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synced 2025-02-22 16:36:33 +00:00
Release cleanup
svn path=/trunk/; revision=16
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 0 additions and 640 deletions
@ -1,640 +0,0 @@
1 ;
2 ; File:
3 ; boot.asm
4 ; Description:
5 ; DOS-C boot
6 ;
7 ; Copyright (c) 1997;
8 ; Svante Frey
9 ; All Rights Reserved
10 ;
11 ; This file is part of DOS-C.
12 ;
13 ; DOS-C is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
14 ; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
15 ; as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
16 ; 2, or (at your option) any later version.
17 ;
18 ; DOS-C is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
19 ; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
21 ; the GNU General Public License for more details.
22 ;
23 ; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
24 ; License along with DOS-C; see the file COPYING. If not,
25 ; write to the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave,
26 ; Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
27 ;
28 ; $Logfile: C:/dos-c/src/boot/boot.asv $
29 ;
30 ; $Header: /cygdrive/c/RCVS/CVS/ReactOS/reactos/loaders/boot/Attic/boot.lst,v 1.2 1998/08/12 22:43:38 rosmgr Exp $
31 ;
32 ; $Log: boot.lst,v $
32 ; Revision 1.2 1998/08/12 22:43:38 rosmgr
32 ; Update from the kernel team
32 ;
33 ;
34 ; Rev 1.5 10 Jan 1997 4:58:06 patv
35 ; Corrected copyright
36 ;
37 ; Rev 1.4 10 Jan 1997 4:52:50 patv
38 ; Re-written to support C drive and eliminate restrictions on IPL.SYS
39 ;
40 ; Rev 1.3 29 Aug 1996 13:06:50 patv
41 ; Bug fixes for v0.91b
42 ;
43 ; Rev 1.2 01 Sep 1995 17:56:44 patv
44 ; First GPL release.
45 ;
46 ; Rev 1.1 30 Jul 1995 20:37:38 patv
47 ; Initialized stack before use.
48 ;
49 ; Rev 1.0 02 Jul 1995 10:57:52 patv
50 ; Initial revision.
51 ;
53 section .text
55 org 0
56 00000000 E93D00 Entry: jmp real_start
58 ; bp is initialized to 7c00h
59 %define oem [bp+3]
60 %define bytesPerSector [bp+0bh]
61 %define sectPerCluster [bp+0dh]
62 %define resSectors [bp+0eh]
63 %define nFats [bp+10h]
64 %define nRootDir [bp+11h]
65 %define nSectors [bp+13h]
66 %define MID [bp+15h]
67 %define sectPerFat [bp+16h]
68 %define sectPerTrack [bp+18h]
69 %define nHeads [bp+1ah]
70 %define nHidden [bp+1ch]
71 %define nHidden_hi [bp+1eh]
72 %define nSectorHuge [bp+20h]
73 %define drive [bp+24h]
74 %define extBoot [bp+26h]
75 %define volid [bp+27h]
76 %define vollabel [bp+2bh]
77 %define filesys 36h
79 LOADSEG equ 2000h
81 FATBUF equ 4000h ; offset of temporary buffer for FAT
82 ; chain
83 RETRYCOUNT equ 5 ; number of retries on disk errors
85 ; Some extra variables that are created on the stack frame
87 %define fat_start [bp-4] ; first FAT sector
88 %define fat_start_hi [bp-2]
89 %define root_dir_start [bp-8] ; first root directory sector
90 %define root_dir_start_hi [bp-6]
91 %define data_start [bp-12] ; first data sector
92 %define data_start_hi [bp-10]
94 ;
95 ; Include macros for filesystem access
96 ;
97 %include "boot.inc"
98 <1> ; To save space, functions that are just called once are
99 <1> ; implemented as macros instead. Four bytes are saved by
100 <1> ; avoiding the call / ret instructions.
101 <1>
102 <1>
103 <1> ; FINDFILE: Searches for the file in the root directory.
104 <1> ;
105 <1> ; Returns:
106 <1> ;
107 <1> ; If file not found: CF set
108 <1> ;
109 <1> ; If file found: CF clear
110 <1> ; AX = first cluster of file
111 <1>
112 <1>
113 <1> %macro FINDFILE 0
114 <1> ; First, read the whole root directory
115 <1> ; into the temporary buffer.
