[CMD_WINETEST] Sync with Wine Staging 4.0. CORE-15682

This commit is contained in:
Amine Khaldi 2019-01-25 13:15:06 +01:00
parent 379c53db18
commit 58aee30e99
3 changed files with 416 additions and 24 deletions

View file

@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
static char workdir[MAX_PATH];
static DWORD workdir_len;
static char drive[2];
static const DWORD drive_len = sizeof(drive)/sizeof(drive[0]);
static const DWORD drive_len = ARRAY_SIZE(drive);
static char path[MAX_PATH];
static DWORD path_len;
static char shortpath[MAX_PATH];
@ -165,6 +165,7 @@ static const char *compare_line(const char *out_line, const char *out_end, const
static const char path_cmd[] = {'@','p','a','t','h','@'};
static const char shortpath_cmd[] = {'@','s','h','o','r','t','p','a','t','h','@'};
static const char space_cmd[] = {'@','s','p','a','c','e','@'};
static const char spaces_cmd[] = {'@','s','p','a','c','e','s','@'};
static const char tab_cmd[] = {'@','t','a','b','@'};
static const char or_broken_cmd[] = {'@','o','r','_','b','r','o','k','e','n','@'};
@ -223,6 +224,15 @@ static const char *compare_line(const char *out_line, const char *out_end, const
} else {
err = out_end;
}else if(exp_ptr+sizeof(spaces_cmd) <= exp_end
&& !memcmp(exp_ptr, spaces_cmd, sizeof(spaces_cmd))) {
exp_ptr += sizeof(spaces_cmd);
if(out_ptr < out_end && *out_ptr == ' ') {
while (out_ptr < out_end && *out_ptr == ' ') out_ptr++;
} else {
err = out_end;
}else if(exp_ptr+sizeof(tab_cmd) <= exp_end
&& !memcmp(exp_ptr, tab_cmd, sizeof(tab_cmd))) {
exp_ptr += sizeof(tab_cmd);
@ -250,10 +260,8 @@ static const char *compare_line(const char *out_line, const char *out_end, const
while(exp_ptr+sizeof(or_broken_cmd) <= exp_end && memcmp(exp_ptr, or_broken_cmd, sizeof(or_broken_cmd)))
return err;
exp_ptr += sizeof(or_broken_cmd);
if (exp_ptr > exp_end) return err;
out_ptr = out_line;
err = NULL;
@ -469,8 +477,7 @@ START_TEST(batch)
} else {
path_len = 1; /* \ */
shortpath_len = GetShortPathNameA(path, shortpath,
shortpath_len = GetShortPathNameA(path, shortpath, ARRAY_SIZE(shortpath));
argc = winetest_get_mainargs(&argv);
if(argc > 2)

View file

@ -179,6 +179,8 @@ if exist foo (type foo) else echo not supported
echo --- redirections within IF statements
if 1==1 echo foo1>bar
type bar & del bar
if 1==1 echo foo2>>bar
type bar & del bar
echo -----
if 1==1 (echo foo2>bar) else echo baz2>bar
type bar & del bar
@ -418,6 +420,7 @@ if 1==1 (echo n1) else echo n2|echo n3
if 1==1 (echo o1) else echo o2&&echo o3
if 1==1 (echo p1) else echo p2||echo p3
if 1==1 (echo q1) else echo q2&echo q3
echo ---
echo --- chain else (if false)
if 1==0 echo a1 else echo a2
if 1==0 echo b1|echo b2 else echo b3
@ -506,6 +509,65 @@ rem Only the final quote ends the string
set "WINE_FOO=apple"banana"grape"orange
echo '%WINE_FOO%'
rem set PATH must work with quotes
mkdir folder
mkdir "fol;der"
echo echo I'm here! > "fol;der\sub1.bat"
echo echo I'm here! > folder\sub1.bat
set PATH=nothing;"fol;der"
call sub1
set PATH="folder
call sub1
set PATH=folder"
call sub1
del "fol;der\sub1.bat"
del folder\sub1.bat
rmdir "fol;der"
rmdir folder
echo ------------ Testing 'choice' ------------
rem Windows XP and Windows 2000 do not come with choice
rem echo is used for @or_broken@ formatting
choice /C:ABC /M "Example message" /D A /T:0
if %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 9009 (
echo choice unavailable
choice /C ABC "/M:Example message" /D:B /T 0
if %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 9009 (
echo choice unavailable
choice /C def /D:f /T:0
if %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 9009 (
echo choice unavailable
