From 92443b44442fb51b35c917a5225e0b492b340795 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Katayama Hirofumi MZ Date: Sat, 21 Sep 2019 23:07:07 +0900 Subject: [PATCH] [USETUP] Improve Japanese translation (#1918) --- base/setup/usetup/lang/ja-JP.h | 166 ++++++++++++++++----------------- 1 file changed, 83 insertions(+), 83 deletions(-) diff --git a/base/setup/usetup/lang/ja-JP.h b/base/setup/usetup/lang/ja-JP.h index 35e2584e691..0bf9ac39153 100644 --- a/base/setup/usetup/lang/ja-JP.h +++ b/base/setup/usetup/lang/ja-JP.h @@ -14,19 +14,19 @@ static MUI_ENTRY jaJPSetupInitPageEntries[] = { 0, 20, - "Please wait while the ReactOS Setup initializes itself", + "ReactOS \276\257\304\261\257\314\337 \311 \274\256\267\266 \304 \303\336\312\336\262\275 \311 \271\335\274\255\302", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL | TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER }, { 0, 21, - "and discovers your devices...", + "\246 \265\317\301 \270\300\336\273\262...", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL | TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER }, { 0, 0, - "Please wait...", + "\265\317\301 \270\300\336\273\262...", TEXT_TYPE_STATUS | TEXT_PADDING_BIG, }, { @@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ static MUI_ENTRY jaJPWelcomePageEntries[] = { 8, 15, - "\x07 Press ENTER to install or upgrade ReactOS.", + "\x07 ReactOS \246 \262\335\275\304\260\331 / \261\257\314\337\270\336\332\260\304\336 \275\331 \306\312 ENTER \246 \265\274\303 \270\300\336\273\262\241", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { @@ -170,55 +170,55 @@ static MUI_ENTRY jaJPIntroPageEntries[] = { 6, 8, - "ReactOS Version Status", + "ReactOS \311 \312\336\260\274\336\256\335 \274\336\256\263\300\262", TEXT_STYLE_HIGHLIGHT }, { 6, 11, - "ReactOS is in Alpha stage, meaning it is not feature-complete", + "ReactOS \312 \261\331\314\247 \300\336\335\266\262 \306 \261\330\244 \267\311\263 \266\336 \320\266\335\276\262 \303\336", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 6, 12, - "and is under heavy development. It is recommended to use it only for", + "\266\262\312\302 \301\255\263 \303\336\275\241 \274\300\266\336\257\303 \313\256\263\266 \317\300\312 \303\275\304 \323\270\303\267 \303\336 \311\320 \274\326\263", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 6, 13, - "evaluation and testing purposes and not as your daily-usage OS.", + "\275\331 \272\304 \246 \265\275\275\322 \274\317\275\241 \306\301\274\336\256\263 \303\267 \305 \274\326\263 \306\312 \265\275\275\322 \303\336\267\317\276\335\241", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 6, 15, - "Backup your data or test on a secondary computer if you attempt", + "\274\336\257\273\262 \311 \312\260\304\336\263\252\261 \303\336 \300\322\275 \312\336\261\262 \312 \303\336\260\300 \246 \312\336\257\270\261\257\314\337 \275\331 \266", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 6, 16, - "to run ReactOS on real hardware.", + "\326\313\336 \311 \312\337\277\272\335 \303\336 \274\326\263 \274\303 \270\300\336\273\262\241", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 8, 19, - "\x07 Press ENTER to continue ReactOS Setup.", + "\x07 ENTER \246 \265\275\304 \277\336\257\272\263 \274\317\275\241", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 8, 21, - "\x07 Press F3 to quit without installing ReactOS.", + "\x07 F3 \246 \265\275 \304 ReactOS \246 \262\335\275\304\260\331 \276\275\336\306 \274\255\263\330\256\263 \274\317\275\241", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 0, 0, - "ENTER = Continue F3 = Quit", + "ENTER = \277\336\257\272\263 F3 = \274\255\263\330\256\263", TEXT_TYPE_STATUS | TEXT_PADDING_BIG }, { @@ -521,55 +521,55 @@ static MUI_ENTRY jaJPUpgradePageEntries[] = { 6, 8, - "The ReactOS Setup can upgrade one of the available ReactOS installations", + "ReactOS \276\257\304\261\257\314\337 \312 \274\300 \306 \332\257\267\256 \273\332\300 \262\335\275\304\260\331 \311 \262\275\336\332\266 \266\336 \266\311\263 \303\336\275\241", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 6, 9, - "listed below, or, if a ReactOS installation is damaged, the Setup program", + "\323\274\270\312\244 \323\274 ReactOS \311 \262\335\275\304\260\331 \266\336 \277\335\274\256\263 \274\303 \262\332\312\336 \276\257\304\261\257\314\337 \314\337\333\270\336\327\321 \312", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 6, 10, - "can attempt to repair it.", + "\274\255\263\314\270 \246 \272\272\333\320\331 \272\304 \266\336 \303\336\267\317\275\241", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 6, 12, - "The repair functions are not all implemented yet.", + "\274\255\263\314\270 \267\311\263 \312 \317\300\336 \266\335\276\336\335 \306\312 \274\336\257\277\263 \273\332\303 \262\317\276\335\241", TEXT_STYLE_HIGHLIGHT }, { 8, 15, - "\x07 Press UP or DOWN to select an OS installation.", + "\x07 UP \317\300\312 DOWN \246 \265\276\312\336 OS \311 \262\335\275\304\260\331 \246 \276\335\300\270 \303\336\267\317\275\241", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 8, 17, - "\x07 Press U for upgrading the selected OS installation.", + "\x07 U \246 \265\276\312\336 \276\335\300\270 \274\300 \262\335\275\304\260\331 \246 \261\257\314\337\270\336\332\260\304\336 \303\336\267\317\275\241", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 8, 19, - "\x07 Press ESC to continue with a new installation.", + "\x07 ESC \246 \265\276\312\336 \261\300\327\274\262 \262\335\275\304\260\331 \303\336 \277\336\257\272\263 \274\317\275\241", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 8, 21, - "\x07 Press F3 to quit without installing ReactOS.", + "\x07 F3 \246 \265\276\312\336 ReactOS \246 \262\335\275\304\260\331 \276\275\336\306 \274\255\263\330\256\263 \274\317\275\241", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 0, 0, - "U = Upgrade ESC = Do not upgrade F3 = Quit", + "U = \261\257\314\337\270\336\332\260\304\336 ESC = \261\257\314\337\270\336\332\260\304\336 \274\305\262 F3 = \274\255\263\330\256\263", TEXT_TYPE_STATUS | TEXT_PADDING_BIG }, { @@ -898,20 +898,20 @@ static MUI_ENTRY jaJPSelectPartitionEntries[] = { 8, 15, - "\x07 Press P to create a primary partition.", + "\x07 P \246 \265\276\312\336 \314\337\327\262\317\330\260 \312\337\260\303\250\274\256\335 \246 \273\270\276\262 \274\317\275\241", // "\x07 ±À×¼² Ê߰è¼®Ý ¦ »¸¾² ½ÙÆÊ C ·°¦ µ¼Ã ¸ÀÞ»²¡", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 8, 17, - "\x07 Press E to create an extended partition.", + "\x07 E \246 \265\276\312\336 \266\270\301\256\263 \312\337\260\303\250\274\256\335 \246 \273\270\276\262 \274\317\275\241", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 8, 19, - "\x07 Press L to create a logical partition.", + "\x07 L \246 \265\276\312\336 \333\335\330 \312\337\260\303\250\274\256\335 \246 \273\270\276\262 \274\317\275\241", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { @@ -939,97 +939,97 @@ static MUI_ENTRY