[SHELL32_APITEST] ShellExecCmdLine: Don't copy Notepad.exe

On Windows 10, when I copyed Notepad.exe to the desktop and double-clicked it, it won't start Notepad. This is probably because there is a security protection mechanism (or some mechanism) at work. Tests that assume this mechanism will not work properly on ReactOS. Thus, I had to delete some tests. CORE-17351
This commit is contained in:
Katayama Hirofumi MZ 2021-06-04 06:16:07 +09:00
parent f37b94ba39
commit 55345930ad

View file

@ -253,7 +253,6 @@ typedef struct TEST_ENTRY
static const char s_testfile1[] = "Test File.txt";
static const char s_testfile2[] = "Test File.bat";
static char s_notepad[] = "notepad.exe";
static const TEST_ENTRY s_entries[] =
@ -402,15 +401,17 @@ static const TEST_ENTRY s_entries[] =
// Control Panel
{ __LINE__, S_OK, TRUE, NULL, L"::{5399E694-6CE5-4D6C-8FCE-1D8870FDCBA0}", NULL },
{ __LINE__, S_OK, TRUE, NULL, L"shell:::{5399E694-6CE5-4D6C-8FCE-1D8870FDCBA0}", NULL },
// shell:sendto
{ __LINE__, S_OK, TRUE, NULL, L"shell:sendto", NULL },
static BOOL CloseNotepads(BOOL bRetry, INT nCount = 10)
static BOOL CloseAppWindows(LPCWSTR pwszWindowClass, BOOL bRetry, INT nCount = 10)
#define INTERVAL 100
BOOL bFound = FALSE;
for (INT i = 0; i < nCount; ++i)
HWND hwnd = FindWindowW(L"Notepad", NULL);
HWND hwnd = FindWindowW(pwszWindowClass, NULL);
if (!hwnd)
if (!bRetry)
@ -466,7 +467,7 @@ static void DoEntry(const TEST_ENTRY *pEntry)
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && pEntry->pwszWindowClass)
BOOL bFound = CloseNotepads(TRUE);
BOOL bFound = CloseAppWindows(pEntry->pwszWindowClass, TRUE);
ok(bFound, "Line %d: The window not found\n", pEntry->lineno);
@ -492,7 +493,7 @@ START_TEST(ShellExecCmdLine)
CloseAppWindows(L"Notepad", FALSE);
// s_testfile1
FILE *fp = fopen(s_testfile1, "wb");
@ -576,63 +577,8 @@ START_TEST(ShellExecCmdLine)
char path[MAX_PATH];
ok((INT_PTR)FindExecutableA("notepad.exe", NULL, s_notepad) >= 32, "FindExecutableA failed\n");
ok(GetModuleFileNameA(NULL, path, _countof(path)), "GetModuleFileNameA failed\n");
char *pch = strrchr(path, '\\');
if (pch == NULL)
skip("pch == NULL\n");
// create "My Directory"
strcpy(pch, "\\My Directory");
if (GetFileAttributesA(path) == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES)
ok(CreateDirectoryA(path, NULL), "CreateDirectoryA failed\n");
// create "My Directory\\Notepad.exe" as clone of Notepad.exe
strcpy(pch, "\\My Directory\\Notepad.exe");
ok(CopyFileA(s_notepad, path, FALSE), "CopyFileA failed\n");
wsprintfW(buf0, L"%hs", path);
wsprintfW(buf1, L"\"%hs\"", path);
wsprintfW(buf2, L"\"%hs\" \"Test File.txt\"", path);
TEST_ENTRY additionals3[] =
{ __LINE__, S_OK, FALSE, NULL, buf0, NULL },
{ __LINE__, S_OK, FALSE, NULL, buf0, L"." },
{ __LINE__, S_OK, FALSE, NULL, buf0, L"system32" },
{ __LINE__, S_OK, FALSE, NULL, buf1, NULL },
{ __LINE__, S_OK, FALSE, NULL, buf1, L"." },
{ __LINE__, S_OK, FALSE, NULL, buf1, L"system32" },
{ __LINE__, S_OK, FALSE, NULL, buf2, NULL },
{ __LINE__, S_OK, FALSE, NULL, buf2, L"." },
{ __LINE__, S_OK, FALSE, NULL, buf2, L"system32" },
{ __LINE__, S_OK, TRUE, NULL, buf0, NULL },
{ __LINE__, S_OK, TRUE, NULL, buf0, L"." },
{ __LINE__, S_OK, TRUE, NULL, buf0, L"system32" },
{ __LINE__, S_OK, TRUE, NULL, buf1, NULL },
{ __LINE__, S_OK, TRUE, NULL, buf1, L"." },
{ __LINE__, S_OK, TRUE, NULL, buf1, L"system32" },
{ __LINE__, S_OK, TRUE, NULL, buf2, NULL },
{ __LINE__, S_OK, TRUE, NULL, buf2, L"." },
{ __LINE__, S_OK, TRUE, NULL, buf2, L"system32" },
for (size_t i = 0; i < _countof(additionals3); ++i)
strcpy(pch, "\\My Directory");
// clean up
ok(DeleteFileA(s_testfile1), "failed to delete the test file\n");
ok(DeleteFileA(s_testfile2), "failed to delete the test file\n");
CloseAppWindows(L"Notepad", FALSE);