REM If a pipe fails due to a nonexistent command
REM it will stop the whole program's execution
if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 9009 (
echo Y | choice /C ABCXYZ /D A /T 2
if %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 9009 (
echo choice unavailable
choice /C ABC /N /D A /T 0
if %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 9009 (
echo choice unavailable
choice /C abcABC /CS /D:A /T:0
if %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 9009 (
echo choice unavailable
rem intentional error
choice /C abcABC /D:A /T:0 >NUL 2>NUL
echo ------------ Testing variable expansion ------------
call :setError 0
@ -667,6 +729,15 @@ echo '%~xs1'
goto :eof
echo ------------ Testing parameter zero ------------
call :func parm1 parm2
goto :endParm0
echo %~0 %~1
echo [%0] [%~d0] [%~p0] [%~n0] [%~x0] [%~s0]
goto :EOF
echo ------------ Testing variable delayed expansion ------------
rem NT4 doesn't support this
echo --- default mode (load-time expansion)
@ -907,6 +978,13 @@ if %elseIF% == 1 (
) else (
echo else if seems to be broken
if "x" == "a" (
echo broken1
) else (
echo expected1
if "y" == "b" echo broken2
echo expected post-embedded if
echo --- case sensitivity with and without /i option
if bar==BAR echo if does not default to case sensitivity
if not bar==BAR echo if seems to default to case sensitivity
@ -979,6 +1057,69 @@ for %%i in (%WINE_STR_PARMS%) do (
for %%i in (%WINE_STR_PARMS%) do (
for %%j in (%WINE_STR_PARMS%) do (
call :GTRtest %%i %%j))
echo ------------ Testing if/exist ------------
mkdir subdir
echo something>subdir\bar
echo something else>foo
if exist foo (
echo exist explicit works
) else (
echo ERROR exist explicit broken
if exist bar (
echo ERROR exist explicit unknown file broken
) else (
echo exist explicit unknown file works
if exist subdir\bar (
echo exist explicit in subdir works
) else (
echo ERROR exist explicit in subdir broken
if exist fo* (
echo exist simple wildcard works
) else (
echo ERROR exist simple wildcard broken
if exist subdir\ba* (
echo exist wildcard works
) else (
echo ERROR exist wildcard broken
if not exist subdir\ba* (
echo ERROR negate exist wildcard broken
) else (
echo negate exist wildcard works
if exist idontexist\ba* (
echo ERROR exist wildcard bad subdir broken
) else (
echo exist wildcard bad subdir broken works
if exist subdir (
echo exist subdir ok
) else (
echo ERROR exist subdir not working
if exist subdir\. (
echo exist subdir with . ok
) else (
echo ERROR exist subdir with . not working
if exist subdir\ (
echo exist subdir with \ ok
) else (
echo ERROR exist subdir with \ not working
if exist "subdir\" (
echo exist subdir with \ and quotes ok
) else (
echo ERROR exist subdir with \ and quotes not working
del foo subdir\bar
rd subdir
echo ------ for numbers
if -1 LSS 1 (echo negative numbers handled)
if not -1 LSS -10 (echo negative numbers handled)
@ -1112,9 +1253,16 @@ mkdir foobar & cd foobar
mkdir foo
mkdir bar
mkdir baz
mkdir pop
echo > bazbaz
echo --- basic wildcards
for %%i in (ba*) do echo %%i
echo --- wildcards in subdirs
echo something>pop\bar1
echo something>pop\bar2.txt
echo something>pop\bar3
for %%f in (pop\ba*) do ( call echo %%f )
rmdir /s/q pop
echo --- for /d
for /d %%i in (baz foo bar) do echo %%i 2>&1
rem Confirm we don't match files:
@ -1321,6 +1469,45 @@ for /L %%i in (2,2,1) do (
echo %%i
echo --- rems inside for loops
for /f %%i IN ("hello") DO (
REM foo|echo ERROR unexpected execution 1
@REM foo|echo ERROR unexpected execution 2
@ REM foo|echo ERROR unexpected execution 3
echo --- ifs inside for loops
for %%i in (test) do (
echo a1
if 1==1 (
echo b1
