptedChar == ':')
ME_MoveCursorChars(editor, &cursor, -1);
*candidate_max = cursor;
if (candidateStarted)
if (space_end.pPara)
*candidate_max = space_end;
else if (neutral_end.pPara)
*candidate_max = neutral_end;
*candidate_max = cursor;
return TRUE;
*candidate_max = *candidate_min = cursor;
@ -123,8 +123,8 @@ void ME_CharFormatFromLogFont(HDC hDC, const LOGFONTW *lf, CHARFORMAT2W *fmt) DE
/* list.c */
void ME_InsertBefore(ME_DisplayItem *diWhere, ME_DisplayItem *diWhat) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
void ME_Remove(ME_DisplayItem *diWhere) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
BOOL ME_NextRun(ME_DisplayItem **para, ME_DisplayItem **run) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
BOOL ME_PrevRun(ME_DisplayItem **para, ME_DisplayItem **run) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
BOOL ME_NextRun(ME_DisplayItem **para, ME_DisplayItem **run, BOOL all_para) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
BOOL ME_PrevRun(ME_DisplayItem **para, ME_DisplayItem **run, BOOL all_para) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
ME_DisplayItem *ME_FindItemBack(ME_DisplayItem *di, ME_DIType nTypeOrClass) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
ME_DisplayItem *ME_FindItemFwd(ME_DisplayItem *di, ME_DIType nTypeOrClass) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
ME_DisplayItem *ME_FindItemBackOrHere(ME_DisplayItem *di, ME_DIType nTypeOrClass) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
@ -63,16 +63,18 @@ static BOOL ME_DITypesEqual(ME_DIType type, ME_DIType nTypeOrClass)
/* Modifies run pointer to point to the next run, and modify the
* paragraph pointer if moving into the next paragraph.
/* Modifies run pointer to point to the next run.
* If all_para is FALSE constrain the search to the current para,
* otherwise modify the paragraph pointer if moving into the next paragraph.
* Returns TRUE if next run is found, otherwise returns FALSE. */
BOOL ME_NextRun(ME_DisplayItem **para, ME_DisplayItem **run)
BOOL ME_NextRun(ME_DisplayItem **para, ME_DisplayItem **run, BOOL all_para)
ME_DisplayItem *p = (*run)->next;
while (p->type != diTextEnd)
if (p->type == diParagraph) {
if (!all_para) return FALSE;
*para = p;
} else if (p->type == diRun) {
*run = p;
@ -83,16 +85,18 @@ BOOL ME_NextRun(ME_DisplayItem **para, ME_DisplayItem **run)
return FALSE;
/* Modifies run pointer to point to the previous run, and modify the
* paragraph pointer if moving into the previous paragraph.
/* Modifies run pointer to point to the previous run.
* If all_para is FALSE constrain the search to the current para,
* otherwise modify the paragraph pointer if moving into the previous paragraph.
* Returns TRUE if previous run is found, otherwise returns FALSE. */
BOOL ME_PrevRun(ME_DisplayItem **para, ME_DisplayItem **run)
BOOL ME_PrevRun(ME_DisplayItem **para, ME_DisplayItem **run, BOOL all_para)
ME_DisplayItem *p = (*run)->prev;
while (p->type != diTextStart)
if (p->type == diParagraph) {
if (!all_para) return FALSE;
if (p->member.para.prev_para->type == diParagraph)
*para = p->member.para.prev_para;
} else if (p->type == diRun) {
@ -261,7 +261,8 @@ static void draw_space( ME_Context *c, ME_Run *run, int x, int y,
