- continue "marletting"

- scrollbar size grip with marlett
- untested for DFCS_SIZEGRIPRIGHT, but should work too

svn path=/trunk/; revision=41697
This commit is contained in:
Matthias Kupfer 2009-06-29 20:18:21 +00:00
parent c80e60de20
commit 44ab91c5e6

View file

@ -890,15 +890,6 @@ static BOOL UITOOLS95_DrawFrameScroll(HDC dc, LPRECT r, UINT uFlags)
RECT myr;
INT bkmode;
TCHAR Symbol;
// for scrollgripsize
POINT Line[4];
int SmallDiam = UITOOLS_MakeSquareRect(r, &myr) - 2;
int i;
HBRUSH hbsave;
HPEN hpsave;
COLORREF crPen1, crPen2, crBrush1, crBrush2;
int d46, d93;
// end scrollgripsize
switch(uFlags & 0xff)
@ -919,82 +910,39 @@ static BOOL UITOOLS95_DrawFrameScroll(HDC dc, LPRECT r, UINT uFlags)
// FIXME: needs to use marlett too, copied for compatibility only
/* This one breaks the flow... */
IntDrawRectEdge(dc, r, EDGE_BUMP, BF_MIDDLE | ((uFlags&(DFCS_MONO|DFCS_FLAT)) ? BF_MONO : 0));
hpsave = (HPEN)SelectObject(dc, GetStockObject(DC_PEN));
hbsave = (HBRUSH)SelectObject(dc, GetStockObject(DC_BRUSH));
if(uFlags & (DFCS_MONO|DFCS_FLAT))
crPen1 = crPen2 = GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOWFRAME);
crBrush1 = crBrush2 = GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOWFRAME);
crPen2 = GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNSHADOW);
crBrush1 = GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNHIGHLIGHT);
crBrush2 = GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNSHADOW);
Line[0].x = Line[1].x = r->right-1;
Line[2].y = Line[3].y = r->bottom-1;
d46 = 46*SmallDiam/750;
d93 = 93*SmallDiam/750;
i = 586*SmallDiam/750;
Line[0].y = r->bottom - i - 1;
Line[3].x = r->right - i - 1;
Line[1].y = Line[0].y + d46;
Line[2].x = Line[3].x + d46;
SetDCBrushColor(dc, crBrush1);
SetDCPenColor(dc, crPen1);
Polygon(dc, Line, 4);
Line[1].y++; Line[2].x++;
Line[0].y = Line[1].y + d93;
Line[3].x = Line[2].x + d93;
SetDCBrushColor(dc, crBrush2);
SetDCPenColor(dc, crPen2);
Polygon(dc, Line, 4);
i = 398*SmallDiam/750;
Line[0].y = r->bottom - i - 1;
Line[3].x = r->right - i - 1;
Line[1].y = Line[0].y + d46;
Line[2].x = Line[3].x + d46;
SetDCBrushColor(dc, crBrush1);
SetDCPenColor(dc, crPen1);
Polygon(dc, Line, 4);
Line[1].y++; Line[2].x++;
Line[0].y = Line[1].y + d93;
Line[3].x = Line[2].x + d93;
SetDCBrushColor(dc, crBrush2);
SetDCPenColor(dc, crPen2);
Polygon(dc, Line, 4);
i = 210*SmallDiam/750;
Line[0].y = r->bottom - i - 1;
Line[3].x = r->right - i - 1;
Line[1].y = Line[0].y + d46;
Line[2].x = Line[3].x + d46;
SetDCBrushColor(dc, crBrush1);
SetDCPenColor(dc, crPen1);
Polygon(dc, Line, 4);
Line[1].y++; Line[2].x++;
Line[0].y = Line[1].y + d93;
Line[3].x = Line[2].x + d93;
SetDCBrushColor(dc, crBrush2);
SetDCPenColor(dc, crPen2);
Polygon(dc, Line, 4);
SelectObject(dc, hpsave);
SelectObject(dc, hbsave);
return TRUE;
return FALSE; // unimplemented yet
ZeroMemory(&lf, sizeof(LOGFONT));
UITOOLS_MakeSquareRect(r, &myr);
lf.lfHeight = myr.bottom - myr.top;
lf.lfWidth = 0;
lf.lfWeight = FW_NORMAL;
lstrcpy(lf.lfFaceName, TEXT("Marlett"));
hFont = CreateFontIndirect(&lf);
/* save font and text color */
hOldFont = SelectObject(dc, hFont);
clrsave = GetTextColor(dc);
bkmode = GetBkMode(dc);
/* set color and drawing mode */
if (!(uFlags & (DFCS_MONO | DFCS_FLAT)))
SetTextColor(dc, GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNHIGHLIGHT));
/* draw selected symbol */
Symbol = ((uFlags & 0xff) == DFCS_SCROLLSIZEGRIP) ? 'o' : 'x';
TextOut(dc, myr.left, myr.top, &Symbol, 1);
SetTextColor(dc, GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNSHADOW));
} else
SetTextColor(dc, GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOWFRAME));
/* draw selected symbol */
Symbol = ((uFlags & 0xff) == DFCS_SCROLLSIZEGRIP) ? 'p' : 'y';
TextOut(dc, myr.left, myr.top, &Symbol, 1);
/* restore previous settings */
SetTextColor(dc, clrsave);
SelectObject(dc, hOldFont);
SetBkMode(dc, bkmode);
return TRUE;
return FALSE;