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synced 2025-02-21 16:04:57 +00:00
[EVENTVWR] Update other languages RCs also CORE-17699
Use a capital letter for the /L parameter because the Shells default font in the help dialog makes a small L look like a small I. MS also often does use that trick to differentiate.
This commit is contained in:
23 changed files with 46 additions and 46 deletions
@ -164,13 +164,13 @@ BEGIN
/* Please note that explicit TAB characters '\t' are used to fix the alignment of the message in the MessageBox */
IDS_USAGE "ReactOS Event Viewer\n\
EventVwr [computer name] [/l:<event log file>] [/?]\n\
EventVwr [computer name] [/L:<event log file>] [/?]\n\
""computer name"" : Specifies the remote computer where to connect\n\
\tto retrieve the events to display. If no name is specified, the\n\
\tlocal computer is used.\n\
/l:<event log file> : Specifies which event log file to open.\n\
/L:<event log file> : Specifies which event log file to open.\n\
\tOnly files in the .evt format (NT ≤ 5.2) are supported.\n\
/? : Displays this help message.\n\
@ -164,13 +164,13 @@ BEGIN
/* Please note that explicit TAB characters '\t' are used to fix the alignment of the message in the MessageBox */
IDS_USAGE "ReactOS Event Viewer\n\
EventVwr [computer name] [/l:<event log file>] [/?]\n\
EventVwr [computer name] [/L:<event log file>] [/?]\n\
""computer name"" : Specifies the remote computer where to connect\n\
\tto retrieve the events to display. If no name is specified, the\n\
\tlocal computer is used.\n\
/l:<event log file> : Specifies which event log file to open.\n\
/L:<event log file> : Specifies which event log file to open.\n\
\tOnly files in the .evt format (NT ≤ 5.2) are supported.\n\
/? : Displays this help message.\n\
@ -166,13 +166,13 @@ BEGIN
/* Please note that explicit TAB characters '\t' are used to fix the alignment of the message in the MessageBox */
IDS_USAGE "ReactOS Event Viewer\n\
EventVwr [computer name] [/l:<event log file>] [/?]\n\
EventVwr [computer name] [/L:<event log file>] [/?]\n\
""computer name"" : Specifies the remote computer where to connect\n\
\tto retrieve the events to display. If no name is specified, the\n\
\tlocal computer is used.\n\
/l:<event log file> : Specifies which event log file to open.\n\
/L:<event log file> : Specifies which event log file to open.\n\
\tOnly files in the .evt format (NT ≤ 5.2) are supported.\n\
/? : Displays this help message.\n\
@ -172,13 +172,13 @@ BEGIN
/* Please note that explicit TAB characters '\t' are used to fix the alignment of the message in the MessageBox */
IDS_USAGE "ReactOS Event Viewer\n\
EventVwr [computer name] [/l:<event log file>] [/?]\n\
EventVwr [computer name] [/L:<event log file>] [/?]\n\
""computer name"" : Specifies the remote computer where to connect\n\
\tto retrieve the events to display. If no name is specified, the\n\
\tlocal computer is used.\n\
/l:<event log file> : Specifies which event log file to open.\n\
/L:<event log file> : Specifies which event log file to open.\n\
\tOnly files in the .evt format (NT ≤ 5.2) are supported.\n\
/? : Displays this help message.\n\
@ -166,13 +166,13 @@ BEGIN
/* Please note that explicit TAB characters '\t' are used to fix the alignment of the message in the MessageBox */
IDS_USAGE "ReactOS Event Viewer\n\
EventVwr [computer name] [/l:<event log file>] [/?]\n\
EventVwr [computer name] [/L:<event log file>] [/?]\n\
""computer name"" : Specifies the remote computer where to connect\n\
\tto retrieve the events to display. If no name is specified, the\n\
\tlocal computer is used.\n\
/l:<event log file> : Specifies which event log file to open.\n\
/L:<event log file> : Specifies which event log file to open.\n\
\tOnly files in the .evt format (NT ≤ 5.2) are supported.\n\
/? : Displays this help message.\n\
@ -166,13 +166,13 @@ BEGIN
/* Please note that explicit TAB characters '\t' are used to fix the alignment of the message in the MessageBox */
IDS_USAGE "Visionneuse d'événements ReactOS\n\
EventVwr [nom ordinateur] [/l:<fichier journal>] [/?]\n\
