[CRT] Rewrite floating point handling for streamout

Fixes some crashes and tests.
This commit is contained in:
Timo Kreuzer 2023-10-31 22:14:28 +02:00
parent 2436f57fd5
commit 426e402c54

View file

@ -13,6 +13,14 @@
#include <strings.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <float.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <minmax.h>
#if DBG && defined(_MSC_VER)
#define assert(x) if (!(x)) __int2c()
#define assert(x)
#ifdef _UNICODE
# define streamout wstreamout
@ -64,172 +72,14 @@ enum
(flags & FLAG_SHORT) ? (unsigned short)va_arg(argptr, int) : \
va_arg(argptr, unsigned int)
#define va_arg_ffp(argptr, flags) \
(flags & FLAG_LONGDOUBLE) ? va_arg(argptr, long double) : \
va_arg(argptr, double)
#define get_exp(f) (int)floor(f == 0 ? 0 : (f >= 0 ? log10(f) : log10(-f)))
#define round(x) floor((x) + 0.5)
#ifndef _USER32_WSPRINTF
#ifdef _LIBCNT_
/* Due to restrictions in kernel mode regarding the use of floating point,
we prevent it from being inlined */
TCHAR chr,
unsigned int flags,
int precision,
TCHAR **string,
const TCHAR **prefix,
va_list *argptr)
static const TCHAR digits_l[] = _T("0123456789abcdef0x");
static const TCHAR digits_u[] = _T("0123456789ABCDEF0X");
static const TCHAR _nan[] = _T("#QNAN");
static const TCHAR _infinity[] = _T("#INF");
const TCHAR *digits = digits_l;
int exponent = 0, sign;
long double fpval, fpval2;
int padding = 0, num_digits, val32, base = 10;
/* Normalize the precision */
if (precision < 0) precision = 6;
else if (precision > 17)
padding = precision - 17;
precision = 17;
/* Get the float value and calculate the exponent */
fpval = va_arg_ffp(*argptr, flags);
exponent = get_exp(fpval);
sign = fpval < 0 ? -1 : 1;
switch (chr)
case _T('G'):
digits = digits_u;
case _T('g'):
if (precision > 0) precision--;
if (exponent < -4 || exponent >= precision) goto case_e;
/* Shift the decimal point and round */
fpval2 = round(sign * fpval * pow(10., precision));
/* Skip trailing zeroes */
while (precision && (unsigned __int64)fpval2 % 10 == 0)
fpval2 /= 10;
case _T('E'):
digits = digits_u;
case _T('e'):
/* Shift the decimal point and round */
fpval2 = round(sign * fpval * pow(10., precision - exponent));
/* Compensate for changed exponent through rounding */
if (fpval2 >= (unsigned __int64)pow(10., precision + 1))
fpval2 = round(sign * fpval * pow(10., precision - exponent));
val32 = exponent >= 0 ? exponent : -exponent;
// FIXME: handle length of exponent field:
// http://msdn.microsoft.com/de-de/library/0fatw238%28VS.80%29.aspx
num_digits = 3;
while (num_digits--)
*--(*string) = digits[val32 % 10];
val32 /= 10;
/* Sign for the exponent */
*--(*string) = exponent >= 0 ? _T('+') : _T('-');
/* Add 'e' or 'E' separator */
*--(*string) = digits[0xe];
case _T('A'):
digits = digits_u;
case _T('a'):
// base = 16;
case _T('f'):
/* Shift the decimal point and round */
fpval2 = round(sign * fpval * pow(10., precision));
/* Handle sign */
if (fpval < 0)
*prefix = _T("-");
else if (flags & FLAG_FORCE_SIGN)
*prefix = _T("+");
else if (flags & FLAG_FORCE_SIGNSP)
*prefix = _T(" ");
/* Handle special cases first */
if (_isnan(fpval))
(*string) -= sizeof(_nan) / sizeof(TCHAR) - 1;
_tcscpy((*string), _nan);
fpval2 = 1;
else if (!_finite(fpval))
(*string) -= sizeof(_infinity) / sizeof(TCHAR) - 1;
_tcscpy((*string), _infinity);
fpval2 = 1;
/* Zero padding */
while (padding-- > 0) *--(*string) = _T('0');
/* Digits after the decimal point */
num_digits = precision;
while (num_digits-- > 0)
*--(*string) = digits[(unsigned __int64)fpval2 % 10];
fpval2 /= base;
if (precision > 0 || flags & FLAG_SPECIAL)
*--(*string) = _T('.');
/* Digits before the decimal point */
*--(*string) = digits[(unsigned __int64)fpval2 % base];
fpval2 /= base;
while ((unsigned __int64)fpval2);
streamout_char(FILE *stream, int chr)
#if !defined(_USER32_WSPRINTF)
