- Implement the algorithms for pool allocation and de-allocation:

- Only tested/works with nonpaged pool for now.
  - No support for session pool or special pool.
  - No support for pool tagging.
  - No support for accounting (free/available pages, etc).
  - No optimizations other than your average combine-with-previous-free and combine-with-next-free mechanisms to avoid fragmentation.
  - No support for debugging.
  - No consistency/validation checks.
  - Heavily commented for the inquiring mind.
  - Thread/MP safe.
- Not used yet.

svn path=/trunk/; revision=42245
This commit is contained in:
ReactOS Portable Systems Group 2009-07-27 00:05:45 +00:00
parent e917c6e96d
commit a6757c9637

View file

@ -82,4 +82,465 @@ InitializePool(IN POOL_TYPE PoolType,
} }
ExAllocateArmPoolWithTag(IN POOL_TYPE PoolType,
IN SIZE_T NumberOfBytes,
PPOOL_HEADER Entry, NextEntry, FragmentEntry;
KIRQL OldIrql;
ULONG BlockSize, i;
// Some sanity checks
ASSERT(Tag != 0);
ASSERT(Tag != ' GIB');
ASSERT(NumberOfBytes != 0);
// Get the pool type and its corresponding vector for this request
PoolType = PoolType & BASE_POOL_TYPE_MASK;
PoolDesc = PoolVector[PoolType];
ASSERT(PoolDesc != NULL);
// Check if this is a big page allocation
if (NumberOfBytes > POOL_MAX_ALLOC)
// Then just return the number of pages requested
return MiAllocatePoolPages(PoolType, NumberOfBytes);
// Should never request 0 bytes from the pool, but since so many drivers do
// it, we'll just assume they want 1 byte, based on NT's similar behavior
if (!NumberOfBytes) NumberOfBytes = 1;
// A pool allocation is defined by its data, a linked list to connect it to
// the free list (if necessary), and a pool header to store accounting info.
// Calculate this size, then convert it into a block size (units of pool
// headers)
// Note that i cannot overflow (past POOL_LISTS_PER_PAGE) because any such
// request would've been treated as a POOL_MAX_ALLOC earlier and resulted in
// the direct allocation of pages.
i = (NumberOfBytes + sizeof(POOL_HEADER) + sizeof(LIST_ENTRY) - 1) /
// Loop in the free lists looking for a block if this size. Start with the
// list optimized for this kind of size lookup
ListHead = &PoolDesc->ListHeads[i];
// Are there any free entries available on this list?
if (!IsListEmpty(ListHead))
// Acquire the nonpaged pool lock now
OldIrql = KeAcquireQueuedSpinLock(LockQueueNonPagedPoolLock);
// And make sure the list still has entries
if (IsListEmpty(ListHead))
// Someone raced us (and won) before we had a chance to acquire
// the lock.
// Try again!
KeReleaseQueuedSpinLock(LockQueueNonPagedPoolLock, OldIrql);
// Remove a free entry from the list
// Note that due to the way we insert free blocks into multiple lists
// there is a guarantee that any block on this list will either be
// of the correct size, or perhaps larger.
Entry = (PPOOL_HEADER)RemoveHeadList(ListHead) - 1;
ASSERT(Entry->BlockSize >= i);
ASSERT(Entry->PoolType == 0);
// Check if this block is larger that what we need. The block could
// not possibly be smaller, due to the reason explained above (and
// we would've asserted on a checked build if this was the case).
if (Entry->BlockSize != i)
// Is there an entry before this one?
if (Entry->PreviousSize == 0)
// There isn't anyone before us, so take the next block and
// turn it into a fragment that contains the leftover data
// that we don't need to satisfy the caller's request
FragmentEntry = Entry + i;
FragmentEntry->BlockSize = Entry->BlockSize - i;
// And make it point back to us
FragmentEntry->PreviousSize = i;
// Now get the block that follows the new fragment and check
// if it's still on the same page as us (and not at the end)
NextEntry = FragmentEntry + FragmentEntry->BlockSize;
if (PAGE_ALIGN(NextEntry) != NextEntry)
// Adjust this next block to point to our newly created
// fragment block
NextEntry->PreviousSize = FragmentEntry->BlockSize;
// There is a free entry before us, which we know is smaller
// so we'll make this entry the fragment instead
FragmentEntry = Entry;
// And then we'll remove from it the actual size required.