SetRect( &rect, x, ymin, x + run->nWidth, ymin + cy );
if (c->editor->bHideSelection) selected = FALSE;
if (c->editor->bHideSelection || (!c->editor->bHaveFocus &&
!(c->editor->styleFlags & ES_NOHIDESEL))) selected = FALSE;
if (c->editor->bEmulateVersion10)
old_style_selected = selected;
@ -355,7 +356,8 @@ static void ME_DrawTextWithStyle(ME_Context *c, ME_Run *run, int x, int y,
int yOffset = 0;
BOOL selected = (nSelFrom < run->len && nSelTo >= 0
&& nSelFrom < nSelTo && !c->editor->bHideSelection);
&& nSelFrom < nSelTo && !c->editor->bHideSelection &&
(c->editor->bHaveFocus || (c->editor->styleFlags & ES_NOHIDESEL)));
BOOL old_style_selected = FALSE;
RECT sel_rect;
HRGN clip = NULL, sel_rgn = NULL;
@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ ME_DisplayItem *ME_JoinParagraphs(ME_TextEditor *editor, ME_DisplayItem *tp,
endCur.pRun = ME_FindItemFwd(pNext, diRun);
endCur.nOffset = 0;
startCur = endCur;
ME_PrevRun(&startCur.pPara, &startCur.pRun);
ME_PrevRun(&startCur.pPara, &startCur.pRun, TRUE);
ME_SetCharFormat(editor, &startCur, &endCur, &fmt);
if (!editor->bEmulateVersion10) { /* v4.1 */
@ -1597,7 +1597,7 @@ static HRESULT WINAPI ITextRange_fnGetIDsOfNames(ITextRange *me, REFIID riid, LP
ITypeInfo *ti;
TRACE("(%p)->(%p,%p,%u,%d,%p)\n", This, riid, rgszNames, cNames, lcid,
TRACE("(%p)->(%s, %p, %u, %d, %p)\n", This, debugstr_guid(riid), rgszNames, cNames, lcid,
hr = get_typeinfo(ITextRange_tid, &ti);
@ -1615,8 +1615,8 @@ static HRESULT WINAPI ITextRange_fnInvoke(ITextRange *me, DISPID dispIdMember, R
ITypeInfo *ti;
TRACE("(%p)->(%d,%p,%d,%u,%p,%p,%p,%p)\n", This, dispIdMember, riid, lcid,
wFlags, pDispParams, pVarResult, pExcepInfo, puArgErr);
TRACE("(%p)->(%d, %s, %d, %u, %p, %p, %p, %p)\n", This, dispIdMember, debugstr_guid(riid),
lcid, wFlags, pDispParams, pVarResult, pExcepInfo, puArgErr);
hr = get_typeinfo(ITextRange_tid, &ti);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
@ -1970,7 +1970,7 @@ static HRESULT range_Collapse(LONG bStart, LONG *start, LONG *end)
if (*end == *start)
return S_FALSE;
if (bStart == tomEnd || bStart == tomFalse)
if (bStart == tomEnd)
*start = *end;
*end = *start;
@ -2618,8 +2618,8 @@ static HRESULT WINAPI TextFont_GetIDsOfNames(ITextFont *iface, REFIID riid,
ITypeInfo *ti;
TRACE("(%p)->(%p,%p,%u,%d,%p)\n", This, riid, rgszNames, cNames, lcid,
TRACE("(%p)->(%s, %p, %u, %d, %p)\n", This, debugstr_guid(riid),
rgszNames, cNames, lcid, rgDispId);
hr = get_typeinfo(ITextFont_tid, &ti);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
@ -2642,8 +2642,8 @@ static HRESULT WINAPI TextFont_Invoke(
ITypeInfo *ti;
TRACE("(%p)->(%d,%p,%d,%u,%p,%p,%p,%p)\n", This, dispIdMember, riid, lcid,
wFlags, pDispParams, pVarResult, pExcepInfo, puArgErr);
TRACE("(%p)->(%d, %s, %d, %u, %p, %p, %p, %p)\n", This, dispIdMember, debugstr_guid(riid),
lcid, wFlags, pDispParams, pVarResult, pExcepInfo, puArgErr);
hr = get_typeinfo(ITextFont_tid, &ti);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
@ -3430,8 +3430,8 @@ static HRESULT WINAPI TextPara_GetIDsOfNames(ITextPara *iface, REFIID riid,
ITypeInfo *ti;
TRACE("(%p)->(%p,%p,%u,%d,%p)\n", This, riid, rgszNames, cNames, lcid,