116 <1>
117 <1> mov ax, word root_dir_start
118 <1> mov dx, word root_dir_start_hi
119 <1> mov di, nRootDir
120 <1> xor bx, bx
121 <1> mov es, tempbuf
122 <1> call readDisk
123 <1> jc ffDone
124 <1>
125 <1> xor di, di
126 <1>
127 <1> next_entry: mov cx, 11
128 <1> mov si, filename+7c00h
129 <1> push di
130 <1> repe cmpsb
131 <1> pop di
132 <1> mov ax, [es:di+1ah] ; get cluster number from directory entry
133 <1> clc
134 <1> je ffDone
135 <1>
136 <1> add di, 20h ; go to next directory entry
137 <1> cmp byte [es:di], 0 ; if the first byte of the name is 0,
138 <1> jnz next_entry ; there is no more files in the directory
139 <1>
140 <1> stc
141 <1> ffDone:
142 <1> %endmacro
143 <1>
144 <1> ; GETDRIVEPARMS: Calculate start of some disk areas.
145 <1>
146 <1> %macro GETDRIVEPARMS 0
147 <1> mov si, word nHidden
148 <1> mov di, word nHidden_hi
149 <1> add si, word resSectors
150 <1> adc di, 0 ; DI:SI = first FAT sector
151 <1>
152 <1> mov word fat_start, si
153 <1> mov word fat_start_hi, di
154 <1>
155 <1> mov al, nFats
156 <1> xor ah, ah
157 <1> mul word sectPerFat ; DX:AX = total number of FAT sectors
158 <1>
159 <1> add si, ax
160 <1> adc di, dx ; DI:SI = first root directory sector
161 <1> mov word root_dir_start, si
162 <1> mov word root_dir_start_hi, di
163 <1>
164 <1> ; Calculate how many sectors the root directory occupies.
165 <1> mov bx, bytesPerSector
166 <1> mov cl, 5 ; divide BX by 32
167 <1> shr bx, cl ; BX = directory entries per sector
168 <1>
169 <1> mov ax, nRootDir
170 <1> xor dx, dx
171 <1> div bx
172 <1>
173 <1> mov nRootDir, ax ; AX = sectors per root directory
174 <1>
175 <1> add si, ax
176 <1> adc di, 0 ; DI:SI = first data sector
177 <1>
178 <1> mov data_start, si
179 <1> mov data_start_hi, di
180 <1> %endmacro
181 <1>
182 <1> ; GETFATCHAIN:
183 <1> ;
184 <1> ; Reads the FAT chain and stores it in a temporary buffer in the first
185 <1> ; 64 kb. The FAT chain is stored an array of 16-bit cluster numbers,
186 <1> ; ending with 0.
187 <1> ;
188 <1> ; The file must fit in conventional memory, so it can't be larger than
189 <1> ; 640 kb. The sector size must be at least 512 bytes, so the FAT chain
190 <1> ; can't be larger than around 3 kb.
191 <1> ;
192 <1> ; Call with: AX = first cluster in chain
193 <1> ;
194 <1> ; Returns: CF clear on success, set on error
195 <1>
196 <1> %macro GETFATCHAIN 0
197 <1> push ax ; store first cluster number
198 <1>
199 <1> ; Load the complete FAT into memory. The FAT can't be larger
200 <1> ; than 128 kb, so it should fit in the temporary buffer.
201 <1>
202 <1> mov es, tempbuf
203 <1> xor bx, bx
204 <1> mov di, sectPerFat
205 <1> mov ax, word fat_start
206 <1> mov dx, word fat_start_hi
207 <1> call readDisk
208 <1> pop ax ; restore first cluster number
209 <1> jc boot_error
210 <1>
211 <1> ; Set ES:DI to the temporary storage for the FAT chain.
212 <1> push ds
213 <1> push es
214 <1> pop ds
215 <1> pop es
216 <1> mov di, FATBUF
217 <1>
218 <1> next_clust: stosw ; store cluster number
219 <1> mov si, ax ; SI = cluster number
220 <1> cmp byte extBoot, 29h
221 <1> jne fat_12
222 <1> cmp byte [bp+filesys+4], '6' ; check for FAT-16 system
223 <1> je fat_16
224 <1>
225 <1> ; This is a FAT-12 disk.
