From 8564d5d7b093bba33da561f7f5ffff76b56972de Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Daniel Reimer Date: Fri, 29 May 2009 12:43:43 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] Bug 4555: slovak translation update by Mario Kacmar Bug 4562: Romanian translation patch by Dimitriu Petru svn path=/trunk/; revision=41196 --- .../applications/downloader/lang/sk-SK.rc | 2 +- .../mscutils/devmgmt/lang/ro-RO.rc | 82 ++ .../applications/mscutils/devmgmt/rsrc.rc | 1 + .../mscutils/eventvwr/lang/ro-RO.rc | 104 +++ .../applications/mscutils/eventvwr/rsrc.rc | 1 + .../mscutils/servman/lang/ro-RO.rc | 282 +++++++ .../applications/mscutils/servman/rsrc.rc | 1 + reactos/base/applications/paint/lang/ro-RO.rc | 2 +- reactos/base/applications/paint/lang/sk-SK.rc | 12 +- reactos/base/shell/cmd/cmd.rc | 1 + reactos/base/shell/cmd/lang/sk-SK.rc | 728 ++++++++++++++++++ 11 files changed, 1208 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-) create mode 100644 reactos/base/applications/mscutils/devmgmt/lang/ro-RO.rc create mode 100644 reactos/base/applications/mscutils/eventvwr/lang/ro-RO.rc create mode 100644 reactos/base/applications/mscutils/servman/lang/ro-RO.rc create mode 100644 reactos/base/shell/cmd/lang/sk-SK.rc diff --git a/reactos/base/applications/downloader/lang/sk-SK.rc b/reactos/base/applications/downloader/lang/sk-SK.rc index 9258d705f1e..9acd98d9370 100644 --- a/reactos/base/applications/downloader/lang/sk-SK.rc +++ b/reactos/base/applications/downloader/lang/sk-SK.rc @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /* TRANSLATOR: Mário Kaèmár /Mario Kacmar/ aka Kario ( * DATE OF TR: 21-01-2008 - * LastChange: 31-10-2008 + * LastChange: 31-10-2008 */ diff --git a/reactos/base/applications/mscutils/devmgmt/lang/ro-RO.rc b/reactos/base/applications/mscutils/devmgmt/lang/ro-RO.rc new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..2d9a5138d04 --- /dev/null +++ b/reactos/base/applications/mscutils/devmgmt/lang/ro-RO.rc @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ +LANGUAGE LANG_ROMANIAN, SUBLANG_NEUTRAL + +IDR_MAINMENU MENU +BEGIN + POPUP "&Fișier" + BEGIN + MENUITEM "I&eșire", IDC_EXIT + END + POPUP "Acțiune" + BEGIN + MENUITEM "Imprimare", IDC_PRINT, GRAYED + MENUITEM SEPARATOR + MENUITEM "Proprietăți", IDC_PROP, GRAYED + MENUITEM SEPARATOR + MENUITEM "Ajutor", IDC_PROGHELP, GRAYED + END + POPUP "Vizualizare" + BEGIN + MENUITEM "Dispozitive după tip", IDC_DEVBYTYPE, CHECKED + MENUITEM "Dispozitive după conexiune", IDC_STATIC, GRAYED + MENUITEM "Resurse după tip", IDC_STATIC, GRAYED + MENUITEM "Resurse după conexiune", IDC_STATIC, GRAYED + END + POPUP "Ajutor" + BEGIN + MENUITEM "Ajutor", IDC_PROGHELP + MENUITEM "Despre", IDC_ABOUT + END +END + +IDR_POPUP MENU +BEGIN + POPUP "popup" + BEGIN + MENUITEM "Proprietăți", IDC_PROP, GRAYED + MENUITEM SEPARATOR + MENUITEM "Ajutor", IDC_PROGHELP + END +END + +IDD_ABOUTBOX DIALOGEX 22,16,190,182 +CAPTION "Despre Gestionarul de Dispozitive" +FONT 8,"MS Shell Dlg",0,0 +STYLE DS_SHELLFONT | WS_BORDER | WS_DLGFRAME | WS_SYSMENU | DS_MODALFRAME +BEGIN + LTEXT "Gestionar de Dispozitive v0.1\nDrept de autor (C) 2006\nde Ged Murphy (", IDC_STATIC, 48, 7, 130, 30 + PUSHBUTTON "Închidere", IDOK, 75, 162, 44, 15 + ICON IDI_MAIN_ICON, IDC_STATIC, 10, 10, 7, 30 + EDITTEXT IDC_LICENSE_EDIT, 8, 44, 174, 107, WS_VISIBLE | WS_VSCROLL | WS_TABSTOP | ES_READONLY | ES_MULTILINE +END + +STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE +BEGIN + IDS_LICENSE "Tradus în limba română de Petru Dimitriu.\r\nAcest program este software liber; puteți redistribui sau modifica programul sub termenii licenței publice GNU așa cum este publicată de Free Software Foundation - fie versiunea 2 a licenței, sau (la alegerea dvs.) oricare versiune ulterioară.\r\n\r\nAcest program este distribuit în speranța că va fi de folos, dar FĂRĂ NICIO GARANȚIE, nici măcar garanția VANDABILITĂȚII sau a POTRIVIRII PENTRU UN SCOP ANUME. Vedeți Licența GNU GPL pentru detalii.\r\n\r\nDvs. ar trebui să fi primit o copie a licenței împreună cu acest program; dacă nu, scrieți la Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA." +END + +STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE +BEGIN + IDS_TOOLTIP_PROP "Proprietăți" + IDS_TOOLTIP_REFRESH "Reîmprospătare" + IDS_TOOLTIP_HELP "Ajutor" + IDS_TOOLTIP_EXIT "Ieșire" +END + +/* Hints */ +STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE +BEGIN + IDS_APPNAME "Gestionarul de Dispozitive ReactOS" + IDS_HINT_BLANK " " + IDS_HINT_EXIT " Părăsește programul." + IDS_HINT_REFRESH " Reîmprospătează lista de servicii." + IDS_HINT_PROP " Afiează tabel cu proprietăți pentru selecția curentă." + IDS_HINT_HELP " Afișează fereastra de ajutor." + IDS_HINT_ABOUT " Despre Gestionarul de Dispozitive ReactOS." + + IDS_HINT_SYS_RESTORE " Aduce fereastra la mărimea normală." + IDS_HINT_SYS_MOVE " Mută fereastra." + IDS_HINT_SYS_SIZE " Redimensionează fereastra." + IDS_HINT_SYS_MINIMIZE " Reduce fereastra la o pictogramă pe ecran." + IDS_HINT_SYS_MAXIMIZE " Mărește fereastra astfel încât aceasta să ocupe tot ecranul." + IDS_HINT_SYS_CLOSE " Închide fereastra." +END diff --git a/reactos/base/applications/mscutils/devmgmt/rsrc.rc b/reactos/base/applications/mscutils/devmgmt/rsrc.rc index 68a036b4d2e..5df66f94d8e 100644 --- a/reactos/base/applications/mscutils/devmgmt/rsrc.rc +++ b/reactos/base/applications/mscutils/devmgmt/rsrc.rc @@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ IDB_EXIT BITMAP DISCARDABLE "res/exit.bmp" #include "lang/ko-KR.rc" #include "lang/no-NO.rc" #include "lang/pl-PL.rc" +#include "lang/ro-RO.rc" #include "lang/ru-RU.rc" #include "lang/sk-SK.rc" #include "lang/th-TH.rc" diff --git a/reactos/base/applications/mscutils/eventvwr/lang/ro-RO.rc b/reactos/base/applications/mscutils/eventvwr/lang/ro-RO.rc new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..22b4656a101 --- /dev/null +++ b/reactos/base/applications/mscutils/eventvwr/lang/ro-RO.rc @@ -0,0 +1,104 @@ +/* + * PROJECT: ReactOS Event Viewer + * LICENSE: GPL - See COPYING in the top level directory + * FILE: base/applications/mscutils/eventvwr/lang/en-US.rc + * PURPOSE: Romanian Language File for ReactOS Event Viewer + * TRANSLATORS: Dimitriu Petru + */ + +LANGUAGE LANG_ROMANIAN, SUBLANG_NEUTRAL + +IDC_EVENTVWR MENU +BEGIN + POPUP "&Jurnal" + BEGIN + MENUITEM "&Aplicații", ID_LOG_APPLICATION + MENUITEM "&Securitate", ID_LOG_SECURITY + MENUITEM "&Sistem", ID_LOG_SYSTEM + MENUITEM SEPARATOR + MENUITEM "I&eșire", IDM_EXIT + END + POPUP "&Vizualizare" + BEGIN + MENUITEM "&Reîmprospătare", IDM_REFRESH + END + MENUITEM "&Opțiuni", ID_OPTIONS + POPUP "&Ajutor" + BEGIN + MENUITEM "A&jutor", IDM_HELP + MENUITEM SEPARATOR + MENUITEM "&Despre...", IDM_ABOUT + END +END + +IDC_EVENTVWR ACCELERATORS +BEGIN + "?", IDM_ABOUT, ASCII, ALT + "/", IDM_ABOUT, ASCII, ALT +END + +IDD_ABOUTBOX DIALOGEX 0, 0, 230, 75 +STYLE DS_SHELLFONT | DS_MODALFRAME | DS_CENTER | WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU +CAPTION "About" +FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg", 0, 0, 0x0 +BEGIN + ICON IDI_EVENTVWR,IDC_MYICON,14,9,21,20 + LTEXT "Vizualizator de Evenimente ReactOS Versiunea 1.0",IDC_STATIC,49,10,119,8,SS_NOPREFIX + LTEXT "Drept de autor (C) 2007 Marc Piulachs (",IDC_STATIC,49,20,119,22 + DEFPUSHBUTTON "OK",IDOK,90,48,42,16,WS_GROUP +END + +IDD_PROGRESSBOX DIALOGEX 0, 0, 230, 40 +STYLE DS_SHELLFONT | DS_MODALFRAME | DS_CENTER +CAPTION "Așteptați.." +FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg", 0, 0, 0x0 +BEGIN + CTEXT "Încărcare evenimente...",IDC_STATIC,0,15,230,8,SS_NOPREFIX +END + +IDD_EVENTDETAILDIALOG DIALOGEX 0, 0, 276, 282 +STYLE DS_SHELLFONT | DS_MODALFRAME | DS_CENTER | WS_POPUP | WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU +EXSTYLE WS_EX_CONTEXTHELP +CAPTION "Detalii eveniment" +FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg", 400, 0, 0x1 +BEGIN + DEFPUSHBUTTON "&Închidere",IDOK,12,258,50,14 + PUSHBUTTON "&Precedent",IDPREVIOUS,78,258,50,14 + PUSHBUTTON "&Următor",IDNEXT,144,258,50,14 + PUSHBUTTON "&Ajutor",IDHELP,210,258,50,14 + EDITTEXT IDC_EVENTTEXTEDIT,14,81,247,108,ES_MULTILINE | ES_READONLY + LTEXT "&Descriere:",IDC_STATIC,15,70,39,8 + LTEXT "Dată:",IDC_STATIC,14,14,36,8 + LTEXT "Static",IDC_EVENTDATESTATIC,56,14,72,8 + LTEXT "Oră:",IDC_STATIC,14,27,36,8 + LTEXT "Static",IDC_EVENTTIMESTATIC,56,27,72,8 + LTEXT "&Utilizator:",IDC_STATIC,14,41,36,8 + LTEXT "Static",IDC_EVENTUSERSTATIC,56,41,72,8 + LTEXT "&Computer:",IDC_STATIC,14,54,36,8 + LTEXT "Static",IDC_EVENTCOMPUTERSTATIC,56,54,72,8 + LTEXT "EventID:",IDC_STATIC,133,15,36,8 + LTEXT "Static",IDC_EVENTIDSTATIC,175,15,87,8 + LTEXT "Sursă:",IDC_STATIC,133,28,36,8 + LTEXT "Static",IDC_EVENTSOURCESTATIC,175,28,87,8 + LTEXT "Tip:",IDC_STATIC,133,42,36,8 + LTEXT "Static",IDC_EVENTTYPESTATIC,175,42,87,8 + LTEXT "Categorie:",IDC_STATIC,133,55,36,8 + LTEXT "Static",IDC_EVENTCATEGORYSTATIC,175,55,87,8 + EDITTEXT IDC_EVENTDATAEDIT,14,204,247,44,ES_MULTILINE | ES_READONLY + LTEXT "D&ate",IDC_STATIC,14,194,20,8 + CONTROL "&Octeți",IDC_BYTESRADIO,"Button",BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON,39,194,34,10 + CONTROL "&Cuvânt",IDC_WORDRADIO,"Button",BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON,77,194,33,10 +END + +STRINGTABLE +BEGIN + IDS_APP_TITLE "Vizualizator evenimente" + IDC_EVENTSTRINGIDNOTFOUND "Descrierea pentru ID-ul de eveniment ( %lu ) în sursa ( %s ) nu poate fi găsită. Computerul local este posibil să nu aibă informațiile sau fișierele DLL pentru a afișa mesajele de pe un computer la distanță." + IDC_EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE "Eroare" + IDC_EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE "Avertisment" + IDC_EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE "Informație" + IDC_EVENTLOG_AUDIT_SUCCESS "Succes audit" + IDC_EVENTLOG_AUDIT_FAILURE "Eșec audit" + IDC_EVENTLOG_SUCCESS "Succes" + IDC_EVENTLOG_UNKNOWN_TYPE "Eveniment necunoscut" +END diff --git a/reactos/base/applications/mscutils/eventvwr/rsrc.rc b/reactos/base/applications/mscutils/eventvwr/rsrc.rc index f69aaf573e4..638f77ea5e2 100644 --- a/reactos/base/applications/mscutils/eventvwr/rsrc.rc +++ b/reactos/base/applications/mscutils/eventvwr/rsrc.rc @@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ IDI_ERRORICON ICON "res/error.ico" #include "lang/ko-KR.rc" #include "lang/no-NO.rc" #include "lang/pl-PL.rc" +#include "lang/ro-RO.rc" #include "lang/ru-RU.rc" #include "lang/sk-SK.rc" #include "lang/uk-UA.rc" diff --git a/reactos/base/applications/mscutils/servman/lang/ro-RO.rc b/reactos/base/applications/mscutils/servman/lang/ro-RO.rc new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..2f4601e8c87 --- /dev/null +++ b/reactos/base/applications/mscutils/servman/lang/ro-RO.rc @@ -0,0 +1,282 @@ +LANGUAGE LANG_ROMANIAN, SUBLANG_NEUTRAL + +IDR_MAINMENU MENU +BEGIN + POPUP "&Fișier" + BEGIN + MENUITEM "Export...", ID_EXPORT + MENUITEM SEPARATOR + MENUITEM "I&eșire", ID_EXIT + END + POPUP "Acțiuni" + BEGIN + MENUITEM "Conectare la...", ID_CONNECT, GRAYED + MENUITEM SEPARATOR + MENUITEM "Pornire", ID_START, GRAYED + MENUITEM "Oprire", ID_STOP, GRAYED + MENUITEM "Suspendare", ID_PAUSE, GRAYED + MENUITEM "Reluare", ID_RESUME, GRAYED + MENUITEM "Repornire", ID_RESTART, GRAYED + MENUITEM SEPARATOR + MENUITEM "Reîmprospătare", ID_REFRESH + MENUITEM SEPARATOR + MENUITEM "Editare...", ID_EDIT, GRAYED + MENUITEM "Creare...", ID_CREATE, GRAYED + MENUITEM "Ștergere...", ID_DELETE, GRAYED + MENUITEM SEPARATOR + MENUITEM "Proprietăți...", ID_PROP, GRAYED + END + POPUP "Vizualizare" + BEGIN + MENUITEM "Pictograme mari", ID_VIEW_LARGE + MENUITEM "Pictograme mici", ID_VIEW_SMALL + MENUITEM "Listă", ID_VIEW_LIST + MENUITEM "Detalii", ID_VIEW_DETAILS + MENUITEM SEPARATOR + MENUITEM "Particularizare...",ID_VIEW_CUST, GRAYED + END + POPUP "Ajutor" + BEGIN + MENUITEM "Topici de ajutor", ID_HELP + MENUITEM "Despre", ID_ABOUT + END +END + +IDR_POPUP MENU +BEGIN + POPUP "popup" + BEGIN + MENUITEM "Pornire", ID_START, GRAYED + MENUITEM "Oprire", ID_STOP, GRAYED + MENUITEM "Suspendare", ID_PAUSE, GRAYED + MENUITEM "Reluare", ID_RESUME, GRAYED + MENUITEM "Repornire", ID_RESTART, GRAYED + MENUITEM SEPARATOR + MENUITEM "Reîmprospătare", ID_REFRESH + MENUITEM SEPARATOR + MENUITEM "Editare...", ID_EDIT, GRAYED + MENUITEM "Ștergere...", ID_DELETE, GRAYED + MENUITEM SEPARATOR + MENUITEM "Proprietăți...", ID_PROP, GRAYED + MENUITEM SEPARATOR + MENUITEM "Ajutor...", ID_HELP + END +END + +IDD_ABOUTBOX DIALOGEX 22,16,190,182 +CAPTION "Despre Gestionarul de servicii" +FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg",0,0 +STYLE DS_SHELLFONT | WS_BORDER | WS_DLGFRAME | WS_SYSMENU | DS_MODALFRAME +BEGIN + LTEXT "Gestionar de servicii v0.8\nDrept de autor (C) 2005-2007\nde Ged Murphy (", IDC_STATIC, 48, 7, 135, 30 + PUSHBUTTON "Închidere", IDOK, 75, 162, 44, 15 + ICON IDI_SM_ICON, IDC_STATIC, 10, 10, 7, 30 + EDITTEXT IDC_LICENSE_EDIT, 8, 44, 174, 107, WS_VISIBLE | WS_VSCROLL | WS_TABSTOP | ES_READONLY | ES_MULTILINE +END + +IDD_DLG_GENERAL DIALOGEX 6, 6, 253, 232 +CAPTION "General" +FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg",0,0 +STYLE DS_SHELLFONT | WS_BORDER | WS_VISIBLE | WS_DLGFRAME | WS_SYSMENU | WS_THICKFRAME | WS_GROUP | WS_TABSTOP +BEGIN + LTEXT "", IDC_SERV_NAME, 70,11,176,11, WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE + EDITTEXT IDC_DISP_NAME, 70, 29, 176, 13, WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_TABSTOP | ES_READONLY + EDITTEXT IDC_DESCRIPTION, 70, 46, 176, 24, WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_VSCROLL | WS_TABSTOP | ES_MULTILINE | ES_READONLY + EDITTEXT IDC_EXEPATH, 6, 86, 240, 13, WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_TABSTOP | ES_READONLY + COMBOBOX IDC_START_TYPE, 70, 107, 176, 40, WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_TABSTOP | CBS_DROPDOWNLIST + PUSHBUTTON "Pornire", IDC_START, 6, 155, 54, 15, WS_DISABLED + PUSHBUTTON "Oprire", IDC_STOP, 68, 155, 54, 15, WS_DISABLED + PUSHBUTTON "Suspendare", IDC_PAUSE , 130, 155, 54, 15, WS_DISABLED + PUSHBUTTON "Reluare", IDC_RESUME, 192, 155, 54, 15, WS_DISABLED + LTEXT "Nume serviciu:", IDC_STATIC, 4, 11, 53, 11 + LTEXT "Nume de afișare:", IDC_STATIC, 4, 29, 53, 11 + LTEXT "Descriere:", IDC_STATIC, 4, 51, 53, 11 + LTEXT "Cale la executabil:", IDC_STATIC, 6, 73, 82, 9 + LTEXT "Tip pornire:", IDC_STATIC, 6, 108, 53, 11 + LTEXT "Stare serviciu:", IDC_STATIC, 4, 138, 53, 11 + LTEXT "", IDC_SERV_STATUS, 70, 138, 176, 11, WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE + LTEXT "Puteți specifica parametrii de pornire care se aplică la pornirea serviciului de aici.",IDC_STATIC, 6,177,240,15 + LTEXT "Parametri de pornire:", IDC_STATIC, 6, 200, 58, 11 + EDITTEXT IDC_START_PARAM, 68, 199, 178, 13, WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_TABSTOP + PUSHBUTTON "Editare", IDC_EDIT, 192, 215, 54, 15, WS_DISABLED +END + +IDD_DLG_DEPEND DIALOGEX 6,6,253,225 +CAPTION "Dependențe" +FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg",0,0 +STYLE DS_SHELLFONT | WS_BORDER | WS_VISIBLE | WS_DLGFRAME | WS_SYSMENU | WS_THICKFRAME | WS_GROUP | WS_TABSTOP +BEGIN + CONTROL "", IDC_DEPEND_TREE1, "SysTreeView32" ,0x50010007, 8, 70, 236, 68, 0x00000200 + CONTROL "", IDC_DEPEND_TREE2, "SysTreeView32", 0x50010007, 8, 151, 234, 67, 0x00000200 + LTEXT "Unele servicii depind de alte servicii sau drivere de sistem și încarcă alte grupuri. Dacă o componentă de sistem a oprit un astfel de serviciu sau dacă acesta nu funcționează corect, serviciile care depind de el pot avea probleme.", IDC_STATIC,8, 7, 238, 26 + LTEXT "Acest serviciu depinde de următoarele componente:", IDC_STATIC, 8, 57, 236, 9 + LTEXT "", IDC_DEPEND_SERVICE, 8, 38, 236, 13 +END + +IDD_DLG_CREATE DIALOGEX 6,6,225,209 +CAPTION "Creare serviciu" +FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg",0,0 +STYLE DS_SHELLFONT | WS_BORDER | WS_VISIBLE | WS_DLGFRAME | WS_SYSMENU | WS_THICKFRAME | WS_GROUP | WS_TABSTOP +BEGIN + EDITTEXT IDC_CREATE_SERVNAME, 72, 12, 150, 11, WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE + EDITTEXT IDC_CREATE_DISPNAME, 72, 31, 150, 11, WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE + EDITTEXT IDC_CREATE_PATH, 10, 62, 210, 13, WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE + EDITTEXT IDC_CREATE_DESC, 10, 97, 210, 48, WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE + EDITTEXT IDC_CREATE_OPTIONS, 10, 162, 210, 13, WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE + LTEXT "*Nume serviciu :", IDC_STATIC, 12, 12, 54, 9 + LTEXT "*Nume pentru afișare :", IDC_STATIC, 12, 33, 54, 9 + LTEXT "*Cale la executabil :", IDC_STATIC, 10, 51, 68, 9 + LTEXT "Descriere :", IDC_STATIC, 12, 86, 44, 9 + PUSHBUTTON "OK", IDOK, 126, 192, 44, 13 + PUSHBUTTON "Anulare", IDCANCEL, 176, 192, 46, 13 + LTEXT "Alte opțiuni (clic pe Ajutor pt. detalii)", IDC_STATIC, 10, 151, 134, 9 + PUSHBUTTON "Ajutor", ID_CREATE_HELP, 10, 192, 44, 13 +END + +IDD_DLG_DELETE DIALOGEX 6,6,185,148 +CAPTION "Eliminare serviciu" +FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg",0,0 +STYLE DS_SHELLFONT | WS_BORDER | WS_DLGFRAME | DS_MODALFRAME +BEGIN + ICON IDI_WARNING, IDC_STATIC, 10, 8, 24, 22 + LTEXT "Sigur vreți să ștergeți acest serviciu? Această operație nu poate fi anulată!", IDC_STATIC, 50, 6, 125, 25 + LTEXT "Nume serviciu:",IDC_STATIC, 6, 40, 80, 9 + LTEXT "", IDC_DEL_NAME, 15, 53, 160, 15 + EDITTEXT IDC_DEL_DESC, 6, 73, 174, 48, WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_VSCROLL | WS_EX_STATICEDGE | ES_MULTILINE | ES_READONLY + PUSHBUTTON "Da", IDOK, 26, 129, 54, 13 + DEFPUSHBUTTON "Nu", IDCANCEL, 102, 129, 54, 13 +END + +IDD_DLG_DEPEND_STOP DIALOGEX 6,6,240,148 +CAPTION "Oprire alte servicii" +FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg",0,0 +STYLE DS_SHELLFONT | WS_BORDER | WS_DLGFRAME | DS_MODALFRAME +BEGIN + ICON IDI_WARNING, IDC_STATIC, 10, 8, 24, 22 + LTEXT "", IDC_STOP_DEPENDS, 40, 8, 170, 25 + LISTBOX IDC_STOP_DEPENDS_LB, 15, 40, 210, 70, WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_EX_STATICEDGE | LBS_NOSEL + LTEXT "Vreți să opriți aceste servicii?",IDC_STATIC, 15, 110, 150, 10 + DEFPUSHBUTTON "Da", IDOK, 60, 129, 54, 14 + PUSHBUTTON "Nu", IDCANCEL, 120, 129, 54, 14 +END + +IDD_DLG_HELP_OPTIONS DIALOGEX 6,6,200,150 +CAPTION "Opțiuni" +FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg",0,0 +STYLE 0x10CF0000 +BEGIN + LTEXT "", IDC_CREATE_HELP, 6, 5, 200, 150 + PUSHBUTTON "OK", IDOK, 75, 130, 44, 13 +END + +IDD_DLG_PROGRESS DIALOGEX 6,6,255,89 +CAPTION "Control servicii" +FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg",0,0 +STYLE DS_SHELLFONT | WS_BORDER | WS_DLGFRAME | WS_SYSMENU | WS_VISIBLE | DS_MODALFRAME +EXSTYLE WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW +BEGIN + CONTROL "", IDC_SERVCON_PROGRESS, "msctls_progress32", 0x50000000, 8, 46, 238, 13 + LTEXT "", IDC_SERVCON_INFO, 8, 5, 236, 11 + LTEXT "", IDC_SERVCON_NAME, 8, 25, 66, 11 + PUSHBUTTON "&Închidere", IDOK, 100, 70, 54, 13 +END + + + +STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE +BEGIN + IDS_FIRSTCOLUMN "Nume" + IDS_SECONDCOLUMN "Descriere" + IDS_THIRDCOLUMN "Stare" + IDS_FOURTHCOLUMN "Tip pornire" + IDS_FITHCOLUMN "Autentificare ca" +END + +STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE +BEGIN + IDS_SERVICES_STARTED "Pornit" + IDS_SERVICES_STOPPED "Oprit" + IDS_SERVICES_AUTO "Automat" + IDS_SERVICES_MAN "Manual" + IDS_SERVICES_DIS "Dezactivat" +END + +STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE +BEGIN + IDS_NUM_SERVICES "Num. servicii: %d" + IDS_STOP_DEPENDS "Dacă %s se oprește aceste procese se vor opri de asemenea." + IDS_NO_DEPENDS "" + IDS_LICENSE "Tradus în limba română de Petru Dimitriu.\r\nAcest program este software liber; puteți redistribui sau modifica programul sub termenii licenței publice GNU așa cum este publicată de Free Software Foundation - fie versiunea 2 a licenței, sau (la alegerea dvs.) oricare versiune ulterioară.\r\n\r\nAcest program este distribuit în speranța că va fi de folos, dar FĂRĂ NICIO GARANȚIE, nici măcar garanția VANDABILITĂȚII sau a POTRIVIRII PENTRU UN SCOP ANUME. Vedeți Licența GNU GPL pentru detalii.\r\n\r\nDvs. ar trebui să fi primit o copie a licenței împreună cu acest program; dacă nu, scrieți la Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA." +END + +STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE +BEGIN + IDS_TOOLTIP_PROP "Proprietăți" + IDS_TOOLTIP_REFRESH "Reîmprospătare" + IDS_TOOLTIP_EXPORT "Listă de export" + IDS_TOOLTIP_CREATE "Creează un serviciu nou" + IDS_TOOLTIP_DELETE "Elimină un serviciu existent" + IDS_TOOLTIP_START "Pornește serviciul" + IDS_TOOLTIP_STOP "Oprește serviciul" + IDS_TOOLTIP_PAUSE "Suspendă serviciul" + IDS_TOOLTIP_RESTART "Repornește serviciul" +END + +STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE +BEGIN + IDS_PROGRESS_INFO_START "ReactOS încearcă să pornească următorul serviciu" + IDS_PROGRESS_INFO_STOP "ReactOS încearcă să oprească următorul serviciu" + IDS_PROGRESS_INFO_PAUSE "ReactOS încearcă să suspende următorul serviciu" + IDS_PROGRESS_INFO_RESUME "ReactOS încearcă să reia următorul serviciu" + IDS_CREATE_SUCCESS "Serviciu creat cu succes" + IDS_DELETE_SUCCESS "Serviciu eliminat cu succes" + IDS_CREATE_REQ "Câmpurile cu\nasterisc sunt obligatorii" + IDS_DELETE_STOP "Trebuie să opriți serviciul manual înaintea eliminării!" +END + +STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE +BEGIN + IDS_HELP_OPTIONS "CREATE OPTIONS:\r\nNOTE: The option name includes the equal sign.