// Now the entry is a leftover free fragment
Entry->BlockSize -= i;
// Now let's go to the next entry after the fragment (which
// used to point to our original free entry) and make it
// reference the new fragment entry instead.
// This is the entry that will actually end up holding the
// allocation!
Entry += Entry->BlockSize;
Entry->PreviousSize = FragmentEntry->BlockSize;
// And now let's go to the entry after that one and check if
// it's still on the same page, and not at the end
NextEntry = Entry + i;
if (PAGE_ALIGN(NextEntry) != NextEntry)
// Make it reference the allocation entry
NextEntry->PreviousSize = i;
// Now our (allocation) entry is the right size
Entry->BlockSize = i;
// And the next entry is now the free fragment which contains
// the remaining difference between how big the original entry
// was, and the actual size the caller needs/requested.
FragmentEntry->PoolType = 0;
BlockSize = FragmentEntry->BlockSize;
// Now check if enough free bytes remained for us to have a
// "full" entry, which contains enough bytes for a linked list
// and thus can be used for allocations (up to 8 bytes...)
if (BlockSize != 1)
// Insert the free entry into the free list for this size
InsertTailList(&PoolDesc->ListHeads[BlockSize - 1],
(PLIST_ENTRY)FragmentEntry + 1);
// We have found an entry for this allocation, so set the pool type
// and release the lock since we're done
Entry->PoolType = PoolType + 1;
KeReleaseQueuedSpinLock(LockQueueNonPagedPoolLock, OldIrql);
// Return the pool allocation
Entry->PoolTag = Tag;
return ++Entry;
} while (++ListHead != &PoolDesc->ListHeads[POOL_LISTS_PER_PAGE]);
// There were no free entries left, so we have to allocate a new fresh page
Entry = MiAllocatePoolPages(PoolType, PAGE_SIZE);
Entry->Ulong1 = 0;
Entry->BlockSize = i;
Entry->PoolType = PoolType + 1;
// This page will have two entries -- one for the allocation (which we just
// created above), and one for the remaining free bytes, which we're about
// to create now. The free bytes are the whole page minus what was allocated
// and then converted into units of block headers.
BlockSize = (PAGE_SIZE / sizeof(POOL_HEADER)) - i;
FragmentEntry = Entry + i;
FragmentEntry->Ulong1 = 0;
FragmentEntry->BlockSize = BlockSize;
FragmentEntry->PreviousSize = i;
// Now check if enough free bytes remained for us to have a "full" entry,
// which contains enough bytes for a linked list and thus can be used for
// allocations (up to 8 bytes...)