if ((stream->_flag & _IOSTRG) && (stream->_base == NULL))
if ((stream->_flag & _IOSTRG) && (stream->_base == NULL))
return 1;
#if defined(_USER32_WSPRINTF) || defined(_LIBCNT_)
@ -255,8 +105,8 @@ streamout_astring(FILE *stream, const char *string, size_t count)
int written = 0;
#if !defined(_USER32_WSPRINTF)
if ((stream->_flag & _IOSTRG) && (stream->_base == NULL))
return count;
if ((stream->_flag & _IOSTRG) && (stream->_base == NULL))
return (int)count;
while (count--)
@ -283,8 +133,8 @@ streamout_wstring(FILE *stream, const wchar_t *string, size_t count)
int written = 0;
#if defined(_UNICODE) && !defined(_USER32_WSPRINTF)
if ((stream->_flag & _IOSTRG) && (stream->_base == NULL))
return count;
if ((stream->_flag & _IOSTRG) && (stream->_base == NULL))
return (int)count;
while (count--)
@ -315,6 +165,484 @@ streamout_wstring(FILE *stream, const wchar_t *string, size_t count)
#define streamout_string streamout_astring
#ifndef _USER32_WSPRINTF
// Base 2 exponent divided by 8 is base 16 exponent
#define DBL_MAX_16_EXP (DBL_MAX_EXP / 8)
// A double has 52 fraction bits, which is 14 hex digits
#define DBL_DIG_HEX 14
#define DBL_MAX_DIGITS_10 17
#define DBL_MAX_DIGITS_16 14
get_exponent(double fpval, int base)
int exponent;
if (fpval == 0.)
exponent = 0;
else if (base == 10)
exponent = (int)floor(log10(fpval));
assert(exponent <= DBL_MAX_10_EXP);
unsigned __int64 fp_bits = *(unsigned __int64*)&fpval;
int exponent2 = (int)((fp_bits >> 52) & 0x7ff);
exponent2 -= 1023;
exponent = (int)(exponent2 / 8);
assert(exponent <= DBL_MAX_16_EXP);
return exponent;
unsigned char digit_buffer[DBL_MAX_DIGITS_10],
double fpval,
int base,
int exponent,
int *pnum_digits)
int num_digits = *pnum_digits;
/* Only base 10 (dec) and 16 (hex) are valid */
assert((base == 10) || (base == 16));
/* fpval must be positive! */
assert(fpval >= 0.);
/* Must fit into the buffer */
assert(num_digits <= DBL_MAX_DIGITS_10);
/* Calculate the maximum divisor */
double divisor = pow(10.0, exponent);
/* Calculate the digits */
double remainder = fpval;
for (int i = 0; i < num_digits; i++)
int digit = (int)(remainder / divisor);
digit_buffer[i] = digit;
remainder -= digit * divisor;
divisor /= 10.0;
/* Round up */
int trailing_digit = (int)(remainder / divisor);
if (trailing_digit >= 5)
int carry = 1;
for (int i = num_digits - 1; i >= 0; i--)
digit_buffer[i] += carry;
if (digit_buffer[i] == 10)
digit_buffer[i] = 0;
carry = 1;
carry = 0;
/* If we carried over the first digit, we need to shift the digits */
if (carry)
assert(num_digits < DBL_MAX_DIGITS_10);
for (int i = num_digits; i > 0; i--)
digit_buffer[i] = digit_buffer[i - 1];
digit_buffer[0] = 1;
/* Strip trailing zeroes */
while ((num_digits > 0) && (digit_buffer[num_digits - 1] == 0))
*pnum_digits = num_digits;
return exponent;
FILE* stream,
const TCHAR* dig_chars,
const char * inv_str,
unsigned int flags,
const unsigned char dig_buffer[DBL_MAX_DIGITS_10],
int num_real_digits,
int num_int_digits,
int num_frac_digits,
int first_real_digit,
char use_frac_padding)
int current_digit = 0;
/* Check if we need to insert a virtual 0 */
if (first_real_digit > 0)
/* This can only happen when exponent < 0 */
assert(num_int_digits == 1);
/* Output virtual 0 integer digit */
streamout_char(stream, dig_chars[0]);
const int num_real_int_digits = min(num_int_digits, num_real_digits);
current_digit += num_real_int_digits;
for (int i = 0; i < num_real_int_digits; i++)
streamout_char(stream, dig_chars[dig_buffer[i]]);
/* Output optional right 0 padding */
const int right_padding = num_int_digits - num_real_int_digits;
current_digit += max(right_padding, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < right_padding; i++)
streamout_char(stream, '0');
/* We print the dot when there are fraction digits or the # flag was used */