) else (
echo c1
echo d1
for %%i in (test) do (
echo a2
if 1==1 (
echo b2
) else echo c2
echo d2
for %%i in (test) do (
echo a3
if 1==0 (
echo b3
) else echo c3
echo d3
for %%i in (test) do (
echo a4
if 1==0 (
echo b4
) else (
echo c4
echo d4
echo --- set /a
goto :testseta
@ -1563,8 +1750,11 @@ mkdir foobar & cd foobar
echo ------ string argument
rem NT4 does not support usebackq
for /F %%i in ("a b c") do echo %%i
for /F %%i in ( "a b c" ) do echo X%%iX
for /f usebackq %%i in ('a b c') do echo %%i>output_file
if not exist output_file (echo no output) else (type output_file & del output_file)
for /f usebackq %%i in ( 'a b c' ) do echo X%%iX>output_file
if not exist output_file (echo no output) else (type output_file & del output_file)
for /f %%i in ("a ") do echo %%i
for /f usebackq %%i in ('a ') do echo %%i>output_file
if not exist output_file (echo no output) else (type output_file & del output_file)
@ -1614,9 +1804,13 @@ if "%CD%"=="" goto :SkipFORFcmdNT4
for /f %%i in ('echo.Passed1') do echo %%i
for /f "usebackq" %%i in (`echo.Passed2`) do echo %%i
for /f usebackq %%i in (`echo.Passed3`) do echo %%i
for /f "usebackq" %%i in (`"c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe" /C echo Passed4`) do echo %%i
for /f "usebackq" %%i in (`""c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe" /C echo Passed5"`) do echo %%i
for /f %%i in ( 'echo.Passed6' ) do echo %%i
for /f "usebackq" %%i in ( `echo.Passed7` ) do echo %%i
goto :ContinueFORF
for /l %%i in (1,1,3) do echo Missing functionality - Broken%%i
for /l %%i in (1,1,7) do echo Missing functionality - Broken%%i
rem FIXME: Rest not testable right now in wine: not implemented and would need
rem preliminary grep-like program implementation (e.g. like findstr or fc) even
@ -1694,6 +1888,13 @@ for /f "tokens=1,2,3*" %%i in ("a b c d e f g") do echo h=%%h i=%%i j=%%j k=%%k
for /f "tokens=1,1,3*" %%i in ("a b c d e f g") do echo h=%%h i=%%i j=%%j k=%%k l=%%l m=%%m n=%%n o=%%o
for /f "tokens=2,2,3*" %%i in ("a b c d e f g") do echo h=%%h i=%%i j=%%j k=%%k l=%%l m=%%m n=%%n o=%%o
for /f "tokens=3,2,3*" %%i in ("a b c d e f g") do echo h=%%h i=%%i j=%%j k=%%k l=%%l m=%%m n=%%n o=%%o
rem Special case tokens=* or tokens=n,*
echo 3.14>testfile
FOR /F "tokens=*" %%A IN (testfile) DO @echo 1:%%A,%%B
FOR /F "tokens=1*" %%A IN (testfile) DO @echo 2:%%A,%%B
FOR /F "tokens=2*" %%A IN (testfile) DO @echo 3:%%A,%%B
FOR /F "tokens=1,* delims=." %%A IN (testfile) DO @echo 4:%%A,%%B
del testfile
cd ..
rd /s/q foobar
echo ------ parameter splitting
@ -1706,6 +1907,12 @@ goto :forFParameterSplittingEnd
echo %~0 %~1 %~2 %~3 %~4 %~5
goto :eof
echo 3.14>testfile
FOR /F "delims=. tokens=*" %%A IN (testfile) DO @echo 4:%%A,%%B
FOR /F "delims=. tokens=1*" %%A IN (testfile) DO @echo 5:%%A,%%B
FOR /F "delims=. tokens=2*" %%A IN (testfile) DO @echo 6:%%A,%%B
FOR /F "delims=. tokens=3*" %%A IN (testfile) DO @echo 7:%%A,%%B
del testfile
echo ------------ Testing del ------------
echo abc > file
@ -2977,6 +3184,57 @@ echo FAILURE at dest 10
:dest10:this is also ignored
echo Correctly ignored trailing information
rem Testing which label is reached when there are many options
echo Begin:
set nextlabel=
call :sub
set nextlabel=middle
goto :sub
echo ..First sub
if not "%nextlabel%"=="" goto :%nextlabel%
goto :EOF
echo ..Second sub
if not "%nextlabel%"=="" goto :%nextlabel%
goto :EOF
echo Middle:
set nextlabel=
call :sub
set nextlabel=nearend
goto :sub
echo ..Third sub
if not "%nextlabel%"=="" goto :%nextlabel%
goto :EOF
echo Near end:
set nextlabel=
call :sub
set nextlabel=end
goto :sub
echo ..Fourth sub
if not "%nextlabel%"=="" goto :%nextlabel%