\r\n type= \r\n (default = own)\r\n start= \r\n (default = demand) \r\n error= \r\n (default = normal)\r\n group= \r\n tag= \r\n depend= \r\n obj= \r\n (default = LocalSystem)\r\n password= \r\n" +END + +/* Hints */ +STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE +BEGIN + IDS_HINT_BLANK " " + IDS_HINT_EXPORT " Exportă lista curentă într-un fișier." + IDS_HINT_EXIT " Părăsește programul." + + IDS_HINT_CONNECT " Gestionează un alt computer." + IDS_HINT_START " Pornește serviciul selectat." + IDS_HINT_STOP " Oprește serviciul selectat." + IDS_HINT_PAUSE " Suspendă serviciul selectat." + IDS_HINT_RESUME " Reia serviciul selectat." + IDS_HINT_RESTART " Oprește și pornește serviciul selectat." + IDS_HINT_REFRESH " Reîmprospătează lista de servicii." + IDS_HINT_EDIT " Editează proprietățile serviciului selectat." + IDS_HINT_CREATE " Creează un nou serviciu." + IDS_HINT_DELETE " Elimină serviciul selectat." + IDS_HINT_PROP " Deschide fila de proprietăți pentru selecția curentă." + + IDS_HINT_LARGE " Afișează elementele folosind pictograme mari." + IDS_HINT_SMALL " Afișează elementele folosind pictograme mici." + IDS_HINT_LIST " Afișează elementele în listă." + IDS_HINT_DETAILS " Afișează informații despre fiecare element într-o fereastră." + IDS_HINT_CUST " Particularizează afișajul." + + IDS_HINT_HELP " Afișează fereastra de ajutor." + IDS_HINT_ABOUT " Despre Gestionarul de servicii ReactOS." + + IDS_HINT_SYS_RESTORE " Restabilește fereastra la mărimea originală." + IDS_HINT_SYS_MOVE " Mută fereastra." + IDS_HINT_SYS_SIZE " Redimensionează fereastra." + IDS_HINT_SYS_MINIMIZE " Reduce fereastra la o pictogramă." + IDS_HINT_SYS_MAXIMIZE " Mărșete fereastra astfel încât aceasta să acopere tot ecranul." + IDS_HINT_SYS_CLOSE " Închide fereastra." +END + +/* Application title */ +STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE +BEGIN + IDS_APPNAME "Gestionarul de servicii ReactOS" +END diff --git a/reactos/base/applications/mscutils/servman/rsrc.rc b/reactos/base/applications/mscutils/servman/rsrc.rc index 2e39de626ae..ca0b789888c 100644 --- a/reactos/base/applications/mscutils/servman/rsrc.rc +++ b/reactos/base/applications/mscutils/servman/rsrc.rc @@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ IDI_DRIVER ICON "res/driver.ico" #include "lang/ko-KR.rc" #include "lang/no-NO.rc" #include "lang/pl-PL.rc" +#include "lang/ro-RO.rc" #include "lang/ru-RU.rc" #include "lang/sk-SK.rc" #include "lang/th-TH.rc" diff --git a/reactos/base/applications/paint/lang/ro-RO.rc b/reactos/base/applications/paint/lang/ro-RO.rc index ad0180c8998..9007bf69b63 100644 --- a/reactos/base/applications/paint/lang/ro-RO.rc +++ b/reactos/base/applications/paint/lang/ro-RO.rc @@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ BEGIN IDS_PROGRAMNAME, "Paint" IDS_WINDOWTITLE, "%s - Paint" IDS_INFOTITLE, "Paint pentru ReactOS" - IDS_INFOTEXT, "Paint for ReactOS este disponibil sub licența GNU Lesser General Public versiunea 3 (vedeți" + IDS_INFOTEXT, "Paint pentru ReactOS este disponibil sub licența GNU Lesser General Public versiunea 3 (vedeți" IDS_SAVEPROMPTTEXT, "Vreți să salvați schimbările la %s?" IDS_DEFAULTFILENAME, "FărăNume.bmp" IDS_TOOLTIP1, "Golire selecție" diff --git a/reactos/base/applications/paint/lang/sk-SK.rc b/reactos/base/applications/paint/lang/sk-SK.rc index ebb2b94ff9c..c28b60dff7a 100644 --- a/reactos/base/applications/paint/lang/sk-SK.rc +++ b/reactos/base/applications/paint/lang/sk-SK.rc @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ /* * Slovak Language resource file * Translated by: Mário Kaèmár /Mario Kacmar/ aka Kario - * Last changed: 28-04-2009 + * Last changed: 27-05-2009 */ LANGUAGE LANG_SLOVAK, SUBLANG_DEFAULT @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ BEGIN MENUITEM "Panel nástrojov\tCtrl+T", IDM_VIEWTOOLBOX, CHECKED MENUITEM "Paleta farieb\tCtrl+L", IDM_VIEWCOLORPALETTE, CHECKED MENUITEM "Stavovę riadok", IDM_VIEWSTATUSBAR, CHECKED - MENUITEM "Format icon bar", IDM_FORMATICONBAR, CHECKED, GRAYED + MENUITEM "Panel písma", IDM_FORMATICONBAR, CHECKED, GRAYED MENUITEM SEPARATOR POPUP "Lupa" //Zoom BEGIN @@ -129,8 +129,8 @@ BEGIN EDITTEXT IDD_ATTRIBUTESEDIT2, 110, 40, 35, 12 LTEXT "Šírka:", IDD_ATTRIBUTESTEXT1, 10, 40, 30, 10 LTEXT "Vęška:", IDD_ATTRIBUTESTEXT2, 80, 40, 30, 10 - LTEXT "File date:", IDD_ATTRIBUTESTEXT3, 10, 5, 60, 10 - LTEXT "File size:", IDD_ATTRIBUTESTEXT4, 10, 15, 60, 10 + LTEXT "Dátum zmeny:", IDD_ATTRIBUTESTEXT3, 10, 5, 60, 10 //File date + LTEXT "VeŸkos súboru:", IDD_ATTRIBUTESTEXT4, 10, 15, 60, 10 //File size LTEXT "Rozlíšenie:", IDD_ATTRIBUTESTEXT5, 10, 25, 60, 10 LTEXT "Nie je k dispozícii", IDD_ATTRIBUTESTEXT6, 70, 5, 60, 10 LTEXT "Nie je k dispozícii", IDD_ATTRIBUTESTEXT7, 70, 15, 60, 10 @@ -189,6 +189,6 @@ BEGIN IDS_TOOLTIP14, "Polygón" //mnohouholník IDS_TOOLTIP15, "Elipsa" IDS_TOOLTIP16, "Zaoblenę obdćžnik" - IDS_OPENFILTER, "Bitmap files (*.bmp;*.dib)\1*.bmp;*.dib\1All files (*.*)\1*.*\1" - IDS_SAVEFILTER, "24 bit bitmap (*.bmp;*.dib)\1*.bmp;*.dib\1" + IDS_OPENFILTER, "Súbory bitovęch máp (*.bmp;*.dib)\1*.bmp;*.dib\1Všetky súbory (*.*)\1*.*\1" + IDS_SAVEFILTER, "24-bitová mapa (*.bmp;*.dib)\1*.bmp;*.dib\1" END diff --git a/reactos/base/shell/cmd/cmd.rc b/reactos/base/shell/cmd/cmd.rc index 5e358d9d9b2..ff965b6ba28 100644 --- a/reactos/base/shell/cmd/cmd.rc +++ b/reactos/base/shell/cmd/cmd.rc @@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ #include "lang/pl-PL.rc" #include "lang/no-NO.rc" #include "lang/ru-RU.rc" +#include "lang/sk-SK.rc" #include "lang/uk-UA.rc" STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE diff --git a/reactos/base/shell/cmd/lang/sk-SK.rc b/reactos/base/shell/cmd/lang/sk-SK.rc new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..478ae88a4d3 --- /dev/null +++ b/reactos/base/shell/cmd/lang/sk-SK.rc @@ -0,0 +1,728 @@ +/* Slovak translation for CMD + * TRANSLATOR: Mário Kaèmár /Mario Kacmar/ aka Kario ( + * DATE OF TR: 21-03-2009 + * LastChange: 27-05-2009 + * _________________________________________________________________ + * NOTE : this file is not really translated (only scrap yet) + */ + +#include "windows.h" +#include "resource.h" + +LANGUAGE LANG_SLOVAK, SUBLANG_DEFAULT +STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE +BEGIN + +STRING_ASSOC_HELP, "Modify file extension associations.\n\n\ +assoc [.ext[=[FileType]]]\n\ +\n\ +assoc (print all associations)\n\ +assoc .ext (print specific association)\n\ +assoc .ext= (remove specific association)\n\ +assoc .ext=FileType (add new association)\n" + +STRING_ATTRIB_HELP, "Displays or changes file attributes.\n\n\ +ATTRIB [+R | -R] [+A | -A] [+S | -S] [+H | -H] file ...\n\ + [/S [/D]]\n\n\ + + Sets an attribute\n\ + - Clears an attribute\n\ + R Read-only file attribute\n\ + A Archive file attribute\n\ + S System file attribute\n\ + H Hidden file attribute\n\ + /S Processes matching files in the current directory\n\ + and all subdirectories\n\ + /D Processes directories as well\n\n\ +Type ATTRIB without a parameter to display the attributes of all files.