if ((num_frac_digits > 0) || ((flags & FLAG_SPECIAL) != 0))
streamout_char(stream, '.');
/* Only output fraction digits, if precision is > 0 */
if (num_frac_digits > 0)
int num_real_frac_digits = num_real_digits - num_int_digits;
/* Check for invalid numbers */
if (inv_str != 0)
const int inv_str_len = (int)strlen(inv_str);
num_real_frac_digits = min(inv_str_len, num_frac_digits);
for (int i = 0; i < num_real_frac_digits; i++)
streamout_char(stream, inv_str[i]);
/* Output optional 0 chars before real digits begin */
const int left_padding = first_real_digit - current_digit;
current_digit += max(left_padding, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < left_padding; i++)
streamout_char(stream, '0');
/* Output remaining real digits */
const int start_digit = current_digit - first_real_digit;
for (int i = start_digit; i < num_real_digits; i++)
streamout_char(stream, dig_chars[dig_buffer[i]]);
/* Pad right with '0' for additional precision */
if (use_frac_padding)
const int right_padding = num_frac_digits + num_int_digits - current_digit;
for (int i = 0; i < right_padding; i++)
streamout_char(stream, '0');
/* Return the number of written characters */
return current_digit + (num_frac_digits > 0);
#ifdef _LIBCNT_
/* Due to restrictions in kernel mode regarding the use of floating point,
we prevent it from being inlined */
FILE* stream,
char format,
unsigned __int64 fp_bits,
unsigned int flags,
int width,
int precision)
const char use_frac_padding = (format != 'g');// || use_exp;
static const char _qnan[] = "#QNAN";
static const char _snan[] = "#SNAN";
static const char _ind[] = "#IND";
static const char _infinity[] = "#INF";
const char* inv_str = 0;
static const TCHAR dig_chars_l[] = _T("0123456789abcdefp0x");
static const TCHAR dig_chars_u[] = _T("0123456789ABCDEFP0X");
const TCHAR* dig_chars = dig_chars_l;
unsigned char dig_buffer[DBL_MAX_DIGITS_10];
int base = 10;
int use_exp_format = 0;
char sign_char = 0;
int exponent;
int rounded_exponent;
int width_exp;
int num_int_digits;
int num_frac_digits;
int first_real_digit;
int num_digits;
/* Convert to an actual double */
double fpval = *(double*)&fp_bits;
/* Check for upper case digits to use */
if ((format == 'E') || (format == 'F') || (format == 'G') || (format == 'A'))
dig_chars = dig_chars_u;
format = format - 'A' + 'a';
/* Check for base 16 (hex) */
if (format == 'a')
base = 16;
/* Check for default precision */
if (precision < 0) precision = 6;
/* Get sign and normalize fpval to absolute */
if (fp_bits & 0x8000000000000000ULL)
sign_char = '-';
fpval = -fpval;
else if (flags & FLAG_FORCE_SIGN)
sign_char = '+';
else if (flags & FLAG_FORCE_SIGNSP)
sign_char = ' ';
const int width_sign = (sign_char != 0) ? 1 : 0;
/* Handle NAN / INF */
if (_isnan(fpval))
if (fp_bits == 0xFFF8000000000000ULL)
inv_str = _ind;
else if (fp_bits & 0x0008000000000000ULL)
inv_str = _qnan;
inv_str = _snan;
fpval = 1.;
else if (!_finite(fpval))
inv_str = _infinity;
fpval = 1.;
/* Calculate the exponent (i.e. digits before decimal point) */
exponent = get_exponent(fpval, base);
/* Check whether to ise the exponent format */
if (format == 'g')
use_exp_format = ((exponent < -4) || (exponent >= precision));
else if (format == 'f')
use_exp_format = 0;
use_exp_format = 1;
/* Check for explicit exponent format */
if (use_exp_format)
width_exp = 5;
/* One digit before the decimal point */
num_int_digits = 1;
/* Precision includes the integer digit */
first_real_digit = 0;
width_exp = 0;
/* Integer digits based on exponent, at least 1 */
num_int_digits = max(exponent + 1, 1);
/* First real digit based on exponent */
first_real_digit = max(-exponent, 0);
if (format == 'g')
num_frac_digits = max(precision - num_int_digits, 0);
/* Precision is the number of fractional digits */
num_frac_digits = precision;