226 <1>
227 <1> fat_12: add si, si ; multiply cluster number by 3...
228 <1> add si, ax
229 <1> shr si, 1 ; ...and divide by 2
230 <1> lodsw
231 <1>
232 <1> ; If the cluster number was even, the cluster value is now in
233 <1> ; bits 0-11 of AX. If the cluster number was odd, the cluster
234 <1> ; value is in bits 4-15, and must be shifted right 4 bits. If
235 <1> ; the number was odd, CF was set in the last shift instruction.
236 <1>
237 <1> jnc fat_even
238 <1> mov cl, 4
239 <1> shr ax, cl ; shift the cluster number
240 <1>
241 <1> fat_even: and ah, 0fh ; mask off the highest 4 bits
242 <1> cmp ax, 0fffh ; check for EOF
243 <1> jmp short next_test
244 <1>
245 <1> ; This is a FAT-16 disk. The maximal size of a 16-bit FAT
246 <1> ; is 128 kb, so it may not fit within a single 64 kb segment.
247 <1>
248 <1> fat_16: mov dx, tempbuf
249 <1> add si, si ; multiply cluster number by two
250 <1> jnc first_half ; if overflow...
251 <1> add dh, 10h ; ...add 64 kb to segment value
252 <1>
253 <1> first_half: mov ds, dx ; DS:SI = pointer to next cluster
254 <1> lodsw ; AX = next cluster
255 <1>
256 <1> cmp ax, 0fff8h ; >= FFF8 = 16-bit EOF
257 <1> next_test: jb next_clust ; continue if not EOF
258 <1>
259 <1> finished: ; Mark end of FAT chain with 0, so we have a single
260 <1> ; EOF marker for both FAT-12 and FAT-16 systems.
261 <1>
262 <1> xor ax, ax
263 <1> stosw
264 <1> fatError:
265 <1> %endmacro
266 <1>
267 <1>
268 <1> ; loadFile: Loads the file into memory, one cluster at a time.
269 <1>
270 <1> %macro LOADFILE 0
271 <1> mov es, tempbuf ; set ES:BX to load address
272 <1> xor bx, bx
273 <1>
274 <1> mov si, FATBUF ; set DS:SI to the FAT chain
275 <1> push cs
276 <1> pop ds
277 <1>
278 <1> next_cluster: lodsw ; AX = next cluster to read
279 <1> or ax, ax ; if EOF...
280 <1> je boot_success ; ...boot was successful
281 <1>
282 <1> dec ax ; cluster numbers start with 2
283 <1> dec ax
284 <1>
285 <1> mov di, word sectPerCluster
286 <1> and di, 0ffh ; DI = sectors per cluster
287 <1> mul di
288 <1> add ax, data_start
289 <1> adc dx, data_start_hi ; DX:AX = first sector to read
290 <1> call readDisk
291 <1> jnc next_cluster
292 <1>
293 <1> %endmacro
295 ;
296 ;
297 ;
298 00000003 00<rept> TIMES 3eh-($-$$) DB 0
300 %define tempbuf [bp+3eh]
301 0000003E 0020 load_seg dw LOADSEG
303 00000040 FA real_start: cli
304 00000041 FC cld
305 00000042 8CC8 mov ax, cs
306 00000044 8ED0 mov ss, ax ; initialize stack
307 00000046 BD007C mov bp, 7c00h
308 00000049 8D66E0 lea sp, [bp-20h]
309 0000004C FB sti
311 0000004D 8EC0 mov es, ax
312 0000004F 8ED8 mov ds, ax
313 00000051 885624 mov drive, dl ; BIOS passes drive number in DL
316 00000054 8B761C <1> mov si, word nHidden
317 00000057 8B7E1E <1> mov di, word nHidden_hi
318 0000005A 03760E <1> add si, word resSectors
319 0000005D 81D70000 <1> adc di, 0
320 <1>
321 00000061 8976FC <1> mov word fat_start, si
322 00000064 897EFE <1> mov word fat_start_hi, di
