
560 lines
17 KiB
Raw Normal View History

W32kAbortDoc 1
W32kAbortPath 1
W32kAddFontResource 1
W32kAngleArc 6
W32kAnimatePalette 4
W32kArc 9
W32kArcTo 9
W32kBeginPath 1
W32kBitBlt 9
W32kCancelDC 1
W32kCheckColorsInGamut 4
#W32kChoosePixelFormat (2?)
W32kChord 9
W32kCloseEnhMetaFile 1
W32kCloseFigure 1
W32kCloseMetaFile 1
W32kColorMatchToTarget 3
W32kCombineRgn 4
W32kCombineTransform 3
W32kCopyEnhMetaFile 2
W32kCopyMetaFile 2
W32kCreateBitmap 5
W32kCreateBitmapIndirect 1
W32kCreateBrushIndirect 1
W32kCreateColorSpace 1
W32kCreateCompatibleBitmap 3
W32kCreateCompatableDC 1
W32kCreateDC 4
W32kCreateDIBitmap 6
W32kCreateDIBPatternBrush 2
W32kCreateDIBPatternBrushPt 2
W32kCreateDIBSection 6
W32kCreateDiscardableBitmap 3
W32kCreateEllipticRgn 4
W32kCreateEllipticRgnIndirect 1
W32kCreateEnhMetaFile 4
W32kCreateFont 14
W32kCreateFontIndirect 1
W32kCreateHalftonePalette 1
W32kCreateHatchBrush 2
W32kCreateIC 4
W32kCreateIcon 9
W32kCreateMetaFile 1
W32kCreatePalette 1
W32kCreatePatternBrush 1
W32kCreatePen 3
W32kCreatePenIndirect 1
W32kCreatePolygonRgn 3
W32kCreatePolyPolygonRgn 4
W32kCreateRectRgn 4
W32kCreateRectRgnIndirect 1
W32kCreateRoundRectRgn 6
W32kCreateScalableFontResource 4
W32kCreateSolidBrush 1
W32kDPtoLP 3
W32kDeleteColorSpace 1
W32kDeleteDC 1
W32kDeleteEnhMetaFile 1
W32kDeleteMetaFile 1
W32kDeleteObject 1
W32kDescribePixelFormat 4
#W32kDeviceCapabilitiesEx ?
W32kDrawEscape 4
W32kEllipse 5
W32kEndDoc 1
W32kEndPage 1
W32kEndPath 1
W32kEnumEnhMetaFile 5
W32kEnumFontFamilies 4
W32kEnumFontFamiliesEx 5
W32kEnumFonts 4
W32kEnumICMProfiles 3
W32kEnumMetaFile 4
W32kEnumObjects 4
W32kEqualRgn 2
W32kEscape 5
W32kExcludeClipRect 5
W32kExtCreatePen 5
W32kExtCreateRegion 3
W32kExtEscape 6
W32kExtFloodFill 5
W32kExtSelectClipRgn 3
W32kExtTextOut 8
W32kFillPath 1
W32kFillRgn 3
W32kFixBrushOrgEx 0
W32kFlattenPath 1
W32kFloodFill 4
W32kFrameRgn 5
W32kGdiComment 3
W32kGdiFlush 0
W32kGdiGetBatchLimit 0
#W32kGdiPlayDCScript ?
#W32kGdiPlayJournal ?
#W32kGdiPlayScript ?
#W32kGdiPlaySpoolStream ?
W32kGdiSetBatchLimit 1
W32kGetArcDirection 1
W32kGetAspectRatioFilterEx 2
W32kGetBitmapBits 3
W32kGetBitmapDimensionEx 2
W32kGetBkColor 1
W32kGetBkMode 1
W32kGetBoundsRect 3
W32kGetBrushOrgEx 2
W32kGetCharABCWidths 4
W32kGetCharABCWidthsFloat 4
W32kGetCharacterPlacement 6
W32kGetCharWidth 4
W32kGetCharWidth32 4
W32kGetCharWidthFloat 4
W32kGetClipBox 2
W32kGetClipRgn 1
W32kGetColorAdjustment 2
W32kGetColorSpace 1
W32kGetCurrentObject 2
W32kGetCurrentPositionEx 2
W32kGetDCOrgEx 2
W32kGetDIBColorTable 4
W32kGetDIBits 7
W32kGetDeviceCaps 2
W32kGetDeviceGammaRamp 2
W32kGetEnhMetaFile 1
W32kGetEnhMetaFileBits 3
W32kGetEnhMetaFileDescription 3
W32kGetEnhMetaFileHeader 3
W32kGetEnhMetaFilePaletteEntries 3
W32kGetEnhMetaFilePixelFormat 3
W32kGetFontLanguageInfo 1
#W32kGetFontResourceInfo ?