num_digits = num_int_digits + num_frac_digits;
/* Get max number of actual digits */
const int max_real_digits = (base == 16) ? DBL_MAX_DIGITS_16 : DBL_MAX_DIGITS_10;
/* Calculate the number of real digits to return */
int num_real_digits = min(num_digits - first_real_digit, max_real_digits);
/* Get the digits (0 based) */
rounded_exponent = get_dbl_digits(dig_buffer, fpval, base, exponent, &num_real_digits);
/* If the expoent changed due to rounding, we need to try again */
if (rounded_exponent != exponent)
assert(rounded_exponent > exponent);
exponent = rounded_exponent;
goto retry;
/* Special handling for special numbers */
if (inv_str != NULL)
num_real_digits = (int)strlen(inv_str) + 1;
/* In the g format we need to handle stripped trailing zeroes */
if ((format == 'g'))
int max_digits = first_real_digit + num_real_digits;
num_frac_digits = max(max_digits - num_int_digits, 0);
num_digits = num_int_digits + num_frac_digits;
/* Calculate widths */
int width_dot = ((num_frac_digits > 0) || (flags & FLAG_SPECIAL)) ? 1 : 0;
int width_of_number = width_sign + num_digits + width_dot + width_exp;
/* Output left space padding */
if (((flags & FLAG_ALIGN_LEFT) == 0) &&
((flags & FLAG_PAD_ZERO) == 0) &&
(width > width_of_number))
const int padding = width - width_of_number;
for (int i = 0; i < padding; i++)
streamout_char(stream, ' ');
/* Output sign */
if (sign_char != 0)
streamout_char(stream, sign_char);
/* Output hex prefix */
if (format == 'a')
streamout_string(stream, &dig_chars[0x11], 2);
/* Output left 0 padding */
if (((flags & FLAG_ALIGN_LEFT) == 0) &&
((flags & FLAG_PAD_ZERO) != 0) &&
(width > width_of_number))
const int padding = width - width_of_number;
for (int i = 0; i < padding; i++)
streamout_char(stream, '0');
/* Output the digits */
/* Output the exponent */
if (use_exp_format)
streamout_char(stream, format == 'a' ? dig_chars[0x10] : dig_chars[0xe]);
streamout_char(stream, (exponent >= 0) ? '+' : '-');
exponent = (exponent < 0) ? -exponent : exponent;
assert(exponent < 1000);
streamout_char(stream, dig_chars[exponent / 100]);
exponent %= 100;
streamout_char(stream, dig_chars[exponent / 10]);
exponent %= 10;
streamout_char(stream, dig_chars[exponent]);
/* Output right padding */
if (((flags & FLAG_ALIGN_LEFT) != 0) &&
(width > width_of_number))
const int padding = width - width_of_number;
for (int i = 0; i < padding; i++)
streamout_char(stream, ' ');
return max(width, width_of_number);
#endif // _USER32_WSPRINTF
# define USE_MULTISIZE 0
@ -332,7 +660,7 @@ streamout(FILE *stream, const TCHAR *format, va_list argptr)
TCHAR chr, *string;
STRING *nt_string;
const TCHAR *digits, *prefix;
int base, fieldwidth, precision, padding;
int base, fieldwidth, precision, padding, rpadding = 0;
size_t prefixlen, len;
int written = 1, written_all = 0;
unsigned int flags;
@ -558,11 +886,11 @@ streamout(FILE *stream, const TCHAR *format, va_list argptr)
flags &= ~FLAG_WIDECHAR;
/* Use external function, one for kernel one for user mode */
format_float(chr, flags, precision, &string, &prefix, &argptr);
len = _tcslen(string);
precision = 0;
/* Capture the double as 64bit int to avoid changing it with the FPU */
unsigned __int64 fpval = va_arg(argptr, unsigned __int64);
written = streamout_double(stream, chr, fpval, flags, fieldwidth, precision);
written_all += written;
case _T('d'):
@ -679,15 +1007,13 @@ streamout(FILE *stream, const TCHAR *format, va_list argptr)
if (written == -1) return -1;
written_all += written;
/* Optional right '0' padding */
while (precision-- > 0)
while (rpadding-- > 0)
if ((written = streamout_char(stream, _T('0'))) == 0) return -1;
written_all += written;
/* Optional right padding */
if (flags & FLAG_ALIGN_LEFT)
@ -698,7 +1024,6 @@ streamout(FILE *stream, const TCHAR *format, va_list argptr)
written_all += written;
if (written == -1) return -1;