EventVwr [nom ordinateur] [/L:<fichier journal>] [/?]\n\
""nom ordinateur"" : Spécifie l'ordinateur distant auquel se connecter\n\
\tpour récupérer les événements à afficher. Si aucun nom n'est spécifié,\n\
\tl'ordinateur local est utilisé.\n\
/l:<fichier journal> : Spécifie quel fichier journal ouvrir.\n\
/L:<fichier journal> : Spécifie quel fichier journal ouvrir.\n\
\tSeuls les fichiers au format .evt (NT ≤ 5.2) sont supportés.\n\
/? : Affiche ce message d'aide.\n\
@ -166,13 +166,13 @@ BEGIN
/* Please note that explicit TAB characters '\t' are used to fix the alignment of the message in the MessageBox */
IDS_USAGE "ReactOS Event Viewer\n\
EventVwr [computer name] [/l:<event log file>] [/?]\n\
EventVwr [computer name] [/L:<event log file>] [/?]\n\
""computer name"" : Specifies the remote computer where to connect\n\
\tto retrieve the events to display. If no name is specified, the\n\
\tlocal computer is used.\n\
/l:<event log file> : Specifies which event log file to open.\n\
/L:<event log file> : Specifies which event log file to open.\n\
\tOnly files in the .evt format (NT ≤ 5.2) are supported.\n\
/? : Displays this help message.\n\
@ -166,13 +166,13 @@ BEGIN
/* Please note that explicit TAB characters '\t' are used to fix the alignment of the message in the MessageBox */
IDS_USAGE "ReactOS Event Viewer\n\
EventVwr [computer name] [/l:<event log file>] [/?]\n\
EventVwr [computer name] [/L:<event log file>] [/?]\n\
""computer name"" : Specifies the remote computer where to connect\n\
\tto retrieve the events to display. If no name is specified, the\n\
\tlocal computer is used.\n\
/l:<event log file> : Specifies which event log file to open.\n\
/L:<event log file> : Specifies which event log file to open.\n\
\tOnly files in the .evt format (NT ≤ 5.2) are supported.\n\
/? : Displays this help message.\n\
@ -166,13 +166,13 @@ BEGIN
/* Please note that explicit TAB characters '\t' are used to fix the alignment of the message in the MessageBox */
IDS_USAGE "ReactOS Event Viewer\n\
EventVwr [computer name] [/l:<event log file>] [/?]\n\
EventVwr [computer name] [/L:<event log file>] [/?]\n\
""computer name"" : Specifies the remote computer where to connect\n\
\tto retrieve the events to display. If no name is specified, the\n\
\tlocal computer is used.\n\
/l:<event log file> : Specifies which event log file to open.\n\
/L:<event log file> : Specifies which event log file to open.\n\
\tOnly files in the .evt format (NT ≤ 5.2) are supported.\n\
/? : Displays this help message.\n\
@ -166,13 +166,13 @@ BEGIN
/* Please note that explicit TAB characters '\t' are used to fix the alignment of the message in the MessageBox */
IDS_USAGE "ReactOS Event Viewer\n\
EventVwr [computer name] [/l:<event log file>] [/?]\n\
EventVwr [computer name] [/L:<event log file>] [/?]\n\
""computer name"" : Specifies the remote computer where to connect\n\
\tto retrieve the events to display. If no name is specified, the\n\
\tlocal computer is used.\n\
/l:<event log file> : Specifies which event log file to open.\n\
/L:<event log file> : Specifies which event log file to open.\n\
\tOnly files in the .evt format (NT ≤ 5.2) are supported.\n\
/? : Displays this help message.\n\
@ -164,13 +164,13 @@ BEGIN
/* Please note that explicit TAB characters '\t' are used to fix the alignment of the message in the MessageBox */
IDS_USAGE "ReactOS Event Viewer\n\
EventVwr [computer name] [/l:<event log file>] [/?]\n\
EventVwr [computer name] [/L:<event log file>] [/?]\n\
""computer name"" : Specifies the remote computer where to connect\n\
\tto retrieve the events to display. If no name is specified, the\n\
\tlocal computer is used.\n\
/l:<event log file> : Specifies which event log file to open.\n\
/L:<event log file> : Specifies which event log file to open.\n\
\tOnly files in the .evt format (NT ≤ 5.2) are supported.\n\
/? : Displays this help message.\n\
@ -168,13 +168,13 @@ BEGIN
/* Please note that explicit TAB characters '\t' are used to fix the alignment of the message in the MessageBox */
IDS_USAGE "Podgląd zdarzeń ReactOS\n\
EventVwr [nazwa komputera] [/l:<plik dziennika>] [/?]\n\