W32kGetGlyphOutline 7
#W32kGetGlyphOutlineWow ?
W32kGetGraphicsMode 1
W32kGetICMProfile 3
W32kGetKerningPairs 3
W32kGetLogColorSpace 3
W32kGetMapMode 1
W32kGetMetaFile 1
W32kGetMetaFileBitsEx 3
W32kGetMetaRgn 2
W32kGetMiterLimit 2
W32kGetNearestColor 2
W32kGetNearestPaletteIndex 2
W32kGetObject 3
W32kGetObjectType 1
W32kGetOutlineTextMetrics 3
W32kGetPaletteEntries 4
W32kGetPath 4
W32kGetPixel 1
W32kGetPixelFormat 1
W32kGetPolyFillMode 1
W32kGetROP2 1
#W32kGetRandomRgn ?
W32kGetRasterizerCaps 2
W32kGetRelAbs 1
W32kGetRegionData 3
W32kGetRgnBox 2
W32kGetStockObject 1
W32kGetStretchBltMode 1
W32kGetSystemPaletteEntries 4
W32kGetSystemPaletteUse 1
W32kGetTextAlign 1
W32kGetTextCharset 1
W32kGetTextCharsetInfo 3
W32kGetTextColor 1
W32kGetTextExtentExPoint 7
W32kGetTextExtentPoint 4
W32kGetTextExtentPoint32 4
W32kGetTextFace 3
W32kGetTextMetrics 2
W32kGetViewportExtEx 2
W32kGetViewportOrgEx 2
W32kGetWinMetaFileBits 5
W32kGetWindowExtEx 2
W32kGetWindowOrgEx 2
W32kGetWorldTransform 2
W32kInitialize 0
W32kIntersectClipRect 5
W32kInvertRgn 2
W32kLPtoDP 3
W32kLineTo 3
W32kMaskBlt 12
W32kModifyWorldTransform 3
W32kMoveToEx 4
W32kOffsetClipRgn 3
W32kOffsetRgn 3
W32kOffsetViewportOrgEx 4
W32kOffsetWindowOrgEx 4
W32kPaintRgn 2
W32kPatBlt 6
W32kPathToRegion 1
W32kPie 9
W32kPlayEnhMetaFile 3
W32kPlayEnhMetaFileRecord 4
W32kPlayMetaFile 2
W32kPlayMetaFileRecord 4
W32kPlgBlt 10
W32kPolyBezier 3
W32kPolyBezierTo 3
W32kPolyDraw 4
W32kPolyline 3
W32kPolylineTo 3
W32kPolyPolyline 4
W32kPolyTextOut 3
W32kPolygon 3
W32kPolyPolygon 4
W32kPtInRegion 3
W32kPtVisible 3
W32kRealizePalette 1
W32kRectInRegion 2
W32kRectVisible 2
W32kRectangle 5
W32kRemoveFontResource 1
W32kResetDC 2
W32kResizePalette 2
W32kRestoreDC 2
W32kRoundRect 7
W32kSaveDC 1
W32kScaleViewportExtEx 6
W32kScaleWindowExtEx 6
#W32kSelectBrushLocal ?
W32kSelectClipPath 2
W32kSelectClipRgn 2
#W32kSelectFontLocal ?
W32kSelectObject 2
W32kSelectPalette 3
W32kSetAbortProc 2
W32kSetArcDirection 2
W32kSetBitmapBits 3
W32kSetBitmapDimensionEx 4
W32kSetBkColor 2
W32kSetBkMode 2
W32kSetBoundsRect 3
W32kSetBrushOrgEx 4
W32kSetColorAdjustment 2
W32kSetColorSpace 2
W32kSetDIBColorTable 4
W32kSetDIBits 7
W32kSetDIBitsToDevice 12
W32kSetDeviceGammaRamp 2
W32kSetEnhMetaFileBits 2
#W32kSetFontEnumeration ?