goto :EOF
echo At end:
set nextlabel=
call :sub
set nextlabel=done
goto :sub
echo Finished
echo ------------ Testing PATH ------------
set WINE_backup_path=%path%
set path=original
@ -2988,6 +3246,45 @@ path
set path=%WINE_backup_path%
set WINE_backup_path=
echo ------------ Testing start /W ------------
echo start /W failed to wait>foobar.txt
start /W "" cmd /C "ping -n1 & echo start /W seems to really wait>foobar.txt"& type foobar.txt& del foobar.txt
echo ------------ Testing changing the drive letter ----------
pushd C:\
echo Normal:
call :setError 0
if errorlevel 1 echo Normal drive change failed
echo Normal+space
call :setError 0
if errorlevel 1 echo Normal+space drive change failed
echo Normal+space+garbage
call :setError 0
C: garbage
if errorlevel 1 echo Normal+space+garbage drive change failed
call :setError 0
echo Quoted should fail
if not errorlevel 1 echo quoted drive change unexpectedly worked
echo Normal+tab
call :setError 0
if errorlevel 1 echo Normal+tab drive change failed
echo Normal+tab+garbage
call :setError 0
if errorlevel 1 echo Normal+tab+garbage drive change failed
echo ------------ Testing combined CALLs/GOTOs ------------
echo @echo off>foo.cmd
echo goto :eof>>foot.cmd

View file

@ -205,7 +205,8 @@ food21
@todo_wine@foo7@space@@space@@or_broken@not supported@space@
@todo_wine@foo@or_broken@not supported
--- redirections within IF statements
@ -428,8 +429,9 @@ n1
--- chain else (if false)
@ -474,6 +476,23 @@ foo
'jim fred'
I'm here!@space@
I'm here!@space@
I'm here!@space@
------------ Testing 'choice' ------------
@todo_wine@Example message [A,B,C]?A@or_broken@choice unavailable
@todo_wine@Example message [A,B,C]?B@or_broken@choice unavailable
@todo_wine@[D,E,F]?F@or_broken@choice unavailable
@todo_wine@[A,B,C,X,Y,Z]?Y@or_broken@choice unavailable
@todo_wine@A@or_broken@choice unavailable
@todo_wine@[a,b,c,A,B,C]?A@or_broken@choice unavailable
------------ Testing variable expansion ------------
~p0 should be path containing batch file
@ -526,9 +545,9 @@ N
@todo_wine@'@drive@@shortpath@R S'@or_broken@''
'@drive@@shortpath@R S'@or_broken@''
@ -562,9 +581,9 @@ N
@todo_wine@'@drive@@shortpath@R S'@or_broken@''
'@drive@@shortpath@R S'@or_broken@''
@ -573,6 +592,9 @@ N
------------ Testing parameter zero ------------
:func parm1
[:func] [@drive@] [@path@] [test] [.cmd] [@drive@@shortpath@test.cmd]
------------ Testing variable delayed expansion ------------
--- default mode (load-time expansion)
@ -657,6 +679,8 @@ if seems not to detect /c as parameter
else if seems to work
else if seems to work
else if seems to work
expected post-embedded if
--- case sensitivity with and without /i option
if seems to default to case sensitivity
if /i seems to work
@ -768,6 +792,18 @@ BA GTR B
------------ Testing if/exist ------------
exist explicit works
exist explicit unknown file works
exist explicit in subdir works
exist simple wildcard works
exist wildcard works
negate exist wildcard works
exist wildcard bad subdir broken works
exist subdir ok
exist subdir with . ok
exist subdir with \ ok
exist subdir with \ and quotes ok
------ for numbers
negative numbers handled
negative numbers handled
@ -909,6 +945,10 @@ B C
--- basic wildcards
--- wildcards in subdirs
--- for /d
@ -970,6 +1010,20 @@ ErrorLevel 0
--- rems inside for loops
--- ifs inside for loops
--- set /a
------ individual operations
WINE_foo correctly 3
@ -1141,7 +1195,9 @@ WINE_bar correctly 6@or_broken@ERROR: WINE_bar incorrectly 5 [6]
--- for /F
------ string argument
a@or_broken@no output
XaX@or_broken@no output
a@or_broken@no output
@ -1177,6 +1233,10 @@ c
Passed1@or_broken@Missing functionality - Broken1