TRACE("(%p)->(%s, %p, %u, %d, %p)\n", This, debugstr_guid(riid), rgszNames,
cNames, lcid, rgDispId);
hr = get_typeinfo(ITextPara_tid, &ti);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
@ -3454,8 +3454,9 @@ static HRESULT WINAPI TextPara_Invoke(
ITypeInfo *ti;
TRACE("(%p)->(%d,%p,%d,%u,%p,%p,%p,%p)\n", This, dispIdMember, riid, lcid,
wFlags, pDispParams, pVarResult, pExcepInfo, puArgErr);
TRACE("(%p)->(%d, %s, %d, %u, %p, %p, %p, %p)\n", This, dispIdMember,
debugstr_guid(riid), lcid, wFlags, pDispParams, pVarResult,
pExcepInfo, puArgErr);
hr = get_typeinfo(ITextPara_tid, &ti);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
@ -4125,8 +4126,8 @@ ITextDocument_fnGetIDsOfNames(ITextDocument* me, REFIID riid,
ITypeInfo *ti;
TRACE("(%p)->(%p,%p,%u,%d,%p)\n", This, riid, rgszNames, cNames, lcid,
TRACE("(%p)->(%s, %p, %u, %d, %p)\n", This, debugstr_guid(riid),
rgszNames, cNames, lcid, rgDispId);
hr = get_typeinfo(ITextDocument_tid, &ti);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
@ -4143,8 +4144,9 @@ ITextDocument_fnInvoke(ITextDocument* me, DISPID dispIdMember,
ITypeInfo *ti;
TRACE("(%p)->(%d,%p,%d,%u,%p,%p,%p,%p)\n", This, dispIdMember, riid, lcid,
wFlags, pDispParams, pVarResult, pExcepInfo, puArgErr);
TRACE("(%p)->(%d, %s, %d, %u, %p, %p, %p, %p)\n", This, dispIdMember,
debugstr_guid(riid), lcid, wFlags, pDispParams, pVarResult,
pExcepInfo, puArgErr);
hr = get_typeinfo(ITextDocument_tid, &ti);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
@ -4445,7 +4447,7 @@ static HRESULT WINAPI ITextSelection_fnGetIDsOfNames(ITextSelection *me, REFIID
ITypeInfo *ti;
TRACE("(%p)->(%p,%p,%u,%d,%p)\n", This, riid, rgszNames, cNames, lcid,
TRACE("(%p)->(%s, %p, %u, %d, %p)\n", This, debugstr_guid(riid), rgszNames, cNames, lcid,
hr = get_typeinfo(ITextSelection_tid, &ti);
@ -4469,7 +4471,7 @@ static HRESULT WINAPI ITextSelection_fnInvoke(
ITypeInfo *ti;
TRACE("(%p)->(%d,%p,%d,%u,%p,%p,%p,%p)\n", This, dispIdMember, riid, lcid,
TRACE("(%p)->(%d, %s, %d, %u, %p, %p, %p, %p)\n", This, dispIdMember, debugstr_guid(riid), lcid,
wFlags, pDispParams, pVarResult, pExcepInfo, puArgErr);
hr = get_typeinfo(ITextSelection_tid, &ti);
@ -112,6 +112,32 @@ ME_StreamOutPrint(ME_OutStream *pStream, const char *format, ...)
return ME_StreamOutMove(pStream, string, len);
static BOOL
ME_StreamOutHexData(ME_OutStream *stream, const BYTE *data, UINT len)
char line[HEX_BYTES_PER_LINE * 2 + 1];
UINT size, i;
static const char hex[] = "0123456789abcdef";
while (len)
size = min( len, HEX_BYTES_PER_LINE );
for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
line[i * 2] = hex[(*data >> 4) & 0xf];
line[i * 2 + 1] = hex[*data & 0xf];
line[size * 2] = '\n';
if (!ME_StreamOutMove( stream, line, size * 2 + 1 ))
return FALSE;
len -= size;
return TRUE;
static BOOL
ME_StreamOutRTFHeader(ME_OutStream *pStream, int dwFormat)
@ -780,6 +806,69 @@ ME_StreamOutRTFText(ME_OutStream *pStream, const WCHAR *text, LONG nChars)
return ME_StreamOutMove(pStream, buffer, pos);
static BOOL stream_out_graphics( ME_TextEditor *editor, ME_OutStream *stream,
ME_Run *run )
IDataObject *data;
UINT size;
SIZE goal, pic;
ME_Context c;
hr = IOleObject_QueryInterface( run->ole_obj->poleobj, &IID_IDataObject, (void **)&data );