\n" + +STRING_ALIAS_HELP, "Sets, removes or shows aliases.\n\n\ +ALIAS [alias=[command]]\n\n\ + alias Name for an alias.\n\ + command Text to be substituted for an alias.\n\n\ +To list all aliases:\n\ + ALIAS\n\n\ +To set a new or replace an existing alias:\n\ + ALIAS da=dir a:\n\n\ +To remove an alias from the alias list:\n\ + ALIAS da=" + +STRING_BEEP_HELP, "Pípnutie reproduktora.\n\nBEEP\n" + +STRING_CALL_HELP, "Calls one batch program from another.\n\n\ +CALL [drive:][path]filename [batch-parameter]\n\n\ + batch-parameter Specifies any command-line information required by the\n\ + batch program." + +STRING_CD_HELP, "Changes the current directory or displays it's name\n\n\ +CHDIR [/D][drive:][path]\n\ +CHDIR[..|.]\n\ +CD [/D][drive:][path]\n\ +CD[..|.]\n\n\ + .. parent directory\n\ + . current directory\n\ + /D Will change current drive and current directory.\n\n\ +Type CD drive: to display the current directory on the specified drive.\n\ +Type CD without a parameter to display the current drive and directory.\n" + +STRING_CHCP_HELP, "Displays or sets the active code page number.\n\n\ +CHCP [nnn]\n\n\ + nnn Specifies the active code page number.\n\n\ +Type CHCP without a parameter to display the active code page number.\n" + +STRING_CHOICE_HELP, "Waits for the user to choose one of a set of choices.\n\n\ +CHOICE [/C[:]choices][/N][/S][/T[:]c,nn][text]\n\n\ + /C[:]choices Specifies allowable keys. Default is YN.\n\ + /N Do not display choices and ? at the end of the prompt string.\n\ + /S Treat choice keys as case sensitive.\n\ + /T[:]c,nn Default choice to c after nn seconds.\n\ + text Prompt string to display.\n\n\ +ERRORLEVEL is set to offset of key user presses in choices.\n" + +STRING_CLS_HELP, "Clears the screen.\n\nCLS\n" + +STRING_CMD_HELP1, "\nInternal commands available:\n" + +STRING_CMD_HELP2, "\nFeatures available:" + +STRING_CMD_HELP3," [aliases]" + +STRING_CMD_HELP4," [history]" + +STRING_CMD_HELP5," [unix filename completion]" + +STRING_CMD_HELP6," [directory stack]" + +STRING_CMD_HELP7," [redirections and piping]" + +STRING_CMD_HELP8, "Starts a new instance of the ReactOS command line interpreter.\n\n\ +CMD [/[C|K] command][/P][/Q][/T:bf]\n\n\ + /C command Runs the specified command and terminates.\n\ + /K command Runs the specified command and remains.\n\ + /P CMD becomes permanent and runs autoexec.bat\n\ + (cannot be terminated).\n\ + /T:bf Sets the background/foreground color (see COLOR command).\n" + +STRING_COLOR_HELP1, "Sets the default foreground and background colors.\n\n\ +COLOR [attr [/-F]] \n\n\ + attr Specifies color attribute of console output\n\ + /-F Does not fill the console blank space with color attribute\n\n\ +There are three ways to specify the colors:\n\ +1) [bright] name on [bright] name (only the first three letters are required)\n\ +2) decimal on decimal\n\ +3) two hex digits\n\n\ +Colors are:\n\ +dec hex name dec hex name\n\ +0 0 Black 8 8 Gray(Bright black)\n\ +1 1 Blue 9 9 Bright Blue\n\ +2 2 Green 10 A Bright Green\n\ +3 3 Cyan 11 B Bright Cyan\n\ +4 4 Red 12 C Bright Red\n\ +5 5 Magenta 13 D Bright Magenta\n\ +6 6 Yellow 14 E Bright Yellow\n\ +7 7 White 15 F Bright White\n" + +STRING_COPY_HELP1, "Overwrite %s (Yes/No/All)? " + +STRING_COPY_HELP2, "Copies one or more files to another location.\n\n\ +COPY [/V][/Y|/-Y][/A|/B] source [/A|/B]\n\ + [+ source [/A|/B] [+ ...]] [destination [/A|/B]]\n\n\ + source Specifies the file or files to be copied.\n\ + /A Indicates an ASCII text file.\n\ + /B Indicates a binary file.\n\ + destination Specifies the directory and/or filename for the new file(s).\n\ + /V Verifies that new files are written correctly.\n\ + /Y Suppresses prompting to confirm you want to overwrite an\n\ + existing destination file.\n\ + /-Y Causes prompting to confirm you want to overwrite an\n\ + existing destination file.\n\n\ +The switch /Y may be present in the COPYCMD environment variable.\n\ +...\n" + +STRING_DATE_HELP1, "\nZadajte novę dátum (mm%cdd%crrrr): " + +STRING_DATE_HELP2, "\nZadajte novę dátum (dd%cmm%crrrr): " + +STRING_DATE_HELP3, "\nZadajte novę dátum (rrrr%cmm%cdd): " + +STRING_DATE_HELP4, "Displays or sets the date.\n\n\ +DATE [/T][date]\n\n\ + /T display only\n\n\ +Type DATE without parameters to display the current date setting and\n\ +a prompt for a new one. Press ENTER to keep the same date.\n" + +STRING_DEL_HELP1, "Deletes one or more files.\n\n\ +DEL [/N /P /T /Q /S /W /Y /Z /A[[:]attributes]] file ...\n\ +DELETE [/N /P /T /Q /S /W /Y /Z /A[[:]attributes]] file ...\n\ +ERASE [/N /P /T /Q /S /W /Y /Z /A[[:]attributes]] file ...\n\n\ + file Specifies the file(s) to delete.\n\n\ + /N Nothing.\n\ + /P Prompt. Ask before deleting each file.\n\ + /T Total. Display total number of deleted files and freed disk space.\n\ + /Q Quiet.\n\ + /W Wipe. Overwrite the file with random numbers before deleting it.\n\ + /Y Yes. Kill even *.* without asking.\n\ + /F Force Delete hidden, read-only and system files.\n\ + /S Delete file from all sub directory\n\ + /A Select files to be deleted based on attributes.\n\ + attributes\n\ + R Read Only files\n\ + S System files\n\ + A Archiveable files\n\ + H Hidden Files\n\ + - prefix meaning not\n" + +STRING_DEL_HELP2, "All files in the directory will be deleted!\nAre you sure (Y/N)?" +STRING_DEL_HELP3, " %lu file deleted\n" +STRING_DEL_HELP4, " %lu files deleted\n" + +STRING_DELAY_HELP, "pause for n seconds or milliseconds\n\ +DELAY [/m]n\n\n\ + /m specifiy than n are milliseconds\n\ + otherwise n are seconds\n" + +STRING_DIR_HELP1, "DIR [drive:][path][filename] [/A[[:]attributes]] [/B] [/C] [/D] [/L] [/N]\n\ + [/O[[:]sortorder]] [/P] [/Q] [/S] [/T[[:]timefield]] [/W] [/X] [/4]\n\n\ + [drive:][path][filename]\n\ + Specifies drive, directory, and/or files to list.\n\n\ + /A Displays files with specified attributes.\n\ + attributes D Directories R Read-only files\n\ + H Hidden files A Files ready for archiving\n\ + S System files - Prefix meaning not\n\ + /B Uses bare format (no heading information or summary).\n\ + /C Display the thousand separator in file sizes. This is the\n\ + default. Use /-C to disable display of separator.\n\ + /D Same as wide but files are list sorted by column.\n\ + /L Uses lowercase.\n\ + /N New long list format where filenames are on the far right.\n\ + /O List by files in sorted order.\n\ + sortorder N By name (alphabetic) S By size (smallest first)\n\ + E By extension (alphabetic) D By date/time (oldest first)\n\ + G Group directories first - Prefix to reverse order\n\ + /P Pauses after each screenful of information.\n\ + /Q Display the owner of the file.\n\ + /S Displays files in specified directory and all subdirectories.\n\ + /T Controls which time field displayed or used for sorting\n\ + timefield C Creation\n\ + A Last Access\n\ + W Last Written\n\ + /W Uses wide list format.\n\ + /X This displays the short names generated for non-8dot3 file\n\ + names. The format is that of /N with the short name inserted\n\ + before the long name. If no short name is present, blanks are\n\ + displayed in its place.