if (FragmentEntry->BlockSize != 1)
// Excellent -- acquire the nonpaged pool lock
OldIrql = KeAcquireQueuedSpinLock(LockQueueNonPagedPoolLock);
// And insert the free entry into the free list for this block size
InsertTailList(&PoolDesc->ListHeads[BlockSize - 1],
(PLIST_ENTRY)FragmentEntry + 1);
// Release the nonpaged pool lock
KeReleaseQueuedSpinLock(LockQueueNonPagedPoolLock, OldIrql);
// And return the pool allocation
Entry->PoolTag = Tag;
return ++Entry;
ExAllocateArmPool(POOL_TYPE PoolType,
SIZE_T NumberOfBytes)
// Use a default tag of "None"
return ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PoolType, NumberOfBytes, 'enoN');
ExFreeArmPoolWithTag(IN PVOID P,
PPOOL_HEADER Entry, NextEntry;
ULONG BlockSize;
KIRQL OldIrql;
// Quickly deal with big page allocations
if (PAGE_ALIGN(P) == P) return (VOID)MiFreePoolPages(P);
// Get the entry for this pool allocation
// The pointer math here may look wrong or confusing, but it is quite right
Entry = P;
// Get the size of the entry, and it's pool type, then load the descriptor
// for this pool type
BlockSize = Entry->BlockSize;
PoolType = (Entry->PoolType & BASE_POOL_TYPE_MASK) - 1;
PoolDesc = PoolVector[PoolType];
// Get the pointer to the next entry
NextEntry = Entry + BlockSize;
// Acquire the nonpaged pool lock
OldIrql = KeAcquireQueuedSpinLock(LockQueueNonPagedPoolLock);
// Check if the next allocation is at the end of the page
if (PAGE_ALIGN(NextEntry) != NextEntry)
// We may be able to combine the block if it's free
if (NextEntry->PoolType == 0)
// The next block is free, so we'll do a combine
Combined = TRUE;
// Make sure there's actual data in the block -- anything smaller
// than this means we only have the header, so there's no linked list
// for us to remove
if ((NextEntry->BlockSize != 1))
// The block is at least big enough to have a linked list, so go
// ahead and remove it
RemoveEntryList((PLIST_ENTRY)NextEntry + 1);
// Our entry is now combined with the next entry
Entry->BlockSize = Entry->BlockSize + NextEntry->BlockSize;
// Now check if there was a previous entry on the same page as us
if (Entry->PreviousSize)
// Great, grab that entry and check if it's free
NextEntry = Entry - Entry->PreviousSize;
if (NextEntry->PoolType == 0)
// It is, so we can do a combine
Combined = TRUE;
// Make sure there's actual data in the block -- anything smaller
// than this means we only have the header so there's no linked list
// for us to remove
if ((NextEntry->BlockSize != 1))
// The block is at least big enough to have a linked list, so go
// ahead and remove it
RemoveEntryList((PLIST_ENTRY)NextEntry + 1);
// Combine our original block (which might've already been combined
// with the next block), into the previous block
NextEntry->BlockSize = NextEntry->BlockSize + Entry->BlockSize;
// And now we'll work with the previous block instead
Entry = NextEntry;
// By now, it may have been possible for our combined blocks to actually
// have made up a full page (if there were only 2-3 allocations on the
// page, they could've all been combined).
if ((PAGE_ALIGN(Entry) == Entry) &&
(PAGE_ALIGN(Entry + Entry->BlockSize) == Entry + Entry->BlockSize))
// In this case, release the nonpaged pool lock, and free the page
KeReleaseQueuedSpinLock(LockQueueNonPagedPoolLock, OldIrql);
return (VOID)MiFreePoolPages(Entry);
// Otherwise, we now have a free block (or a combination of 2 or 3)
Entry->PoolType = 0;
BlockSize = Entry->BlockSize;
ASSERT(BlockSize != 1);
// Check if we actually did combine it with anyone
if (Combined)
// Get the first combined block (either our original to begin with, or
// the one after the original, depending if we combined with the previous)
NextEntry = Entry + BlockSize;
// As long as the next block isn't on a page boundary, have it point
// back to us
if (PAGE_ALIGN(NextEntry) != NextEntry) NextEntry->PreviousSize = BlockSize;
// Insert this new free block, and release the nonpaged pool lock
InsertHeadList(&PoolDesc->ListHeads[BlockSize - 1], (PLIST_ENTRY)Entry + 1);
KeReleaseQueuedSpinLock(LockQueueNonPagedPoolLock, OldIrql);
ExFreeArmPool(PVOID P)
// Just free without checking for the tag
ExFreeArmPoolWithTag(P, 0);
/* EOF */ /* EOF */