Fixed all known issue with DdCreateSurface in gdi32, it works with more that one surface now.

svn path=/trunk/; revision=32545
This commit is contained in:
Magnus Olsen 2008-03-02 18:19:08 +00:00
parent 34ca690ad8
commit a51cfbb700

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@ -274,11 +274,11 @@ DdCanCreateSurface(LPDDHAL_CANCREATESURFACEDATA CanCreateSurface)
/* TODO : finish all fixme */
* @implemented
* DdCreateSurface
@ -302,6 +302,24 @@ DdCreateSurface(LPDDHAL_CREATESURFACEDATA pCreateSurface)
/* TODO : Speed optimze, most games/dx apps/program does not want 1 surface, they want lest 2
* so we need incress the stack so it can contain 2 surface instead of one, this will incress
* the speed of the apps when it trying alloc buffer. How to incress the surface stack space
* we need create a own struct for DD_SURFACE_LOCAL DdSurfaceLocal, DD_SURFACE_MORE DdSurfaceMore
* DD_SURFACE_GLOBAL DdSurfaceGlobal. HANDLE hPrevSurface, hSurface. like
* struct { DD_SURFACE_LOCAL DdSurfaceLocal1, DD_SURFACE_LOCAL DdSurfaceLocal2 }
* lest so it contain two surface. maybe 4. we need watch what is most common here before
* we create the size activate this IF when you start doing the optimze and please also
* take report from user which value they got here
#if 0
char buffer[1024]; \
sprintf ( buffer, "Function %s : Optimze max to %d Surface ? (%s:%d)\n", __FUNCTION__,SurfaceCount,__FILE__,__LINE__ );
/* Check how many surfaces there are */
if (SurfaceCount != 1)
@ -475,12 +493,11 @@ DdCreateSurface(LPDDHAL_CREATESURFACEDATA pCreateSurface)
lcl->lpSurfMore->ddsCapsEx.dwCaps3 = ptmpDdSurfaceMore->ddsCapsEx.dwCaps3;
lcl->lpSurfMore->ddsCapsEx.dwCaps4 = ptmpDdSurfaceMore->ddsCapsEx.dwCaps4;
/* FIXME count to next SurfaceCount for
ptmpDdSurfaceGlobal = pDdSurfaceGlobal;
ptmpDdSurfaceLocal = pDdSurfaceLocal;
ptmpDdSurfaceMore = pDdSurfaceMore;
we only support one surface create at moment
/* count to next SurfaceCount */
ptmpDdSurfaceGlobal = (PDD_SURFACE_GLOBAL) (((PBYTE) ((ULONG_PTR) ptmpDdSurfaceGlobal)) + sizeof(DD_SURFACE_GLOBAL));
ptmpDdSurfaceLocal = (PDD_SURFACE_LOCAL) (((PBYTE) ((ULONG_PTR) ptmpDdSurfaceLocal)) + sizeof(DD_SURFACE_LOCAL));
ptmpDdSurfaceMore = (PDD_SURFACE_MORE) (((PBYTE) ((ULONG_PTR) ptmpDdSurfaceMore)) + sizeof(DD_SURFACE_MORE));