\n\ + /4 Displays four-digit years\n\n\ +Switches may be preset in the DIRCMD environment variable. Override\n\ +preset switches by prefixing any switch with - (hyphen)--for example, /-W.\n" + +STRING_DIR_HELP2, " Volume in drive %c is %s\n" +STRING_DIR_HELP3, " Volume in drive %c has no label.\n" +STRING_DIR_HELP4, " Volume Serial Number is %04X-%04X\n" +STRING_DIR_HELP5, "\n Total Files Listed:\n%16i File(s)% 14s bytes\n" +STRING_DIR_HELP6, "%16i Dir(s)% 15s bytes free\n" +STRING_DIR_HELP7, "\n Directory of %s\n\n" +STRING_DIR_HELP8, "%16i File(s)% 14s bytes\n" + +STRING_DIRSTACK_HELP1, "Stores the current directory for use by the POPD command, then\n\ +changes to the specified directory.\n\n\ +PUSHD [path | ..]\n\n\ + path Specifies the directory to make the current directory\n" + +STRING_DIRSTACK_HELP2, "Changes to the directory stored by the PUSHD command.\n\nPOPD" + +STRING_DIRSTACK_HELP3, "Prints the contents of the directory stack.\n\nDIRS" + +STRING_DIRSTACK_HELP4, "Directory stack empty" + +STRING_ECHO_HELP1, "Display a messages without trailing carriage return and line feed.\n\n\ + ECHOS message" + +STRING_ECHO_HELP2, "Displays a message to the standard error output.\n\n\ + ECHOERR message\n\ + ECHOERR. prints an empty line" + +STRING_ECHO_HELP3, "Prints a messages to standard error output without trailing carriage return and line feed.\n\n\ + ECHOSERR message" + +STRING_ECHO_HELP4, "Displays a message or switches command echoing on or off.\n\n\ + ECHO [ON | OFF]\n\ + ECHO [message]\n\ + ECHO. prints an empty line\n\n\ +Type ECHO without a parameter to display the current ECHO setting." + +STRING_ECHO_HELP5, "ECHO je %s\n" + +STRING_EXIT_HELP, "Exits the command line interpreter.\n\nEXIT [/b] [ExitCode]\n\n\ + /B Exits a batch file only. \n\ + If run outside of a batch file it will exit cmd.exe\n\ + ExitCode This value will be assigned to ERRORLEVEL on exit\n" + +STRING_FOR_HELP1, "Runs a specified command for each file in a set of files\n\n\ +FOR %variable IN (set) DO command [parameters]\n\n\ + %variable Specifies a replaceable parameter.\n\ + (set) Specifies a set of one or more files. Wildcards may be used.\n\ + command Specifies the command to carry out for each file.\n\ + parameters Specifies parameters or switches for the specified command.\n\n\ +To use the FOR command in a batch program, specify %%variable instead of\n\ +%variable.\n" + +STRING_FREE_HELP1, "\nVolume in drive %s is %-11s\n\ + Sériové èíslo je %s\n\ + %16s bytes total disk space\n\ + %16s bytes used\n\ + %16s bytes free\n" + +STRING_FREE_HELP2, "Displays drive information.\n\nFREE [drive: ...]\n" + +STRING_IF_HELP1, "Performs conditional processing in batch programs.\n\n\ + IF [NOT] ERRORLEVEL number command\n\ + IF [NOT] string1==string2 command\n\ + IF [NOT] EXIST filename command\n\ + IF [NOT] DEFINED variable command\n\n\ +NOT Specifies that CMD should carry out the command only if\n\ + the condition is false\n\ +ERRORLEVEL number Specifies a true condition if the last program run returned\n\ + an exit code equal or greater than the number specified.\n\ +command Specifies the command to carry out if the condition is met.\n\ +string1==string2 Specifies a true condition if the specified text strings\n\ + match.\n\ +EXIST filename Specifies a true condition if the specified filename exists.\n\ +DEFINED variable Specifies a true condition if the specified variable is\n\ + defined.\n" + +STRING_GOTO_HELP1, "Directs CMD to a labeled line in a batch script.\n\n\ +GOTO label\n\n\ + label Specifies a text string used in a batch script as a label.\n\n\ +You type a label on a line by itself, beginning with a colon." + +STRING_LABEL_HELP1, "Displays or changes drive label.\n\nLABEL [drive:][label]\n" + +STRING_LABEL_HELP2, "Volume in drive %c: is %s\n" +STRING_LABEL_HELP3, "Volume in drive %c: has no label\n" +STRING_LABEL_HELP4, "Volume Serial Number is %04X-%04X\n" +STRING_LABEL_HELP5, "Drive label (11 Characters, ENTER if none)? " + +STRING_LOCALE_HELP1, "Aktuálny èas je" + +STRING_MKDIR_HELP, "Creates a directory.\n\n\ +MKDIR [drive:]path\nMD [drive:]path" + +STRING_MKLINK_HELP, "Creates a filesystem link object.\n\n\ +MKLINK [/D | /H | /J] linkname target\n\n\ + /D Indicates that the symbolic link target is a directory.\n\ + /H Create a hard link.\n\ + /J Create a directory junction.\n\n\ +If neither /H or /J is specified, a symbolic link is created." + +STRING_MEMMORY_HELP1, "Displays the amount of system memory.\n\nMEMORY" + +STRING_MEMMORY_HELP2, "\n %12s%% memory load.\n\n\ + %13s bytes total physical RAM.\n\ + %13s bytes available physical RAM.\n\n\ + %13s bytes total page file.\n\ + %13s bytes available page file.\n\n\ + %13s bytes total virtual memory.\n\ + %13s bytes available virtual memory.\n" + +STRING_MISC_HELP1, "Press a key to continue...\n" //NOT ANY KEY ?! + +STRING_MOVE_HELP1, "Overwrite %s (Yes/No/All)? " + +STRING_MOVE_HELP2, "Moves files and renames files and directories.\n\n\ +To move one or more files:\n\ +MOVE [/N][drive:][path]filename1[,...] destination\n\n\ +To rename a directory:\n\ +MOVE [/N][drive:][path]dirname1 dirname2\n\n\ + [drive:][path]filename1 Specifies the location and name of the file\n\ + or files you want to move.\n\ + /N Nothing. Do everything but move files or directories.\n\n\ +Current limitations:\n\ + - You can't move a file or directory from one drive to another.\n" + +STRING_MSGBOX_HELP, "display a message box and return user responce\n\n\ +MSGBOX type ['title'] prompt\n\n\ +type button displayed\n\ + possible values are: OK, OKCANCEL,\n\ + YESNO, YESNOCANCEL\n\ +title title of message box\n\ +prompt text displayed by the message box\n\n\n\ +ERRORLEVEL is set according the button pressed:\n\n\ +YES : 10 | NO : 11\n\ +OK : 10 | CANCEL : 12\n" + +STRING_PATH_HELP1, "Displays or sets a search path for executable files.\n\n\ +PATH [[drive:]path[;...]]\nPATH ;\n\n\ +Type PATH ; to clear all search-path settings and direct the command shell\n\ +to search only in the current directory.\n\ +Type PATH without parameters to display the current path.\n" + +STRING_PROMPT_HELP1, "Changes the command prompt.\n\n\ +PROMPT [text]\n\n\ + text Specifies a new command prompt.\n\n\ +Prompt can be made up of normal characters and the following special codes:\n\n\ + $A & (Ampersand)\n\ + $B | (pipe)\n\ + $C ( (Œavá okrúhla zátvorka)\n\ + $D Aktuálny dátum\n\ + $E Escape code (ASCII code 27)\n\ + $F ) (Pravá okrúhla zátvorka)\n\ + $G > (greater-than sign)\n\ + $H Backspace (erases previous character)\n\ + $L < (less-than sign)\n\ + $N Current drive\n\ + $P Current drive and path\n\ + $Q = (equal sign)\n\ + $T Aktuálny èas\n\ + $V Èíslo verzie OS\n\ + $_ Carriage return and linefeed\n\ + $$ $ (znak dolára)\n" + +STRING_PAUSE_HELP1, "Stops the execution of a batch file and shows the following message:\n\ +'Pokraèujte stlaèením ŸubovoŸného klávesu ...' or a user defined message.\n\n\ +PAUSE [message]" + +STRING_PROMPT_HELP2, " $+ Displays the current depth of the directory stack" + +STRING_PROMPT_HELP3, "\nType PROMPT without parameters to reset the prompt to the default setting." + +STRING_REM_HELP, "Starts a comment line in a batch file.