jaJPChangeSystemPartition[] = { 4, 3, - " ReactOS " KERNEL_VERSION_STR " Setup ", + " ReactOS " KERNEL_VERSION_STR " \276\257\304\261\257\314\337 ", TEXT_STYLE_UNDERLINE }, { 6, 8, - "The current system partition of your computer", + "\274\275\303\321 \303\336\250\275\270 \306 \261\331 \261\305\300 \311 \312\337\277\272\335 \311 \271\336\335\273\336\262 \311 \274\275\303\321", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 6, 12, - "on the system disk", + "\312\337\260\303\250\274\256\335 \312 ReactOS \303\336 \273\316\337\260\304 \273\332\303 \262\305\262 \271\262\274\267 \246", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 6, 16, - "uses a format not supported by ReactOS.", + "\302\266\257\303 \262\317\275\241", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 6, 18, - "In order to successfully install ReactOS, the Setup program must change", + "ReactOS \246 \314\336\274\336\306 \276\262\272\263 \273\276\331 \300\322 \306\312\244 \276\257\304\261\257\314\337 \314\337\333\270\336\327\321 \312", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 6, 19, - "the current system partition to a new one.", + "\271\336\335\273\336\262 \311 \274\275\303\321 \312\337\260\303\250\274\256\335 \246 \261\300\327\274\262 \323\311 \306 \266\264\305\262\304 \262\271\317\276\335\241", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 6, 21, - "The new candidate system partition is:", + "\261\300\327\274\262 \274\275\303\321 \312\337\260\303\250\274\256\335 \311 \272\263\316 \312:", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 8, 25, - "\x07 To accept this choice, press ENTER.", + "\x07 \272\311 \276\335\300\270 \246 \263\271\262\332\331 \305\327 ENTER \246 \265\274\303 \270\300\336\273\262\241", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 8, 27, - "\x07 To manually change the system partition, press ESC to go back to", + "\x07 \274\275\303\321 \312\337\260\303\250\274\256\335 \246 \274\255\304\336\263 \303\336 \315\335\272\263 \275\331 \305\327\244 ESC \246 \265\274\303", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 8, 28, - " the partition selection list, then select or create a new system", + " \312\337\260\303\250\274\256\335 \276\335\300\270 \330\275\304 \306 \323\304\336\330\244 \261\300\327\274\262 \274\275\303\321 \312\337\260\303\250\274\256\335 \246", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 8, 29, - " partition on the system disk.", + " \276\335\300\270 \275\331\266 \273\270\276\262 \274\303 \270\300\336\273\262\241", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 6, 32, - "In case there are other operating systems that depend on the original", + "\323\274 \323\304\311 \274\275\303\321 \312\337\260\303\250\274\256\335 \306 \262\277\336\335\275\331 \316\266\311 OS \266\336 \261\332\312\336\244", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 6, 33, - "system partition, you may need to either reconfigure them for the new", + "ReactOS \262\335\275\304\260\331 \311 \261\304 \306 \261\300\327\274\262 \274\275\303\321 \312\337\260\303\250\274\256\335 \306", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 6, 34, - "system partition, or you may need to change the system partition back", + "\273\262\276\257\303\262 \275\331\266\244 \274\275\303\321 \312\337\260\303\250\274\256\335 \246 \323\304 \306 \323\304\336\275 \313\302\326\263 \266\336 ", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 6, 35, - "to the original one after finishing the installation of ReactOS.", + "\261\331 \266\323 \274\332\317\276\335\241", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 0, 0, - "ENTER = Continue ESC = Cancel", + "ENTER = \277\336\257\272\263 ESC = \267\254\335\276\331", TEXT_TYPE_STATUS | TEXT_PADDING_BIG }, { @@ -1051,79 +1051,79 @@ static MUI_ENTRY jaJPConfirmDeleteSystemPartitionEntries[] = { 6, 8, - "You have chosen to delete the system partition.", + "\274\275\303\321 \312\337\260\303\250\274\256\335 \311 \273\270\274\336\256 \202\252 \264\327\312\336\332 \317\274\300\241", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 6, 10, - "System partitions can contain diagnostic programs, hardware configuration", + "\274\275\303\321 \312\337\260\303\250\274\256\335 \202\315 \274\335\300\336\335 \314\337\333\270\336\327\321\244 \312\260\304\336\263\252\261 \276\257\303\262 \314\337\333\270\336\327\321\244 ReactOS", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 6, 11, - "programs, programs to start an operating system (like ReactOS) or other", + "\305\304\336 \311 OS \324\244\312\260\304\336\263\252\261 \266\262\312\302\323\304 \266\336 \303\262\267\256\263 \275\331 \316\266\311 \314\337\333\270\336\327\321 \246 \266\262\274 \275\331", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 6, 12, - "programs provided by the hardware manufacturer.", + "\314\337\333\270\336\327\321 \246 \314\270\321 \272\304 \266\336 \261\330\317\275\241", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 6, 14, - "Delete a system partition only when you are sure that there are no such", + "\277\311\326\263\305 \314\337\333\270\336\327\321 \266\336 \305\262 \266 \266\270\306\335 \274\300 \266\244 \273\270\274\336\256 \274\303 \323 \262\262\304\267 \311\320", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 6, 15, - "programs on the partition, or when you are sure you want to delete them.", + "\273\270\274\336\256 \274\303 \270\300\336\273\262\241", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 6, 16, - "When you delete the partition, you might not be able to boot the", + "\312\337\260\303\250\274\256\335 \246 \273\270\274\336\256 \274\300 \304\267\244 ReactOS \276\257\304\261\257\314\337 \266\336 \274\255\263\330\256\263 \275\331\317\303\336\244", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 6, 17, - "computer from the harddisk until you finished the ReactOS Setup.", + "\312\260\304\336\303\336\250\275\270 \266\327 \277\311 \272\335\313\337\255\260\300 \246 \267\304\336\263 \303\336\267\305\262 \266\323 \274\332\317\276\335\241", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 8, 20, - "\x07 Press ENTER to delete the system partition. You will be asked", + "\x07 ENTER \246 \265\276\312\336 \274\275\303\321 \312\337\260\303\250\274\256\335 \246 \273\270\274\336\256 \274\317\275\241 \266\270\306\335 \311 \300\322\244", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 8, 21, - " to confirm the deletion of the partition again later.", + " \261\304\303\336 \323\263\262\301\304\336 \300\275\336\310\317\275\241", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 8, 24, - "\x07 Press ESC to return to the previous page. The partition will", + "\x07 ESC \246 \265\276\312\336 \317\264 \311 \315\337\260\274\336 \315 \323\304\336\330\317\275\241 \312\337\260\303\250\274\256\335 \312", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 8, 25, - " not be deleted.", + " \273\270\274\336\256 \273\332\317\276\335\241", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 0, 0, - "ENTER=Continue ESC=Cancel", + "ENTER=\277\336\257\272\263 ESC=\267\254\335\276\331", TEXT_TYPE_STATUS | TEXT_PADDING_BIG }, { @@ -1571,7 +1571,7 @@ MUI_ERROR jaJPErrorEntries[] = { { // NOT_AN_ERROR - "Success\n" + "\276\262\272\263\n" }, { // ERROR_NOT_INSTALLED @@ -1585,18 +1585,18 @@ MUI_ERROR jaJPErrorEntries[] = }, { // ERROR_NO_BUILD_PATH - "Failed to build the installation paths for the ReactOS installation directory!