W32kSetGraphicsMode 2
W32kSetICMMode 2
W32kSetICMProfile 2
W32kSetMapMode 2
W32kSetMapperFlags 2
W32kSetMetaFileBitsEx 2
W32kSetMetaRgn 1
W32kSetMiterLimit 3
W32kSetPaletteEntries 4
W32kSetPixel 4
W32kSetPixelFormat 3
W32kSetPixelV 4
W32kSetPolyFillMode 2
W32kSetROP2 2
W32kSetRectRgn 5
#W32kSetRelAbs 2
W32kSetStretchBltMode 2
W32kSetSystemPaletteUse 2
W32kSetTextAlign 2
W32kSetTextColor 2
W32kSetTextJustification 3
W32kSetViewportExtEx 4
W32kSetViewportOrgEx 4
#W32kSetWinMetaFileBits 1
W32kSetWindowExtEx 4
W32kSetWindowOrgEx 4
W32kSetWorldTransform 2
W32kStartDoc 2
W32kStartPage 1
W32kStretchBlt 11
W32kStretchDIBits 13
W32kStrokeAndFillPath 1
W32kStrokePath 1
W32kSwapBuffers 1
W32kTextOut 5
W32kTranslateCharsetInfo 3
W32kUnrealizeObject 2
W32kUpdateColors 1
W32kUpdateICMRegKey 4
W32kWidenPath 1
NtUserActivateKeyboardLayout 2
NtUserAlterWindowStyle 3
NtUserAttachThreadInput 3
NtUserBeginPaint 2
NtUserBitBltSysBmp 8
NtUserBlockInput 1
NtUserBuildHwndList 7
NtUserBuildMenuItemList 4
NtUserBuildNameList 4
NtUserBuildPropList 4
NtUserCallHwnd 2
NtUserCallHwndLock 2
NtUserCallHwndOpt 2
NtUserCallHwndParam 3
NtUserCallHwndParamLock 3
NtUserCallMsgFilter 2
NtUserCallNextHookEx 4
NtUserCallNoParam 1
NtUserCallOneParam 2
NtUserCallTwoParam 3
NtUserChangeClipboardChain 2
NtUserChangeDisplaySettings 5
NtUserCheckMenuItem 3
NtUserChildWindowFromPointEx 4
NtUserClipCursor 1
NtUserCloseClipboard 0
NtUserCloseDesktop 1
NtUserCloseWindowStation 1
NtUserConvertMemHandle 2
NtUserCopyAcceleratorTable 3
NtUserCountClipboardFormats 0
NtUserCreateAcceleratorTable 2
NtUserCreateCaret 4
NtUserCreateDesktop 5
NtUserCreateLocalMemHandle 4
NtUserCreateMenu 0
NtUserCreateWindowEx 13
NtUserCreateWindowStation 6
NtUserDdeGetQualityOfService 3
NtUserDdeInitialize 5
NtUserDdeSetQualityOfService 3
NtUserDeferWindowPos 8
NtUserDefSetText 2
NtUserDeleteMenu 3
NtUserDestroyAcceleratorTable 1
NtUserDestroyCursor 2
NtUserDestroyMenu 1
NtUserDestroyWindow 1
NtUserDispatchMessage 1
NtUserDragDetect 3
NtUserDragObject 5
NtUserDrawAnimatedRects 4
NtUserDrawCaption 4
NtUserDrawCaptionTemp 7
NtUserDrawIconEx 11
NtUserDrawMenuBarTemp 5
NtUserEmptyClipboard 0
NtUserEnableMenuItem 3
NtUserEnableScrollBar 3
NtUserEndDeferWindowPosEx 2
NtUserEndMenu 0
NtUserEndPaint 2
NtUserEnumDisplayDevices 4
NtUserEnumDisplayMonitors 4
NtUserEnumDisplaySettings 4
NtUserEvent 1
NtUserExcludeUpdateRgn 2
NtUserFillWindow 4
NtUserFindExistingCursorIcon 3
NtUserFindWindowEx 4
NtUserFlashWindowEx 1
NtUserGetActiveWindow 0
NtUserGetAltTabInfo 6
NtUserGetAncestor 2
NtUserGetAsyncKeyState 1
NtUserGetCapture 0
NtUserGetCaretBlinkTime 0
NtUserGetCaretPos 1
NtUserGetClassInfo 5
NtUserGetClassLong 2
NtUserGetClassName 3
NtUserGetClientOrigin 2
NtUserGetClientRect 2
NtUserGetClipboardData 2
NtUserGetClipboardFormatName 3
NtUserGetClipboardOwner 0
NtUserGetClipboardSequenceNumber 0
NtUserGetClipboardViewer 0
NtUserGetClipCursor 1