EventVwr [nazwa komputera] [/L:<plik dziennika>] [/?]\n\
""nazwa kopmutera"" : Określa komputer zdalny, z którym należy się połączyć,\n\
\taby otrzymać zdarzenia do wyświetlenia. Jeśli nazwa nie jest określona,\n\
\tzostanie użyty komputer lokalny.\n\
/l:<plik dziennika> : Określa plik dziennika do otwarcia.\n\
/L:<plik dziennika> : Określa plik dziennika do otwarcia.\n\
\tObsługiwane są tylko pliki w formacie .evt (NT ≤ 5.2).\n\
/? : Wyświetla tę pomoc/sposób użycia.\n\
@ -166,13 +166,13 @@ BEGIN
/* Please note that explicit TAB characters '\t' are used to fix the alignment of the message in the MessageBox */
IDS_USAGE "ReactOS Event Viewer\n\
EventVwr [computer name] [/l:<event log file>] [/?]\n\
EventVwr [computer name] [/L:<event log file>] [/?]\n\
""computer name"" : Specifies the remote computer where to connect\n\
\tto retrieve the events to display. If no name is specified, the\n\
\tlocal computer is used.\n\
/l:<event log file> : Specifies which event log file to open.\n\
/L:<event log file> : Specifies which event log file to open.\n\
\tOnly files in the .evt format (NT ≤ 5.2) are supported.\n\
/? : Displays this help message.\n\
@ -166,13 +166,13 @@ BEGIN
/* Please note that explicit TAB characters '\t' are used to fix the alignment of the message in the MessageBox */
IDS_USAGE "Visualizador de eventos ReactOS\n\
EventVwr [nome do computador] [/l:<event log file>] [/?]\n\
EventVwr [nome do computador] [/L:<event log file>] [/?]\n\
""nome do computador"" : Especifica o computador remoto a ligar\n\
\tpara obter os eventos a exibir. Se nenhum nome for especificado, será\n\
\tutilizado o computador local.\n\
/l:<event log file> : Especifica o ficheiro de eventos a abrir.\n\
/L:<event log file> : Especifica o ficheiro de eventos a abrir.\n\
\tSómente ficheiros no formato .evt (NT ≤ 5.2) é suportado.\n\
/? : Mostra esta mensagem de ajuda.\n\
@ -169,13 +169,13 @@ BEGIN
/* Please note that explicit TAB characters '\t' are used to fix the alignment of the message in the MessageBox */
IDS_USAGE "Inspector de Evenimente ReactOS\n\
EventVwr [nume calculator] [/l:<fișier jurnal de evenimente>] [/?]\n\
EventVwr [nume calculator] [/L:<fișier jurnal de evenimente>] [/?]\n\
""nume calculator"" : Specifică calculatorul la distanță de la care\n\
\tvor fi preluate evenimentele afișate. Dacă nu e furnizat un\n\
\tnume de calculator, va fi utilizat calculatorul local.\n\
/l:<fișier jurnal de evenimente> : Specifică deschiderea unui fișier.\n\
/L:<fișier jurnal de evenimente> : Specifică deschiderea unui fișier.\n\
\tSunt acceptate doar fișierele în format .evt (NT ≤ 5.2)\n\
/? : Afișează acest mesaj cu informații de utilizare.\n\
@ -166,13 +166,13 @@ BEGIN
/* Please note that explicit TAB characters '\t' are used to fix the alignment of the message in the MessageBox */
IDS_USAGE "ReactOS Event Viewer\n\
EventVwr [computer name] [/l:<event log file>] [/?]\n\
EventVwr [computer name] [/L:<event log file>] [/?]\n\
""computer name"" : Specifies the remote computer where to connect\n\
\tto retrieve the events to display. If no name is specified, the\n\
\tlocal computer is used.\n\
/l:<event log file> : Specifies which event log file to open.\n\
/L:<event log file> : Specifies which event log file to open.\n\
\tOnly files in the .evt format (NT ≤ 5.2) are supported.\n\
/? : Displays this help message.\n\
@ -169,13 +169,13 @@ BEGIN
/* Please note that explicit TAB characters '\t' are used to fix the alignment of the message in the MessageBox */
IDS_USAGE "ReactOS Event Viewer\n\
EventVwr [computer name] [/l:<event log file>] [/?]\n\
EventVwr [computer name] [/L:<event log file>] [/?]\n\
""computer name"" : Specifies the remote computer where to connect\n\
\tto retrieve the events to display. If no name is specified, the\n\
\tlocal computer is used.\n\
/l:<event log file> : Specifies which event log file to open.\n\
/L:<event log file> : Specifies which event log file to open.\n\
\tOnly files in the .evt format (NT ≤ 5.2) are supported.\n\
/? : Displays this help message.\n\
@ -172,13 +172,13 @@ BEGIN