Passed2@or_broken@Missing functionality - Broken2
Passed3@or_broken@Missing functionality - Broken3
Passed4@or_broken@Missing functionality - Broken4
Passed5@or_broken@Missing functionality - Broken5
Passed6@or_broken@Missing functionality - Broken6
Passed7@or_broken@Missing functionality - Broken7
------ eol option
and@or_broken@Broken NT4 functionality1
Line@or_broken@Broken NT4 functionality2
@ -1222,9 +1282,15 @@ h=%h i=a j=b k=c l=d e f g m=%m n=%n o=%o@or_broken@h=%h i=a j=b k=c l=d e f g m
h=%h i=a j=c k= l= m=%m n=%n o=%o@or_broken@h=%h i=a j=c k= l= m= n=%n o=%o
h=%h i=b j=c k= l= m=%m n=%n o=%o@or_broken@h=%h i=b j=c k= l= m= n=%n o=%o
h=%h i=b j=c k= l= m=%m n=%n o=%o@or_broken@h=%h i=b j=c k= l= m= n=%n o=%o
------ parameter splitting
:forFParameterSplittingFunc myparam1=myvalue1 myparam2=myparam2 mytest@space@@space@@space@
:forFParameterSplittingFunc myparam1=myvalue1 myparam2=myparam2 mytest@space@@space@@space@
------------ Testing del ------------
deleting 'file'
errorlevel is 0, good
@ -1340,22 +1406,22 @@ bar\baz removed
------------ Testing attrib ------------
A @drive@@path@foobar\foo@or_broken@A @drive@@path@foobar\foo@or_broken@A I @drive@@path@foobar\foo
A@spaces@@drive@@path@foobar\foo@or_broken@A I@spaces@@drive@@path@foobar\foo
--- read-only attribute
A R @drive@@path@foobar\foo@or_broken@A R @drive@@path@foobar\foo@or_broken@A R I @drive@@path@foobar\foo
A R@spaces@@drive@@path@foobar\foo@or_broken@A R I@spaces@@drive@@path@foobar\foo
foo original contents
Read-only file not deleted
Read-only file forcibly deleted
--- recursive behaviour
A @drive@@path@foobar\baz\level2@or_broken@A @drive@@path@foobar\baz\level2@or_broken@A I @drive@@path@foobar\baz\level2
A R @drive@@path@foobar\level1@or_broken@A R @drive@@path@foobar\level1@or_broken@A R I @drive@@path@foobar\level1
A R @drive@@path@foobar\baz\level2@or_broken@A R @drive@@path@foobar\baz\level2@or_broken@A R I @drive@@path@foobar\baz\level2
A @drive@@path@foobar\bar@or_broken@A @drive@@path@foobar\bar@or_broken@A I @drive@@path@foobar\bar
A@spaces@@drive@@path@foobar\baz\level2@or_broken@A I@spaces@@drive@@path@foobar\baz\level2
A R@spaces@@drive@@path@foobar\level1@or_broken@A R I@spaces@@drive@@path@foobar\level1
A R@spaces@@drive@@path@foobar\baz\level2@or_broken@A R I@spaces@@drive@@path@foobar\baz\level2
A@spaces@@drive@@path@foobar\bar@or_broken@A I@spaces@@drive@@path@foobar\bar
--- folders processing
@drive@@path@foobar@or_broken@ @drive@@path@foobar@or_broken@ I @drive@@path@foobar
@todo_wine@ R @drive@@path@foobar\baz@or_broken@ R @drive@@path@foobar\baz@or_broken@ @drive@@path@foobar\baz@or_broken@ R I @drive@@path@foobar\baz
A @drive@@path@foobar\baz\toto@or_broken@A @drive@@path@foobar\baz\toto@or_broken@A I @drive@@path@foobar\baz\toto
@spaces@@drive@@path@foobar@or_broken@ I@spaces@@drive@@path@foobar
@todo_wine@ R@spaces@@drive@@path@foobar\baz@or_broken@@spaces@@drive@@path@foobar\baz@or_broken@ R I@spaces@@drive@@path@foobar\baz
A@spaces@@drive@@path@foobar\baz\toto@or_broken@A I@spaces@@drive@@path@foobar\baz\toto
file created in read-only dir
@ -1570,10 +1636,32 @@ goto with redirections worked
Ignoring double colons worked
label with mixed whitespace and no echo worked
Correctly ignored trailing information
..First sub
..First sub
..Third sub
..Third sub
Near end:
..Fourth sub
..Fourth sub
At end:
..First sub
..First sub
------------ Testing PATH ------------
------------ Testing start /W ------------
start /W seems to really wait
------------ Testing changing the drive letter ----------
Quoted should fail
------------ Testing combined CALLs/GOTOs ------------