NtUserGetComboBoxInfo 2
NtUserGetControlBrush 3
NtUserGetControlColor 4
NtUserGetCPD 3
NtUserGetCursorFrameInfo 4
NtUserGetCursorInfo 1
NtUserGetDC 1
NtUserGetDCEx 3
NtUserGetDoubleClickTime 0
NtUserGetForegroundWindow 0
NtUserGetGuiResources 2
NtUserGetGUIThreadInfo 2
NtUserGetIconInfo 6
NtUserGetIconSize 4
NtUserGetImeHotKey 4
NtUserGetInternalWindowPos 3
NtUserGetKeyboardLayoutList 2
NtUserGetKeyboardLayoutName 1
NtUserGetKeyboardState 1
NtUserGetKeyNameText 3
NtUserGetKeyState 1
NtUserGetListBoxInfo 1
NtUserGetMenuBarInfo 4
NtUserGetMenuIndex 2
NtUserGetMenuItemRect 4
NtUserGetMessage 4
NtUserGetMouseMovePointsEx 5
NtUserGetObjectInformation 5
NtUserGetOpenClipboardWindow 0
NtUserGetProp 2
NtUserGetPriorityClipboardFormat 2
NtUserGetProcessWindowStation 0
NtUserGetScrollBarInfo 3
NtUserGetSystemMenu 2
NtUserGetSystemMetrics 1
NtUserGetThreadDesktop 2
NtUserGetThreadState 1
NtUserGetTitleBarInfo 2
NtUserGetUpdateRect 3
NtUserGetUpdateRgn 3
NtUserGetWindowDC 1
NtUserGetWindowPlacement 2
2002-06-18 David Welch <> * tools/ Make an import library a proper target depending on the .def file. 2002-06-18 David Welch <> * subsys/win32k/ntuser/window.c (NtUserGetWindowLong): Began implementation. 2002-06-18 David Welch <> * subsys/win32k/misc/object.c (ObmCreateHandle): Return the correct handle value. 2002-06-18 David Welch <> * subsys/win32k/makefile: Make win32k depend on the file containing the service table. 2002-06-18 David Welch <> * ntoskrnl/ke/i386/stkswitch.S (KeSwitchStackAndRet, KePushAndStackSwitchAndSysRet): Push one value only. * ntoskrnl/ps/w32call.c (NtCallbackReturn, NtW32Call): Moved these functions to a new file. Restore the old trap frame after returning from a callback. 2002-06-18 David Welch <> * lib/user32/windows/message.c (CallWindowProcA, CallWindowProcW): Convert message to Unicode or ASCII if necessary. 2002-06-18 David Welch <> * include/user32/callback.h: Added WM_CREATE and WM_NCCALCSIZE callbacks. * lib/user32/windows/window.c (User32SendCREATEMessageForKernel, User32SendNCCREATEMessageForKernel): Implemented. * subsys/win32k/ntuser/callback.c (W32kSendCREATEMessage): Implemented. 2002-06-18 David Welch <> * include/structs.h: Added Unicode and ASCII versions of CREATESTRUCT. svn path=/trunk/; revision=3118
2002-06-18 21:51:11 +00:00
NtUserGetWindowLong 2
NtUserGetWindowRect 2
NtUserGetWOWClass 2
NtUserHideCaret 1
NtUserHiliteMenuItem 4
NtUserImpersonateDdeClientWindow 2
NtUserInitializeClientPfnArrays 4
NtUserInitTask 11
NtUserInsertMenuItem 4
NtUserInternalGetWindowText 3
NtUserInvalidateRect 3
NtUserInvalidateRgn 3
NtUserIsClipboardFormatAvailable 1
NtUserKillTimer 2
NtUserLoadKeyboardLayoutEx 6
NtUserLockWindowStation 1
NtUserLockWindowUpdate 1
NtUserLockWorkStation 0
NtUserMapVirtualKeyEx 4
NtUserMenuInfo 3
NtUserMenuItemFromPoint 4
NtUserMenuItemInfo 5
NtUserMessageCall 7
NtUserMinMaximize 3
NtUserMNDragLeave 0