/* Please note that explicit TAB characters '\t' are used to fix the alignment of the message in the MessageBox */
IDS_USAGE "ReactOS Event Viewer\n\
EventVwr [computer name] [/l:<event log file>] [/?]\n\
EventVwr [computer name] [/L:<event log file>] [/?]\n\
""computer name"" : Specifies the remote computer where to connect\n\
\tto retrieve the events to display. If no name is specified, the\n\
\tlocal computer is used.\n\
/l:<event log file> : Specifies which event log file to open.\n\
/L:<event log file> : Specifies which event log file to open.\n\
\tOnly files in the .evt format (NT ≤ 5.2) are supported.\n\
/? : Displays this help message.\n\
@ -166,13 +166,13 @@ BEGIN
/* Please note that explicit TAB characters '\t' are used to fix the alignment of the message in the MessageBox */
IDS_USAGE "ReactOS Event Viewer\n\
EventVwr [computer name] [/l:<event log file>] [/?]\n\
EventVwr [computer name] [/L:<event log file>] [/?]\n\
""computer name"" : Specifies the remote computer where to connect\n\
\tto retrieve the events to display. If no name is specified, the\n\
\tlocal computer is used.\n\
/l:<event log file> : Specifies which event log file to open.\n\
/L:<event log file> : Specifies which event log file to open.\n\
\tOnly files in the .evt format (NT ≤ 5.2) are supported.\n\
/? : Displays this help message.\n\
@ -172,13 +172,13 @@ BEGIN
/* Please note that explicit TAB characters '\t' are used to fix the alignment of the message in the MessageBox */
IDS_USAGE "ReactOS Event Viewer\n\
EventVwr [computer name] [/l:<event log file>] [/?]\n\
EventVwr [computer name] [/L:<event log file>] [/?]\n\
""computer name"" : Specifies the remote computer where to connect\n\
\tto retrieve the events to display. If no name is specified, the\n\
\tlocal computer is used.\n\
/l:<event log file> : Specifies which event log file to open.\n\
/L:<event log file> : Specifies which event log file to open.\n\
\tOnly files in the .evt format (NT ≤ 5.2) are supported.\n\
/? : Displays this help message.\n\
@ -166,13 +166,13 @@ BEGIN
/* Please note that explicit TAB characters '\t' are used to fix the alignment of the message in the MessageBox */
IDS_USAGE "ReactOS Event Viewer\n\
EventVwr [computer name] [/l:<event log file>] [/?]\n\
EventVwr [computer name] [/L:<event log file>] [/?]\n\
""computer name"" : Specifies the remote computer where to connect\n\
\tto retrieve the events to display. If no name is specified, the\n\
\tlocal computer is used.\n\
/l:<event log file> : Specifies which event log file to open.\n\
/L:<event log file> : Specifies which event log file to open.\n\
\tOnly files in the .evt format (NT ≤ 5.2) are supported.\n\
/? : Displays this help message.\n\
@ -166,13 +166,13 @@ BEGIN
/* Please note that explicit TAB characters '\t' are used to fix the alignment of the message in the MessageBox */
IDS_USAGE "ReactOS Event Viewer\n\
EventVwr [computer name] [/l:<event log file>] [/?]\n\
EventVwr [computer name] [/L:<event log file>] [/?]\n\
""computer name"" : Specifies the remote computer where to connect\n\
\tto retrieve the events to display. If no name is specified, the\n\
\tlocal computer is used.\n\
/l:<event log file> : Specifies which event log file to open.\n\
/L:<event log file> : Specifies which event log file to open.\n\
\tOnly files in the .evt format (NT ≤ 5.2) are supported.\n\
/? : Displays this help message.\n\
@ -167,13 +167,13 @@ BEGIN
/* Please note that explicit TAB characters '\t' are used to fix the alignment of the message in the MessageBox */
IDS_USAGE "ReactOS Event Viewer\n\
EventVwr [computer name] [/l:<event log file>] [/?]\n\
EventVwr [computer name] [/L:<event log file>] [/?]\n\
""computer name"" : Specifies the remote computer where to connect\n\
\tto retrieve the events to display. If no name is specified, the\n\
\tlocal computer is used.\n\
/l:<event log file> : Specifies which event log file to open.\n\
/L:<event log file> : Specifies which event log file to open.\n\
\tOnly files in the .evt format (NT ≤ 5.2) are supported.\n\
/? : Displays this help message.\n\
Reference in a new issue