if (FAILED(hr)) return FALSE;
ME_InitContext( &c, editor, ITextHost_TxGetDC( editor->texthost ) );
hr = IDataObject_QueryGetData( data, &fmt );
if (hr != S_OK) goto done;
hr = IDataObject_GetData( data, &fmt, &med );
if (FAILED(hr)) goto done;
if (med.tymed != TYMED_ENHMF) goto done;
size = GetEnhMetaFileBits( med.u.hEnhMetaFile, 0, NULL );
if (size < FIELD_OFFSET(ENHMETAHEADER, cbPixelFormat)) goto done;
emf_bits = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, size );
if (!emf_bits) goto done;
size = GetEnhMetaFileBits( med.u.hEnhMetaFile, size, (BYTE *)emf_bits );
if (size < FIELD_OFFSET(ENHMETAHEADER, cbPixelFormat)) goto done;
/* size_in_pixels = (frame_size / 100) * szlDevice / szlMillimeters
pic = size_in_pixels * 2540 / dpi */
pic.cx = MulDiv( emf_bits->rclFrame.right - emf_bits->rclFrame.left, emf_bits->szlDevice.cx * 254,
emf_bits->szlMillimeters.cx * c.dpi.cx * 10 );
pic.cy = MulDiv( emf_bits->rclFrame.bottom - emf_bits->rclFrame.top, emf_bits->szlDevice.cy * 254,
emf_bits->szlMillimeters.cy * c.dpi.cy * 10 );
/* convert goal size to twips */
goal.cx = MulDiv( run->ole_obj->sizel.cx, 144, 254 );
goal.cy = MulDiv( run->ole_obj->sizel.cy, 144, 254 );
if (!ME_StreamOutPrint( stream, "{\\*\\shppict{\\pict\\emfblip\\picw%d\\pich%d\\picwgoal%d\\pichgoal%d\n",
pic.cx, pic.cy, goal.cx, goal.cy ))
goto done;
if (!ME_StreamOutHexData( stream, (BYTE *)emf_bits, size ))
goto done;
if (!ME_StreamOutPrint( stream, "}}\n" ))
goto done;
ret = TRUE;
ME_DestroyContext( &c );
HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, emf_bits );
ReleaseStgMedium( &med );
IDataObject_Release( data );
return ret;
static BOOL ME_StreamOutRTF(ME_TextEditor *editor, ME_OutStream *pStream,
const ME_Cursor *start, int nChars, int dwFormat)
@ -831,7 +920,8 @@ static BOOL ME_StreamOutRTF(ME_TextEditor *editor, ME_OutStream *pStream,
if (cursor.pPara->member.para.nFlags & (MEPF_ROWSTART|MEPF_ROWEND))
if (cursor.pRun->member.run.nFlags & MERF_GRAPHICS) {
FIXME("embedded objects are not handled\n");
if (!stream_out_graphics(editor, pStream, &cursor.pRun->member.run))
return FALSE;
} else if (cursor.pRun->member.run.nFlags & MERF_TAB) {
if (editor->bEmulateVersion10 && /* v1.0 - 3.0 */
cursor.pPara->member.para.pFmt->dwMask & PFM_TABLE &&
@ -886,7 +976,7 @@ static BOOL ME_StreamOutRTF(ME_TextEditor *editor, ME_OutStream *pStream,
if (!ME_StreamOutPrint(pStream, "}"))
return FALSE;
} while (cursor.pRun != endCur.pRun && ME_NextRun(&cursor.pPara, &cursor.pRun));
} while (cursor.pRun != endCur.pRun && ME_NextRun(&cursor.pPara, &cursor.pRun, TRUE));
if (!ME_StreamOutMove(pStream, "}\0", 2))
return FALSE;
@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ reactos/dll/win32/qmgrprxy # Synced to WineStaging-1.9.11
reactos/dll/win32/query # Synced to WineStaging-1.9.11
reactos/dll/win32/rasapi32 # Synced to WineStaging-1.9.11
reactos/dll/win32/resutils # Synced to WineStaging-1.9.11
reactos/dll/win32/riched20 # Synced to WineStaging-1.9.11
reactos/dll/win32/riched20 # Synced to WineStaging-1.9.16
reactos/dll/win32/riched32 # Synced to WineStaging-1.9.11
reactos/dll/win32/rpcrt4 # Synced to WineStaging-1.9.11
reactos/dll/win32/rsabase # Synced to WineStaging-1.9.11
Reference in a new issue