\n" - "ENTER = Reboot computer" + "ReactOS \262\335\275\304\260\331 \303\336\250\332\270\304\330 \311 \262\335\275\304\260\331 \273\267 \311 \312\337\275 \246 \272\263\301\270 \275\331 \311\306 \274\257\312\337\262 \274\317\274\300!\n" + "ENTER = \273\262\267\304\336\263" }, { // ERROR_SOURCE_PATH - "You cannot delete the partition containing the installation source!\n" - "ENTER = Reboot computer" + "\262\335\275\304\260\331 \323\304 \246 \314\270\321 \312\337\260\303\250\274\256\335 \246 \273\270\274\336\256 \303\336\267\317\276\335!\n" + "ENTER = \273\262\267\304\336\263" }, { // ERROR_SOURCE_DIR - "You cannot install ReactOS within the installation source directory!\n" - "ENTER = Reboot computer" + "\262\335\275\304\260\331 \323\304 \305\262\314\336 \306 ReactOS \246 \262\335\275\304\260\331 \303\336\267\317\276\335!\n" + "ENTER = \273\262\267\304\336\263" }, { // ERROR_NO_HDD @@ -1788,37 +1788,37 @@ MUI_ERROR jaJPErrorEntries[] = }, { // ERROR_DIRECTORY_NAME, - "Invalid directory name.\n" + "\314\276\262 \305 \303\336\250\332\270\304\330 \322\262 \303\336\275\241\n" "\n" - " * Press any key to continue." + " * \277\336\257\272\263 \275\331 \306\312 \305\306\266 \267\260 \246 \265\274\303 \270\300\336\273\262\241" }, { // ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_PARTITION_SIZE, - "The selected partition is not large enough to install ReactOS.\n" - "The install partition must have a size of at least %lu MB.\n" + "\276\335\300\270 \274\300 \312\337\260\303\250\274\256\335 \312\244 ReactOS \311 \262\335\275\304\260\331 \306\312\244 \301\262\273 \275\267\336 \317\275\241\n" + "\262\335\275\304\260\331 \273\267 \311 \312\337\260\303\250\274\256\335 \312 \275\270\305\270\304\323 %lu MB \313\302\326\263 \303\336\275\241\n" "\n" - " * Press any key to continue.", + " * \277\336\257\272\263 \275\331 \306\312 \305\306\266 \267\260 \246 \265\274\303 \270\300\336\273\262\241", NULL }, { // ERROR_PARTITION_TABLE_FULL, - "You cannot create a new primary or extended partition in the\n" - "partition table of this disk because the partition table is full.\n" + "\312\337\260\303\250\274\256\335 \303\260\314\336\331 \266\336 \262\257\312\337\262 \305\311\303\336\244 \272\311 \303\336\250\275\270 \306\n" + "\261\300\327\274\262 \314\337\327\262\317\330\260 \317\300\312 \266\270\301\256\263 \312\337\260\303\250\274\256\335 \246 \273\270\276\262 \303\336\267\317\276\335\241\n" "\n" - " * Press any key to continue." + " * \277\336\257\272\263 \275\331 \306\312 \305\306\266 \267\260 \246 \265\274\303 \270\300\336\273\262\241" }, { // ERROR_ONLY_ONE_EXTENDED, - "You cannot create more than one extended partition per disk.