323 <1>
324 00000067 8A4610 <1> mov al, nFats
325 0000006A 30E4 <1> xor ah, ah
326 0000006C F76616 <1> mul word sectPerFat
327 <1>
328 0000006F 01C6 <1> add si, ax
329 00000071 11D7 <1> adc di, dx
330 00000073 8976F8 <1> mov word root_dir_start, si
331 00000076 897EFA <1> mov word root_dir_start_hi, di
332 <1>
333 <1>
334 00000079 8B5E0B <1> mov bx, bytesPerSector
335 0000007C B105 <1> mov cl, 5
336 0000007E D3EB <1> shr bx, cl
337 <1>
338 00000080 8B4611 <1> mov ax, nRootDir
339 00000083 31D2 <1> xor dx, dx
340 00000085 F7F3 <1> div bx
341 <1>
342 00000087 894611 <1> mov nRootDir, ax
343 <1>
344 0000008A 01C6 <1> add si, ax
345 0000008C 81D70000 <1> adc di, 0
346 <1>
347 00000090 8976F4 <1> mov data_start, si
348 00000093 897EF6 <1> mov data_start_hi, di
350 FINDFILE ; locate file in root directory
351 <1>
352 <1>
353 <1>
354 00000096 8B46F8 <1> mov ax, word root_dir_start
355 00000099 8B56FA <1> mov dx, word root_dir_start_hi
356 0000009C 8B7E11 <1> mov di, nRootDir
357 0000009F 31DB <1> xor bx, bx
358 000000A1 8E463E <1> mov es, tempbuf
359 000000A4 E8B900 <1> call readDisk
360 000000A7 721E <1> jc ffDone
361 <1>
362 000000A9 31FF <1> xor di, di
363 <1>
364 000000AB B90B00 <1> next_entry: mov cx, 11
365 000000AE BE[F17D] <1> mov si, filename+7c00h
366 000000B1 57 <1> push di
367 000000B2 F3A6 <1> repe cmpsb
368 000000B4 5F <1> pop di
369 000000B5 268B451A <1> mov ax, [es:di+1ah]
370 000000B9 F8 <1> clc
371 000000BA 740B <1> je ffDone
372 <1>
373 000000BC 81C72000 <1> add di, 20h
374 000000C0 26803D00 <1> cmp byte [es:di], 0
375 000000C4 75E5 <1> jnz next_entry
376 <1>
377 000000C6 F9 <1> stc
378 <1> ffDone:
379 000000C7 727A jc boot_error ; fail if not found
381 GETFATCHAIN ; read FAT chain
382 000000C9 50 <1> push ax
383 <1>
384 <1>
385 <1>
386 <1>
387 000000CA 8E463E <1> mov es, tempbuf
388 000000CD 31DB <1> xor bx, bx
389 000000CF 8B7E16 <1> mov di, sectPerFat
390 000000D2 8B46FC <1> mov ax, word fat_start
391 000000D5 8B56FE <1> mov dx, word fat_start_hi
392 000000D8 E88500 <1> call readDisk
393 000000DB 58 <1> pop ax
394 000000DC 7265 <1> jc boot_error
395 <1>
396 <1>
397 000000DE 1E <1> push ds
398 000000DF 06 <1> push es
399 000000E0 1F <1> pop ds
400 000000E1 07 <1> pop es
401 000000E2 BF0040 <1> mov di, FATBUF
402 <1>
403 000000E5 AB <1> next_clust: stosw
404 000000E6 89C6 <1> mov si, ax
405 000000E8 807E2629 <1> cmp byte extBoot, 29h
406 000000EC 7506 <1> jne fat_12
407 000000EE 807E3A36 <1> cmp byte [bp+filesys+4], '6'
408 000000F2 7415 <1> je fat_16
409 <1>
410 <1>
411 <1>
412 000000F4 01F6 <1> fat_12: add si, si
413 000000F6 01C6 <1> add si, ax
414 000000F8 D1EE <1> shr si, 1
415 000000FA AD <1> lodsw
416 <1>
417 <1>
418 <1>
419 <1>
420 <1>
421 <1>
422 000000FB 7304 <1> jnc fat_even
423 000000FD B104 <1> mov cl, 4
424 000000FF D3E8 <1> shr ax, cl
425 <1>
426 00000101 80E40F <1> fat_even: and ah, 0fh