\n\nREM [Comment]" + +STRING_RMDIR_HELP, "Removes a directory.\n\n\ +RMDIR [drive:]path\nRD [drive:]path\n\ +/S Deletes all files and folders within target\n\ +/Q Doesnt prompt for user\n" +STRING_RMDIR_HELP2, "Directory is not empty!\n" + +STRING_REN_HELP1, "Renames a file/directory or files/directories.\n\n\ +RENAME [/E /N /P /Q /S /T] old_name ... new_name\n\ +REN [/E /N /P /Q /S /T] old_name ... new_name\n\n\ + /E No error messages.\n\ + /N Nothing.\n\ + /P Prompts for confirmation before renaming each file.\n\ + (Not implemented yet!)\n\ + /Q Quiet.\n\ + /S Rename subdirectories.\n\ + /T Display total number of renamed files.\n\n\ +Note that you cannot specify a new drive or path for your destination. Use\n\ +the MOVE command for that purpose.\n" + +STRING_REN_HELP2, " %lu file renamed\n" + +STRING_REN_HELP3, " %lu files renamed\n" + +STRING_REPLACE_HELP1, "Replaces files.\n\n\ +REPLACE [drive1:][path1]filename [drive2:][path2] [/A] [/P] [/R] [/W]\n\ +REPLACE [drive1:][path1]filename [drive2:][path2] [/P] [/R] [/S] [/W] [/U]\n\n\ + [drive1:][path1]filename Specifies the source file or files.\n\ + [drive2:][path2] Specifies the directory where files are to be\n\ + replaced.\n\ + /A Adds new files to destination directory. Cannot\n\ + use with /S or /U switches.\n\ + /P Prompts for confirmation before replacing a file or\n\ + adding a source file.\n\ + /R Replaces read-only files as well as unprotected\n\ + files.\n\ + /S Replaces files in all subdirectories of the\n\ + destination directory. Cannot use with the /A\n\ + switch.\n\ + /W Waits for you to insert a disk before beginning.\n\ + /U Replaces (updates) only files that are older than\n\ + source files. Cannot use with the /A switch.\n" + +STRING_REPLACE_HELP2, "Source path required\n" + +STRING_REPLACE_HELP3, "No files replaced\n" + +STRING_REPLACE_HELP4, "%lu file(s) replaced\n" + +STRING_REPLACE_HELP5, "Replacing %s\n" + +STRING_REPLACE_HELP6, "Replace %s\n" + +STRING_REPLACE_HELP7, "No files added\n" + +STRING_REPLACE_HELP8, "%lu file(s) added\n" + +STRING_REPLACE_HELP9, "Add %s (Y/N) " + +STRING_REPLACE_HELP10, "Replace %s (Y/N) " + +STRING_REPLACE_HELP11, "Adding %s\n" + + +STRING_SHIFT_HELP, "Changes the position of replaceable parameters in a batch file.\n\n\ +SHIFT [DOWN]" + +STRING_SCREEN_HELP, "move cursor and optionally print text\n\n\ +SCREEN row col [text]\n\n\ + row row to which move the cursor\n\ + col column to which move the cursor" + +STRING_SET_HELP, "Displays, sets, or removes environment variables.\n\n\ +SET [variable[=][string]]\n\n\ + variable Specifies the environment-variable name.\n\ + string Specifies a series of characters to assign to the variable.\n\n\ +Type SET without parameters to display the current environment variables.\n" + +STRING_START_HELP1, "Starts a command.\n\n\ +START command\n\n\ + command Specifies the command to run.\n\n\ +At the moment all commands are started asynchronously.\n" + +STRING_TITLE_HELP, "Sets the window title for the command prompt window.\n\n\ +TITLE [string]\n\n\ +string Specifies the title for the command prompt window.\n" + +STRING_TIME_HELP1, "Displays or sets the system time.\n\n\ +TIME [/T][time]\n\n\ + /T display only\n\n\ +Type TIME with no parameters to display the current time setting and a prompt\n\ +for a new one. Press ENTER to keep the same time.\n" + +STRING_TIME_HELP2, "Zadajte novę èas: " + +STRING_TIMER_HELP1, "Elapsed %d msecs\n" + +STRING_TIMER_HELP2, "Elapsed %02d%c%02d%c%02d%c%02d\n" + +STRING_TIMER_HELP3, "allow the use of ten stopwatches.\n\n\ +TIMER [ON|OFF] [/S] [/n] [/Fn]\n\n\ + ON set stopwatch ON\n\ + OFF set stopwatch OFF\n\ + /S Split time. Return stopwatch split\n\ + time without changing its value\n\ + /n Specifiy the stopwatch number.\n\ + Stopwatches available are 0 to 9\n\ + If it is not specified default is 1\n\ + /Fn Format for output\n\ + n can be:\n\ + 0 milliseconds\n\ + 1 hh%cmm%css%cdd\n\n\ +if none of ON, OFF or /S is specified the command\n\ +will toggle stopwatch state\n\n" + +STRING_TYPE_HELP1, "Displays the contents of text files.\n\nTYPE [drive:][path]filename \n\ + /P Shows one screen of output at a time.\n" + +STRING_VERIFY_HELP1, "This command is just a dummy!!\n\ +Sets whether to verify that your files are written correctly to a\n\ +disk.\n\n\ +VERIFY [ON | OFF]\n\n\ +Type VERIFY without a parameter to display the current VERIFY setting.\n" + +STRING_VERIFY_HELP2, "VERIFY je %s.\n" + +STRING_VERIFY_HELP3, "Must specify ON or OFF." + +STRING_VERSION_HELP1, "Displays shell version information\n\n\ +VER [/C][/R][/W]\n\n\ + /C Displays credits.\n\ + /R Displays redistribution information.\n\ + /W Displays warranty information." + +STRING_VERSION_HELP2, " comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details\n\ +type: `ver /w'. This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute\n\ +it under certain conditions; type `ver /r' for details. Type `ver /c' for a\n\ +listing of credits." + +STRING_VERSION_HELP3, "\n This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n\ + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n\ + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\n\ + GNU General Public License for more details." + +STRING_VERSION_HELP4, "\n This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify\n\ + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\n\ + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or\n\ + (at your option) any later version.\n" + +STRING_VERSION_HELP5, "\nHlásenia o chybách zasielajte na .\n\ +Aktualizácie sú dostupné na:" + +STRING_VERSION_HELP6, "\nFreeDOS version written by:\n" + +STRING_VERSION_HELP7, "\nReactOS version written by:\n" + +STRING_VOL_HELP1, " Volume in drive %c is %s\n" +STRING_VOL_HELP2, " Volume in drive %c has no label.\n" +STRING_VOL_HELP3, " Volume Serial Number is %04X-%04X\n" +STRING_VOL_HELP4, "Displays the disk volume label and serial number, if they exist.\n\nVOL [drive:]" + +STRING_WINDOW_HELP1, "change console window aspect\n\n\ +WINDOW [/POS[=]left,top,width,heigth]\n\ + [MIN|MAX|RESTORE] ['title']\n\n\ +/POS specify window placement and dimensions\n\ +MIN minimize the window\n\ +MAX maximize the window\n\ +RESTORE restore the window" + +STRING_WINDOW_HELP2, "change console window aspect\n\n\ +ACTIVATE 'window' [/POS[=]left,top,width,heigth]\n\ + [MIN|MAX|RESTORE] ['title']\n\n\ +window tile of window on which perform actions\n\ +/POS specify window placement and dimensions\n\ +MIN minimize the window\n\ +MAX maximize the window\n\ +RESTORE restore the window\n\ +title new title\n" + + +STRING_HELP1, "Zoznam všetkęch dostupnęch príkazov (+ popis)\n\n\ + command /? For more information on a specific command\n\n\ +? List all available commands without description).\n\ +ALIAS Sets, removes or shows aliases.\n\ +ATTRIB Displays or changes file attributes.\n\ +BEEP Pípnutie reproduktora.\n\ +CALL Calls one batch program from another.\n\ +CD Displays the name of or changes the current directory.\n\ +CHCP Displays or sets the active code page number.