\n" + "\313\304\302 \311 \303\336\250\275\270 \306 \262\257\272\262\274\336\256\263 \311 \266\270\301\256\263 \312\337\260\303\250\274\256\335 \246 \273\270\276\262 \303\336\267\317\276\335\241\n" "\n" - " * Press any key to continue." + " * \277\336\257\272\263 \275\331 \306\312 \305\306\266 \267\260 \246 \265\274\303 \270\300\336\273\262\241" }, { // ERROR_FORMATTING_PARTITION, - "Setup is unable to format the partition:\n" + "\276\257\304\261\257\314\337 \312 \272\311 \312\337\260\303\250\274\256\335 \246 \314\253\260\317\257\304 \303\336\267\317\276\335:\n" " %S\n" "\n" - "ENTER = Reboot computer" + "ENTER = \272\335\313\337\255\260\300 \311 \273\262\267\304\336\263" }, { NULL, @@ -1958,12 +1958,12 @@ MUI_STRING jaJPStrings[] = {STRING_PARTITIONSIZE, "\261\300\327\274\262 \312\337\260\303\250\274\256\335\311 \273\262\275\336:"}, {STRING_CHOOSENEWPARTITION, - "You have chosen to create a primary partition on"}, + "\314\337\327\262\317\330\260 \312\337\260\303\250\274\256\335 \311 \273\270\276\262 \246 \264\327\313\336 \317\274\300"}, // "±À×¼² Ê߰輮ݦ ·ÞÆ »¸¾²½Ù ºÄ¶Þ ¾ÝÀ¸ »ÚϼÀ:"}, {STRING_CHOOSE_NEW_EXTENDED_PARTITION, - "You have chosen to create an extended partition on"}, + "\266\270\301\256\263 \312\337\260\303\250\274\256\335 \311 \273\270\276\262 \246 \264\327\313\336 \317\274\300"}, {STRING_CHOOSE_NEW_LOGICAL_PARTITION, - "You have chosen to create a logical partition on"}, + "\333\335\330 \312\337\260\303\250\274\256\335 \311 \273\270\276\262 \246 \264\327\313\336 \317\274\300"}, {STRING_HDDSIZE, "\261\300\327\274\262 \312\337\260\303\250\274\256\335\311 \273\262\275\336\246 \322\266\336\312\336\262\304 \300\335\262\303\336 \306\255\263\330\256\270 \274\303\270\300\336\273\262\241"}, {STRING_CREATEPARTITION, @@ -1973,9 +1973,9 @@ MUI_STRING jaJPStrings[] = {STRING_NONFORMATTEDPART, "ReactOS\246 \274\335\267 \317\300\312 \320\314\253\260\317\257\304\311 \312\337\260\303\250\274\256\335\306 \262\335\275\304\260\331\275\331 \272\304\266\336 \276\335\300\270 \273\332\317\274\300\241"}, {STRING_NONFORMATTEDSYSTEMPART, - "The system partition is not formatted yet."}, + "\274\275\303\321 \312\337\260\303\250\274\256\335 \312 \317\300\336 \314\253\260\317\257\304 \273\332\303 \262\317\276\335\241"}, {STRING_NONFORMATTEDOTHERPART, - "The new partition is not formatted yet."}, + "\261\300\327\274\262 \312\337\260\303\250\274\256\335 \312 \317\300\336 \314\253\260\317\257\304 \273\332\303 \262\317\276\335\241"}, {STRING_INSTALLONPART, "\276\257\304\261\257\314\337\312 ReactOS\246 \312\337\260\303\250\274\256\335 \274\336\256\263\306 \262\335\275\304\260\331\274\317\275\241"}, {STRING_CHECKINGPART, @@ -1987,11 +1987,11 @@ MUI_STRING jaJPStrings[] = {STRING_REBOOTCOMPUTER, "ENTER = \272\335\313\337\255\260\300\311 \273\262\267\304\336\263"}, {STRING_DELETING, - " Deleting file: %S"}, + " \314\247\262\331 \311 \273\270\274\336\256: %S"}, {STRING_MOVING, - " Moving file: %S to: %S"}, + " \314\247\262\331 \311 \262\304\336\263: %S \266\327: %S"}, {STRING_RENAMING, - " Renaming file: %S to: %S"}, + " \305\317\264 \311 \315\335\272\263: %S to: %S"}, {STRING_COPYING, " \272\313\337\260 \301\255\263\311 \314\247\262\331: %S"}, {STRING_SETUPCOPYINGFILES, @@ -2013,7 +2013,7 @@ MUI_STRING jaJPStrings[] = {STRING_REBOOTCOMPUTER2, " ENTER = \272\335\313\337\255\260\300\311 \273\262\267\304\336\263"}, {STRING_REBOOTPROGRESSBAR, - " Your computer will reboot in %li second(s)... "}, + " %li \313\336\256\263\272\336 \306 \273\262\267\304\336\263 \273\332\317\275... "}, {STRING_CONSOLEFAIL1, "\272\335\277\260\331\246 \265\260\314\337\335 \303\336\267\317\276\335\r\n\r\n"}, {STRING_CONSOLEFAIL2, @@ -2059,7 +2059,7 @@ MUI_STRING jaJPStrings[] = {STRING_MAXSIZE, "MB (\273\262\300\336\262. %lu MB)"}, {STRING_EXTENDED_PARTITION, - "Extended Partition"}, + "\266\270\301\256\263 \312\337\260\303\250\274\256\335"}, {STRING_UNFORMATTED, "\274\335\267 (\320\314\253\260\317\257\304)"}, {STRING_FORMATUNUSED,