427 00000104 3DFF0F <1> cmp ax, 0fffh
428 00000107 EB10 <1> jmp short next_test
429 <1>
430 <1>
431 <1>
432 <1>
433 00000109 8B563E <1> fat_16: mov dx, tempbuf
434 0000010C 01F6 <1> add si, si
435 0000010E 7303 <1> jnc first_half
436 00000110 80C610 <1> add dh, 10h
437 <1>
438 00000113 8EDA <1> first_half: mov ds, dx
439 00000115 AD <1> lodsw
440 <1>
441 00000116 3DF8FF <1> cmp ax, 0fff8h
442 00000119 72CA <1> next_test: jb next_clust
443 <1>
444 <1> finished:
445 <1>
446 <1>
447 0000011B 31C0 <1> xor ax, ax
448 0000011D AB <1> stosw
449 <1> fatError:
450 LOADFILE ; load file (jumps to boot_sucess if successful)
451 0000011E 8E463E <1> mov es, tempbuf
452 00000121 31DB <1> xor bx, bx
453 <1>
454 00000123 BE0040 <1> mov si, FATBUF
455 00000126 0E <1> push cs
456 00000127 1F <1> pop ds
457 <1>
458 00000128 AD <1> next_cluster: lodsw
459 00000129 09C0 <1> or ax, ax
460 0000012B 742B <1> je boot_success
461 <1>
462 0000012D 48 <1> dec ax
463 0000012E 48 <1> dec ax
464 <1>
465 0000012F 8B7E0D <1> mov di, word sectPerCluster
466 00000132 81E7FF00 <1> and di, 0ffh
467 00000136 F7E7 <1> mul di
468 00000138 0346F4 <1> add ax, data_start
469 0000013B 1356F6 <1> adc dx, data_start_hi
470 0000013E E81F00 <1> call readDisk
471 00000141 73E5 <1> jnc next_cluster
472 <1>
474 00000143 B90A00 boot_error: mov cx, ERRMSGLEN
475 00000146 BE[E77D] mov si, errmsg+7c00h
477 00000149 AC next_char: lodsb ; print error message
478 0000014A B40E mov ah, 0eh
479 0000014C 30FF xor bh, bh
480 0000014E CD10 int 10h
481 00000150 E2F7 loop next_char
483 00000152 30E4 xor ah, ah
484 00000154 CD16 int 16h ; wait for keystroke
485 00000156 CD19 int 19h ; invoke bootstrap loader
487 00000158 8A5624 boot_success: mov dl, drive
489 0000015B EA db 0eah ; far jump to LOADSEG:0000
490 0000015C 0000 dw 0
491 0000015E 0020 dw LOADSEG
494 ; readDisk: Reads a number of sectors into memory.
495 ;
496 ; Call with: DX:AX = 32-bit DOS sector number
497 ; DI = number of sectors to read
498 ; ES:BX = destination buffer
499 ; ES must be 64k aligned (1000h, 2000h etc).
500 ;
501 ; Returns: CF set on error
502 ; ES:BX points one byte after the last byte read.
504 readDisk:
505 00000160 56 push si
506 00000161 52 read_next: push dx
507 00000162 50 push ax
509 ;
510 ; translate sector number to BIOS parameters
511 ;
513 ;
514 ; abs = sector offset in track
515 ; + head * sectPerTrack offset in cylinder
516 ; + track * sectPerTrack * nHeads offset in platter
517 ;
518 ; t1 = abs / sectPerTrack (ax has t1)
519 ; sector = abs mod sectPerTrack (cx has sector)
520 ;
521 00000163 F77618 div word sectPerTrack
522 00000166 89D1 mov cx, dx
524 ;
525 ; t1 = head + track * nHeads
526 ;
527 ; track = t1 / nHeads (ax has track)
528 ; head = t1 mod nHeads (dl has head)
529 ;
530 00000168 31D2 xor dx, dx
531 0000016A F7761A div word nHeads
533 ; the following manipulations are necessary in order to
534 ; properly place parameters into registers.