\n\ +CHOICE Waits for the user to choose one of a set of choices.\n\ +CLS Clears the screen.\n\ +CMD Starts a new instance of the ReactOS command interpreter.\n\ +COLOR Sets the default console foreground and background colors.\n\ +COPY Copies one or more files to another location.\n\ +DATE Displays or sets the date.\n\ +DELETE Deletes one or more files.\n\ +DIR Displays a list of files and subdirectories in a directory.\n\ +ECHO Displays messages, or turns command echoing on or off.\n\ +ERASE Deletes one or more files.\n\ +EXIT Quits the CMD.EXE program (command interpreter).\n\ +FOR Runs a specified command for each file in a set of files.\n\ +FREE (free) disc space.\n\ +GOTO Directs the ReactOS command interpreter to a labeled line in\n\ + a batch program.\n\ +HELP Provides Help information for ReactOS commands.\n\ +HISTORY List all commands which has been used\n\ +IF Performs conditional processing in batch programs.\n\ +LABEL Creates, changes, or deletes the volume label of a disk.\n\ +MD Creates a directory.\n\ +MKDIR Creates a directory.\n\ +MKLINK Creates a filesystem link object.\n\ +MOVE Moves one or more files from one directory to another\n\ + directory.\n\ +PATH Displays or sets a search path for executable files.\n\ +PAUSE Suspends processing of a batch file and displays a message.\n\ +POPD Restores the previous value of the current directory saved by\n\ + PUSHD.\n\ +PROMPT Changes the command prompt.\n\ +PUSHD Saves the current directory then changes it.\n\ +RD Removes a directory.\n\ +REM Records comments (remarks) in batch files.\n\ +REN Renames a file or files.\n\ +RENAME Renames a file or files.\n\ +REPLACE Replaces files.\n\ +RMDIR Removes a directory.\n\ +SCREEN Move cursor and optionally print text.\n\ +SET Displays, sets, or removes ReactOS environment variables.\n\ +SHIFT Shifts the position of replaceable parameters in batch files.\n" +STRING_HELP2, "START Starts a separate window to run a specified program or command.\n\ + Executes command.\n\ +TIME Displays or sets the system time.\n\ +TIMER Allow the use of ten stopwatches.\n\ +TITLE Sets the window title for a CMD.EXE session.\n\ +TYPE Displays the contents of a text file.\n\ +VER Displays the ReactOS version.\n\ +VERIFY Tells ReactOS whether to verify that your files are written\n\ + correctly to a disk.\n\ +VOL Displays a disk volume label and serial number.\n" + + +STRING_CHOICE_OPTION, "YN" +STRING_COPY_OPTION, "YNA" + +STRING_ASSOC_ERROR, "File association not found for extension %s\n" +STRING_ALIAS_ERROR, "Command line too long after alias expansion!\n" +STRING_BATCH_ERROR, "Error opening batch file\n" +STRING_CHCP_ERROR1, "Active code page: %u\n" +STRING_CHCP_ERROR4, "Invalid code page\n" +STRING_CHOICE_ERROR, "Invalid option. Expected format: /C[:]options" +STRING_CHOICE_ERROR_TXT, "Invalid option. Expected format: /T[:]c,nn" +STRING_CHOICE_ERROR_OPTION, "Illegal Option: %s" +STRING_MD_ERROR, "A subdirectory or file already exists.\n" +STRING_MD_ERROR2, "The path to the new folder does not exist.\n" +STRING_CMD_ERROR1, "Can't redirect input from file %s\n" +STRING_CMD_ERROR2, "Error creating temporary file for pipe data\n" +STRING_CMD_ERROR3, "Can't redirect to file %s\n" +STRING_CMD_ERROR4, "Running %s...\n" +STRING_CMD_ERROR5, "Running cmdexit.bat...\n" +STRING_COLOR_ERROR1, "Same colors error! (Background and foreground can't be the same color)" +STRING_COLOR_ERROR2, "error in color specification" +STRING_COLOR_ERROR3, "Color %x\n" +STRING_COLOR_ERROR4, "same colors error!" +STRING_CONSOLE_ERROR, "Neznáma chyba: %d\n" +STRING_COPY_ERROR1, "Chyba: Cannot open source - %s!\n" +STRING_COPY_ERROR2, "Chyba: Can't copy onto itself!\n" +STRING_COPY_ERROR3, "Error writing destination!\n" +STRING_COPY_ERROR4, "Chyba: ZatiaŸ neimplementované!\n" //Not implemented yet +STRING_DATE_ERROR, "Neplatnę dátum." +STRING_DEL_ERROR5, "The file %s will be deleted! " +STRING_DEL_ERROR6, "Are you sure (Y/N)?" +STRING_DEL_ERROR7, "Deleting: %s\n" +STRING_ERROR_ERROR1, "Unknown error! Error code: 0x%lx\n" +STRING_ERROR_ERROR2, "Syntax error" +STRING_FOR_ERROR1, "'in' missing in for statement." +STRING_FOR_ERROR2, "no brackets found." +STRING_FOR_ERROR3, "'do' missing." +STRING_FOR_ERROR4, "no command after 'do'." +STRING_FREE_ERROR1, "Invalid drive" +STRING_FREE_ERROR2, "unlabeled" +STRING_GOTO_ERROR1, "No label specified for GOTO" +STRING_GOTO_ERROR2, "Label '%s' not found\n" + +STRING_MOVE_ERROR1, "[OK]\n" +STRING_MOVE_ERROR2, "[Chyba]\n" + +STRING_REN_ERROR1, "MoveFile() failed. Error: %lu\n" + +STRING_START_ERROR1, "No batch support at the moment!" + +STRING_TIME_ERROR1, "Neplatnę èas." + +STRING_TYPE_ERROR1, "Invalid option '/%s'\n" + +STRING_WINDOW_ERROR1, "window not found" + + +STRING_ERROR_PARAMETERF_ERROR, "Parameter format not correct - %c\n" +STRING_ERROR_INVALID_SWITCH, "Invalid switch - /%c\n" +STRING_ERROR_TOO_MANY_PARAMETERS, "Príliš veŸa parametrov - %s\n" +STRING_ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND, "Path not found\n" +STRING_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, "File not found\n" +STRING_ERROR_REQ_PARAM_MISSING, "Required parameter missing\n" +STRING_ERROR_INVALID_DRIVE, "Invalid drive specification\n" +STRING_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM_FORMAT, "Invalid parameter format - %s\n" +STRING_ERROR_BADCOMMAND, "Bad command or filename - %s\n" +STRING_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "Chyba (z) nedostatku pamäte.\n" //Out of memory error. +STRING_ERROR_CANNOTPIPE, "Error! Cannot pipe! Cannot open temporary file!\n" +STRING_ERROR_D_PAUSEMSG, "Pokraèujte stlaèením ŸubovoŸného klávesu ..." +STRING_ERROR_DRIVER_NOT_READY, "Drive not ready" + +STRING_PATH_ERROR, "CMD: Not in environment '%s'\n" + +STRING_REPLACE_ERROR1, "Invalid switch - %s\n" +STRING_REPLACE_ERROR2, "Path not found - %s\n" +STRING_REPLACE_ERROR3, "The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.\n" +STRING_REPLACE_ERROR4, "Invalid parameter combination\n" +STRING_REPLACE_ERROR5, "Access denied - %s\n" +STRING_REPLACE_ERROR6, "No files found - %s\n" +STRING_REPLACE_ERROR7, "Extended Error 32\n" + +STRING_REACTOS_VERSION, "Operaènę systém ReactOS [Verzia %s-%s]\n" +STRING_CMD_SHELLINFO, "\nReactOS Command Line Interpreter\nVerzia %s %s" +STRING_VERSION_RUNVER, " running on %s" +STRING_COPY_FILE , " %d súbor(ov) skopírovanę(ch)\n" +STRING_DELETE_WIPE, "wiped" +STRING_FOR_ERROR, "bad variable specification." +STRING_SCREEN_COL, "invalid value for col" +STRING_SCREEN_ROW, "invalid value for row" +STRING_TIMER_TIME "Timer %d is %s: " +STRING_MKLINK_CREATED_SYMBOLIC, "Symbolic link created for %s <<===>> %s\n" +STRING_MKLINK_CREATED_HARD, "Hard link created for %s <<===>> %s\n" +STRING_MKLINK_CREATED_JUNCTION, "Junction created for %s <<===>> %s\n" +STRING_MORE, "Viac? " //"More? " +STRING_CANCEL_BATCH_FILE, "\r\nCtrl-Break pressed. Cancel batch file? (Yes/No/All) " + +STRING_INVALID_OPERAND, "Invalid operand." +STRING_EXPECTED_CLOSE_PAREN, "Oèakávaná ')'." +STRING_EXPECTED_NUMBER_OR_VARIABLE,"Oèakávané èíslo alebo názov premennej." +STRING_SYNTAX_COMMAND_INCORRECT, "Nesprávna syntax príkazu." + +END