NtUserMNDragOver 2
NtUserModifyUserStartupInfoFlags 2
NtUserMoveWindow 6
NtUserNotifyIMEStatus 3
NtUserNotifyWinEvent 4
NtUserOpenClipboard 2
NtUserOpenDesktop 3
NtUserOpenInputDesktop 3
NtUserOpenWindowStation 2
NtUserPaintDesktop 1
NtUserPeekMessage 5
NtUserPostMessage 4
NtUserPostThreadMessage 4
NtUserQuerySendMessage 1
NtUserQueryUserCounters 5
NtUserQueryWindow 2
NtUserRealChildWindowFromPoint 3
NtUserRedrawWindow 4
NtUserRegisterClassExWOW 6
NtUserRegisterHotKey 4
NtUserRegisterTasklist 1
NtUserRegisterWindowMessage 1
NtUserRemoveMenu 3
NtUserRemoveProp 2
NtUserResolveDesktopForWOW 1
NtUserSBGetParms 4
NtUserScrollDC 7
NtUserScrollWindowEx 8
NtUserSendInput 3
NtUserSendMessage 4
NtUserSendMessageCallback 6
NtUserSendNotifyMessage 4
NtUserSetActiveWindow 1
NtUserSetCapture 1
NtUserSetClassLong 4
NtUserSetClassWord 3
NtUserSetClipboardData 3
NtUserSetClipboardViewer 1
NtUserSetConsoleReserveKeys 2
NtUserSetCursor 1
NtUserSetCursorContents 2
NtUserSetCursorIconData 4
NtUserSetDbgTag 2
NtUserSetFocus 1
NtUserSetImeHotKey 5
NtUserSetImeOwnerWindow 2
NtUserSetInternalWindowPos 4
NtUserSetKeyboardState 1
NtUserSetLayeredWindowAttributes 4
NtUserSetLogonNotifyWindow 1
NtUserSetMenu 3
NtUserSetMenuContextHelpId 2
NtUserSetMenuDefaultItem 3
NtUserSetMenuFlagRtoL 1
NtUserSetObjectInformation 4
NtUserSetParent 2
NtUserSetProcessWindowStation 1
NtUserSetProp 3
NtUserSetRipFlags 2
NtUserSetScrollInfo 4
NtUserSetShellWindowEx 2
NtUserSetSysColors 4
NtUserSetSystemCursor 2
NtUserSetSystemMenu 2
NtUserSetSystemTimer 4
NtUserSetThreadDesktop 1
NtUserSetThreadState 2
NtUserSetTimer 4
NtUserSetWindowFNID 2
NtUserSetWindowLong 4
NtUserSetWindowPlacement 2
NtUserSetWindowPos 7
NtUserSetWindowRgn 3
NtUserSetWindowsHookAW 3
NtUserSetWindowsHookEx 6
NtUserSetWindowStationUser 4
NtUserSetWindowWord 3
NtUserSetWinEventHook 8
NtUserShowCaret 1
NtUserShowScrollBar 3
NtUserShowWindow 2
NtUserShowWindowAsync 2
NtUserSwitchDesktop 1
NtUserSystemParametersInfo 4
NtUserThunkedMenuInfo 2
NtUserThunkedMenuItemInfo 6
NtUserToUnicodeEx 7
NtUserTrackMouseEvent 1
NtUserTrackPopupMenuEx 6
NtUserTranslateAccelerator 3
NtUserTranslateMessage 2
NtUserUnhookWindowsHookEx 1
NtUserUnhookWinEvent 1
NtUserUnloadKeyboardLayout 1
NtUserUnlockWindowStation 1
NtUserUnregisterClass 3
NtUserUnregisterHotKey 2
NtUserUpdateInputContext 3
NtUserUpdateInstance 3
NtUserUpdateWindow 1
NtUserUpdateLayeredWindow 9
NtUserUpdatePerUserSystemParameters 2
NtUserUserHandleGrantAccess 3
NtUserValidateHandleSecure 1
NtUserValidateRect 2
NtUserVkKeyScanEx 3
NtUserWaitForInputIdle 3
NtUserWaitForMsgAndEvent 1
NtUserWaitMessage 0
NtUserWin32PoolAllocationStats 6
NtUserWindowFromPoint 2
NtUserYieldTask 0
NtUserGetDesktopWindow 0
# ReactOS only system calls
NtUserAcquireOrReleaseInputOwnership 1
NtUserGetWindowThreadProcessId 2
NtUserGetQueueStatus 1
NtUserGetParent 1
NtUserGetWindow 2
NtUserGetLastActivePopup 1