535 ; ch = cylinder number low 8 bits
536 ; cl = 7-6: cylinder high two bits
537 ; 5-0: sector
538 0000016D 88D6 mov dh, dl ; save head into dh for bios
539 0000016F D0CC ror ah, 1 ; move track high bits into
540 00000171 D0CC ror ah, 1 ; bits 7-6 (assumes top = 0)
541 00000173 86C4 xchg al, ah ; swap for later
542 00000175 8A5618 mov dl, byte sectPerTrack
543 00000178 28CA sub dl, cl
544 0000017A FEC1 inc cl ; sector offset from 1
545 0000017C 09C1 or cx, ax ; merge cylinder into sector
546 0000017E 88D0 mov al, dl ; al has # of sectors left
548 ; Calculate how many sectors can be transfered in this read
549 ; due to dma boundary conditions.
550 00000180 52 push dx
552 00000181 89FE mov si, di ; temp register save
553 ; this computes remaining bytes because of modulo 65536
554 ; nature of dma boundary condition
555 00000183 89D8 mov ax, bx ; get offset pointer
556 00000185 F7D8 neg ax ; and convert to bytes
557 00000187 740B jz ax_min_1 ; started at seg:0, skip ahead
559 00000189 31D2 xor dx, dx ; convert to sectors
560 0000018B F7760B div word bytesPerSector
562 0000018E 39F8 cmp ax, di ; check remainder vs. asked
563 00000190 7202 jb ax_min_1 ; less, skip ahead
564 00000192 89C6 mov si, ax ; transfer only what we can
566 00000194 5A ax_min_1: pop dx
568 ; Check that request sectors do not exceed track boundary
569 00000195 8B7618 mov si, sectPerTrack
570 00000198 46 inc si
571 00000199 89C8 mov ax, cx ; get the sector/cyl byte
572 0000019B 253F00 and ax, 03fh ; and mask out sector
573 0000019E 29C6 sub si, ax ; si has how many we can read
574 000001A0 89F8 mov ax, di
575 000001A2 39FE cmp si, di ; see if asked <= available
576 000001A4 7D02 jge ax_min_2
577 000001A6 89F0 mov ax, si ; get what can be xfered
579 000001A8 BE0500 ax_min_2: mov si, RETRYCOUNT
580 000001AB B402 mov ah, 2
581 000001AD 8A5624 mov dl, drive
583 000001B0 50 retry: push ax
584 000001B1 CD13 int 13h
585 000001B3 58 pop ax
586 000001B4 7310 jnc read_ok
587 000001B6 50 push ax
588 000001B7 31C0 xor ax, ax ; reset the drive
589 000001B9 CD13 int 13h
590 000001BB 58 pop ax
591 000001BC 4E dec si
592 000001BD 75F1 jnz retry
593 000001BF F9 stc
594 000001C0 58 pop ax
595 000001C1 5A pop dx
596 000001C2 5E pop si
597 000001C3 C3 ret
599 000001C4 EB9B read_next_jmp: jmp short read_next
600 000001C6 30E4 read_ok: xor ah, ah
601 000001C8 89C6 mov si, ax ; AX = SI = number of sectors read
602 000001CA F7660B mul word bytesPerSector ; AX = number of bytes read
603 000001CD 01C3 add bx, ax ; add number of bytes read to BX
604 000001CF 7307 jnc no_incr_es ; if overflow...
606 000001D1 8CC0 mov ax, es
607 000001D3 80C410 add ah, 10h ; ...add 1000h to ES
608 000001D6 8EC0 mov es, ax
610 000001D8 58 no_incr_es: pop ax
611 000001D9 5A pop dx ; DX:AX = last sector number
613 000001DA 01F0 add ax, si
614 000001DC 81D20000 adc dx, 0 ; DX:AX = next sector to read
615 000001E0 29F7 sub di, si ; if there is anything left to read,
616 000001E2 7FE0 jg read_next_jmp ; continue
618 000001E4 F8 clc
619 000001E5 5E pop si
620 000001E6 C3 ret
622 000001E7 426F6F74206572726F- errmsg db "Boot error"
623 000001F0 72
624 ERRMSGLEN equ $ - errmsg
627 ;filename db "OSLDR BIN"
628 000001F1 4B45524E454C202042- filename db "KERNEL BIN"
629 000001FA 494E
631 000001FC 00<rept> TIMES 510-($-$$) DB 0
632 000001FE 55AA sign dw 0aa55h
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